Chapter 9: Tag Team

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Natasha ended up sleeping the entire ten hours, which was a miracle. Even Yelena eventually dozed off, so Katya sat in the quiet car by herself, watching Natasha's chest rise and fall and smiling at Yelena's adorable sleeping face. 

No, she wasn't a creep by staring at them all the time, she watched the parking lot, too. Especially when it got lighter out and the truckers started to crawl out their cabins for a morning coffee outside. Coffee... she could use some of that stuff too. Oh, and fresh air. And something to eat.

At precisely eight, she shook Yelena awake first, who groaned at the morning light in her eyes. Disoriented, she looked around, until she realized where she was and settled down. ''Why didn't you wake me up earlier? I could have been on watch for a while.''

''It's fine. I wasn't tired,'' Katya shrugged while she twisted in her seat as far as she could, smiling at an adorable Natasha. She hated having to disrupt her sleep. Especially a deep and long sleep like this one. Extremely gently, she shook her awake, whispering her name softly. ''Nat. Natalia.''

''I'm awake. I'm awake,'' she complained, stretching her stiff muscles as best she could in the small space. Her face was, as usual, pulled into one of annoyance. She hated waking up, more of a night owl than an early bird. You'd think that would be the other way around, with her alarm always extremely early. But no.

Katya chuckled at her theatrics and scanned her face to see how her injuries were coming along. Her split lip was almost unnoticeable and the cut by her eyebrow was mostly hidden by the small red hairs. Yeah, she looked fine. 

''Natalia?'' Yelena frowned. ''I thought it was Natasha.'' Not many people knew it wasn't.

Natasha hoisted herself upright, straightening her jacket and her hair. ''She never calls me that.'' She would kill for some water or something to eat, but knew that within an hour, Mason had that ready for them. Hopefully. 

''Then why isn't it Katariina?'' Yelena was deeply confused, looking between the two.

''Your guess is as good as mine. Anytime I ask about it, she just smirks mysteriously.'' As if on cue, Katya did exactly that, which caused Natasha to shrug. ''I gave up a couple years ago. Katya fits her better anyway.''

''But I bet that's not what you call her either,'' Yelena smirked, briefly looking at Katya, a silent plan forming between them.

Natasha let out a dry chuckle, patiently waiting in her seat. ''Nice try. I'm not ans-''

''Babe most of the time,'' Katya cut her off, unable to suppress her smug smile. ''But it can be baby too, or honey. Darling. Love. Or any of those in Russian.'' 

She had to lean forwards in her seat to try and get out of reach from Natasha's swatting hand, begging her to shut up. When she didn't manage to touch her without making it worse for herself, she fell back into her seat, sulking, while Katya and Yelena chuckled.

''Thanks for embarrassing me,'' Natasha muttered, sighing as she stared out the window on her right. She really didn't like this team-up against her, which had been slowly starting to form since yesterday. Yelena and Katya got along great, but did they have to get along so great?

''What? It's cute,'' Katya chuckled, reaching for her seatbelt and pulling it across her chest. ''Everyone in this car knows you're not as tough as you act.''

''I think it's adorable,'' Yelena agreed, beaming at her sister, knowing they were getting on her very last nerve.

''See?'' Katya laughed out loud at her annoyed expression, reaching for the Start button next to the steering wheel. Of course this fancy car didn't have a key she had to turn around. The engine roared to life when she pressed it, a perfect, flawless sound that had her heart speed up. 

''Just shut up,'' Natasha grumbled, and with one last chuckle, Katya shot out of the parking spot and onto the highway. She eventually got Natasha to read Mason's directions on the phone, although it took some convincing after teasing her. Yelena complained about her driving quite a lot, saying she drove like a maniac, but Katya shut her up with some glares, despite agreeing.

After an hour, a bit past nine AM, they pulled up on some abandoned back road and dumped the car, walking the last meters through the tree line.

There, in the open field in front of them, stood a helicopter. Not a jet.

