Part 12

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Most important chapter of the story

Happy Reading ♥️

Gadodias were looking at Swara with guilt. Swara was weeping quietly standing with Sanskar with his arms around her. Tears were not stopping to flow from her eyes. The situation was too overwhelming for her. She was proved innocent today. Proved? In front of whom? Yes her own so called family because her current family never doubted on her. She couldnt believe that her mother so blinded in love of Shekhar Gadodia that the woman who fought with the society and brought her up abandoned her in the name of society now. Was she really ready to forgive everyone and forget everything?

"Swara beta...." Sharmishtha moved towards her to touch her but before that only Swara turned and hid her face in Sanskar's chest sobbing. She didnt wanted her to touch her.

"Beta please listen to me." Sharmishtha tried talking.

"STAY AWAY FROM HER." A voice interrupted her.

"Maa" Sharmishtha whispered.

"Maa when did you come?" Sharmishtha asked as she saw Dida entering with Zoya.

"Don't call me maa. I am ashamed of you today. " Dida shouted.

Sanskar caressed Swara's back calming her down and she turned to face Shomi with a stern look

" I never thought that you will be so blind in his love that you will forget to differentiate between Right and wrong. You didn't trusted your own upbringing? How can you do this to me Mrs. Sharmishtha Gadodia?" Swara shouted.

"Swara this not the way to talk to your mother." Shekhar said.

"She is not my mother. You know who a mother is?" Swara said and moved towards Sujata.

"She is my mother in true senses. She didn't questioned me ever about my decision and believed in me unlike you all." Swara said.

"Please forgive me beta. I know I did a big mistake." Sharmishtha apologised crying.

"Yes Swara please forgive your Maa and Baba." Shekhar said

"Baba? Oh please you proved that you are only Ragini's baba. You proved that it was my biggest mistake to let her marry you. Dida was never in favour of this marriage but I didn't listen to her just for your both happiness but in turn you both ruined me only." Swara said.

"You both are only Ragini's maa and baba so congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Gadodia your sweet innocent daughter is pregnant out of the wedlock with her ex-Brother-in-Law's child who will be her husband tomorrow. You should be proud of her. She has lightened up your name in the society." Swara taunted while Ragini glared her with red nose.

"I cant forget what you all did with me. So please don't expect any forgiveness." Swara said in a no nonsense tone.

"You heard her. So lets just leave it here for today. Enough of the drama." Durgaprasad said.

"No Papa today is a big day. There is much more left." Adarsh said entering with a guy dressed in police uniform. Adarsh's eyes appeared to be red as if he had cried alot. Parineeta looked at him with worry.

"What is it Adarsh? And why is police here?" Durgaprasad asked.

"Papa he is my friend Inspector Neil and he has been investing Sanskar's accident." Adarsh said.

"Investing accident? Was it...?

" Yes a planned one Chacha ji. "Adarsh replied.
Sanskar was standing there with a blank expression holding Swara's hands. What the hell was going on?

" Asad" Adarsh called and there he entered with none other than Miss Kavita Sengupta herself who didn't wasn't much in a good condition. She appeared weak wearing ill fitted clothes. Dark circles could be seen around her eyes.

She looked at Sanskar with happiness but Sanskar had cold expressions.

Swara loosened her hold on his hand and he turned to look at her in shock but soon turned into anger. Now he understood everything. Why Swara was persistent on no intimacy. Well, he will handle her later on. First he has to get over with this melodrama.

Kavita came towards him and tried cupping his face but he turned his face away from her and wrapped his hands around Swara's waist startling both Kavita and Swara.

"Hi Kavita. Long time no see." Sanskar said plainly making everyone shocked. None of the elders saw Kavita ever. Only the youngsters of the house had seen her photos 5 years ago.

"Sanskar you are alive? I am so happy to see you. We couldn't be one unfortunately 5 years back but now we will reunite. Start afresh." She said and a lone tear escaped from Swara's eyes. Sanskar tightened his grip on her waist to the extent that it started to hurt her but she kept mum. She was not in the condition to react.

