Chapter 35- Destiny

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- Cast list and authors note coming out soon! -

1 year and 3 months later

"Who knew babies shits stank so much," Enzo pinched his nose and wafted the air around the baby changing station.

I smacked his chest, "don't swear in front of the baby!"

Enzo averted his attention away from the baby and he turned around to face me, an amused smirk playing on his lips. "The baby can't even hear me so it's fine, chill out mom."

Rolling my eyes, I reached forward towards the wipes. "Don't call me mom!"

"Would you prefer mamacita?"

"I'd prefer if you leaved," I replied sharply as I cooed at my precious baby girl, Lily.

Her bright green eyes found mine and she laughed, as only a baby can laugh a sweet sound unblemished by the hurts of life. Her little face glowed from a light within, and her miniature fingers grasped mine, and held tight.

She knew! Somehow it felt like she knew I needed comfort in dealing with Enzo, she knew I needed joy in the midst of my annoyance. I held her to my chest tightly, I would never let this precious bundle go no matter what came I would protect her. Even to the point of death.

"Would you guys please stop arguing around my baby," Sebastian waved at Lily as he ripped open a new bag of nappies.

"Our baby," Enzo hissed and snatched a nappy from the bag and wrapped it around Lily, who I was holding up.

"Tomato tomahto," Sebastian shrugged. "Can I hold her?" He asked kindly, I nodded and gently passed her over to him.

Slowly, he scooped underneath her nappy and pressed her against his chest. Lily blew small bubbles from her little pink mouth as she held onto Sebastian.

There was something about an attractive guy holding a baby that made me weak in the knees. I turned away not wanting to stare at Sebastian for too long.

"Where's my baby girl?" Phoenix popped his head into the room.

"I'm right here daddy," Enzo waved. Phoenix rolled his eyes and gave him the finger, which I wasn't too pleased about him doing around the baby.

Phoenix watched as Sebastian bounced Lily up and down. "She's just so adorable, aren't you adorable?" He whispered as he looked so lovingly at Lily.

"Yes she is," Sebastian replied in a baby voice that was about ten octaves higher than his usual deep voice.

Lily gurgled as the boys smothered her with fuss, "come to daddy." Phoenix opened his hands out, welcoming the baby to his embrace.

Sebastian gently placed Lily onto Phoenix chest, but as soon as the pass was made she burst into tears.

I nibble at my bottom lip, Phoenix tried to hush her which only made her scream louder. "Pass the little princess here," Enzo clicked his fingers together.

Phoenix's pouted as he watched Enzo calm Lily down. Enzo lifted her above his head and spun her around, she giggled and flapped her little chubby arms.

"How did you do that?" Phoenix whined.

"What can I say, the ladies love me."

Phoenix muttered profanities underneath his breath as his fists clenched. I slid my hands over his shoulders, "don't beat yourself up babe."

"I'm fine." His jaw clenched momentarily before he pecked my cheek.

Sebastian chuckled, "everybody knows if you say you're fine you're clearly not."

I glared at Sebastian before quickly changing the subject. "I just need to get Lily dressed and then we can all go to the park."


Entering the park, a slight breeze rustles the leaves making them fall to the solid ground one by one.The air was warm, the beams of sunlight glowing on my skin. Flowers are vast, and they conceal the freshly cut green grass. The pathway is nothing more than dirt littered with random rocks, the children are playing and the parents are talking among each other.

I smiled to myself as I watched Phoenix push Lily on the swing, whilst Sebastian ran along side her.

"They look like a gay couple with their adopted baby," Enzo commented with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes, "only you would say that."

"I'm one of a kind princess," he stated as he shoved his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket.

"Thank God, because I don't know if I could handle more than one of you," I sassed making him narrow his eyes at me.

"Ha, hilarious." Enzo muttered sarcastically as he turned his gaze away from me. "I'll catch up with you guys in a second," with that he left me standing alone.

Where was he going?

Laughter erupted from behind me and I quickly turned on my heels. Standing behind me was Enzo, chatting to a blonde headed lady, I rolled my eyes.


I ran towards the swings giggling as I tickled Lily's little belly, there was something about laughter that was so contagious. Sebastian and Phoenix began laughing as well.

Friends are the family you choose, not to toot my own horn but I think I hit the jackpot with this family.

"She slapped me," Enzo moaned which pulled me out of my thoughts. Our laughter stopped as we all stared at the bulging red hand mark across his face.

No one said anything. Silence. But then out of nowhere Lily began to giggle. Her delightful laughter sliced through the tension that filled the park.

Phoenix bit down on his lip in attempt to hold back his laughter, in fact, we all were. Enzo rolled his eyes.

"I guess it is pretty funny," he shrugged and chuckled as he rubbed Lily's pink cheek with his thumb.

Simultaneously, we all burst into a fit of laughter because life is better when you're laughing.

• The end, I hope you guys enjoyed this book as much as I enjoyed writing it! Please be sure to check out my books 'Male Cast' and 'My 5 brothers'. Thank you for reading! •

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