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I stared at him, my jaw dropped so as I let out a gasp of shock.

"Hakyeon-ah?" I could barely  whisper as I looked at him, my body ached everywhere and my mind rushing as I feared for my life.

"Hak... Hakyeon? No... no.. It's impossible!" Daeyeon stuttered as he looked at  him. His eyes fixed on the ghost, which he clearly saw. His right arm holding the gun at me started to shiver.

Hakyeon was looking down, his face could not be seen as his hair fell in front of it, the darkness of my apartment made his pale, chalky figure visible. I stared at him, not being able to figure his face when suddenly he opened his eyes, white flashed in his eyes, making his pupils the colour of his eye, fully white he looked demonic. It made me freeze in fear. He looked at me, my state, and he slowly looked back up at Daeyeon, his full white eyes were prominent now, his loose white, long sleeve shirt was swaying for the breeze that came in from my open window, his stood looking at Daeyeon, making him realize that he was right there, right in front of him, and still.... alive.

Daeyeon didn't move, he stared at his brother, who was dead, but alive, standing in front of him, he couldn't believe he was seeing a ghost.

I felt a blast of cold air hit me as I saw Hakyeon's figure suddently flash forwards, I closed my eyes in shock of the sudden cold that hit  against my aching body. I opened them again as I heard a crash. I looked to see Daeyeon, his body up against the wall near the kitchen, infront of  me. He was about 3 inches off the floor, but hard against the wall. Hakyeon was no where to be seen.

Daeyeon, shaking like a rattle, his head swung from left to right in electric, shocking movements, I saw his eyes, his pupils no longer black,  but white. Something was pushing him up against the wall, I didn't want to believe it. I stood up, staring at him, he was possessed, and in enormous pain. The veins in his neck popping out distinctively  he kept shaking, a trickle of blood started to seep from the corner of his mouth. 

"HAKYEON-AH STOP! STOP!" I screamed, scared to the core seeing Daeyeon, I knew that Hakyeon was doing this to him. I just couldn't bare to see this. To keep hearing his light hisses and gasps for air as he kept choking more and more each second.

Daeyeon kept shaking, his blood falling on the shoulder of his brown shirt. I took a few steps back scared, my body pains didn't matter to me right now, I was witnessing something horrible, I couldn't handle it. Tears of fear started to stream down my cheeks as I yelled at the possessed body,


Suddently  Daeyeon's body fell to the ground, face front, lifeless. I gasped. I felt the same cold wind brush passed me, a faint whisper brushed passed me, Hakyeon echoed in my  ear,


Daeyeon started to move. Grunting, he got on both his arms, shaking he starting to cough blood on the wooden floor. 

I quickly ran towards the couches, I picked up the knife on the ground and hid in the shadows of the long curtains near my window. The open window which looked to the road.

To my surprise, I saw Daeyeon get up, struggling at first, he managed to stand up, slightly hunching forwards he picked up the gun he dropped, blood still trickling from his mouth he started to walk towards my living room, just a few feet in front of me, he started to look behind the 4 couches.

"I don't....I don't know how, but this time,......this time I'll make sure to finish the both of you properly. HAKYEON YOU HEAR ME? YOUR PATHETIC GIRL FRIEND IS GONNA DIE JUST LIKE YOU! AND NOTHING YOU DO WILL STOP ME FROM KILLING HER!"

I gulped slowly, my fingers re-adjusting the tight grip I had on the knife. I waited for the correct moment. My eyes fixed on him, the breeze near from the window made the light curtains sway slightly, I just stood still in the shadows, hoping I was hidden, and waiting for Daeyeon.

Daeyeon stopped in the middle of the living room, near the toppled coffee table, he started to look around, searching in the dark for me. He turned towards the windows where I was hiding near the curtain, he stopped.

"Games over Y/N, I found you.." he smiled as he raised his gun at me. I saw a flash of white go pass him again, he turned around , following the flash of white, his back facing me he started to fire at the ghost.

Seizing my chance, I ran up behind him, I jumped on him, wrapping my legs around his hips I grabbed him around his neck from my left arm and raised my right arm with the knife, before putting all my effort and jerking it towards him, stabbing him in his chest.

I heard him yell in pain. His arms grabbed onto my left arm, pulling it, trying to break loose. I screamed in anger, my raw emotions of pain, sadness, heart break and anger flooding out along with my rage, my right arm repeated stabbed him, hitting his chest in various spots again and again. I heard his screams grow louder with every stab, he spun around trying to shake me off, he bit deep into my left arm making me scream in pain. I still held onto him. I heard the sound of his flesh get cut deeper and deeper again and again. My bottom of my palm colliding against his damaged bleeding flesh at one point, the knife stuck deep in his chest I felt him fall on his knees, I quickly got back on my feet, letting go of the knife I watched as he fell forwards, landing on the knife that was already in his chest. 

I stood over him, watching his lifeless body. Blood was seeping into the white carpet of my living room. He didn't move. He was dead.

