First Day!!

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(Gotta say before anything else happens, the art isn't mine. So whoever made the art I'm gonna show on here, You got skills X3. Also, I use a ton of emoji's, just to give out the dorky feel is all) (F,m) = Fav movie (I/h) = Initials here

Your POV:

      After a long summer out in another state, it'd be kinda nice to see how my old friends look now. Walking down to what is now called 'Hi Skool' is kinda ok since I've always taken the shortcut through the park, seeing the leaves are still green & hearing all the birds still in their nest. When I get to the school, I kinda didn't recognize Dib, he grew into his head & 5 inches taller, changed his style only a little since he's still into the paranormal stuff, but he wears earrings now, his old t-shirt is a crop top over a long sleeve black shirt which is tucked into his black pants, being held up with a turquoise belt.

Gotta admit he looked really cool! I walked upright behind him & hug him, making Dib shutter slightly "ACK, w-what the... (Y/n)?!" Dib's voice also got a bit deeper, he looked down at you smiling slightly. "Yup Dibster!" He picks me up, spinning in circles & we laugh. "Wow, I can't believe you've grown into your head while I was away." Dib blushes a bit, setting you down gently & rubs the back of his head. "Y-yeah, I really did." Suddenly I look over & see some guy on a skateboard on the hill near the school, he has a light pink & white jock type jacket on with a 'Z' on the left side & 2 zeros on the right arm above an Irken symbol, his hair was slick back kinda like a cowlick, he wore a light purple shirt with the earth in the middle, has on black skinny jeans with light pink Levis, black gloves & has a PAC?!

"ZIM?!" I look shocked a bit & as he rolled over towards me & Dib, seeing him closer he still had his green skin & dark purplish gray eyes I adore (wait what?! XP), he got taller too, making me feel like a just sprouting sapling among grown oak trees (weird expression but go with it!). 

"Hello (Y/n)~, Dib stink..." Zim stops & has one foot on the board & the other on the ground. "When did you learn how to skateboard?!" I had a bunch more questions but this one caught my eye first. "Eh, needed something else to do while I was bored." "You even speak in the first person now?!? Am I on another planet?!?" I slightly freak out from how much I missed. "Very funny (Y/n), but you ok?" Zim slightly pats my back trying to calm me down. Sighing & nodding a bit, I hold the straps of my backpack "I-I just missed so much while I was away..." Feeling gloved, still, 3 fingered hand, lightly hold my chin up, looking at his smirk got my face red slightly. His fake eye contacts looked more real, still having the pupils a dark purple like grey & I just can't help but keep looking into his eyes.

"It'll be fine (Y/n)-human, just basically like old times, but we're a little older," Zim says in a soothing like tone, still retaining a bit of his cocky ego but I felt better. Smiling softly, I nod "Ok, if you say so..." my eyes trail off to look at the sign & snickered slightly "But even we 3 know they just added 'Hi' to the old sign, lazy fucks." with that snarky remark, all 3 of us laugh like the good times when I got Dib & Zim to hang out more & get to know each other better, sure they stopped their constant fighting & nearly destroying the entire city, but they do still do verbal fighting (improvement tbh ¯\_( -3- )_/¯). "Y-yeah heh, well we better go in before the bell rings..." Dib stops with a slight chuckle & both I & Zim nods a bit.

Holding both their hands, I run towards the door giggling like a little kid since at least I have both my friends with me. Though I didn't see behind me, 2 friends were 'slightly' blushing madly & try to catch their footsteps to match mine so they don't trip. Getting our new schedules, we basically had the same exact fucking creepy class that we did when the 'Hi Skool' was just 'Skool', DOOMOLOGY WITH MS. BITTERS, yeah it was in big letters just like that, everything was basically like the same thing like Zim said. I looked at Zim & playfully nudged his arm "Guess this makes you some kinda psychic, Zimmy~" I teased a bit 'cause I knew Zim would make a pouty face whenever I called him that (It's cuuuute, wait why am I being so doofy?! O3O) but instead, he had a light blueish hue on his cheeks & scratches the back of his head below his wig.

"H-ehhh well, I-I guess I am this 'psycho' person you speak of..." His voice kinda sounded embarrassed & flattered at the same time, I smiled a bit & giggled slightly "It's 'psychic', not 'psycho', Zimmy~" (course after I said that, I made this face => (・ω<)☆) Zims face got a bit brighter blue & his eyes widen a bit. "O-Oh, right heheheehahahah...hah..." He kinda laughed awkwardly, but I still like how he tries to be cool about it. "Anyway, let's head to class." I nudge both of them & Zim follows behind me, coming out of this kinda spaced out gaze.

