Chapter 29

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It took the Volturi leaders three days to muster their forces and lay out a plan. It involved Demetri, of course. Because even though we all knew where the castle was, there was always the possibility that Vladimir and Stefan had moved their army.

And because Demetri was going, so was I. It wasn't a question. It didn't matter if Aro wanted me to, or not. I would go, because there was no way in hell I would sit at home worrying.

I would stay on the sidelines, because three days of fight training was hardly enough to make me able to go up against newborns. Nick would stay with me, his gift wasn't particularly incredible, but his small amount of shielding would prevent anyone from throwing a boulder on me.

Our number outweighed the army, as it was when we left Romania. It could be that there were even more newborns now, but we had a lot of power on our side. I didn't care much for working besides Jane, but if she would help to keep my Demetri safe, I would endure it.

Chelsea would be there. With her husband, Afton, to repel anyone who tried to come near her. Caius, Marcus and the wives would stay in Volterra, protected by others, but Aro would come with us.

I wondered how we would travel to Romania with such a large group, but before I could even begin to ask anyone about it, something changed.

The moment we stepped outside in the middle of the night, Demetri snarled. It actually shocked me.

"They are moving. Fast."

Aro was in front of him before he finished speaking. Behind him was a woman who seemed much too scared to be venturing on such a journey. However, Renata was Aro's personal shield and no matter where he went, she went as well.

"Whereto?" Aro's raspy voice asked. I could not make out whether he was pissed his enemies eluded him, or resigned.

"North. I can find them, but not before they reach the Arctic."

Why would they go there? Where were they heading? Just running away? They had to know Demetri would find them anywhere.

Aro took a few minutes to deliberate, but then he decided: "We will deal with them later. Let us clean up whatever mess they left behind."


What that mess was, we learned as we came close enough to smell it. Chaos.

Because speed was of the issue, we'd abstained from cars or buses or whatever is was they used for an outing – a thought that was ridiculous, but crossed my mind anyway – and ran. We were up front and so we smelled it first.


A whole lot of blood.

I immediately stopped breathing and saw how Demetri did the same. His grasp on my hand became fiercer as we bolted through the forest, straight for the castle.

Aro was right behind us. A few times along the way I had looked at him. His black suit, without the cloak and hood, made him seem so much younger, but the almost translucent skin still seemed too brittle. His speed was almost the same as mine. I knew Demetri held back for my sake and so did some of the others, but the strangest sight I had ever seen must be a running Aro.

As if he heard my thoughts, he looked my way and smirked. Perhaps he liked it, considering he probably didn't get out much.

But now we stood still. The village was just up ahead. Our whole party spread out across the line of the forest that surrounded the castle.

I knew what was happening and it sickened me.

Vladimir and Stefan might have fled, as they had done over a thousand years, but they'd left their army behind. Unleashed.

Was it because we had escaped, with the knowledge? Was this all our fault?

I trembled.

Aro's order was swift. "Destroy the newborns."

There was no longer a need for us to stay covert. The guard fanned out and enclosed the village. Some screams were still heard, made by terrified humans who had yet to be caught. This could not have been going on that long, if they were still alive.

Now that our true enemies were no longer here, Nick joined the others. Demetri pulled me away from the village center, towards the brick house we visited before. He probably followed the mind of the caretaker, which meant the man was still alive.

He was. Cowering in a corner, a torch in his hand that he waved frantically at us.

"Put it down", I ordered, sick to my stomach as to what we might learn from him. I forced my guilt down and commanded: "Tell us what happened after your masters left."

"I went to then, told them what you had learned from me. They sent three of them after you, to kill you. When they failed, my masters ordered me to collect all the strong men and bring them to the castle. They turned all into them."

Anger rose as I digested the poorly uttered words that came out of the mouth of the filthy caretaker.

He continued because he had no choice, but I'd rather not hear any more.

"After three days, when there were no more men, they locked everybody up and ordered me to wait one day and then release them. So I did."

When it became clear that there was no more to tell, Demetri stepped forward and snapped the mans neck. The action was so calm that at first I thought he merely took the mans head in his hands to ask something else. The crack of the bones shattering under his fingers made me gasp. This was exactly the thing I had hoped never to witness. Yet, if his anger resembled mine even a little bit, I could understand why he did it.

This man had been worse than those who had sold their children for peace. Worse even than the newborns who would loose their lives again this night. He had betrayed his entire village, damned everyone. And the sad part was, he probably thought he would be rewarded for it.

Demetri stood with his back towards me. The body of the man, broken at his feet. Outside, a storm raged. The smell of blood was now mixed with fire and growls erupted everywhere as our guard eradicated the newborns. I should help them. Make sure nobody got hurt. Chelsea was out there, and Nick. But I couldn't move.

My eyes were glued to my husbands back. My husband, who just killed a man with his bare hands. Right in front of me. Was I appalled by that? Did my love for him change because of it? I searched my feelings, but everything was all jumbled up inside.

A small noise came from the back of my throat. Not quite a sob and not quite a cry.

Slowly, Demetri turned. The look on his face careful, as if he wasn't sure if I would accuse him. His expression changed when he saw the terror in my eyes. It became apologetic.

"I'm sorry", he said softly, his low voice filled with remorse. "I forgot how new this all is for you. I could not let him live."

Vehemently I shook my head. "I know", my answer came in a rush. "It's just ..." I swirled around, not really seeing anything, but gesturing around me anyway, "This is all my fault."

"No!" He was before me in an instant, carefully lifting my chin, so I could look him in the eye.

"No", he said again, whispering this time.

I half wailed: "If I had erased his memory, he would not have told them we knew about the army."

"Then it is my fault, for I didn't give you that time."

I shook my head, but he took my face in his hands and pressed his forehead against mine. "Please, don't take this guilt, it is not yours."

A strangled sob escaped me, but then I sensed someone running towards the house and we both straightened. I guessed it was a good thing vampires couldn't cry, so there was no evidence of my distress. Whomever it was that was almost upon us, they would not see me this broken.

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