I was breathing quick breaths, my left arm bleeding from his aggressive bite, my right hand splattered with his blood, my entire body sweating and shaking, I didn't feel any pain, I only felt adrenaline, rushing through my veins, blocking out any pain, any ache I  had. My body felt fulled and content, seeing him dead, knowing I did that to him. I felt a huge wave of satisfaction rush over me, making me content to levels of which I could not have ever imagined.

A few seconds passed as I stood watching the dead body in my apartment, his blood staining the white carpet, I was relived. Daeyeon was dead.

"He's.... dead..."

I suddently felt fear struck me as I realized what I had done.

"Oh my god! HE'S DEAD! I.. I KILLED HIM!" 

I gasped in shock as I covered my face with my hands, the smell of blood made me pull my  hands away from my  face with disgust. I looked at myself, my wounded body, my bloody hands, and my poisoned soul. I was a murderer. I was no better than the corpse that lay right in front of me now.

I felt frustration take over me. I ruined everything. I would be thrown to jail, I would be looked down upon, I was a monster now, a savage, the type of person who is kept away from everybody else, and caught by policemen. I ruined my life. I lost everything. Daeyeon... did it. He made me loose everything.

I searched Daeyeon's pockets and got my apartment keys, doing so I quickly ran to my room. Only one thing came to my mind at that moment. I was done with living like this. I hated living with all these emotions and frustration, I could never undestand what to do and now, I was ruined. I would spend the rest of my life in jail. I lost everything and nothing mattered to me anymore. I didn't find a reason, a reason to keep going. Why should I keep going?  I was going to end all of this, once and for all.


I made my way on the dusty pathway, my bare feet numb from the pain the sharp rocks gave me as I ran mindlessly. Pushing my  way through the shrubs I came to the clearing of the cliff, which over looked the beautiful beach. Dark in the night, the white moon lit up the whole sea with a blanket of silver. The edges of the cliff lit up with the moonlight as well. The cool breeze from the beach hitting my messy, sweaty loose hair. I smiled in my  heart  as I saw my "hidden paradise."

The stars danced in the dark blue sky, twinkling they seemed to call me to the edge. 

I walked upto the edge, suddenly remembering I left my apartment door open in the rush to come here. Anyone who walks in would see my living room in an instant, my messed up living room, reeking of the stench of a dead body, and telling the tale of a murder.

"It's okay, when I'm done there won't be anyone to catch anyway..."

My toes gripped onto the edge of the cliff, my hands, now stained with dry blood and a fresh wound held a single elegant ring, with a beautiful star cut diamond. I took a deep breath and looked at the beautiful sky.

"I didn't know what I wanted after you left me. You didn't talk to me for days either. And.. to be honest, I can't go on like this. Your my soul mate Hakyeon-ah. No matter what  happens, I will be with you. I decided. I love you Hakyeon-ah, and there's no way I will ever leave you."

With my teary eyes I looked at the ring I was holding close to my heart, a genuine smile lit up on my face I whispered,

"I do..."

I leaned forwards, and felt my feet let go of the rock beneath them. 

I felt a sudden grip on me,

I opened my eyes,

shocked to see,


Holding me from my waist, he's face was inches from mine. He stood on nothing, his bare feet hanging on thin air his toned arms held me tight, stopping me from falling any further.  

I stared at him, he pushed me backwards, my feet felt the edge of the cliff again and instinctively quickly got back on it taking a few steps back, standing once again, on the cliff, only, Hakyeon stood in front of me, blocking me from the edge. He stood on the edge, looking back at me. The sea behind him.

"What are you doing?" I whispered as my teary eyes looked at his, shifting from left to right.

He cocked his head slightly to the left, his gaze fixed on mine.

"What are you doing Y/N?" he spoke softly.

"I... I don't know.."  I whimpered as I felt my tears swell up in my eyes.

He held my hands  with his, cupping my hands which held my engagement ring. He looked at it for a long time, a quiet sigh leaving his lips as he looked at me.

"Y/N, I'm sorry.."

I looked back at him.

"... This is all because of me. I loved you too much to let you go. When Daeyeon shot me, I was thinking of you, and only you. I had that ring in my pocket, thinking of proposing to you by this place.." he paused as he looked back at  the dark sea and looked back at me,

".... and I was determined to be with you forever, I didn't even let death get in my way. All I wanted was to stay with you.." he spoke softly looking into my eyes.

I was quiet.

" And I came back like this.." he spoke as he looked at himself before looking at me.

"I became obsessed over you. I didn't like the fact that  you were trying to move on. I wanted to be your one and only paradise. I kept you from living your life, I failed to see that you couldn't be with me. You are young, and have so much ahead of you, and I.. I was the obstacle that kept you from living the way you wanted.."

I felt a lump in my throat and the tears build up under my eyes.

"That  day when you told me you loved the old me, the Hakyeon who had life, the Hakyeon who  you could really live with, I realized how much of a burden I was to you."

I felt his grip on my hands  suddently get tight.

"... And I don't want you to live in any more pain anymore. I  don't want you to cry anymore. That's why.. " his voice died down, He struggled to speak.

"...that's why I decided I'm going to leave you......" he whispered under his breath.

I gasped and stare at him, sadness taking over my heart like a wave.

"..... leave you for real this time.." he finished, looking into my eyes deeply.

