Chapter 6

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We ran to the where we had heard the crash to see the Fenton Phantom Bus ,or whatever it was that mom and dad had decided to call it, laying there on the ground pretty banged up. 

We had finally gotten everyone out of there with only minor injuries with the worst being mom with a broken arm. "Okay guys we're going to have to hangout here till we can get your bus thing fixed because someone" I looked at dad "decided that it would be a good idea to try to land the bus when I had specifically told them not to" I ran my hand through my hair and sighed
"okay we are going to start walking to get to the lodge so that we wont freeze to death, everyone okay with that or do you want to go off on your own this time to." Hearing a few people affirm that they where all ready to follow me we started off with Frost Bite and I at the front. "I don't know what I'm going to do with them Frost they don't want to listen they're going to get themselves hurt what do you think I should do" "well Great One I think this is something that you're going to have to figure out on your own but I would suggest trying to show them that you are a leader so they know that you are competent enough to keep them safe" with that he walked ahead a bit to open the door we had made it to the lodge without any incidents.

We walked in and could feel a wave of heat from the fire place that was at the center of the room heating it to a comfortably warm temperature especially after the long walk through the snow and wind. I noticed that the popular kids where all huddled in a small circle seeming to intensely be disusing something honestly I'm proud that they have enough brain cells to discus with each other. They seemed to come to a decision and Paulina came over to where I'm standing well floating. "Danny, Danny Phantom" she called out as she walked over to me. "Danny I was wondering when we where actually going to do something because we where all talking and we really haven't done anything other than drive here and crash to the ground" I thought for a moment it was true we hadn't really done much but with the bus broken it's not like we could go any where and I had only planned on showing them the sights then leaving the Far Frozen "well" I started " you guys could have a snow ball fight outside for know or just hang out while I try to figure out what we should do, though if you guys have any ideas I would be glad to hear them." 

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