Chapter 22: Wake-up Call

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Natasha woke up with a completely... different mindset than the one she went to sleep with. Maybe she had a dream, who knows? Katya didn't remember much between Natasha climbing on top of her with a mischievous sparkle in her eyes, and the moment she got off her, naked and sweaty.

''Oh my god. We haven't had sex like that in months.'' Katya tried to catch her breath, wiping her hair off her sticky forehead. Combine a messed-up training schedule with an exhausted body and you get a sweaty and panting mess.

Oh, and don't forgot to add Natasha's skills in there. That woman could wear anyone out within minutes.

''I missed how loud you get,'' Natasha chuckled, dragging her eyes away from the ceiling to glance at her wife. ''Poor neighbors.''

''That's completely your fault. Making me lose my mind,'' Katya accused her, ignoring the grin on her face. It seemed she wasn't the only one who enjoyed waking up like this. ''Everything hurts even more now though. In a good way.''

Natasha hummed in agreement. ''Round two in the shower?'' Her eyes sparkled. She had gotten her joy in these activities back. She was in the mood for them again. No longer something she had to do, but something she wanted.

''Jesus Nat, want to kill me?'' Katya laughed, turning her head to the side to see her expectant smile. ''We had a huge fight two days ago. My body is still exhausted.''

Natasha didn't care, she turned on her side and traced patterns on Katya's stomach, staying well within appropriate zones but still hoping to get her wound up again. ''We need to take advantage of the last day of being by ourselves. You can't scream so loud with Sam and Steve around,'' she smirked.

Katya raised an eyebrow, ignoring the shivers running down her spine at the cold fingertips on her skin. ''I will scream your name as loudly as I want to, thank you very much.''

''I don't think Steve would approve.'' Natasha chuckled at the thought. Their bedrooms at the Compound and the Tower might have been soundproofed, but thin hotel walls didn't do anything to keep moans and screams in.

''I'll buy him earplugs,'' Katya answered simply. She stretched her limbs with a loud groan and hoisted herself out of bed, dragging her feet to the bathroom while ignoring the eyes on her naked body. ''You coming?''

''That's my line.''

Katya smiled over her shoulder. ''It won't be for much longer if you don't get out right now and join me.''

Like an adorable teenager, Natasha scrambled out of bed, took Katya's face in her hands and kissed her between her laughs, all the while stumbling backwards into the bathroom and pulling her into the shower.

''You're beautiful,'' she whispered as she pushed Katya against the white tiles, causing her to blush. It had been a while since she got a compliment that came straight from the heart.

They were too distracted with each other to even notice the ice-cold water the first few seconds until it got warm.

And, as usual, it didn't take long until Katya was screaming again. Not with Natasha working wonders below, on her knees, with Katya's hands in her blonde hair.

''If I won't be able to walk after this, you have a lot of explaining to do to Steve,'' Katya panted when Natasha said she wanted one more round. Who blamed her, with the way they hadn't had sex in more than two weeks, and not this... enthusiastic in months?

''I'll just tell him you got hurt,'' Natasha answered casually, giving Katya some time to catch her breath while she stared up at her. She always found more pleasure in giving than receiving, and had refused Katya's offers to switch.

Katya let out a breathless chuckle, pushing her wife's face closer to her thighs again. ''Good luck selling that story.''

She was still heaving when the phone in the kitchen loudly rung. It had taken Natasha a while to get it working, but her skills in electronics never failed her.

Katya had watched with amazement, shaking her head in disbelief when the phone actually connected. The only reason they took that risk was to call Mason. And he was undoubtedly the one ringing back now.

Katya rushed over, wrapped in only a towel, snatching the horn off the hook. ''Yes?''

''Did you run a marathon or something?'' If even he could hear how breathless she was, it must be bad.

She looked down at her body, letting her back meet the wall with a thud. I mean, he wasn't far off. ''You could say that.''

He hummed absentmindedly, honestly not really caring. ''I think I outdid myself this time around. How fast can you and your better half meet me?''

''That entirely depends on the location you're gonna give me.'' 

He rambled some directions, which Katya didn't need to write down. Hearing them one time was enough to remember. ''You got an hour and a half,'' were his final words, which meant they needed to rush, something both of them hated.

''Fine.'' Katya threw the horn on the hook. ''Nat!''

