Chapter Three

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I wake up on the sofa, staring at the ceiling. I'm almost in a daze, like I know what I saw, but I wasn't sure if I actually did see it. I'm almost convinced that it was all just a dream, but it doesn't feel right, because.. it felt so real. 

I sat up looking into my hands, trying to remember what happened as best as I can, every detail, every action, every word, there had to be something off-putting about last night to let me know it was a dream, but nothing. 

Nothing at all. Not a single clue. 

I'm still so sure though, I need to go back to that clearing just to make sure, I need some clarity, anything will do. I stand up and throw my bookbag back on, making sure to grab my flashlight this time, I honestly hope what I saw wasn't actually what I saw. Like it was a hallucination or better yet, a dream. 

"Time to find out.." I take a deep breath and step out. It's colder than normal, it's also semi cloudy, and the wind is picking up speed whilst I hear birds in the nearby trees singing sweet songs to one another. I think I know where I'm going this time.

Um, north from cabin and straight ahead where the marked trees meet the big rock, head straight until you see a lake,

I pull out my pocket knife and mark the trees that lead to the lake, as not to get lost again,

And then right from lake should be the clearing, if I'm not wrong.

I mark the trees as i walk deeper into the forest. I then see the same clearing, that's where we met, or at least where I think we met. I take some deep breaths before finally going and diving to discover whether what I saw was real, a hallucination or just a dream. This is it, the reveal of the truth.

I walk into the clearing slowly making my way to the middle, the giant, Jack was it? He was nowhere to be found, for someone so gigantic, I thought it'd be easy to see him, so either he left or it really was all a dream, but it felt so real.. I sit and wait for a while, giving him time to come, I pull off my book bag and shift through supplies until I feel my sketchbook and pull it out along with some pencils, I could be here for a while so I have to do something to past the time. What to draw?

I look around me to find something in the environment to sketch on the blank paper. Maybe Jack? It could possibly help with this little dilemma. I sit and get comfortable and start sketch out the body, trying to be as accurate as possible. Halfway through sketching I feel the ground tremble, and hear stomps coming in my direction.

"Y/n?" The familiar voice shakes the air, I stand up and see the fluffy chocolate brown haired giant towering over me, my body shudders at his size in height, every instinct, reflex and nerve in me was telling me to run but I fought against it and stayed. 

"Jack.. so I wasn't dreaming..", I replied saying the last part mostly to myself. "I-I didn't think I'd see ye back here.. I thought ye would run and tell others about me." He kneels down on the ground, I looked up and shrugged, "I couldn't do that, not if you didn't harm me. It wouldn't be fair." 

We stayed both silent for a few moments, thinking "Y'know.. " Jack says, my head darts up at him, waiting for him to continue. "I'm actually really glad ye came, it-it gets really lonely, y'know? Living so long like this.." I look into his eyes and I immediately see myself, I walk up him and put my hand on his, his big blue eyes dart to me. 

"I understand completely, I'm the same way too, it isn't easy." Jack smiles a little before rubbing his neck, "So.. d'ya think, we could y' friends?.." I quickly look up at him, surprised that he would ask me that. Jack notices my surprise and tries to to follow it up with something, "Y'know, if ye want, I understand if ye don't want to be friends with a monster like me-" 

"You're not a monster!" I interrupt. Jack looks down right shocked at my persistence to defend him, I look down and continue, "..Y-you're not a monster, you're just different, you can't help it, it's who you are! And.. And if a monster is really all they see you as, then.. they don't really know you, because that's not at all what you are!"

I look back up him and give him a shy smile. Jack smiles his eyes tearing up, I feel a sudden increase in G-force as I'm swooped up and gently pressed against a soft and warm material. "Thank you so much." He then holds me up to eye level, and I pat him on the nose. Jack sits me on his shoulder and we sit and gaze at the sky.


I'm not sure whether I kept tabs on how long we were laying there, it seemed like hours, days almost. I look over to Jack who seemed to be midway to drifting off, I scooted further up his chest, finally taking the chance to examine his face a little longer.

He had a lot of scars on his face and neck along with a giant long gash on his cheek that stretch from the bridge of his nose to his lower right jaw. It looked to have happened some years ago, maybe longer, I find it a little bewildering to see him with so many healed over wounds and scars, he's seems very nice, he looks like a very gentle giant, so why would anyone want to hurt or kill him?

I scoot closer to his face and try to reach for his cheek, not quite reaching it. I tried not to disturb my new large friend from his sleep, but all attempts failed as his eyelids slowly spanned open and his pupils fell upon me, I pull back my arm quickly, Jack chuckles at my curiosity. 

