Getting Along

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Hey guys

Hope you all liked the last chapter

The above video is a Rucas edit with the song 'You & I'



Lucas and Riley finalise some songs for their wedding.


It had been a few days since the day when the songs had been finalised for Lucas and Riley's wedding and Maya had been relaxing as per the advice from her doctor when she received a call from Auggie.

She was surprised that Auggie had called her as she picked up the call.

Maya was probably the last person Auggie would call but when she understood what he was up to she understood why he had come to her and not someone else.


Since college was over now and the gang was staying at their homes, so Maya invited Auggie over to her house since her parents weren't going to be home for a few hours.

About twenty minutes later Auggie enters the apartment and they exchange pleasantries.

Just then, Maya asks, "Now, do you mind explaining to me what exactly you plan to do?"

Auggie replies, "I want to make something special for Lucas and Riley for their wedding. Something they would really appreciate and cherish. After seeing your gift, I decided to make them a painting, but the only problem in that plan is that I am not an artist like you."

Maya says, "You know that Riley and Lucas are the sappiest people alive. They are going to love whatever you make because it's the thought that counts for those two."

Auggie replies, "I know that, but I would rather have the painting be worth looking at because I'm sure they'll put it up somewhere in their house"

Maya says, "Ain't that the truth. Now tell me which picture you had in mind to use as a reference for the portrait."

Auggie replies, "I have a picture of them in their early dating days which I wanted to paint. Lucas was giving Riley a piggyback ride in the house because she asked."

Maya says, "Let me see the picture"

Auggie shows her the picture and replies, "I took the picture for them. I'm not sure why they never shared this one because it does look nice."

Maya says, "Well it is a cute picture and I think if you make a painting of this one, they will love it more than all their other wedding gifts"

Auggie replies, "You're probably right and now I think we should start because I don't know how long will it take to actually make this"

Maya nods in agreement and takes Auggie to her art room and helps him to start his project on a canvas kept there.

Maya explains, "Since you're a beginner, we'll be making an outline using a pencil before using the paints to fill in the colour"

She then guides Auggies hands as they successfully draw the picture outlines to make it easier to paint later.

Auggie asks, "Do you also make outlines like this?"

Maya replies, "I've had a lot of practice so now I don't need an outline for my paintings. I just pick up my paints and start filling in the colours."

Auggie says, "You know, I'm still wondering if my drawings will ever get any better"

Maya replies, "To get better, you need to practice regularly. If you want to properly hone your skills, constant practice is very important."

Auggies says, "You know Lucas says the exact same thing for baseball"

Maya replies, "Playing baseball and doing art are both skills, so to improve in either of them the same rules are applicable"

She pauses for a moment and nervously asks, "If you want, I could help you with your drawings?"

Auggie thinks for a moment before nodding and says, "That would be really helpful. It's not like I've actually found my niche, so it would be a good idea to keep exploring with different hobbies. Who knows I might just be an artist at heart like you?"

Maya replies, "Well I'm not sure if you know this but Lucas is also pretty good at art. Smackle mentioned that he made some really nice portraits of your sister. I haven't seen them myself, but according to all of our friends they are really good."

Auggie replies, "Huh... Guess I'll still kind of be like Lucas if I decide to pursue the arts"

Maya asks, "Do you mind if I ask you something?"

Auggie replies, "You can ask me anything, but answering your question is my decision"

Maya ignores the sarcastic comment and says, "Why do you like Lucas so much? I mean you try to act like him and do whatever he says."

Auggie pauses for a moment and replies, "Well, I guess it's kind of because he is the one person in my life that I didn't have to share with you"

Maya looks confused and asks, "What do you mean?"

Auggie sighs deeply and explains, "Well, everyone in my life cares about you and spends more time with you, except for Lucas. Riley always preferred to spend time with her best friend, rather than with her younger brother and my parents also love you as their own kid. I agree that you've had a rather difficult life and everything, but it always feels like you're taking things away from me. That's why I never really liked you. I know that you didn't do it on purpose, but I couldn't help my negative feelings for you. Over time even my Uncle Josh would rather spend time with the girl he likes, or rather loves, than with his little nephew. Lucas is the one person who you don't exactly like, so he didn't spend much time with you unless you were with your other friends as well."

Maya asks, "So you like him because he spends time with you?"

Auggie shakes his head and replies, "I like him because he went out of his way to get to know me better, even though he didn't really have to. I admire him because he knows how to balance his relations properly. He cares about you just like the others, but he never lets me feel abandoned even when he tries to help you. He understands me, even when at times I feel like my own parents don't."

Maya says, "I'm really sorry for making you feel this way. You know I always wanted you to consider me as another older sister just like Riley, but I never really took the time to get to know you."