''No need to yell,'' she complained jokingly, passing her on her way to the fridge, grabbing some leftover dinner for breakfast. Of course, she was already in clothes; black jeans and a tank top, her hair still wet.

''We have an hour and a half to meet Mason.''

''Looks like you'll have to hurry up then,'' she smirked, stabbing her fork into the salad. 

Katya rolled her eyes and rummaged through the entire closet in the bedroom to try and find something that fit her well enough to not fall down her hips or over her hands. She just sighed and shook her head at the hickeys on her thighs and stomach. 

There was no need to pack anything, because they didn't even own the clothes on their backs. That certainly made it a whole lot easier. The only thing Natasha made very sure to take with her though, was Yelena's vest, hanging it loosely over her shoulders to be zipped up later.

Only, when she took the keys from the dinner table and did one last round through the apartment before leaving, she still hadn't properly done it up.

''Hold up.'' Katya tugged her closer by the open ends, zipping it up and fastening the buckles. ''Could you imagine what Yelena would say if she saw you wearing it like this?''

Natasha studied her face, her determined expression to make her look presentable, the ghost of a smile on her lips, and she realized their two years of being alone were over soon. Which left her with a very important question. 

''Have you thought about my offer?'' Her voice was soft, scared of striking a wrong nerve.

Katya's smile fell and her movements grew stiff, strictly watching her own hands. She needed no explanation; this was her fucked up family tree they spoke about. ''Why?''

''I need to know what you want me to keep a secret and what I can tell the others.'' She hated having to start this, but she didn't want to mess up and say something Katya didn't want her to say. Confirmation, that's what she needed.

''Nothing,'' Katya answered tightly, strictly, and Natasha swore a slither of panic laced her voice. ''I don't want you to tell them anything.'' She sounded rather rude, but Natasha took no offense to it. In fact, she completely understood.

''Okay.'' A gentle smile sat on her face. ''Alright. I will take that secret to my grave.'' Patiently, she stood there, Katya's hands at this point straightening out creases that weren't there, just to have something to look at, to keep her busy.

''Please don't joke about that,'' she frowned, always hating when Natasha spoke about her death.

Natasha swallowed a sigh. ''Katya,'' she whispered, gently taking her hands from her collar. Without anything distracting her, Katya slumped her shoulders and listened to her wife, looking down at their intertwined hands in front of her chest. She felt guilty for having to burden her with keeping such a big secret. ''I am serious. I won't speak a word about this to anyone, ever.''

''Including me.''

If Natasha was surprised, she didn't show it. ''Including you.''

A thankful smile flashed across Katya's face, but it was gone quickly. ''What about Yelena? Ohio? The Red Room?'' She finally lifted her chin, meeting her wife's kind eyes. ''What parts do you want me to stay quiet on?''

Natasha rubbed her thumbs over Katya's knuckles, slightly cocking her head in thought. ''How about you let me handle those questions? So I can decide what parts of my youth I want to tell?''

Katya understood completely, and she chuckled quietly, a sound that finally put Natasha at ease. ''Keeping control in your own hands, typical Nat.''

''Is it?'' she wondered, too lazy to try and come up with examples herself, but Katya had more than enough of those.

She dramatically started listing things on her fingers after pulling her hands free. ''Telling me to leave the talking to you so you can play your own game of manipulation. Always steering the car, the motorcycle, the jet, the helicopter... and I believe even a boat once. Always being the top despite my pleas-''

''Okay, yeah, I can see it now,'' Natasha rushed to cut her off. She hadn't realized she did half those things.

Katya hummed, getting back to the original topic. ''Anyway, agreed.'' She'd keep silent, Natasha would keep silent. Sounded like a great deal.

Natasha nodded once. ''Agreed.'' And her word was her word. That's one hundred percent reliable. So Katya dared to relax her shoulders, not realizing how tense they had gotten.

''Alright, Blondie, let's go,'' she patted Natasha's shoulder, heading for the front door. This apartment was nice and all, but she was ready to get to the jet and meet up with the guys. God, did she miss her friends.

Natasha playfully narrowed her eyes at her back. ''Don't call me that.''

''Bite me.''

''Okay. Where?'' She smirked when Katya froze in the doorframe, turning around slowly, her smirk only widening when a blush crept up her wife's cheeks.

''Your mind is dirty today.'' Katya rolled her eyes when Natasha's sly expression didn't change, spinning on her heels once more. ''Let's just go, yeah?'' 

