Calm Before The Storm

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What will Simon do next?


The rest of the week went on without any major events.

Farkle continued to keep an eye on Lucas but he hadn't been able to figure out anything new.

He had even had a chat with Riley to try and figure out what was bothering Lucas.

He didn't exactly tell her what he knew and unfortunately for him Riley also seemed clueless.

Riley told him about her conversation with Brenda, the receptionist at the office. Farkle didn't seem surprised to hear that Lucas talked about her often.

When she asked him about it, Farkle replied, "I'm used to it because I've known him for years now. Even in high school, he loved to talk about you. He really loves you, Riley."


Zay didn't tell anyone about his conversation with Simon. He was afraid Lucas would be mad about him talking about him again but Zay couldn't help himself.

He loved to talk about his best friend because he was extremely proud of the progress Lucas had made since he had moved to New York.

At first Zay had resented Riley for the changes in Lucas because he missed the friend he had back in Texas. But he could also see how happy his best friend was so he decided to get to know the girl his buddy Luke loved first.

As he started to get to know Riley, he discovered why Lucas was in love with her.

It was impossible to have any negative feelings towards her because of the kind of person she is.


Riley may have matured over the years but she was still the same girl who believed in Pluto.

Just like how Lucas was still the same boy who would do whatever it takes to protect his friends.

Riley is like a beacon of hope guiding lost souls like Lucas to become the best versions of themselves.

Back in Texas, Lucas often disregarded the rules in order to protect his friends. Now under Riley's influence he had learnt how to stay within the rules and still perform his duties as the protector.


The gang continued their tradition to sit together and complete all their assignments including the essay for debate class.

They didn't sit and discuss ideas for the essay because all of them wanted the essays to be unique in order to impress Simon.

Well most of them because Lucas didn't care whether he impressed Simon or not.


Maya had surprisingly chosen to complete her essay well before the due date.

The others were quite surprised by this because Maya was known for leaving the assignments until the night before submission.

Riley was proud of Maya for being responsible whereas Farkle and Smackle couldn't believe their eyes.

Zay takes the opportunity to tease Maya relentlessly while Lucas remains silent.

Zay's teasing results in a pillow fight which everyone participates in.

After some time they take a break to catch their breaths but unexpectedly burst out laughing.

Lucas tries to maintain a neutral expression but gives in once Riley starts tickling him.

Lucas and Riley end up in a tickle fight which brought a smile to Farkle's face.


The gang chose to stay in the dorms during the weekend to catch up with their assignments.

They all called to check up on their families and apologised for not coming home for the weekend.

The parents all understood and insisted that the kids worry more about their academics rather than their missed weekend trip home.

Riley and Lucas had a separate conversation with Auggie to apologise for not coming home for the weekend.

Auggie was understandably upset but he knew that studies always came first.

Lucas promised to play any game with him to make up for the missed trip which immediately cheered the boy up.


Lucas had a regular weekly chat with Topanga over the phone where he updated her with the latest events regarding their lectures.

He told her about not being comfortable with the private discussion the debate teacher had mentioned. He was extremely worried about something bad happening to Riley because of this.

Topanga tried to reassure Lucas that they would deal with things one day at a time but she was worried herself.

As much as she wanted to warn her children, hearing Lucas sound so worried she knew she couldn't.

If she told Lucas about the incident from her college, Lucas would become even more paranoid than he already was.


Before they knew it the day to submit their essays had arrived.

The gang entered the classroom and submitted their essays first.

Simon promised that he would go through all the essays as soon as possible and get back to them.

The class went on as usual.


Two days later, Simon announced that he had gone through all their essays and he was mildly impressed with the class. He mentioned that the class could do better because most of the essays sounded like they were written by high school students.

Simon adds, "You guys are in college now so your essay writing style needs to change accordingly. The papers that sounded most like college level papers were written by Farkle Minkus, Isadora Smackle, Riley Matthews and Lucas Friar. You four wrote amazing papers and I'm privileged to have such wonderful students taking my class. There are a few things you guys also need to mind so please just stay back after class so we can discuss it properly."

The four friends nod and the class continues as usual.


Simon notices that Lucas was still quite reluctant to join in the class discussion.

After reading his essay he finally understood what Riley meant when she said that Lucas was actually a brilliant student.

He understood everything even though he showed no signs of it in class.

It was a shame really that Lucas was a roadblock in his plans to get Riley.

If that wasn't the case, Simon was sure the boy would have earned his respect with that essay.


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