Getting Ready

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Hey guys

Hope you liked the last chapter 


How will Cory and Topanga react when they hear about the confrontation between Lucas and Simon?


Topanga was surprised to find all the kids at her doorstep.

Lucas says, "Sorry we didn't call ahead but it is a very urgent matter."

Farkle adds, "We've got something to help in the hearing."

Topanga looks confused and asks, "What are you kids talking about?"

Zay replies, "Lucas sort of went to confront Simon and he confessed to everything. I was nearby recording for my channel and I managed to record the whole thing."

Cory comes up to the door and asks, "You got a confession out of him on tape?"

Farkle replies, "Yes"

Topanga asks, "How did you kids pull this off exactly?"

Zay starts explaining everything that happened from when he followed Lucas on his walk.

Lucas then explains his plan to confront Simon knowing that someone would be around so they would hear the conversation. He knew that Simon would want to brag about the incident to him so he decided to use that against the deranged man.

Farkle then proceeds to explain his plan where Zay records any conversation between Lucas and Simon so that they know exactly what happened instead of hearing Zay's exaggerated version of things.

Topanga looks mildly impressed while Cory's jaw drops.

Cory asks, "So let me get this straight, you both made secret plans to handle different situations and they both literally worked out together? And you managed to get Simon to confess to everything he did on tape?"

Maya replies, "Yes Matthews. Keep up old man."

Topanga says, "I'll admit what you kids did was risky but it worked out perfectly. I'm impressed."

Lucas and Farkle reply, "Thank you Topanga"

Topanga asks, "So can I see the video?"

Zay replies, "Yeah sure"

Cory interrupts, "Before we go ahead with this I have to ask. Lucas, what made you think confronting Simon was a good idea?"

Lucas replies, "Last week you mentioned that this case would be difficult because we had no evidence. I figured that I could try to help like this."

Cory says, "Lucas do you even realise what could have happened here? I'm sure he tried to get a rise out of you the entire time. What if he had pushed you to the limit? Lucas, if you had lost your temper and done something you would have ended up getting kicked out of school. You're not children anymore. You're in college now and in the real world things are very different."

Lucas replies, "Cory please relax. Nothing happened. Everything is fine."

Topanga says, "Cory, Lucas is fine. He kept his cool and nothing happened. You're overreacting right now. Lucas is not in trouble like you were."

Cory takes a deep breath while Lucas says, "Wait what?"

Cory replies, "I hit Stuart when I confronted him after he made a move on Topanga. I got suspended for a day and was on academic probation for the rest of the semester."

Lucas looks shocked and asks, "Is that why you had everyone keep an eye on me?"

Cory nods and replies, "I was worried you might have a worse reaction. I hate to point this out but you've got anger issues along with a bad record."

Lucas smiles tightly and says, "I understand and appreciate the concern but it really hurt to know that nobody trusted me to control my temper. But now that I know what Cory had done in the past, I honestly can't blame you guys for being worried. So thank you for being concerned."

Cory smiles and replies, "I'm proud of you Lucas. You've displayed an immense amount of strength by not resorting to violence despite the temptations."

Lucas smiles at the compliment.

Zay sets up his phone to show the confrontation and soon everyone watches the video and can't help but applaud Lucas for keeping his cool during the entire confrontation.

Topanga goes into killer-shark lawyer mode and says, "I can't wait to destroy this psychopath. No one messes with my children and gets away with it."

Cory turns to Riley and says, "Your real test starts from here Riley. Until now it was a test for Lucas and I have to say he passed with flying colours. Now it's your turn to be strong until the end of the hearing. I don't wanna lie to you so trust me when I say that this road will not be easy. You have your friends and us as well to help you get through this. During our hearing Stuart went to the extent of implying that Topanga was the one who came onto him. I believe in you Riley and I know you will get through this."

Riley smiles and hugs her father.

She knew the road ahead was a difficult one but with the support of her loved ones she knew would make it.

Riley was ready to fight for herself.


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