Natasha's chuckle echoed in the stairwell, a sound that warmed Katya's heart. Her mood today was so good, and she had missed that happy sparkle in her eye. That green was no longer dull.

Downstairs, in the alley between this apartment building and the next, Mason promised they'd find a motorcycle, and Katya lit up at the sight of it.

''Oh my god, yes.'' She reached for the black helmet hanging on the handlebar, but it got snatched out of her hands. She pouted, expecting Natasha to call shotgun and put the thing on her head, but she was pleasantly surprised for a change. 

With her free hand, Natasha carefully but quickly pushed Katya's long hair behind her ears and slid the helmet on her head, like she was a five-year-old who needed help. Not that Katya complained, she was mostly confused, especially when the keys got dropped in her hand as well.

''Eh, what are you doing?'' Her voice was slightly muffled, following Natasha closely as she lifted the seat and grabbed the second helmet. She wore helmets now. That was rare.

''Letting go of the control. Before I change my mind.'' Ah, so she had thought about that. Interesting. Not that Katya could grow any hope that she'd be able to climb on top from now on. Baby steps. Baby steps.

Instead of stepping aside so Katya could get on first, Natasha stared at her, her open visor not hiding her wandering eyes.

''What?'' Katya questioned dryly, crossing her arms over her chest.

Natasha looked her up and down, from her all-black outfit, to the long black hair coming from underneath the mat black helmet. Yeah, she drooled over that picture. ''You look hot.''

''You can't even see my face,'' Katya deadpanned, the dark visor hiding her eyes and the area around it. At least until it opened.

''Now I can.''

She forced the smile off her face, staring dryly into Natasha's face. ''Do you like that too?''

Natasha took her sweet time, taking everything in like she was frozen in time. ''Yes.''

Katya chuckled, snapping her helmet closed again and pulling the bike away from the wall. It wasn't one of those small, cheap bikes. No, this was a big one, one that took serious strength to keep upright. And she was driving this today, swinging her leg over it, knowing Natasha liked that even better.

The engine roared to life, and Katya checked the clutch a couple times, getting a feel for the thing, because she would one hundred percent get teased if she didn't drive off smoothly.

''I trust you to not kill me with your terrible driving skills.'' Natasha climbed behind her, pressing her front against her back, which was very distracting.

''Hold on tight,'' Katya smiled smugly, ignoring the jab. She waited until arms would snake around her waist, but her breath got stuck in her throat when hands got placed way lower, on the button of her jeans. Katya glanced down. ''Nat.''

''What?'' Natasha asked innocently, a grin on her face.

''Keep your hands out of my pants, please. We're in public.'' She acted like she hated it, but it had been a while since Natasha thought of teasing her like this, so Katya actually felt a slither of happiness in her chest that hadn't been there for some time.

''Oh, I am so sorry.'' Her hands traveled upwards, but where they settled instead wasn't much better, right underneath her boobs. Or, actually, half on top of them. ''Is this better?"

Katya sighed and sat up, doing her best to look over her shoulder, which was impossible with the helmet restricting her sight. ''Are you going to be annoying now?''

''Wasn't that ''your Nat''?'' Natasha cleverly answered. ''A very annoying woman?''


But Natasha no longer had time for jokes when Katya hit the gas, arms tightening so she wouldn't fall off. And Katya had to give it to herself, she did shoot away from the curb rather fluently, speeding off South. The longer she drove, the more Natasha relaxed. 

Of course, she trusted Katya to drive, it was more of a joke that she didn't, but still, it was hard to let that control go. So it made Katya all the more happy to feel a helmed head come to rest between her shoulder blades. Natasha must be lazily watching the landscape fly by, probably lost in her head somewhere.

The beautiful forest road she turned onto after a while wasn't very different from the one a couple days prior, where she had yelled at Nat. Because it wasn't paved, she couldn't race down it like she had done on the highway, but the sun fell through the leaves overhead beautifully. Even Natasha lifted her head off her back and looked around, enjoying it.

As soon as they reached open field, a very familiar figure emerged in the distance, on the right side of the road. Katya shook her head, stopping the bike and shutting off the engine. Which, for some reason, hadn't woken their amazing friend.

''Is he being serious right now?'' She asked as soon as she stood on her own two feet, pulling the helmet from her head and shaking her hair out. 

