New girl

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*Abigail's perspective*
* Before Introduction*

          "All my life I've been picked on, and all my life I've only had one friend, but today is my day" I said talking to myself. "She's a new girl and I think that  most of the other girls haven't got to her yet" I said still talking to myself. I started to walk over to the new girl, she was dressed in purple with a cat on her shirt, she spoke first.

      "Hi I'm Jasmine, and you are"?  "I'm Abigail, it's so nice to meet you, do you have any friends yet" I asked. "No you're the first person I've met, and may I say if everyone is like you I'm going to like this school".

         "No everyone is not a loser and a weirdo here so you're going to like this school better". I turned my head and seen May  the ruler of the of the school staring at Jasmine and I. "Hi Abi- fail, oh and who is this, hi I'm May and you are" May said. "Hi I'm Jasmine, I'm the new girl" Jasmine said uncomfortable. "Well it's nice to meet you, now come with me" May said grabbing Jasmines hand. "No I'll stay with my new friend Abigail not Abi- fail Abigail, so bye May-niac" said Jasmine.

May walked away madly, and Jasmine smiled happily as May walked away. "Wow you are awesome, you stood up to May" I said with my mouth wide open. "Hey it's about lunch you want to sit with me and my friend" I asked. "Who's your friend, I mean what's her name"? "Her name is Maria and we've been best friends since preschool" I said. "Ok and thanks for inviting me over" she said. "It's fine the more the merrier" I said trying to not act dorky.

We started to walk over to the table that Maria was sitting at and we sat down." Hey hey Abs, who's this" Maria asked. "Hi I'm Jasmine, I'm the new girl, it's so nice to meet you". "Hi, um Abs can I talk to you alone" asked Maria. "Ya that's fine, um give us a sec Jasmine" I said.

      We walked away from the table and from Jasmine. "What's up" I asked, " well I'm not sure about that new girl are you sure that May didn't get to her yet" she asked. "I'm positive, she stood up for me against May, just give her a chance". "Ok Abs I trust you, but just this once got it" she asked. "Got it thank you so much Maria" I said as we walked back to the table.

To be continued

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