My best friend is a blabber.

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"I have this crush on a boy, but I don't want to tell my bff cause she will spill, but she keeps bugging me to tell her!"

Ok I've been through this. Personal experience. I know.

First: Tell her this. I will NEVER tell. Ever. So don't ask again cause you are wasting your breath. And make a :3 face.

Second: If she keeps bugging you tell her to please stop.

Third: If she keeps bugging, and bugging, then tell her to stop as a demand. Not as a request. As a demand. Tell her no. If she keeps it up then just ignore her. She will eventually tire herself out and give in.

There you go. I'm sorry if this doesn't work. But if you crack and tell her and she blabbs to him and he rejects you then there is someone better for you! If he likes you then great! I am crossing my fingers for you!


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