Mason was out like a light, in the grass, like a homeless person. They'd found him asleep like this too often to count, which made them wonder how much he actually slept during the night, or if he was always running around for others.

Natasha didn't even try to walk silently, but it took her kicking his feet to wake him. And he jolted up, staring up at her disoriented.

''You ever not sleep?''

He threw her a glare, scrambling to his feet. ''I've been in six different time zones in three days because of you.'' He pushed past the two laughing and smiling Russians, threading through the tall grass.

''Oh, really?'' Natasha played dumb, joining his side.

''Yeah.'' He eyed them and their similar expressions. ''You're not gonna make out again, are you? Because that was truly traumatizing.''

''Aww,'' Katya cooed from Natasha's other side. ''Wanted to switch places with me?'' Teasing him was just too easy. ''Although Nat wasn't really up to switching this morning.''

''Kat,'' Natasha reprimanded her when they came to a stop, seemingly in the middle of the field. They were too busy with the conversation and with each other to see what Mason wanted to show.

''Sorry,'' Katya mumbled, stuffing her hands into her back pockets and looking the other way when she got a warning in the form of a playful glare. But she couldn't resist whispering under her breath, ''Three rounds...'' 

This time, Natasha let it slide, shaking her head slowly as she turned back to Mason. ''What'd you get us this time, like, an upside-down lawnmower?''

Mason, who was still recovering from that dirty joke, pointed at something beyond them. 

Katya whipped her head around, only to have her jaw drop. ''Oh my god, you didn't.'' 

In the middle of the field stood a Quinjet. And not just any, no, an Avengers Quinjet, not even a SHIELD one.

Where the fuck did Mason get this from? Did he break into the Compound and steal this himself?

She thought about giving him an honest compliment, but didn't want to give him that satisfaction. ''Forget about the points, you're my seventh favorite person now. No, wait, eighth... nineth...'' He raised an eyebrow. ''Who cares, I don't hate you anymore.''

He shook his head at her childishness, focusing on Natasha instead. She just stared at the jet, refusing to admit he had finally done an amazing job. ''You see what I can get you with a bit of time and money? Go on, say it. I wanna hear it. It would really be good for me to hear it. Really.''

She chewed on her cheek but reluctantly let go of her pride. ''I'm impressed.'' Mason almost started to beam, until her next words sent him crashing down to Earth. ''You've always been a really good friend to me.'' She had the widest smile on her face, but that didn't make it any better for him.

''Ouch, Nat. That's cold,'' Katya laughed. She had always been the one to provoke him, not Natasha.

Mason hid his disappointment well. ''That's what every man wants to hear.'' If he really liked Natasha as more than a friend - which he definitely did - her joyful smile must be speeding his heart up as well. ''Where you gonna go?'' 

For the first time in two years, Natasha could give him an answer. ''It's funny. My whole life, I didn't think I had a family. Turns out I got two, so...'' She glanced at Katya, who wasn't focused anymore, staring at the Quinjet like she was in love. ''One of them's a bit of a mess right now. We're gonna regroup with a few of them to see if we can help patch things up.''

Mason nodded, more as a way of saying goodbye. Natasha wasn't big on goodbyes, and they knew they would see him again eventually, or at least talk over the phone. After all, they had no clue how much longer this whole fugitive thing would take.

She backed off, smiling at him before turning around and closing the distance to the jet. After a couple steps, she noticed Katya wasn't with her, so she stopped to see her stepping up to him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Katya really did have to look up at Mason, he was a lot taller. ''I hope you find someone to get over Nat, over your broken heart. Someone who isn't married and you actually have a chance with.'' She tried keeping a straight face, but his dry expression was too funny not to smile at.

''You're an asshole.'' His English accent only made that sentence better.

She chuckled, patting his shoulder one last time. ''Yeah, you're alright as well.''

Their eye contact was the most 'no-nonsense' than it had ever been before. This was them, without any jokes, acts, and jealousy. They did respect each other, and Katya sent him an honest, kind smile, which she also got back.

Without another word, she nodded, spinning around and catching up with Natasha, who had a knowing smile on her lips. 

Walking away from Mason felt like leaving something behind. And it kind of was, because they wouldn't really need his help as much now, with the jet they could use. It truly felt like they were leaving their lonely life behind and start all over again.

Usually, that would make Katya nervous. But excitement bounced around in her chest. With her eyes on her feet, the sun on her back, and Natasha next to her, she smiled to herself in this moment of content.

