Chapter 27- Unbelievable

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I felt a sea of anxiety deep down and the doctor began clearing his throat ready to reveal the results.

The doctor chewed his pencil as his eyes scanned over the papers. The room was silent besides from the ruffling of the clip board, I licked my lips.

"The results state that you, Andrea Daisy Clark, are indeed pregnant," The doctor darted his eyes in my direction.

My mouth remained an uncharacteristic grim line. Almost robotically my hand raised upwards and clasped over my mouth, my eyes almost as still as some bill board poster.

"Andy, are you okay?" Phoenix asks, concerned.

I swallow and move my mouth slowly but my words come out in a murmur. My stomach shifted uneasily and I noticed that the hands that I'm hugging myself with are pinching into my skin. I released my hands but then I can't figure out what to do with them, so instead they clasp and unclasp each other as if in constant need of touch and reassurance.

I felt painfully out of place, like a pepperoni that had mistakenly made its way onto a vegetarian pizza.

"Which one of you gentleman is this young ladies partner and father of the baby?" The doctor asked in hope to break the awkward silence we all felt.

The guys look at one another before laughing awkwardly. Sebastian rubbed his hands together, unable to stay still whereas Enzo is as rigid as a statue. His eyes are wide with shock while Phoenix crinkled his nose before bowing his head.

The doctor tilted his head and narrowed his eyes in my direction but I was too busy hyperventilating to notice.

"She doesn't know who the father is," Sarah confirmed as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Oh I see," the doctor offered his best forced smile as he raised his brow at each of the guys quizzically.

"We like to share," Enzo grinned sheepishly at the doctor, Phoenix sighed loudly while Sebastian cursed underneath his breath.

"Now it not the time for your arrogance," Jennifer hissed.

"There's always time for my arrogance," he smirked. Sebastian glared at him with bare teeth, he mouthed "shut up" as he rolled his eyes.

The doctor pursed his lips together, ignoring Enzo. His eyes pierced me, the doctors eyes were green but not the kind of shade that's easy to describe. It was almost like they were both green and yellow at the same time, with blue creeping in around the edges as if it were trying to take over.

He didn't need to lecture me on the foolishness of having sex with three different guys because his eyes spoke for him. They were disappointed, disguised that I'd created an unwanted child.

"There are three options," the doctor began. "You could have an abortion which means-"

"-the ending of pregnancy by removing a fetus or embryo before it can survive outside the uterus." Phoenix spluttered before the doctor could finish his sentence. He raised an eyebrow at him deciding on wether he should be impressed or annoyed, Phoenix grinned.

" can't do that!" Enzo's bottom lip jutted out, everyone stared wide eyed at him.

Sarah gasped, "you want to keep the baby?"

Enzo trembled a little as he rubbed his arm up and down. "If it's my baby I want it to have a chance at life," his breathing was shallow and rapid.

"And if it's my kid it deserves love and warmth not an abortion," Sebastian butted in as he clasped his arms behind his body.

"If it's my baby I will not let it be aborted," Phoenix chimed in defensively.

Oh my god!

My lips quirked upwards in a joyous smile. They want to keep my baby, our baby. They aren't going to flee the country and change their names, they care.

I burst into tears and sobbed into my palms, "Jeez what is she crying about?" Sebastian tilted his head.

"I think it's tears of joy," Jennifer guessed as she rubbed my back comfortingly.

"WwguyzrsogeightIdonutdiserveuohfanksIlurvuguis," I whaled into Jennifer's shoulder.

Enzo frowned, "sorry I can't speak French."

"She's hormonal idiot!" Phoenix rolled his eyes, a slight smile playing on his lips.

The doctor chuckled awkwardly, "option two is finding out who the real father is because this situation is very similar to that movie Mamma Mia." He laughed at his own joke, slapping his knee for comical effect.

"No, seriously it must be really unnerving not knowing who the baby daddy is," Sarah sympathised, trying to keep the straightest face she could pull.

"Yeah I agree, totally a bad situation," Jennifer had a smile dancing on her lips, I rolled my eyes.

"Alright aright that's enough," I shooed the girls through the door and turn to face the doctor. "Doc is it okay if I talk to the guys, alone." He nodded and exited the room, closing the door as he did so.

It was just me and the guys like in the apartment. A decision needed to be made, did I want to know who the father was?

For a minute I'm silent and I just stare at them, while raising my eyebrows hoping they'd say something so I didn't have to. But they didn't, I swallow hard.

"Thanks you guys for actually coming, I can't even begin to tell you how grateful I am," I admit in a low voice.

"We wouldn't bail on you that quickly," Sebastian said cheerfully, touching the tip of my nose with his finger, I giggle a little.

The four of us had the kind of friendship that blooms in the center of your heart - that kind of friendship that grows from the seed basking in the warm soil to a vast tree with many ups and downs, many - but not enough to disguise the enormity or the grandeur of such a tree, the sheer brilliance and beauty of it.

"Seriously guys do you want to know who the father is?" I asked bluntly, the guys look at one another.

Phoenix chewed at his bottom lip, "Andy we've decided we don't need to know who the dad is because we will all love it no matter what."

"We all want to help, even Enzo." Sebastian smirked. I grinned while standing up on my tip-toes to ruffle Enzo's hair, we all chuckled softly.

Who needed one father when you could have three?

I'm so sorry for the long wait and the really bad updating pattern but here enjoy these three chapters

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