Chapter Twelve~ Everyone dun fricks up

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I was walking home, with tears in my eyes. Did Jared really believe that he's the problem? He's my bes- my closest frie- my family friend. It's just I had an upgrade.

This is all my fault. Suddenly I see the squip reappearing.
What did you do!
'Well I got drunk, i went to Jared's, he hates me, and he's hurting himself. Nothing much.' I say, uncharacteristically sarcastic.

You can't just listen to me! You have to obey my instructions! One of which was to leave Jared behind! Now repeat after me....

I get nervous. I know what's coming. It's the squip's favorite way of control besides the shocks. I brase myself.

Ooh everything about you is so terrible.

"Everything about me is so terrible." I wince at the phrase. It's not like this is the first time, it's just the first time where I actually believe it fully. Okay that's bull crap. No suicidal person doesn't believe this... but denial is my thing so...

Everything about you makes me want to die....
"Everything about me makes me want to die." I choke. It's funny how fricked up a phrase can make someone. Well more fricked up.


I feel a shock coming in, but don't even flinch.
But Evan, if you listen to me, soon you'll see, that you can be normal. Cool. The hero.
I nod. Realizing that maybe the Squip is right, so I made one of the biggest mistakes of my life.

I'll prompt you command you and you obey?
I nod.

Also, you may need to check Jeremy's closet. There's a box.... of some.... things in there that we need.
Um... okay? You sure?
You're right, let's wait a little more....
It placed a dominating hand on my head as I hummed obediently.


I showed this to Martha and she said "oh I think I recognize the hand writing. I'm pretty sure Jason Dean has it." She says.

"I KNEW IT!" I yell and go to find Jason.

'Watch out, youve got one last dance to bid farewell, because a dead girl is coming!' I think triumphently.
Little do I know that I just fell into The trap.

Kill me.


"Hey Christine! You wanted to talk to me?" I ask. She nods, and shifts uncomfortably. I think I know where this is going....

"Look Jeremy... I really like you, but not that way. Heck, I don't think I've ever liked anyone that way... i think I'm Aromantic..." Christine admits. I nod. Yes it felt like my heart was being stomped on by a billion heels, but I appreciate the honesty.

"Please don't hate me! Can we still be friends?" She asks, nervously. I see her lip quiver.

"Yeah we can. I'm just glad you came out." I say. Now what...

"hey you always have your boyf riend!" She says. It takes me a while to register what she meant. "Michael you idiot!" She playfully says, ruffling my hair as I blush.

"Um.... Im pretty sure he's straight! Hell im straight!" I say, though sounding confused at the statement.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night!" She says. I smile. How did she smile so brightly.

"I'm not gay!" I say, annoyed. "Sure your not, and I'm not a theater dork and Brooke and Chloe are totally 'just friends'" she says, smugly. I roll my eyes.

"So we ordering or what?" I ask, looking around at the open cafe.

"Sure, I'll have a capicheno, extra sugar and whipped cream." She says.

"Ok my princess." I joke. I go up to the counter. I didn't really care what I got so I just asked for anything. But the worker there had circuits in his eyes, creepy- I'm sure he's no squipped, heh, yeah!

He handed me the capicheno and a can of soda but the label was scratched off. "Probably didn't have the permits to sell it." I say under my breath and Sit down across from Christine.

I gave her the capicheno and drank my can.

It had a sharp flavor. Very familiar, and reminded me of Michael and our game sessions.

Then tiny grey sports cloud my vision.
I feel a hard jolt. And a pain in my head.

"Jeremy!" "What's going on." "Je-"

Then I black out.

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