Friends of the Couple

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Hey guys

Hope you like the last chapter

The above video is a Rucas edit with the song 'Too young'



Lucas and Auggie spend some quality brother binding time together.


Lucas and Riley were told to go out on a date because Zay wanted to interview their friends in private.

Zay started off the interview with Farkle and Maya as they were the Best Man and Maid of Honour respectively.

Zay says, "So now we have the Best Man, Farkle and the Maid of Honour, Maya here to talk about the beloved engaged couple. So, let's start with you two telling us about Lucas and Riley's initial days as friends."

Maya replies, "Well at first, they could barely talk to each other and then slowly they were about to talk but only on their cell phones. I tried to make Riley go over to talk to that Huckleberry, but she literally smelled him and came back."

Farkle adds, "After that Hambone gave us the assignment to go to the library and that's where they both sat together all night and talked. Lucas told her about his life back in Texas and Riley just sat there listening to him talk. They both really connected that night."

Maya says, "You remember that Romeo and Juliet play that you ruined. Afterwards they tried a do over when Lucas was like 'My moment will be my moment' and Riley was all smiley and giggly after that."

Farkle adds, "The whole situation with Missy Bradford was also fun when Riley tried to the boop. I still can't believe she was flirting with Lucas and that idiot didn't even get it."

Maya says, "That idiot also never asked Riley to the semi formal in eighth grade. Then Charlie Gardner came into the picture and kept getting under Huckleberry's skin."

Zay adds, "Remember the car wash when Riley poured the whole bucket of soapy water on Lucas and asked him if he was worth it. The water fight you all had that day was really fun to watch."

Farkle says, "Oh and the time Riley was getting bullied and we tried to tell Lucas after tying him up with towels in the bakery. He literally ripped out part of the shelf and entered Riley's bedroom."

Maya adds, "Riles and I had kept a lot of things there to keep him out, but it was completely useless. Ranger Rick got in anyway and he was pretty mad too."

Zay says, "Remember during the whole triangle business, Riley had pretended to be Jexica but Lucas figured it out."

Farkle adds, "Yeah and when they finally got together Lucas gave Riley a jellybean."

Maya says, "Remember when Riley and I accidentally signed him up for bull riding"

Zay chuckles and adds, "Yeah, he was terrified, but he rode the bull and made a record. All because Riley said that she believed in him."

Farkle says, "Even when you had unexpectedly shown up, Lucas was so worried about what Riley thought of him. Lucas never wanted Riley to see him as a violent person."

Zay comments, "Riley has changed Lucas for the better just like Lucas helped Riley get the confidence to be herself no matter what"

Maya says, "I can't believe they've become the kind of couple that finishes each other's sentences. It's sickeningly sweet to watch."

Just then Zay notices Smackle enter the room and calls out to her, "Hey Smackle come here and join the party"

Smackle comes in front of the camera and asks, "Hey Zay, so what questions do you have for me?"

Zay says, "Well I want to know what you think of Lucas and Riley as a couple"

Smackle thinks for a moment and replies, "Well I think they're probably the best kind of partners. Like how my beloved has always helped me get over my social awkwardness, they both help each other get over their shortcomings."

Farkle adds, laughing, "I still remember asking Lucas to propose to Riley on my behalf and she wouldn't let him ask without interrupting him again and again by saying yes"

Just then Josh enters the room and says, "Hey there guys"

Maya replies, "Boing"

Josh sits beside Maya and side hugs her while Zay asks, "Josh, now it's your turn to answer some questions"

Josh replies, "Alright hit me"

Zay says, "Tell us about the first interaction you had with Lucas"

Josh replies, "Well technically, I was there the day Riley went on her first date with the cowboy. Cory tried to get me on his side by asking me to tell Riley that she was too young to go out on a date, but I was actually glad to hear that she finally had a date. I had heard some good things about Lucas from Auggie, so I was not very concerned about them. The first time I got mad at him was when I heard about him going out with Maya after they got back from Texas. I was going to confront him, but Auggie sat me down and told me that it was Riley doing everything without really asking Lucas what he wanted. I was unable to understand how the little guy was still on the cowboy's side, so we talked some more, and I understood that Auggie was quite observant. Heck, he even knew about me and Maya before we told anyone."

Farkle asks, "What did Auggie tell you that you never confronted Lucas?"

Josh replies, "Auggie explained the whole situation about how Riley made him her brother and when he warned Lucas about him being Riley's only brother. Honestly, no guy would take the warning of a little boy seriously unless they were serious about the girl. Lucas was warned not to hurt Riley and he always tried his best to make sure that he never hurt her, even if he was hurting himself in the process. Auggie knew about the triangle and had a conversation with him about that also when he understood the depth of the cowboy's feelings for his older sister. That's why he always takes his side, no matter what. When I heard all that, my respect for that crazy boy grew. Lucas really loved my niece and that's what scares my brother the most."