"Hakyeon-ah no!" I whispered softly as I hugged him, my arms wrapping around him.

"You can't Hakyeon-ah, I'm alone, I.. I don't know what to do.... I love you... your my soul mate.. I can't be away from you. I'm a murderer now, I'm a criminal, how am I supposed to live?" My words flowed through my lips.

"Shhhh jagiya.." he smiled his angelic soft smile as his right hand caressed my cheek.

"Your not alone Y/N, you have so many  people who love you. You aren't a criminal. That was for self defense. You don't have to worry. You'll learn what to do with time, your young, beautiful, smart and strong. Please don't do this jagiya, I came to save you because I don't want you to loose your life when you still have so much more to live in it." he smiled.

"But.. we... what  about us?" I spoke. He held onto my two arms around his neck and held them infront of him, cupping them in his.

"Us? we'll always be us." he smiled as he looked at our hands. I kept looking at him before I followed his gaze and looked at our hands again. It reminded me of the time when I first met him, after he was reborn in this form.

"Y/N, don't worry. We are soul mates, we are meant to be. It's just, there are times when things just don't go how they are supposed to. In this life, we were just not meant to be. But, in the next life, I know we'll meet again, we'll get together again, somehow, some way, we'll be in love again. Regardless of where we live or what we look like, in any other life we get, we'll always be us." he replied as he looked at my teary eyes.

I couldn't say anything. He was going to leave, and no matter what I said, I knew he would not stay any longer.

"But Hakyeon-ah..... I love you." I whispered, a tear rolling down my cheek. 

"I love you too Y/N. But I have to go. If your not prepared to leave me, I will.... " his struggled again, looking at our hands and looking at me. His eyes swelled up with tears. I didn't believe it. He told me ghost don't cry. But his was wrong, even though he was a ghost, his emotions were still alive.

" ... will..... leave you.." he looked down at the ring, a genuine sad smile appearing on his light pink lips.

"...for in this life..... we.... were never meant to be.." he smiled sadly and looked at me again. He took a few steps backwards, I took a few more forwards, desperate to stay with him. 

"No.. No Hakyeon please don't leave me! Hakyeon-ah! No please!!!" I started to whimper as I flashed back to all the memories we had. I was so sure we would be one, we would live together, but now, everything was tearing apart and vanishing right before me.

He looked at our hands once more, making the most to see our fingers laced in each others one last time.

"I'm  leaving you with happiness jagiya. You know why? coz you are free to go on with your life now. Besides, I know that there's someone who's dedicated for you, is willing to love you, care for you and protect you more than I  ever could..." Hakyeon spoke softly when suddenly I heard someone call my name,

"Y/N!!!!! Y/N !!!" 

I gasped, breaking my gaze from Hakyeon's eyes I looked back at the pathway, the darkness made it impossible for me to see anyone yet, but that voice, it was Hongbin's. He must have seen my apartment when he came home.

I looked back at Hakyeon, my mind rushing, I wanted to run away, hide. But I didn't want to leave Hakyeon. Hakyeon stared a few more seconds at the direction of Hongbin's voice and looked at me, a soft smile appeared on his face. I didn't understand what he meant by that look, his genuine smile. But then he nodded. A silent gasp left my lips as I realized he had let go of me.... 

...to Hongbin.

He let go of me. 

"Good bye Y/N." he whispered as he leaned in and kissed me, I felt a soft  and quick kiss on my lips as he pulled away from me. I watched him with my teary  eyes as he smiled, just like in my dreams, he started to blur out. Only this.. wasn't a dream. It was all....


"I'll meet you in another life Y/N. Till then, annyeong... my jagiya... saranghae.." he smiled one last time, before the moonlight started to fall through his tall figure, his colours faded, his outline blurred out, and his gentle face, along with his body vanished slowly into thin air.

"Saranghae Hakyeon-ah....... annyeong...."

I suddently felt someone grab me from behind, making me jerk backwards, my cupped hands opened, making my engagement ring jump out of my hands, and fall.

My ring fell over the cliff, 

into the deep blue sea. 

Never to be seen again.

"Y/N! OH MY GOD Y/N!" Hongbin exclaimed as he turned me towards him and hugged me tightly, squeezing me against his chest, his arms wrapped around me. He started to stutter, asking me questions and saying something, speaking fast he started to ask me concerned questions. Nothing mattered at that moment, for I was still stuck in that moment. Hongbin kept hugging me tightly.

I lay lifeless, leaning on him, my head looking to the side, on Hongbin's shoulder as I watched the edge of the beach. From the corner of my  eye, I could see the cliff, the sea waves rushed back and forth, the moonlight fell on us, the stars seemed to have stopped dancing. My  tears wouldn't move. Everything seemed to hang in the balance between screaming and breaking down. A fine line kept me from doing either of them at that moment.

My arms were beside me, my mind was lost, I was sad beyond explanation, I felt my heart break into a million pieces once again, like the time when I was at the hospital.... but... worse than last time, I felt blank again, my mind was blank, my thoughts stopped working, no voices in my head, I heard nothing, I felt nothing, I was stuck in time, confused, and lost.

Hakyeon had finally left me.




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