''I said we needed a jet.'' Natasha frowned at the old, rusty white thing. It was a big one though, with space in the back, probably benches lined up on both sides. But it wasn't what they ordered.

''Don't look at me, I forwarded your order perfectly,'' Katya quickly defended herself, zipping her leather jacket closed because the wind was cold today and blew hard. Her goddamn long hair kept blowing in her face. She'd have to take Yelena up on her offer to braid it for her.

''You know what you didn't give me? Time. Or money. I'm not made of jets.'' A sarcastic Mason stepped out of the helicopter, down the small steps. Despite the looks he and Katya threw each other, they were never truly hateful. It was more a game both enjoyed too much to give up on.

''I thought you were supposed to be the best. Like a real pro,'' Yelena teased, wandering up to both him and the vehicle. How she wasn't cold in just her tank top and her vest was a miracle. Her backpack was kept closely to her side, her hand always clenching the straps.

''Oh, I beg your pardon, tsarina. Was the free flat and lifetime supply of kissel not to your liking?'' Mason said sarcastically. Wait, they knew each other too? How many people made use of Mason's services?

Yelena let out a humorless laugh, wading through the high grass to study the helicopter up close. She was in one of her better moods again. Katya guessed this wasn't the only joke she'd make today.

''Don't let her wind you up,'' Natasha advised, pushing past him, her eyes scanning the blistering white paint. Her tight braid lay neatly along her spine, standing out against her famous black leather jacket. 

''No, I take exception to impugning my professionalism,'' he answered, upset.

''Well, you did set us up with a generator that crapped out after six hours,'' she pointed out, keeping her face blank to hide the teasing. She found her way to the back of the vehicle, not taking any chances and scanning the whole thing.

''You too, huh?'' Mason gestured between both sisters. ''Tag team.''

''Aw, he's sensitive,'' Yelena cooed. ''See why you keep him around.''

The only one who wasn't busy checking their ride was Katya. She left Natasha to do that, since she wouldn't know what to look for anyway. No, she simply waited, staring at Mason while she did so.

''Katya,'' he greeted her curtly, hands in the pockets of his jeans.

She stopped in front of him, crossing her arms over her chest. ''Mason. Good to see you still have all your arms and legs. Didn't piss off any more assassins last night?''

''I figured one was enough.''

''Hm,'' she hummed skeptically, narrowing her eyes at him. But they shone with humor, as did his. The height difference forced her to look up slightly, since he was about a foot taller. Katya had never been the tallest. But then again, Natasha wasn't either.

Natasha shook her head at the usual bickering, stalking up to them. ''Where's the rest?''

Mason broke the silent stare-off and turned to grab a bag from the helicopter. It fell on the ground with a thud and he zipped it open to reveal all the other stuff Katya had ordered. ''Voilà.''

Natasha had stuff stashed all around the world, in dozens of different places, and this bag was one of them. She knew exactly what was in each one though. 

Yelena dove into it fairly rudely, gasping when she saw the snacks. ''Ooh.'' Happily, she opened an energy bar.

''Oh, I stashed that, like, five years ago,'' Natasha warned her, but Yelena was already chewing on it. ''How is it?'' she teased.

The blonde tried to hide her disgusted face, doing her very best to chew. ''It's dry. It's really dry.'' Embarrassed, she disappeared into the helicopter, almost gagging on the food. 

Katya laughed, making fun of her. She wouldn't be touching any of the snacks either. The water was probably still fine though, and she happily accepted it from Natasha, who had crouched down by the bag and rummaged through it, making sure they had everything they needed for this masterplan of hers.

''You know, you're getting dangerously close to running out your tab. Supplies I can tally, but you bring me attention from the authorities, all my prices go up,'' Mason pointed out when the laughter died down.

Natasha looked up at him, raising an eyebrow. ''What's that supposed to mean?''

''Your mate, Secretary Ross, has been sniffing around my affairs to the point at which I've got contacts declining my calls. I'm a private contractor.''

