Chapter One

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Tonight's the night. I've been planning this for five years, and tonight is
the night I can finally leave this place. Being in an orphanage can really wear on your mind, especially if you're me. I was the type of kid that everyone hated, staff included; I was one of the oldest kids and I had not once been even considered for adoption. I hated it. But that's where things will change, I decided I don't need to be adopted, because once this night is over, I'll be miles away from this place.


The security here is scarcely low, due to some budgets cuts made to security, so I saw it as my moment to strike, there were usually ten guards to compensate for the large building, but they cut the size a little down to six so it will better for me to manage. Taking that in mind, I grab the rope and hook it to the window being very careful not make noise on the ages old wood, I took one last look around my room, seeing what I was willingly leaving behind, my blanket and bed, most of my stuffed animals, and my laptop. 

I knew what I was putting myself into and I knew there was a possibility I would get caught, but at this point I didn't care, I would do anything it takes to get away from here, and should I face the consequences, I will take it.

 I let the rope down tugging it to make sure the hook was snug and secure before letting myself out the window and down the rope. I could feel the bumps and waves in the rope as I slide down, burning my hands, I kept my feet to wall to give myself some surface until I finally hit ground. I swept my head left to right making sure the coast was clear. 

The only thing that was between me and freedom was a high wall of fence, although I had a bit of fear a of heights, I was not letting it get in the way me getting out here, so I scaled the fence and almost made it over until my hoodie got caught at the top, trying to stay as quiet as possible. I pulled at the hoodie, struggling to get it off and stay on the fence at the same time, my hoodie finally gives in and rips at the hem causing me to fall right on my butt and against the fence causing it make a loud rattling noise. The security was alarmed. 'Great.' I panicked and grabbed my bookbag, and not noticing I blew past the security guards, I heard them shout for me. "There she is! Get her!" I was more panicked and ran to best place to lose them, the forest.

I head down the street, through alleyways, and through a parking lot with them still on my tail. The orphanage was strict on kids sneaking out, I've seen kids that went juvenile detention for doing it far too much, so they have punishments for if you sneak out anywhere past eight, the thoughts made me shiver. 

Getting lost in my thoughts I found myself in middle of the woods, as I did my best to dodge and weave around trees, taking a left or right turn at random to confuse them. I keep going until I find the perfect place to hide, in a deep ditch hidden in the the big bushes. I lay low to the ground and watch them pass by and wait an hour before coming out, this will some give me time catch my breath. 

I am so high on adrenaline, my blood is rushing, my heart pumping, my feet still feel like they're in marathon mode. In fact I'm so high on adrenaline that it took me half an hour to realize.. that I had been sitting in a thorn bush this entire time. I do everything I can to not scream and give away my location. I suck it in and wait.

I've been sitting in this bush longer than I'd realized, I'd say about an hour and and a half, reluctantly but slowly, I get up from the bushes giving it my all to ignore the pain as I walk out the ditch. I look around to make sure they were gone, as I decide to pick a direction and run in it, hoping to find a cave to crash in for the night.

 I look and keep my eyes peeled, I straining my eyes in the dark partially lit by the moonlight, I need to find any sign of shelter. I've been running for seemed like hours before seeing a small silhouette of what looks to be a log cabin 'Please, please, please, let it be.' As I got close I see my prayers have been answered! I sprint as fast as I can, immediately haulting in front of the door. 

It's closed. I knock twice before accidentally opening it on the third knock, the door seems partially unhinged, I pull out a flashlight from my bookbag and light up the area and look around the house, there still appears to be some furniture left in the house. There's an upstairs with one bedroom and one small bathroom, downstairs was the living room with a worn sofa near the wall up ahead the living room was the dining room with kitchen to the right of the dining room. 

The house as a whole wasn't in the best of shape but it's still good for sleeping the night, so I can't complain. I pulled my oversized jacket from my bookbag closed the front door, and went to sofa to lay down, I put my jacket over myself gazed at the ceiling before, falling into a deep sleep...

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