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"You okay? You don't seem to be." Hongbin asked me as he set a cup of warm coffee on the desk and sat down infront of me. It was the next day and I was at the agency sitting near his table.

"Hmm? I'm fine, just ... can't believe we are gonna catch Daeyeon today. Today's the day.."

"Yeah. The day has come when you'll see Hakyeon's killer get arrested. It'll make you happy huh?" he looked at me crossing his arms and leaning forwards.

I scoffed. I was thinking about Hakyeon. As much as I was scared of him, I loved him. And he hasn't shown up still. I think he actually left... for real. But he didn't even say good bye.

"Yeah, the day I ran in here saying I wanted to help you. I never expected this type of crazy adventure to happen." I spoke as I looked at my coffee cup. Half happy about the crazy experience I gained and half actually not believing what happened in my life for just half a month. He's hand suddently reached for me and held mine. His soft touch making me look up at him.

"I have a lot to be thankful for. But not yet. Our case is still not over. But Y/N, ..."

We stared at each other for a few seconds.

"..... I'm glad you decided to help. I would have given up on this case If not."

I looked at him with shock.

"You almost gave up?"

"Yeah.." he looked downwards.



We both looked to see Ji Minwoo walk up to us.

"Sanha's here. I'm going to interrogate her. I got word from downstairs that Giyeol just entered the building too."

"Run Minwoo! Go NOW! Sanha and Giyeol mustn't see each other here!" Hongbin stood up, ordering Ji Minwoo. In less than a second Ji Minwoo had run out. I looked at Hongbin with a slight smile, finishing my coffee.

"Let's go. Make him confess." Hongbin got up and walked ahead of me, leading the way to walk into Giyeol just as he came walking on the corridor.


"So did u get a new job Giyeol?" Hongbin asked as he leaned forwards on the desk, staring at Giyeol. It's was prominent the difference in Hongbin's stare when compared to the last time Giyeol saw him.

"N..not yet detective.." Giyeol replied hesitant, eyeing the new look Hongbin had in his eyes.

"Well, then could you kindly explain what this is?" Hongbin spoke as he pushed a printed copy of Giyeol's bank statement, clearly showing the sudden rise of money he receives after he was fired by Daeyeon.

Giyeol stared at the statement, his hands still on his lap one could easily see the fear that glistened in his eyes. I watched and saw him gulp slowly, trying to come up with something to reply with.

"I took a loan. I have to pay this rent I own." He mumbled. His lie being obvious. I saw him winch realizing how stupid his lie was.

"But this was paid to you by an unknown account. So definitely not a close friend or a bank. Not even a lending company." Hongbin spoke back staring at him.

Giyeol looked down. He seemed to have reached his limit. He was going to confess any moment.

"Giyeol, tell me the truth now. We know it's Daeyeon. Admit it." Hongbin stared at him, waiting for Giyeol to confess.

A few seconds passed. I watched from outside, Giyeol was staring at the floor, trying to avoid the stare Hongbin was giving him. But he didn't last long being quiet.

"Okay okay. It's Daeyeon!" He burst out into a exhausted sigh. He looked up with fear. I immediately felt sorry for him.

"He told me to lie, he told me to lie about driving him and his girlfriend to the restaurant. I didn't know he killed anyone! I swear I didn't. And I didn't want anything to do with this. He dragged me into this coz I'm his driver and he used that to fake an alibi!" Giyeol started to spill the truth, desperate to show his innocence.

Hongbin switched off the recorder. "Thank you Giyeol. You've been a great help." Hongbin stood up as two officers walked in. Giyeol looked at the officers in fear, he shifted backwards in his chair.

"What .. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" he exclaimed as the two officers grabbed hold of him, Giyeol's struggle to get loose from the officers grip was no use.

"Just containing you with sometime. Don't worry, you'll be free soon." Hongbin spoke as he walked out. I walked up next to him and looked at Giyeol. He stared at me, and then looked down in shame. As we walked upto Hongbin's desk another two officers walked passed us. Holding Bae Sanha in handcuffs. Ji Minwoo walked upto us with a look of satisfaction on his face. I saw Giyeol and Sanha look at each other for a few seconds, before looking down in defeat again.

"Don't worry, you two will have some more time to realize the gravity of your pathetic lying in the cells downstairs. Take em!" Ji Minwoo finished as the officers dragged the two of them away. We watched as they were taken to the lift.

A sigh of relief left Hongbin's lips as he patted Ji Minwoo on his back. "Good job Minwoo. Now let's get Daeyeon." He spoke and Ji Minwoo nodded with a smile.

"I'll stay back with the officers, waiting for your call. I'm going to assemble them now." Ji Minwoo spoke as he ran out of the office and downstairs of the agency.

I looked up at Hongbin.

"What does he mean stay back?"

"He's gonna wait for my signal. I'm going to catch Daeyeon in his office." Hongbin spoke with a smile.

I took some time to realize Hongbin was talking about the arrest that he was going to do.

"And me? Will I stay back with Ji Minwoo?"

"You.." he spoke as he grabbed my wrist.

"...your coming with me."


"Where is this place?" I asked as I got out of the police car with Hongbin.

"I'm pretty sure you must recognize it." Hongbin spoke as he closed the door. I heard the police car drive off to park somewhere it won't be seen. I stared at the building ahead of me. A tall white building.

"Oh... yes.. yes I do." I replied as I remembered a scene from a few years ago. This was where Hakyeon worked when he came to the country. The whole place was his. It was the head quarters of all the family businesses established. Hakyeon never involved me in his business life much, but I had come here once long time ago. That was years ago.

