Chapter 1: Not The Honeymoon They Were Hoping For

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Natasha had a bad day. She had a lot of those recently. All those months on the run were getting to her. Alone with Katya, without their family and friends, without a permanent place to stay. 

Mostly, she was tired. Tired of the game, of constantly looking over her shoulder to avoid the authorities. Tired of annoying Katya with her mood, even if the brunette said she understood. 

On days like these, Katya was busy putting on her best smile and reassuring Natasha it would be okay, ignoring how her own heart ached. They found support in each other, and comfort in the fact that they were together despite it all. Defying the odds once again. Which was more important than having a decent meal.

Katya had left Natasha in a tiny bathroom on the boat they were currently on - a boat to Norway - to check for threats and possible danger. Being too careful didn't exist, and with their faces shown on every news channel in the world, it was better to be safe than sorry.

Honestly, Katya had forgotten the number of countries they had seen in the past two years.

Almost two years since the Accords happened. Two years since the airport fight, the Raft. Two years since they got married and split from Sam and Steve and Wanda for their own safety. The two Russians never split from each other. Never. Screw safety measurements. Never.

Katya missed her friends too, but Natasha had a thing with family that she never had herself. Family meant everything to her. Keeping them safe. And even though Katya was family too, it killed Natasha to not know where they were, how they were, and if she'd ever see them again. Because two years is a long time without any perspective.

Not exactly the honeymoon they were hoping for.

The boat was quite small, but perfect for two people who tried to hide. It was more a pond than a boat, with an open deck where cars were lined up, and limited space to sit inside. All those cars were abandoned now, so nobody saw Katya step out of the door and onto the deck. 

The wind blew her hair into her face and she shivered because of the cold. Her hair was still a dark brown, because she refused to go back to blonde. Finding hair dye every couple weeks was a struggle, but the blond just didn't do it for her and was more noticeable than brown too. 

So Katya let it grow out longer than she ever had it, hopefully to throw off Ross and his buddies who just wouldn't give up on finding them. They were a pest, a plague, and followed them around everywhere. Even after two years, he didn't get that he would never catch them. That they were always one step ahead

Casually, like she was just another passenger, Katya sauntered around the boat, pretending to look at the view while sneakily studying the cameras and the people. None of them even remotely looked Katya's way. Nobody saw the knife in her waistband. The Norwegians on this pond were clueless to the dangerous criminals in their vicinity. So completely satisfied with her scan of the environment, she returned to the bathroom.

''Boat's clear. No signs of-''

She knew she barged through the thin door too loudly and abruptly when she saw Natasha hastily covering up her sad expression with a smile. She stood with her back to the door, hunched over the sink in which she had splashed some water in her face. But her smile didn't fool Katya. Never had. 

She quickly locked the door behind her and met Natasha's gentle green eyes in the dirty mirror. The horrible harsh light above it made them flat, as if they didn't hold the most beautiful soul Katya knew.

''Hey, are you okay?''

It hurt to see Natasha like this, and Katya couldn't help but feel that she wasn't enough to keep her happy, despite knowing this wasn't about her at all. It stung, not being able to do more. 

Natasha hummed and smiled, turning away to grab some paper towels to dry her face, and partly to hide in them. ''I'm fine.''

Her phone was next to the sink, because they were waiting for something to happen on screen. Consequences of a trap they had carefully set a while ago. Katya's brain was exhausted of coming up with new tricks every day to stay out of Ross' hands.

''Are you sure?'' she asked, but she didn't receive an answer. It was a useless question, but for some reason, she kept asking it. ''I miss them too,'' she whispered, seeing how Natasha looked up from her hands. Some tears that she had blinked away previously, returned. Her face looked so pale in this lighting, and Katya wanted to hug her tight.

''I'm glad you're here,'' Natasha admitted softly after studying her face. Her beautiful long hair was pulled into a really messy and loopy bun at the back of her head and dark circles laid under her eyes. The only part of her that looked the same was the muscles in her bare arms that peeked from under her tank top. They kept up with their training, because a fight was unavoidable. 