Auggie shrugs and replies, "It's alright Maya. You expected me to behave like the rest of my family and I expected you to understand me. If we wanted to improve our relationship then we should have tried to talk to each other, instead of making assumptions."

Maya asks, "Your father told you this?"

Auggie shakes his head and replies, "No, it was Lucas actually. No offense but the only reason I started talking to you more is because Lucas made me understand that our non-existent relationship is not just your fault. It's pretty easy to find fault in others rather than owning up to your own mistakes."

Maya says, "Well I guess that Huckleberry deserves a really big thank you for always helping me, without expecting anything in return"

Auggie replies, "I know that you find Riley's support for Lucas over you a bit odd lately, but that was kind of my fault"

Maya asks, "What do you mean?"

Auggie replies, "I kind of told Riley about everything Lucas has been doing behind everyone's backs. I know that Lucas wouldn't even take credit for something he has done, but I wanted Riley to understand the gem of a person that he is. That's why I told her everything and that's why she doesn't blindly support you anymore."

Maya says, "Well they're about to get married now so it's high time that they became each other's support system"

Auggie smiles and replies, "I'm glad you understand"

Maya says, "I should also learn how to lean on Josh, instead of using Riley as a crutch"

Auggie replies, "That would be quite beneficial to both of your relationships"

Maya nods and they work together in silence for some time before Auggie says, "I'm glad that we got a chance to talk like this"

Maya smiles and replies, "Me too. It was long overdue."

Auggie says, "I may not be able to see you as an older sister, but I think we can try to be friends first and then see how to go about things from there"

Maya replies, "I'd like that, but there is something important we should talk about before we start acting all buddy-buddy with each other"

Auggie says, "Sure because clearing things up before going into a new relationship is a very wise thing to do"

Maya asks, "Do you hate me for the whole triangle situation? Like do you blame me for Lucas and Riley's sufferings?"

Auggie takes a deep brother and replies, "I guess this talk is quite important, before we start our friendship. To answer your question, back then yes, I did hate you for creating the misunderstanding between Riley and Lucas. I also blamed you for my sister being hurt and sad all the time and Lucas suffering in silence. But now, I don't hate you."

Maya asks, "What changed?"

Auggie replies, "Well, Lucas and I recently had a chat about it. He explained that the triangle was not just one person's fault but all three of you were responsible. You all had a part to play in that messed up situation, so it was not right to blame you alone. Your confusion, in addition to the lack of communication between Lucas and Riley, plus both of their insecurities all together resulted in that situation. Before also Lucas had tried to explain this to me, but I was too stubborn to actually listen to him and understand what he was trying to tell me."

Maya says, "I'm glad Lucas moved to New York. Our lives wouldn't be as wonderful or eventful without him around."

Auggie jokingly replies, "You and I would still be continuing our cold war, if it wasn't for him"

Maya says, "That's definitely true"

They continue working on the painting with Maya constantly guiding Auggie and after a few hours the painting is finally complete.

Auggie says, "This turned out much better than I expected. Thank you Maya"

Maya replies, "You are most welcome. I can't wait to see their faces when they see this portrait. I'll wait for it to dry properly before I pack it up carefully, so that we can have it delivered safely to the ranch."

Auggie says, "I'll talk to Pappy Joe about hiding it until the day of the wedding"

Just then they hear the door of the apartment being opened so they clear everything up before entering the living room.

Josh, Katy and Shawn are surprised to see the two of them come out of Maya's art room together.

Josh cautiously says, "Hey guys"

Auggie replies, "Hey Uncle Josh"

Shawn asks, "So what are you guys doing here together?"

Maya replies, "Dad, actually Auggie just needed some help with an art project"

Katy says, "But Maya, we told you to relax today"

Maya replies, "Mom, I was relaxing only. You know that art relaxes me more than anything else and I was also bored so it seemed like a good idea."

Auggie adds, "I promise Aunt Katy, I didn't let Maya strain herself too much. She was actually just sitting beside me and simply guiding me with some instructions."

Katy says, "I guess that's okay then"

Josh asks, "Since when do the two of you hang out together?"

Maya replies, "Since today"

Auggie adds, "We had a good heart to heart conversation to clear things up and now we're friends"

Shawn asks, "How on earth did you both decide to become friends?"

Auggie replies, "Lucas mentioned that I should work to improve my relationship with Maya, so that we don't end up hurting Riley or anyone else in the future, even if it is unintentionally"

Josh says, "That makes sense. I'm glad you both worked things out."

Maya replies, "Me too"

Auggie and Maya secretly wink at each other, before Auggie heads home with Josh as it was getting quite late.


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