Chapter 35

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We reached the airplane before sunset. Oddly enough, I didn't feel like screaming my head off, this time.

It might have something to do with the way they all kept looking at me. It made me a bit uncomfortable, but also strangely comforted.

Felix flew the plane this time and Demetri never let go of my hand after he put on a new shirt. I sensed he wanted to do a lot more than hold my hand, but that was impossible at the moment. The twins sat across from us and even after having learned they were in fact older than Demetri, it didn't ease my conscious. You don't make out in front of children.

In a way, I felt rather sorry for them. They would always be this. Barely teenagers, never old enough to form a romantic relationship.

Demetri had summarized what had happened in one short sentence. 'Ariadne saved me' was all he'd said. And so we flew home, a little anxious, a little on edge. I couldn't quite believe it was all over now. Something akin to adrenaline kept invading my system.

Every once in a while my head would jerk to the side, if some bird flew past the window some miles away. Or someone moved an inch. Every time that happened, Demetri squeezed my hand, reassuring me he was right there.

I fervently hoped we would have the next hundred years off.

Instead of waiting for a car that would take us home, we used our superhuman speed. Choosing for getting back faster, rather than enjoying the luxury of a ride. No one objected, when I asked if we could run.

We ran straight back to the manor. I wondered if Carlisle had called ahead, letting Aro know what had happened. Probably not. Even though the animosities had lessened somewhat, I doubted if either party would willingly speak to the other.

Aro would want to know everything. He would take all our hands and read all our minds. Somehow that didn't bother me so much anymore. I knew my powers now, I could control what he would read. And if he would force me somehow to make him, or anyone immune, like I had done with Demetri, he would find out exactly what I could do. I doubted he would risk that.


The five of us moved straight to the room where the ancients were waiting. I wondered if they were truly the eldest in the world now.

My previous suspicions proved correct, when Aro rose from his throne and eagerly took Jane's hands in his, after kissing her fatherly on the forehead. Without a word, but with something of a gleeful frown on his face, he moved over to Alec and then to Felix. I figured their stories weren't very different from one another.

The look Aro gave me, confirmed my earlier thoughts about how awed they all were. Would Aro fear me now? As Demetri once said?

It was our turn next, but this time Aro didn't just hold out his hand. He looked at me, as he asked: "May I?" His hand wavered in front of Demetri and I could hear the soft, surprised murmurings of the others in the room.

"You have to ask him", I answered, still feeling weary.

Demetri thought for a second, but then extended his hand. He too, was taken aback by Aro's consideration.

"Only read what you need to know", I softly added, looking Aro in the eye, right before he took Demetri's hand.

He inhaled, and closed his eyes.

As his expression turned more grim, I wondered what he saw. What had happened to my husband in the time between his capture and the moment I came bursting through the entrance of the cave? Did I want to know? I doubted it. Seeing his arms ripped off was bad enough, I didn't need to know what other horrible things might have happened.

Aro was done quickly, ensuring me he had indeed obeyed my command and only read through the thoughts of the last few days.

When he opened his eyes, creases in the papery skin between his eyes made me wonder what he was thinking. Would he want to know my story? Or had he seen enough? There wasn't really anything I could add to make the story more complete.

His clouded eyes bore into mine and I could see the struggle behind them. To ask me for my thoughts, or to indulge me. Keeping on my good side. Did it frighten him how I controlled his age old enemies? How I kept them from moving and screaming as they were slowly torn limb from limb?

After what had seemed like an eternity, he leaned back, a smile reappearing on his face. "It seems we owe you a great debt of gratitude", he spoke with a raspy voice.

He returned to his throne and sat down, his features a perfect mask of ease.

"Our dear friends would not have returned if Ariadne had not been there. And our enemies would have eluded us once again. Thank you, child."

I nodded, all the while wishing we were done. I didn't need a reward, I didn't want them all to congratulate me, I just wanted to submerge myself in the bathtub. For a week.

"Can we go?" I managed to whisper, making Demetri pull me close.

Aro nodded. This time his smile was genuine. "Go, you have earned your peace."


We had to walk slowly. The sun shone bright above us and many people enjoyed the last days of heat before the fall would bring the rain.

Once we were in the house, Demetri turned to me and lifted my chin.

"Are you alright?" His eyes showed concern.

I thought about what Alice had said. That I would be alright and sighed. "I will be. I just ... need some time, I guess."

"What can I do?"

His movements were careful, as if he feared I would fall apart again. I thought for a moment about what I wanted. Did I want him to worry? To handle me with care? Or did I want him to act like nothing had happened? Like he hadn't almost lost his life? Like he hadn't been ripped apart and put back together again?

Tentatively I touched his shoulder, as if I could feel a tear through the fabric of his shirt. He slowly pulled it over his head and allowed me to examine the skin. There was absolutely no sign of any damage. My fingers caressed his shoulder, until he grabbed my hand. When I looked him in the eyes, I saw desperation burn and a small sound escaped me.

We were in the bedroom in less then a second, haste made us negligent and pieces of clothing soon covered the floor. My hands roamed every part of his body, as if I needed reassurance that he was entirely here. In turn he did his utmost to make me forget these past days.

The room turned dark and then light again as the sun announced a new day. With it finally came a little bit of the peace I so desperately needed.

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