Katya dared to smile a bit. ''Me too.'' She reached out and quickly touched her arm, her gaze flickering to the arrow necklace around Natasha's neck. Finally, she got a smile in return, although a sad one.

''Did that dickhead show up yet?'' Katya changed the topic, glancing at the phone on the counter. It showed camera footage from inside a train station they left hours ago. If Ross really thought they would stay that long in the same place with the trackers in their belt, he underestimated them more than they thought. They were literally in the middle of the ocean.

Natasha turned to the counter, peeking at the screen and shaking her head. ''Still waiting.'' Ross and his troops were undoubtedly grouping together in front of the building. Surrounding it, covering all exits. Like that would stop the two spies from escaping if they wanted to.

''I have to admit, I admire his perseverance.''

Natasha glanced over her right shoulder to look at the woman behind her, a faint smirk on her face. ''And you enjoy seeing him fall in our traps.''

Katya chuckled. ''And I enjoy seeing him fall in our traps.'' She never said it wasn't fun to think of new traps. It was just very tiring. 

As if on cue, troops entered the station. Heavily armed troops. The best of the best. The guns in their hands made it questionable if Ross wanted to shoot them on sight or take them in. 

Natasha hummed and picked up the phone, the footage showing the situation from above. ''Speak of the devil.''

''He's hardly the devil. More like an annoying government lapdog who can't let go of the bone he so desperately wants.'' Katya crossed her arms and leaned with her right hip against the sink, her whole body turned in Natasha's direction. The boat swayed lazily, and Katya prayed she wouldn't get seasick.

Natasha raised an eyebrow, momentarily looking away from the phone and to Katya on her right. ''That's a weird comparison.''

''Yeah.'' Katya shrugged. ''I don't have my best day either.''

They both turned their eyes back to the screen when a very familiar and annoying voice rung through. ''Natasha Romanoff and Katariina Petrova are in violation of the Sokovia Accords. They assaulted the king of Wakanda. Make an example out of them.'' 

Ross stood in the terminal, the same damn mustache on his face he had years ago. Simply the sight of him summoned murderous tendencies within Katya. She could recall the speech he had given them that day at the Compound and how he had turned against her. But back then, they were the helpless ones. Right now, he was. He simply didn't know it yet.

''It's Katya,'' she muttered under her breath, purely out of habit. Besides, assaulting is a big word to use to describe their very short fight with T'Challa. He did a lot of assaulting himself.

Natasha sighed and picked up the phone to call Ross. Katya could picture how he stared at his phone in confusion and surprise. His phone didn't recognize this number, but he would know immediately who called.


''Don't do this,'' Natasha said tiredly and unimpressed, putting the phone on speaker so Katya could hear too. Her voice was awfully loud in the small and dirty room despite her low volume. 

''Do what?'' Ross played dumb.

''Come after us. I mean, you're embarrassing yourself. It looks desperate.'' 

Katya had to swallow a chuckle. She wasn't the only one who loved toying with the guy. And Natasha had much more self-control when it came to her anger, so she could have this conversation.

''Thought maybe you'd be calling me to cut a deal. 'Cause from my vantage point, it's the federal fugitives who're desperate.''

''From my vantage point, you look like you could use some bed rest. What is this, your second triple bypass?'' Natasha countered without missing a beat. And she was right. Ross leaned on a walking stick, which could only mean one thing with his heart condition.

''I wouldn't worry about me. We got Barton and that other guy, the incredible shrinking convict. Rogers and Wilson are on the run. You got no one but each other. Where you gonna go?''

Natasha's face fell, and so did Katya's. The first few weeks were fine on their own. They were nice actually. Finally without lurking people everywhere. But soon, after months, it started to get lonely, and Ross knew that all too well. 