Smackle asks, "What does Matthews think of their relationship now?"

Josh replies, "Well Cory is still afraid of his little girl growing up too fast, but he knows that he couldn't possibly find a better man than Lucas for Riley. Sometimes when I see them together, it feels like I'm seeing the young Cory and Topanga. Just like how Topanga broke up with Cory for some stupid reasons, Riley did the same. The only difference is that the one time Cory didn't fight for them, he chose to start drinking with Shawn to cope with his pain, whereas Lucas chose to hide his pain so that he doesn't hurt the people around him. Lucas and Riley seem to be more sure of their relationship while Topanga had doubts because of which she broke up with Cory more than once."

Farkle asks, "So what did you say to Freakface in the ski lodge?"

Josh replies, "Well first I tried to get him to tell me who he chose but he refused. Then he asked me what it meant if Riley spent the whole night talking to some other guy. I felt like teasing him, so I said that maybe she wasn't interested in him anymore and the boy went pale. I was actually surprised to hear him sounding so scared and insecure, especially considering the things I had heard about him. Then that kid Evan showed up and told us about what they talked about which got Lucas all worked up. After that we all played the game and Lucas went out saying that he wanted to kick a tree."

Zay says, "Oh yeah, I remember when I went after him to save the tree. He didn't kick any trees that day, but he surprisingly didn't hide his feelings either. We talked for a bit and I understood that he had made his decision, but I didn't exactly know what it was. I'm just glad that the triangle finally ended that day."

Farkle adds, "Yeah, I remember when we had a boy's night after that and Lucas finally opened up to us. I hate the fact that we couldn't understand his feelings during the whole mess. Riley's insecurity because of the things our classmates said started the whole mess and then we idiots never really understood our friend."

Josh asks, "What do you mean?"

Farkle replies, "When we all came to know about how Lucas was like in Texas from Zay, we all started seeing him differently. We forgot that Lucas was actively trying to improve and made assumptions based on his past. Texas Lucas might have chosen a girl like Maya as his girlfriend, but we forgot that Lucas had already started to change since he met Riley on his first day. New York Lucas couldn't survive without Riley, but we all forgot that."

Zay adds, "I really feel bad about hurting Lucas, even if it was not intentional. I mean I call myself his best friend, but I never understood that he wasn't the same Lucas that I knew back in Texas."

Smackle says, "I still remember him making that portrait of Riley during art class. I forced him to show me his book and I saw that he used to make them quite often. He literally had a separate book filled with many drawings of Riley. While he was showing me Farkle and Zay showed up unexpectedly, so Lucas had to tell them too."

Maya chuckles and replies, "I remember when Riley used to do the same thing back in seventh grade. We were supposed to draw Farkle once, but she still drew Lucas."

Zay asks, "Did Lucas ever show those portraits to Riley?"

Farkle replies, "Riley was having doubts about Lucas and her relationship, courtesy of our classmates. Lucas took her home to talk and prove that he always wanted to choose her, but the situation was too complicated for him to actually say it. He told me that he showed Riley the drawings along with the dates so that she would never doubt him ever again."

Maya says, "Riley never told me about this either"

Josh replies, "Maya, I understand that you feel that you should know everything about Riley because she's your best friend. But you have got to understand that Riley is in a serious relationship right now and there are some things that a couple likes to keep to themselves."

Maya retorts, "But Lucas told Farkle about it, then why didn't Riley tell me?"

Farkle replies, "That was only because Lucas needed me to let him talk to Riley alone. I was planning to try to talk to her, but Lucas wanted to handle it himself. In fact, he wasn't going to tell me anything, but I forced it out of him. Besides it's not like you even knew about the drawings so maybe that's why Riley didn't tell you because it was something personal about Lucas. The rest of us found out about it accidentally."

Just then Lucas and Riley arrive and are surprised to find all their friends sitting in the room.

Maya turns to Riley and asks, "Why didn't you tell me about Huckleberry's drawings?"

Riley looks confused so Farkle says, "Maya just found out about the drawings Lucas made of you. We didn't know that you hadn't told her."

Lucas looks at Riley astonished and asks, "You didn't tell your Peaches about it?"

Riley replies, "Lucas, it was something you told me about in confidence. I know it's personal for you and also that you hated the fact that the rest of the gang had found out about it. And Maya to answer your question, it was not for me to tell you. It's something personal for Lucas so it can't be me who tells you about it."

Maya argues, "But you always tell me everything"

Riley replies, "Peaches I know that I almost always tell you everything but, in such matters, you have to understand that if it's not my story to tell then I won't tell you. We have discussed about keeping some relationship related details to ourselves."

Maya stands up angrily and stomps to her bedroom before slamming the door shut.

Everyone looks at each other awkwardly before Josh says, "I'll go talk to her"

With that Josh goes to talk tohis girlfriend.


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