She studied his face, and Katya could see what was coming. ''You are sensitive,'' she pouted childishly, basically making fun of him. Without a care in the world, she went back to the bag, checking the guns also in there. 

''You're a very annoying individual,'' Mason countered pettily, to which Natasha simply chuckled. Anyone who knows Natasha knows she's annoying, but in a cute way. All that teasing with Yelena in the car yesterday was a perfect example of it.

''Tell me about it,'' Katya muttered, jumping over the foot Natasha stuck out to try and trip her. Bitch. 

''I'll make it up to you,'' the redhead smirked, zipping the bag closed and tossing it into the helicopter, climbing in afterwards. Katya hurried after her, seeing Yelena at the controls already. She didn't feel like flying - it wasn't her best skill - so she sat down on the bench in the back instead. 

Mason hummed skeptically. ''That's what you say every time.'' Natasha just smiled at him, so he rolled his eyes and slammed the helicopter door closed. Katya was happy he didn't linger. He knew they could fly the thing and didn't need explanations. 

The sudden silence caused Yelena to speak up. ''I can see what you mean. He is very flirty.''

''Right? Thank you!'' Katya exclaimed happily, glad someone saw what she meant, proving she wasn't going crazy.

''Yeah, I wouldn't like that either.'' Yelena looked all around the cockpit, finding switches and buttons she was looking for. 

''What should I do about it?'' Katya called out to the front, ignoring Natasha's eyeroll as she got a white suit out the bag and threw it at her wife, too rough on purpose to try and shut her up. But Katya enjoyed this too much.

Yelena hummed in thought. ''Maybe just stick your tongue down her throat in front of him?'' She shrugged. ''I don't know, it sends a message.'' It definitely would. It wasn't a typical move for her, but he should know to back off. Okay, maybe Katya was jealous and overprotective.

''You know, that's not a bad idea,'' she spoke enthusiastically. ''I might try that.''

Natasha threw her a warning look as she stood up and sat next to Yelena, reaching for the headset. ''You are not trying that.'' She had no clue what happened while she was asleep, but the two women didn't act anything like before. They had gotten closer somehow.

''We'll see,'' Katya breathed distracted, holding her white suit out in front of her. She preferred black, but for where they were going, this was perfect. 

She waited until the engine started and the helicopter lifted off the ground flawlessly, Natasha and Yelena silently working together in the cockpit like they had done it together forever. Katya couldn't help but smile at the two of them, happy they found each other again. 

Kicking her shoes off and pulling off her jacket, she changed into the suit. It was originally Natasha's, but it fit well enough, trapping her in the tight material.

Weighing all the guns in the bag, she opted for the one she felt most comfortable with, stuffing it into the holster on her thigh. It felt so good to wear a suit again.

She tapped Yelena on her shoulder when she was all done, taking her place at the controls so she could change. Natasha's eyes were immediately on the brunette, taking her in, how she looked in the skin-tight material. Apparently, it satisfied her, because she smiled and averted her eyes to the window in front. 

Katya jumped when her headset got pushed off one ear. But it was just Yelena who wanted to ask something. ''Do you want me to do your hair? You can't fight like this.''

Surprised, she stared at her, not sure if she was serious. But Yelena's blue eyes held no sign of humor, so she shrugged. ''Sure, why not.''

Following her to the back, she noticed her blonde hair was braided in intricate patterns on the back of her head. All of it was up now, nothing hanging down or out. ''Wait, you did that yourself? In ten minutes? Wow.''

Yelena ignored her compliment and sat down behind her on the bench. ''What do you usually do with it?'' she asked, gathering all her hair to the back of her head. It felt weird to have someone else than Natasha run their fingers through it, but it was a nice feeling, so Katya accepted it.

''A braid like Nat has right now. But my hair used to be short. Like, shoulder-length. This is just for security purposes. I hate it.''

''How about a ponytail?'' she suggested.

''Those are fine.'' With those words, Yelena started her handy work. She was incredibly fast, although it looked like she mostly did this to herself and had to figure out how to braid someone else's hair. She was gentle and Katya eventually closed her eyes and enjoyed how it felt. 