"Now Daeyeon owns this, and all the businesses under it." Hongbin spoke as he started to walk ahead. I took a moment to close my eyes and breathe. Opening them again I rushed upto him, walking beside him. Ready to catch Daeyeon.


"I'm sorry sir but Daeyeon has requested that no one interrupt him today." The stuck up desk secretary spoke with a cold tone as she looked up at Hongbin from the monitor. She eyed me, her eyes searching through me from behind her thin spectacles and sharp gaze, clearly judging me.

I heard Hongbin let out a quiet sigh as he looked at the annoying desk secretary. A woman who seemed to be in her late 30's. And had the look of a person who seems to be living a very sour pattern of living.

"Is he in his office right now?"

" I won't reveal that information sir." She snapped back, her tone of annoyance ticked Hongbin's patience.

He reached into his pocket and showed his badge to her.

"Detective Lee Hongbin. I demand answers miss." He spoke back with a scroll.

She sat up on her chair with her eyes widened as she looked at me and Hongbin again, this time with shock and respect.

"He's inside detective."

Hongbin smiled at her.

"Thank you." And walked pass the desk, I followed behind him, in awe by how he got things done in such a quick manner.

We walked up to two big wooden doors with thin handles. I remembered the last time I came here, Hakyeon let me into his office and showed me his neat work space.

Hongbin held the handle and opened it, opening it he walked inside with me following him. I heard a shuffle of papers as I saw Daeyeon, suddenly getting up from his desk her stared at Hongbin with fear for a split second before anger ran all over his expression.

"Detective! What is the meaning if all this?"

"Perhaps you can clear that up Daeyeon." Hongbin spoke back as he stood in front of Daeyeon on the opposite side of the desk.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Daeyeon replied, mad at Hongbin.

Hongbin took out two folded papers from his coat and opened them before placing them on his desk, Daeyeon stared at them.

"These are your driver, Kim Giyeol's and your "girlfriend" Bae Sanha's bank statements. I bet this figure in their accounts is familiar to you."

"You have no evidence I paid them! The names anonymous!" Daeyeon fought back, his anger rising.

"I have all the evidence I need. The both of them confessed today. We know it's you." Hongbin replied back sternly as he crossed his arms.

Daeyeon had no where to run. He stared back at us, his gaze fixed on me.

"Why did you do it?" Hongbin asked, still looking at Daeyeon who kept looking at me like he could kill me any moment.

"It's because of this b****..." Daeyeon growled as he kept looking at me.

I felt my heart sink and my body shiver. But I stared back at him, determined not to break down.

"He wanted to marry you. If he did, my father would have given him the entire family business and I would be left with NOTHING! My sister had married another rich man, and I was financially lost. I couldn't believe how my father, despite the fact that I'm elder than Hakyeon, didn't give me to run it." He broke the stare he had from me and looked at Hongbin. Unable to stop speaking the words seemed just flow after holding them back for so long.

"My father didn't listen to me for all the years I asked him to give me a part of the business. And when Hakyeon told us 4 months ago that he was going to marry you, I tried to talk him out of it. But he didn't listen to me. The spoilt brat. Since he wouldn't listen, I made it my goal to get rid of Y/N. Then everything would be better. Hakyeon would give up, I know how much he loves her, if anything happened to her he'll be devastated and he'd give up on everything. He's too soft at heart that fool."

I felt my tears fight their way to the surface of my eyes. I held them back. Determined to hold my stare. I didn't want him to see me cry. It would only give him satisfaction to see me break down.

"What happened in the apartment?" Hongbin asked still keeping a stern look.

"On Wednesday he said he was going to propose to her. I was going to get rid of her that evening. But I went to his apartment to talk to him one more time, to try to convince him that marriage was a big step and he wasn't ready for it. He would hate the burden marriage brought to a free man."

I wanted to punch him across the face at that moment. I balled up my fists but kept still.

"Somehow our conversation went awry, we started to argue and he turned his back at me to leave. At that moment I was gone no to do anything to stop him from reaching that door. So i ..."

A moment of silence ran through the room as I felt my tear finally escape my fight to hold back. Slowly it started to form at the edge of my eye lash.

" you shot him with the gun intended for Y/N." Hongbin finished Daeyeon's sentence.

Deayeon looked to the side, his eyes blurring with tears as he balled up his fists and bit his lips.
"I killed him, I... I killed him... I didn't mean to... I didn't mean for any of this.." He stuttered.

Suddenly the doors burst open and three police men ran into the room, grabbing Daeyeon's hands they started to handcuff him. Hongbin walks upto him and stared at Daeyeon.

"Mr. Cha Daeyeon, your under arrest for the murder of Cha Hakyeon. You have the r get to remain silent. What ever you say now maybe used against you in court." He finished as he stood next to me.

The officers dragged Daeyeon away from his desk, he walked passed us, his eyes filled with tears of regret and an expression of madness. He stared at me, as he walked pass me he growled in a deep and fearful tone.

"He's dead because of you."

I kept my eyes shut and as soon as he walked past me I collapsed into Tears, burying my face in my hands I felt my knees feel weak. I felt Hongbin hold me and hug me tightly. Whimpering with my cries I looked up at him, broken and lost.

He looked back at me with a look of care and love, sadness overpowered his expression regardless of the fact that he just caught a murderer.

"Please don't cry Y/N. It's all over now." Hongbin whispered to me as he hugged me. I looked up at him, my tears still streaming but my sadness fading slightly.

"The culprits caught, we brought justice to Hakyeon's family, his relations and everybody who ever cared about him. our work is done."


I hope you enjoy this story and support it. Reads, votes and comments are gladly appreciated. Thank you so much!

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