" Start afresh? Sorry Kavita but you are late and I cannot be more thankful to God for this." He replied with a tight smile. Everyone were looking at him with confusion.

"What? Didn't she tell you who did my accident 5 years ago?" He asked looking at Swara.

"She did but she never told that she was involved in it too." Swara said shockingly.

"I dont know whether she was involved in the accident or not but she was involved with my murderer." Sanskar said.

"Let me tell you all what happened that day but first... " Sanskar said and moved to bring a chair and kept it where Zoya was standing with Asad.

"Sit its going to be a long night. Its not good for you to stand for long." He told her making everyone smile. But in turn he glared Swara. (Swara to gayo aaj😝)

"Let me start when I left Maheshwari mansion to marry this Kavita. I tried for months to persuade bade papa for Kavita but he didn't agreed so I decided to leave everything for her. I had already informed her everything the night before. In morning I tried for one last time but when again Badepapa refused, I left with my backpack and car.

I straight went to her apartment but then what do I see there? My supposedly girlfriend is making out with my business partner Mr. Rajat Singhaniya. "Sanskar chuckled telling. Everyone stood in shock. (Shocking day huh?)

" You knew? "Kavita whispered.

" Ofcourse I did and then I was returning home to apologise to Bade papa for being such a foolish and misbehaving with him but I got into accident when suddenly I ran into a truck. People crowded around me. I was half conscious and before closing my eyes I saw Rajat's PA standing and staring at me with an evil smile. There I knew that he was the one behind my accident. " Sanskar stated.

" But that dead body we received? "Sujata questioned.

" No idea whom it was mom but it was definitely not mine. " Sanskar stated.

" I never uttered a word regarding this since I gained my memory because I was doing my own work regarding this. But now I know why I wasn't able to find them because they were with you I suppose. "Sanskar said looking at Asad and he nodded.

He called someone and two people brought Rajat and his PA Akash with their hands tied and tapes on their mouth.

" How did you find them? "Sujata asked Asad.

" It was not him Chachi. It was I and Swara who spotted her on a traffic signal selling stationary items on footpath. "Adarsh said. Sanskar was little startled listening to this. He looked at Swara and then at Kavita in confusion.

" When that day I and Adarsh bhaiya were returning from hospital. Bhaiya spotted her and told me who she was. Then we caught her and called Asad bhai. We took her with us and gave her food and clean clothes because her condition was equal to a beggar. That's when she started talking and told that Rajat Singhaniya might have a role in Sanskar's accident. Adarsh bhaiya searched for him with help of Inspector Neil and caught him and his PA. "Swara said.

"After weeks of torture they spilled the truth. Complete truth. "Adarsh told clenching his fists making someone sweat very badly.

" Now spill. "Adarsh said to Rajat smacking his head.

" I... I was jealous of him because in less than an year that he joined Maheshwari Industries, he took it to the top. He was snatching away my contracts so I snatched away his girlfriend. I knew Kavita was a gold digger. So when I got to know that he is considering leaving the house, I told Kavita. Now what's the use to be with a man who has no money left so she came to me. He saw us making out and turned his car towards the house that's when I made his accident occur because if he would have gone back he would have definitely ruined me but this PA of mine spoiled everything. "He said glaring Akash.

" He was in such a bad condition I was sure that he will die even after going to hospital. There were many people surrounding him at that time so we couldn't lift his body but when we came back after some 10 minutes, his body was already gone. I was sure that he will die anyway so I got a burnt body and his ring and id were scattered in his car which we kept in that body so that people will believe that he is dead. But unfortunately these doctors made him fine. Lucky bastard. "Akash spatted and in turn got a punch from Adarsh. 

Kavita bowed her head in front of Sanskar when the reason of her cheating came out.

"When you were involved with Rajat then how come you were on footpath that day?" Swara asked.