"What're ye doin' there?" I blush, embarrassed, "Nothing, haha, I was just looking." I wanted to know more about him, about his kind, but I don't know if this would be the right time to ask him. But I'm sure he wouldn't mind. 

"Jack, the other giants, are they.. are they like you?" Jack sits up and places me on his palm, "Like me, how?" I hold my hands together and fidget with my thumbs. "Like, are they nice? Do they like humans like you?" I look up at the giant. He scratches the back of his neck and adverts his eyes to the side as if not wanting to answer the question. I tilt my head waiting patiently and curiously waiting. 

"No... giants like us usually hate and eat humans, all of them do, actually.." My head lowers a little, so they are like in the folklore. I think about how different things could have ended had I not happen to come across Jack, I really could have gotten eaten back there, I shudder, chills went down my spine, I shake off the feeling and follow up the question. 

"Did you? You know, eat humans?" Jack gulps hard and nods, "I regret it. I tried it, out of curiosity. A wee little girl, lost one, she kept begging and crying.. I didn't listen and- I-...." Jack looks me in the eyes and tears up, ashamed and too scared to finish his sentence, I hold his thumb, trying my best to comfort him. "I'm ok.. it's just, I wish I wouldn't have done it." I shook my head, reassuring him. "You didn't, your curiosity got the best of you, if it makes you feel any better?" Jack slowly nods, wiping his eyes with his free hand and sniffles, I rub his nose and comfort him a little longer.


I wake up to find myself down under Jack's hand. It's warm and soft, and despite the weight that's on me I can tell he's being as gentle as he can as not to crush me. I close my eyes and focus on the sounds around me, Jack's quiet and deep breathing, his slow, soft, rhythmic heartbeat. It sound like everything was in tune with each other in synchronous harmony. 

I could stay here if I wanted to, but I was starting to get hungry and had to get something to eat, both of us. I yawn and look down at Jack's hand lightly grab onto his finger and push with all my strength, careful not to wake the sleeping giant from his restful slumber. I turn around on my stomach as I grab a handful of his shirt my hands and pull myself out slowly, until I'm finally out and sprawled out on my back, panting. 

I eventually stand up and stretch and look around, I have granola bars but it's not nearly enough to hold me, let alone Jack. I can try fishing, I don't have a fishing rod or bait, but I can think of something. I turn around and walk further up Jack's stomach and up to his chest and smile as I look at him sleeping peacefully, snoring softly. I turn around start to climb down his side, still trying not to wake him up, I land on ground and peek over my shoulder to Jack, "I'll be back, it's just be a few minutes, I promise." I pat his finger and walk off.


Jack's POV

I woke up, stretching my arms and popping my bones. I slowly opened my eyelids and yawned. I checked under my hand to see if I had accidentally shaken the little Y/N, but my hand feels empty, that's not right, is it? 

I quickly sit up and look down at my hand, empty, then I look around the area. No sign of her. I quickly shook myself awake and started to shout her name. "Y/n?.. Y/N?! WHERE ARE YE?!" Immediately, bad thoughts swirled in my head as to what happened to her? What if she was hurt? Did she tell the others about me? Did she run away? Was she captured?! 

I shot and started looking for her. I looked in the tree caps. I looked behind the bushes. Behind me, down, up, left right. I looked behind the trees. Inside the bushes and ferns. Near the river and flower beds. Behind boulders and under rocks. Every time I was done with that I looked around me once more, twice even, three times, and I kept looking until I heard rustling in the bushes off to the side.


Your POV

Man, fishing without a fishing rod makes things more of a hassle than I'd bargain for. I just had collected some berries that should be enough to last us a few weeks equally, the fish put up quite a fight, but it'll be enough to at least two weeks and a half. I got the giant bag of fish and berries and followed the trail of marked trees to lead me back to the clearing, I hope Jack likes meat, if he doesn't then more for me I guess. 

I'm near the clearing and trudge through the bushes hauling about a hundred pounds worth of food, I get back into it as I force myself the rest of the way through the bushes. As soon as I'm in the clearing, a voice booms behind me, scaring me

 "Y/N!" footsteps bang behind me as I turn and quickly surrounded by a familiar warm cloth. "I was so worried 'bout ye Y/n! I thought ye left me, or got hurt!" He pulls me away from his chest and lifted me to his face, full concern, 

"Don't leave like that again, ok? Ye scared me there!" I smile reassuringly, "I'm fine, Jack. I just went off to get us some food." I say as I turn and point to the two large bags of food that were on the ground. Jack darts his eyes over to the food and sets me on the ground, "I just got some berries and fish. It's not much, but It's all I could get for us." I drag over the bags and Jack's eyes lighten up, "Fish? I LOVE FISH!" His voice shook the air around us and I giggle and open the bag and give him his share of food. I grab some berries from the other bag and we start eating. 

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