The Outburst

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Hey guys

Hope you all liked the last chapter

The above video is a friendship edit I found online with the song 'Good Life'



Josh finds out what has really been bothering Maya.


The next day Lucas and Riley left early in the morning to look at some invitations and finalise the order for flowers with the help of a local.

They went to a shop they had found out about online to look at some options.

The couple had decided to post the invitations while they were in New York itself so that people could actually make it to their wedding.

Since both Lucas and Riley had wanted a small intimate wedding, the wedding guests only included their close family and friends, so the guest list was quite small.

They had managed everything quite systematically unlike their parents who were quite surprised that their kids had planned their wedding without any major hiccups.

Lucas and Riley looked at some of the options together before finalising one of the designs.

Riley wrote down the details that needed to be printed while Lucas made the payment from a separate joint account they had made for their future savings.

(This is what the Rucas Wedding Invitation looks like. What do you guys think of this?)

Pappy Joe and the Matthews had insisted on helping them out financially, so they had put money in the joint account despite the couple's protests.

After the invitation cards were finalized, Riley went with Lucas to his dorm room to talk with a family friend of the Friars for finalising the flowers for the wedding.


Pappy Joe's friend's daughter, Linda had offered to help the couple make some arrangements before they all arrived at the ranch.

Linda had always considered Lucas like her own son and was heartbroken when she had heard from Pappy Joe about him being disowned by his own parents.

She was excited to officially meet the girl who had captured the attention of her boy when he never really paid much attention to girls.

Pappy Joe sang praises of the girl who had stolen his grandson's heart and helped change him for the better.

Linda knew that Lucas had brought the girl along with his friends to Texas once but unfortunately, she had not been in town that weekend.

She had been angry with the girl when she had heard how much her actions had hurt Lucas but understood the situation and held no ill will towards Riley after the boy had a chat with her on the subject.

Linda was going to go to some flower shops to find the flowers the couple needed and place an order so that the flowers could be delivered on time.


While on the call, Lucas explained his plan to decorate the ranch for his wedding and Linda made rough estimates of the amount of flowers they would need.

After that Riley explained her idea for her bouquet and Linda noted down all the requirements and went ahead to place the order for all the flowers they would need.

Pappy Joe was also there at the shop with Linda, so he made the advance payment because Lucas insisted on making the final payments himself.

Riley talked to them both about the living arrangements for all the guests so they explained how they would be staying separately at the two neighbouring ranches.

The bridal party would be at the Friar Ranch whereas the groom's family would be at Linda's Ranch.

Lucas and Riley's friends would choose where they would want to stay at night because technically, they were representing both the bride and the groom.

Lucas also talked to Pappy Joe about the things he would need for setting up the altar at the ranch and they both decided to work on it with some help from the boys.

After sorting everything out, Lucas and Riley decided to go to the girls' dorm room so that they could hang out with their friends.


Lucas and Riley had just entered the dorm when Maya says, "About time you two showed up. Where have you been?"

Riley replies, "Sorry Peaches, but we really needed to place the order for the flowers today so that everything is ready on time. We also had to finalise the wedding invitations so that we can send them out as soon as possible."

Maya says, "You finalised the wedding invitations and the flowers without me? I can't believe you Riley. I really thought you would take your Maid of Honour with you for all these things, but you didn't even tell me that you were going to do all this today."

Riley replies, "Maya, I wanted to take Lucas with me because this is our wedding. I know that normally the Bride and her Maid of Honour go around to do all these tasks, but I wanted my Groom to have a say in these decisions because it's his wedding too."

Lucas says, "Look Maya, I'm sorry but I didn't know that you wanted to go with Riley. I promise I'll stay out of the tasks so that you both can do all these tasks your-"

Maya angrily cuts him off, "Oh quit acting like a goody two shoes. Everything was so much better before you came along. Riley and I were best friends but since you've come into her life, she has started hiding things from her Peaches. I hate you Huckleberry."

Lucas is hurt by Maya's words, but he does his best to mask his feelings.

Riley replies in a stern voice, "That's enough, Maya. What is wrong with you? You've been acting really unreasonable since the time Lucas and I have announced our decision to get married this summer. If this is how you're going to act, then I don't want you to be a part of our wedding. And don't you dare blame my fiancé for this. Lucas has absolutely nothing to do with this."

Maya shouts, "Of course he's responsible. He's the one taking my best friend away from me. After you two get married, you will only care about it this stupid Ranger Rick and forget about your best friend who needs you."

Riley argues, "Maya it's not like tha-"

Maya cuts her off, "Don't try to deny it. Last month when I wanted to spend some time with my best friend you just bailed on me to be with Lucas."

Riley replies, "I went to Lucas because he was really sick and none of the guys were there because Farkle was out for a field trip and Zay had that club sleepover. I'm sorry if I felt that my fiancé's health was more important than the sleepover you had planned."