"He just trapped me to break Sanskar. He used my body and then threw me out of his life. I was not much qualified because I thought I will play in Sanskar's pool of money but then I got punishment from God for my deeds." Kavita said as tears spilled from her eyes.

"And you thought you can again get back with me and play with my money." Sanskar taunted.

"I thought you still love me." Kavita said.

"Maybe I never loved you. What I felt for you and what I feel for Swara are two entirely different things." Sanskar said. Swara looked at him with teary eyes. How could she doubt this man? 

"Hmm.. Inspector you have the self confession. Take Rajat and Akash and make sure they never come out from jail." Durgaprasad said

"Wait I have proofs of his some illegal works as well. I could'nt find him these days but I collected proofs against him to take him down." Sanskar said handing Neil the pendrive which had all the proofs.

"Wait Sanskar. Its not all over. He had a partner in crime as well that too from our family." Adarsh said dropping a bomb on everyone. Even Swara also didnt know about this. Only Asad and Adarsh knew. 

"Who?" Durgaprasad asked. Adarsh  hesitated and tears spilled from his eyes. Parineeta squeezed his shoulder

"Adarsh WHO?" Durgaprasad roared.

"Annapurna Maheshwari." Rajat said from behind smirking evilly.

Annapurna stood numb.

"I told you If I will go down I will take you with me as well. Afterall killing him was your idea. I just wanted to snatch Kavita from him. And dont say that I am lieing I have already given them all our call recordings and texts screenshots." Rajat said.

"Annapurna is this true?" Durgaprasad asked angrily. She stayed silent.

"Tell jiji. You tried to kill my Sanskar? That Sanskar who used to worship you? Why jiji Why?" Sujata asked.

"Yes Yes Yes.. What all she said is all right." Annapurna screamed.

"Maa" Laksh for the first time whispered not believing what he heard.

"So what would have I done. From starting I heard only Sanskar Sanskar Sanskar.. What about my Laksh? Adarsh is eldest that is why he is not in question but SanLak are of same age. My laksh never got his due respect and place in the company and family due to this boy. It was injustice." Annapurna yelled.

"Dont hide Laksh's careless attitude with Sanskar's importance. Laksh was never interested in business." Durgaprasad said.

" So what? It was your duty to give him his due. Not giving his place to someone else." Annapurna said. Sanskar was deeply hurt by his badi maa. He never thought she has so much venom inside her for him. Swara held his hand tightly in support.

"It is the result of your love and pampering that Laksh is here in this way today. Cheating and making girls pregnant Annapurna. Dont blame your doings on me." Durgaprasad said.

"I never knew you hate me this much Badi Maa that you will go to extent to try to kill me. If you had said just once I would have given my everything to laksh." Sanskar said.

"Bolne aur karne mei bahut antar hota hai Sanskar."

"Aap bol kar to dekhti." Sanskar said. Annapurna turned her face away from him. She didnt had an ounce of guilt.

"Inspector take her away as well." Durgaprasad said making Annpurna shocked.

"Ji you cant do this to me. I did it all for our son. Laksh say something." annapurna shouted as the female constable started to drag her. Laksh turned his face away. He didnt expected his mother to be a murderer.

"We dont have any space for you in the house. Your real house is jail only. Go away." Durgaprasad said.

And with that Sanskar's culprit went to jail. A cab was called and Kavita was sent off to Asad's farmhouse where she was living these days. They decided to handle her later on. It was too much for today.

The Gadodias also left shortly after that and then Adarsh and Sanskar sinked to the ground bursting into tears. Swara and Parineeta hugged their respective partners trying to console them. Everyone was upset. None expected Annapurna to turn out like this. It was already midnight so AsYa and Dida stayed back. All went to their rooms to sleep as tomorrow they have a wedding to attend.

***to be continued***

Precap- Swara manaofying Sanskar

So guys a long chapter and an important one. Let me know your views and hit the vote button.

In case if any confusion then ask. Forgive the mistakes

Until next time

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