''We've lived a lot of lives before we met you, Ross. You shouldn't have gone to all this trouble. We're done.'' With her hoodie half over her arms, Natasha picked up the phone and ended the call. After that conversation and his loud voice, it turned awfully quiet. His words hadn't done either of their moods any good. 

Just when Katya thought she had Natasha in a better place, he had to go and remind them they were alone, once again.

''He's still a dick,'' she whispered, but her attempt at lightening the mood wasn't received. Their happiness of getting away from the government for another few weeks got overshadowed by that nagging feeling in their stomachs.

Natasha didn't look at her. She didn't want Katya to see the sadness in her eyes. Instead, she stared at the sink and pulled her hoodie over her head. ''How's the weather?''

''Still cold. Still cloudy.''

''We're gonna need thicker clothes.'' She pulled the elastic from her hair and shook it out. The usually fiery red looked awfully dull in this lighting. 

''I hope your guy thought of that.'' This private contractor that Natasha had in her contacts for years, had been their savior lately. Rick Mason. Ex-SHIELD. 

He was the reason they had false documents that were good enough to pass for real. He found them remote and safe enough places to live. Transport, everything. And for some reason, hadn't ratted them out.

And on top of that, he was actually a nice person. Kind. And he cared more about their wellbeing than he would ever admit.

Katya watched as Natasha turned around, grabbed the doorhandle and let out a deep sigh before opening it and walking out without looking back. This must be one of her worst days ever, because she didn't even have the energy to act like she was fine. Not that that was of any use with Katya anyway.

She glanced around constantly but inconspicuously, scanning the people, the cameras, anything. Things she didn't have to do for years on this intensity, but was now the difference between getting thrown in jail or traveling the world in semi-freedom with her wife.

Katya was right on her heels, watching their back despite establishing that the boat was clear only ten minutes prior. The hoodie Natasha wore concealed most of her frame, but you didn't have to be an expert on body language to know she was tense. Hell, even Katya caught herself nervously playing with the cuffs of her own hoodie. 

The icy wind blew their hair back when Natasha opened the door that lead to the lower deck. They shivered, and the redhead pulled her sleeves further down to try and keep her hands warm. She was right, they needed thicker clothing. Because the flu was the last thing they could use right now. 

Because of the weather, a lot of passengers were inside, which meant that the railing at the front of the ship was abandoned. Casually, Natasha walked over, laid her arm on top of it and swiftly slipped the phone into the sea. Another one gone. They'd lost count of how much phones they had bought and thrown away.

Katya inhaled the clear air and folded her arms on top of the railing, placing her chin on top of them. Norway was stunning. With its mountains and the bright greenery. Well, it wasn't bright now, with the dark clouds, but it could be when it was sunny.

Natasha obviously didn't feel like talking, but Katya didn't like this silence. It was weird. Not tense, just weird. 

''Did you know I spent three weeks in a small town outside Tromsø, the largest urban area in the North of Norway?'' Natasha didn't react in any way, but Katya knew she was listening. 

''It was one of the most boring missions I ever had. Don't get me wrong, the scenery was beautiful, but the man I had to watch - my neighbor across the street - maybe came out of his house two times a week and only to put his trash out.'' 

She shifted her weight and furrowed her eyebrows. ''Honestly don't know how I survived that without dying of boredom. Probably the same vodka that kept me warm in those freezing temperatures.'' That finally got a reaction. A raised eyebrow to be precise. ''What? I'm still Russian,'' she chuckled.

Natasha shook her head and let out a sigh that sounded a bit lighter than before. Katya quickly glanced around and placed a kiss on her temple. It was received with a teasing scrunch of nose and eventually also a smile at Katya's cheesiness. It made the redhead feel a bit better, knowing she wasn't alone like Ross told her. 

She'd never be alone as long as Katya was alive. The ring around her finger was proof enough. It was also the only piece of personal belongings she still had, along with her necklace. The rest was at the Compound or got dumped along the way. 