Maya says, "Lucas is not a little kid. He can take care of himself."

Riley replies, "Are you even hearing yourself, Maya? Lucas could barely keep his eyes open and you think he could take care of himself. It was just a sleepover you had planned which could easily be rescheduled but if I had left Lucas that day, I can't even imagine what could have happened to him."

Just then Josh enters and notices Riley and Maya glaring at each other while Lucas was standing in a corner looking at the floor with an emotionless face.

He understood that something had happened with the girls and it was somehow related to Lucas.

Josh says, "Hey guys. Anyone want to tell me what's going on here."

Lucas doesn't even look up while Riley replies, "Nothing really Uncle Josh, it's just that your girlfriend is acting really selfish. I don't even know who she is anymore because the Maya I knew never acted like this."

With that Riley grabs her fiancé's hand and turns towards the door while Lucas is still in a trance like state, not completely aware of his surroundings.

Josh holds up his hand to Riley, turns to Maya and asks, "Maya, will you please tell Riley what's been bothering you now?"

Riley looks confused and stands beside Lucas, squeezing his hand, which brings him back to reality.

Maya says, "I'm really sorry for not telling you before. I wanted to but we both always got caught up doing something or the other and then you decided to get married in a few months, so you ended up being too busy. I wanted to talk to you, but it was so hard and then I started getting angry because I wanted to talk to you about something important, but it felt like you had no time for me-"

Riley cuts her off, "Get to the point Maya"

Maya sighs heavily and says, "I'm pregnant"

There is pin drop silence for a few minutes before Riley asks, "What?"

Josh replies, "Riles, Maya is pregnant. She's been trying to tell you, but she was scared and things kept coming up."

Lucas walks up to Maya to hug her and says, "Congratulations Maya. I'm sure you'll be a wonderful mother."

Maya breaks down in his arms feeling guilty.

This was the same man she had accused of stealing her best friend only a few minutes ago, but still he was the first one to congratulate her and reassure her of her fears.

Riley then walks up to her best friend as Lucas pulls away.

Maya looks at her best friend expectantly so Riley sighs and says, "I'm really happy for you Peaches but I'm still mad at you for hurting Lucas' feelings just because you were unable to talk to me. You even hurt Auggie this weekend when you planned that impromptu spa day and that is not okay with me."

Lucas tries to protest, "Riley"

Riley holds up her hand to him and continues, "I know you'll be a great mother to your baby because like my mom says you are pretty fierce. You'll be the best mother for your baby and we'll all be there for you and the baby. But your hormones are no excuse for hurting the people around you, so you will apologise to Lucas and Auggie."

Maya nods with tears in her eyes and hugs her best friend.

The best friends pull away after some time and Maya turns to Lucas.

Maya says, "Huckleberry, I'm really sorry for all the rude things that I said to you"

Lucas smiles and replies, "It's alright Maya. I understand that you were just afraid to lose your best friend. Just please do something special to make it up to Auggie."

Maya says, "I'll try but you guys have to help me out"

Riley replies, "Of course we will. I don't want my brother to hate my best friend."

Lucas says, "Hate is a very strong word. Auggie just doesn't like her sometimes."

Riley just shrugs while Maya replies, "Whatever it is, I have to apologise to Auggie for being selfish"

Lucas nods and says, "Maya, I know that you wanted to help Riley plan her wedding as her best friend and Maid of Honour but since we haven't been able do that, yet I have a proposition for you"

Maya asks, "What kind of a proposition?"

Lucas replies, "We still have to select the wedding favours for all the guests so you will be helping Riley with that"

Josh asks, "What will you be doing then?"

Lucas smirks and replies, "I will be planning our honeymoon while Maya keeps Riley busy. So Maya, do we have a deal?"

Riley protests, "That's not fair"

Maya ignores the protests and says, "You got yourself a deal Ranger Rick"

Riley whines, "But I wanted to decide where we went for our honeymoon"

Lucas replies, "Riley, I just want to plan a nice surprise for you. I promise that you will like my location choice. Just please let me do this for my future wife."

Lucas pouts and makes a cute expression, causing Riley to groan, "Alright fine"

Lucas immediately pulls Riley in for a hug and says, "Thank you princess"

Riley hugs him back and after some time when they pull away, she replies, "I really hate it when you make that cute, kicked puppy dog face. I can never say no to that."

Lucas smiles and says, "That's exactly why I use it. Besides, even you make those cute faces that I can't bring myself to say no to so now you know how it feels."

Riley giggles while Maya asks, "So if everything is sorted now?"

Lucas replies, "Yup. Thanks again for agreeing Maya"

Maya says, "Hey, what are friends for"

With that all of them start brainstorming for figuringout what could be a good gift for Auggie from Maya.


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