In the end, she ended up with three braids on the top of her head. One through the center, two on the sides, all ending in a high ponytail that swung when Katya moved her head. Nothing would escape those braids though. They were too tight and neat.

Cautiously, she ran her hand over it, smiling brightly at an expectant Yelena, who doubted herself until Katya nodded and said, ''Thanks. I can't see it myself but it feels great.''

''You better not mess it up,'' she warned, getting up and swapping places with Natasha, whose eyebrows shot up when her gaze landed on Katya's hair. She obviously liked it. Or maybe it was the complete picture she drooled over.

Katya simply smirked and got from the bag the tablet that was also in there, busying herself with that, making sure everything was set. Because staring at her wife the whole time she got changed was weird. 

''Alright, everything is working as it should. We should be able to get there in four hours,'' she told her, lowering the device to catch Natasha zipping up the suit and pulling her braid out. She looked breathtaking with the morning light shining through the windows and her concentrated look on her face. Her thinking face. ''You look so good in white,'' Katya muttered.

Natasha looked up, her expression softening when she saw Katya staring, her blue eyes trailing up and down her body. ''You're ogling me almost as much as in that wedding dress,'' she joked.

Katya chuckled and reached over to fix Natasha's folded collar, but a gasp left her lips when hands grabbed her hips and pulled her on the redhead's lap, Natasha swiftly eyeing Yelena to make sure she didn't see. But she had her headset on and didn't seem aware of what happened behind her.

''I still prefer you in suits.'' Katya breathed, caught off guard by the sudden closeness and Natasha's hands low on her back. Her fingers tangled in the loose red hair as she played with it. ''Just didn't think another color would make so much difference.''

Natasha smirked, ignoring how obvious Katya stared at her lips. ''I think I get what you mean.'' She glanced down, Katya shivering under her intense gaze. ''It hides... less.''

''If you think I can't hear you, I have bad news for you,'' Yelena announced dryly, keeping her eyes strictly on the windshield to avoid seeing what was going on in the back. She had her headset on, but that apparently wasn't enough to block them out.

Katya's cheeks turned a light pink, embarrassed she heard that. If it was Tony or Clint or whatever, it would have been fine. But Yelena was her sister. ''You said I should stick my tongue down her throat,'' she reminded her, raising a teasing eyebrow even though she didn't see. 

''Yes, in front of Mason! Not in front of me!'' Yelena exclaimed, making the mistake of looking over her shoulder and cringing at the sight. Natasha only laughed and held Katya closer. 

''We're behind you,'' the brunette joked, feeling Natasha's eyes on the side of her face as she looked at the pilot. 

Yelena struggled to find an answer. ''Just... Stop doing that.'' She waved her free hand around, trying to shoo them apart.

Katya chuckled again. ''I'm gonna kiss her first. So I suggest you close your ears if you don't want to hear that.''

With a grumble, she did, so Katya turned back to Natasha and kissed her deeply. Her heartbeat sped up as their lips touched and fit perfectly together, like they had done for years. Her eagerness earned her a hum and the grip on her waist tightened further. It was so easy to get lost in each other, that Katya had to remind herself where she was. 

Deciding they tortured Yelena enough, she got off her wife's lap after one last kiss to her forehead. Then, she bundled up her old clothes and used them as a pillow, laying down on her back on the bench to get some well-deserved rest. Four hours was plenty for a nap.

Natasha chuckled and took the others' example to braid her hair out of the way. Although, only the front part. In a braid that started at the front of her face, at the top of her head, and ended at the side. The rest of her wavy hair laid down her back, exactly how Katya liked it. 

She left Katya to nap and sat down in front, taking the tablet with her. All they had to do now was hope the plan worked when they got there. Because if they couldn't get Alexei out, they had no leads anymore.


A/N: did I completely forget I was back to my normal posting schedule and thus also had to publish a new chapter from this book? Yes. Luckily I already had it all written out :)

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