They stayed in the same spot the entire trip to the mainland. Partly to avoid passengers, but also because standing there, the wind on their faces and the wide country before them, gave a sense of freedom and peace. Finally, they were able to celebrate Ross getting off their backs for a while. 

When it docked, they were the first ones off, looking for a car they knew would be waiting for them in the parking lot. When she spotted it, Katya stopped and sighed in defeat. She knew she shouldn't be expecting expensive sportscars, but this silver jeep looked like it was twenty years old. Mason had delivered though, and chosen it carefully, since it wouldn't stand out.

Without protest, she climbed in the passenger's seat, letting Natasha figure out how to drive this thing while she pulled the glove box open and silently celebrated at the stack of cash - Norwegian Krones - and the guns they had requested. 

Katya skillfully popped both magazines out, checked if they were full, stuffed them back in and cocked the guns. Switching the safety on, she put one in the back of her jeans next to her knife and put the other away for Natasha to accept later.

She, in the meantime, got the engine to start and drove through town, on the lookout for a store of sorts. It was always better to be safe and stock up on things like bottled water and energy bars as soon as they had the opportunity to. 

A store was found pretty quickly. It was small, but big enough to have the stuff they needed. Natasha swiftly braided half her hair out of her face and accepted some of the money Katya handed her. Jumping out the car, she put on one of the coats that had been on the backseat and disappeared inside. 

Katya waited in the car, running a hand over her face and exhaling slowly. She wished she could do more to cheer up her wife, but things simply sucked. Hopefully, the bed in the cabin would be nice enough to have a good night's sleep in. It had been a while and they both could use some rest.

Fairly quickly, Natasha came back with a plastic bag full of stuff. She threw it on the backseat and got back behind the wheel. Katya softly hummed along with a song on the radio she vaguely recognized, staring at the landscape as it flew by. 

She couldn't help but think of Steve, where he was right now. And how the hell he managed to stay out of Ross' hands as long as them. They'd been on the run with him all the way back when SHIELD fell. He sucked. But maybe because of that trip, he actually learned something. 

Would he be staring out his apartment window somewhere? Did he feel as lonely as them, or was Sam still with him? Probably.

The song had changed into the news, and unsurprisingly, Katya heard their names pass. Every single time. 

Norwegian wasn't on the list of languages that she knew. But when you do know so many languages, things start to match and sound familiar. Natasha knew the language though, but she didn't need to translate it to know what it said.

The words 'Sokovia Accords', 'Avengers', 'Natasha Romanoff', 'Steve Rogers' and 'Katariina Petrova', were more than enough. Damn government gave everyone the name on her birth certificate instead of her new one. Now, she had to listen to this all the time.

''What're you thinking about?'' Natasha finally asked after Katya had fallen silent, sipping the coffee she had gotten for both of them at the shop as well. It tasted horrible, but would do the job of keeping them awake a while longer.

''If you bought vodka,'' Katya tried with a playful smile, but she saw the skeptical look on Natasha's face, so it fell quickly. ''Fine, I thought about Steve and Sam. Just wondering where on Earth they are hiding right now.''

Natasha hummed, swallowing the sadness that followed those names, and looked past Katya, out her window, as she rolled the car to a stop. ''Probably not in some caravan in the middle of Norway's nature.''

Katya followed her line of sight. There, in the middle of an open patch in the woods, stood a white caravan. It was more a mobile home and was quite big actually. It looked worn-down, but cozy. As long as it had a roof that didn't leak, it would be fine. 

A sigh left Katya's lips. ''Well, it's better than the sea container.''


A/N: that's the first chapter up! As you can see, I had to change some things with the other Avengers that were on team Cap to match my Forgotten Ghost storyline. But there won't be any major changes or anything. If you do spot something that's different, it's because I need to match it to my FG story. 

I haven't quite figured out when I'm going to update this book. I think maybe I'll do random updates. But I'm not sure yet. But if you have the app and have notifications on, you'll see when I post a new chapter ;)

I'll stop rambling. Hope you liked this :)

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