In the jet, she all but ran towards her locker, labeled with her - no longer correct - last name. From one of the planks, she pulled a spare suit, but her eyes truly lit up at the sight of her own knives and guns. ''O my god, I think I'm gonna cry.''

Natasha just chuckled at her childish enthusiasm, heading straight for the cockpit to get the hell out of there. She placed her hand on the scanner, waiting for the inevitable.

''Voice verification required.''

''Natasha Romanoff.''

''Access denied.''

She sighed in annoyance, slumping her shoulders. ''Damn it, Stark.'' She'd thought maybe he would have changed it, but nope. Since a fight with FRIDAY would be useless, she just gave in. ''Natalie Rushman.''

''Welcome, Scariest Avenger.''

''Thank you, FRIDAY.'' Behind her, Katya laughed. She hadn't had the pleasure of meeting Natalie Rushman, but she had heard every single detail about that mission. ''It's good to hear your voice again.''

It really was. It felt so familiar. The jet even smelled the same. Gunpowder, leather and post-mission sweat.

''What can I do for you, Miss Romanoff?''

Natasha sat down in the pilot seat, pressing some buttons, starting the usual take-off process. ''First of all, can you change that name for me?''

''Of course. What should I change it into?''

''Romanoff-Petrova.'' Was that the first time she said that to someone - or in this case something - other than Katya out loud? Probably yes. Did it make her feel giddy? Definitely yes. ''Do the same for Katya.''

''I will need authorization from Miss Petrova for that.''

''Girlfriend,'' Katya said without looking up or halting her movements, stuffing the magazine into a gun.

''Authorization code accepted: Prettiest Avenger.''

''Stark has to be very glad he didn't choose Sexiest, or I would have thrown his ass out of this jet mid-air,'' Natasha grumbled under her breath, just in time, right before Katya plopped down in the seat next to her, chuckling at her scowl. 

The only person who got to call Katya sexy was her own wife, and possibly Clint, who would only mean it in a friendly way. But definitely, definitely not Stark.

Natasha pulled up a world map. ''FRIDAY, can you find Steve and Sam for me?''

The UI started scanning, going through dozens and dozens of pictures, months of CCTV footage, flight records and what else, to compile their location. And it took a total of ten seconds. 

''Mr Rogers and Mr Wilson are currently in Belarus.''

Both Russian's eyebrows shot up. ''I don't know what I expected, but it wasn't that,'' Katya spoke. She had prepared for a long journey, but that apparently wasn't necessary. ''Set a course, FRIDAY. Oh, and put us in stealth mode, can't have Ross tracking us.''

''Yes, Mrs Romanoff-Petrova.''

FRIDAY took over everything from there, boosting the engines, lifting the jet off the ground, and zooming away, leaving Mason and their terrible home country behind. Hopefully, they'd never have to return.

''It feels like I have to say something cheesy,'' Katya broke the silence. This felt like one of those 'end of an era'-moments. The end of a chapter. One which she had mixed feelings about. 

''You don't have to. I feel it too.'' Natasha hesitated, not sure if she should say what she wanted to, but some part of her felt like she had to. With a quiet sigh, she faced her wife. ''Sorry I haven't been myself these past two years. The ground kinda fell away from under my feet after the Accords, and I didn't realize what I still had standing right in front of me. I took you for granted. And I am so sorry for that. It's the one thing I told myself I would never do again. So if I ever made you feel like I didn't appreciate you-''

''You didn't.'' Katya was quick to cut off her unnecessary rambling. She didn't need an apology. ''And don't apologize. Please. If anyone understands mental problems sucking up all your energy, it's me.''

Natasha mirrored her gentle smile, although it didn't quite make it to her eyes. ''Still, I should have shown you more how much I appreciate you. I don't think I would have survived this without you, without someone there to drag me out of bed, or force some food into me.''

''I know how much you love me. You don't need to tell me that every day to know. It's in the little things.'' The way she looked at her now, for example. ''Just remember; I'll always be there for you."

''I know. And I can't thank you enough for that.'' Natasha turned to face the windscreen again, a sly smile pulling on her lips. ''I will still make it up to you though.''

Katya hummed, relaxing in her seat. ''And I'm looking forward to it.''


A/N: not my best? Anyway, only one more chapter left!! Crazy how fast this book is over. I won't get emotional yet. I will do that in the next chapter ;)

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