Dib POV:

Zim kinda acted more normal but still retained the ego, even after his so-called "Mighty Tallest" were a bunch of asses to him & only wanted him to get them snacks from Earth... But still, he kinda grew on me in ways I didn't know I had till we both met (Y/n). She kinda helped me out of certain "studies" of paranormal creatures & had me see that not all creatures want to destroy Earth (we already do it ourselves technically). She would have Zim & me hang out with her, it's usually funny how he'd react to certain movies she'd put on.... especially, repeatedly watching (F,m), her & Zim know every move & the lines, even when we weren't with her I see her watching it on repeat on the cameras I placed around her house when she wasn't looking (HEY, It's not a crime to make sure your friends doing alright without her knowing!! -3-). She showed Zim how certain things on Earth are worth keeping alive & protected, even told him it's ok to have bad things in the world.

I still remember how she sounded when she said them...


"Zim, even though there may be days that are bad & days that are good, the good & bad need each other to balance this crazy world we live in, the same even beyond the stars, heck maybe even farther than that!" A young (Y/n) says smiling while standing on the dull grassy hill on the playground. Zim slightly looking up, a bit of bruise from some of the bullies that were beating him up earlier, smiling softly at this strange yet interesting human girl. (Y/n) sits down by Zim with her handkerchief with '(I/h)' on the bottom right-hand corner, gently drying his tears & cleaning dust from the pavement off his face. All this happening while Dib watches in the back, regretting wanting to throw a water balloon at Zim, therefore losing a kinda friendship between him & (Y/n).


Still Dib's POV (:P) :

She made me slightly see what she sees in Zim that day, he was still slightly scared & confused about how to concur a planet, & he hid it in this kinda overly cocky confidence so people don't see how much pressure it is. Damn.... *bell rings* SHIT I'M LATE, STUPID TRAIN OF THOUGHT!! I hurry to class & yeaaaaah I'm late. Ms. Bitters still looks the same, boney snake-like & completely wrinkly in the face with a fully black dress with buttons all closed up to where her neck should be, & still having a hunched back like Dr. Doofenshmirtz in an old past cartoon (Y/n) found online.

"Hey Dibster, just like old times! X3" (Y/n) says in a slightly teasing tone & the other kids start laughing like crazy. "SILENCE YOU PARASITES!" Ms. Bitters shouted & slammed a ruler on the desk & everyone sat up in their seats while I took mine, luckily (Y/n) saved me a seat on her left side while Zim's on her right. Then it all went like how it'd usually be, DOOM DOOM DOOM & guess what, MORE DOOOOOOOM......

Zim POV:

Eck, I only really ever started going back to this fiiilthy pile of rubble called a 'skool', is because of (Y/n). Ever since she came to the skool, every day has been actually worth going there, just to see what she'd do & how she'd act. Sure certain hoomans here are FILTHY PIGS, but she was different, saw something that I've wanted the tallest to see since I first got switched from Massive Engineer to Invader, that I'm worth getting praised for what I do!

I've told some of my experiences with (Y/n) to the Tallest, they seemed only intrigued with her than with me. Really, they make me a bit... I don't know how to explain, but I feel I wanna block them from ever wanting to go near her, I found & befriended her first!! (Though, more like she found & befriended me, but same difference) They did say that they technically banished me to Earth the first time, but after hearing my days & experiences with (Y/n), They tell me that they'll come to Earth only to see her themselves.....

Nowadays I ignore their calls & hack The Massive so they don't stray anywhere near Earth's path. I really don't mind Dib nowadays, but he's still a nosey fuck when me, him, & (Y/n) go over to my base. He's been in my lab & placed cameras everywhere, that Harry potter wanna be looking ass better wingardium leviosa his giant, has its own gravitational pull head ass out of my private business. But he'll be the same Dib-stick I despise, though I act nice towards him since (Y/n) personally asked us to be nice to each other.

*Bell rings*

No one's POV:

All three friends along with their classmates head straight out the door, going straight towards the cafeteria. There was only one chance, the food actually tasted like real food!!!! A ton of kids already finish their trays & stacked them on the tray collector near the back doors, AKA the exit to the playground. So the 3 friends did what they usually did when they started hanging out with each other, lay on the hilltop & see what their imaginations make with the clouds.

(Heya, it's author-chan, & I hope you like this being as it may is my first time writing a Zim x reader, koi wuv y'all, comment & do whatever to spread the love X3. Also, the photo for Zim is kinda hiding from me & it's pissing me off -3-)

(Update: Found photo of Zim thanks to an invader Zim x reader by @Undaunted_Yandere :3)

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