Chapter Fifteen~ It's For the Best

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Jared (FIGHT ME)

I was sitting outside, reading on my phone. What I read is none of your concern, reader.
Then a boy in a red hoodie, with geled blond hair walks up to me.

"Hey." He says. I pretend he doesn't exist. After all, karma is gonna come some time?
"Jared?" He asks. I don't respond.

Then he kicks me.

Evan fricken Hansen, kicks me. Hard.

"Thanks for drugging me!" He pushes at me, crying. What the hell-

"What's on your neck..." I gulp, was that a-

"Hickey? Yeah... yeah... I.. I need this off Jared... I NEED IT OFF.." he whispers, clinging to me, before the world evaporated.

I wake up with a jolt. What the hell was that dream...


I was hanging out with my girlfriend, planning her murder. What? It's totally normal to plan a horrific accidental death of a girl who you hate. Maybe I could pass it off as a fake suicide...
Im only dating her cause she's paying me.

"Dean? Your zoning off on me." She fake pouts.

"Sorry, dear. Look, I have to tell you something.... I don't like you." I say.

"WHAT? If this is about... of course. You like Veronica.... well let's make a deal... if you continue to date me, I won't make your lives hell. Especially since I know what you did to Kurt and Ram..." she threaatens.

"That's great, who the hell is veronica and Kurt and Ram?" I ask, blowing into my straw.

"Simple... I have sources.... not to mention I have a friend who is a friend of Veronica's...."

she says, smugly. She has a devilish smirk.
I'm going to shoot her. And then I'll say that she wanted to join her dead boyfriend. That should work.


"I hate you." I say.

"You mean love, don't you, darling." She says.
"Yeah.... I mean love...." I say. I need to kill her. For whoever these people were.


I hate this.
I hate being squipped. Again.
I checked my phone.
21 messages. 7 were which of Michael.
Go into contacts.
I mindlessly obey.
Now click on Michael and then options.
I do, and I am greeted with two buttons. I already sent him the code.

Block this person
Message this person

I knew exactly what was next...
I shudder at the thought.
You want this, trust me. He only holds you back. He teases you. He doesn't like you. If he had his shot, he would leave you to rot. And you know it. Don't you?

my finger was hovering over the two buttons.

Trust me Jeremy. I know best. I only want to improve your life. You have Janis. Rich. Jake. Brooke. Chloe. Jenna. You don't need someone like him. He doesn't need you. He would be better off without you.

I.... I...

I didn't have any feelings left. I was just exhausted.

Now click block.

Click it.

My i feel myself begin to sob.
'Why are you doing this.'

Because Jeremy, I want to improve your life. And breaking you, is the only way to build you back up better, in a new form.

I try to stop the tears from coming.

I feel my tear ducts close.

Your welcome. Now clean up. You've got a date with Janis at four.

I go and clean up. Haha, this is what I get for trying to cheat my way through life.

Congratulations Super QUANTEM Unit intel processer,
You broke me.

And just like a LEGO structure, the pieces hurt when you step on them. And you can build an entire new building with the pieces.

And I accepted the new building.

Goodbye Michael. Thank you for twelve years of friendship. For making me smile. For helping me achieve the girl of my dreams. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything I put you through. I'm sorry I'm the monster you knew. And I know I'll never be able to tell you. I love you.

I'm sorry.
For everything.

Sincerely, me.

Btw I had to block you for the squip but give rich red to give to me.
I love you.

I smirk, pressing send.


Micheal lay there, seeing the message. "You were blocked by this user." He felt his lip quiver. 'Why am I even surprised anymore?' He thinks. 'It's almost three, probably hanging out with his hot girlfriend.'

'You know Jeremy Heere... I won't take your crap forever. Your as much of a loser as it gets. You think your crap don't stink, you think your best friend is beneath you. Well guess what, I may hate the popular kids' guts, but you know what! They have the decency to not pretend to be my friend! It's fine to play, it's fine to joke. It's fine! I used to love you! I just never had the guts to say it! I loved you! For some unknown reason I fell in love with my monster of a friend.

I hope your burn, Jeremy Heere.

Sincerely me'

I smile, god he was an idiot.

But my idiot. I run to go get some red, where is Rich, I need to give him the memo.

Well that was lots of fluff! Cute lovely no angst fluff!

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