Chapter 11

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After several days since the city was captured, Houston hadn't received any word or seen Commander Muller and Elijah, despite sending them to reinforce Vice Commander Jefferson. Joey was growing increasingly concerned and wanted to check on their status. Houston decided to assemble a small scouting squad, consisting of three of his best Texan Rangers, four of Muller's Stormtroopers, five of Wesley's Commandos, and two of Elijah's Comanche Indians.

He dispatched this team with the hope that they could report back on the situation within the city. As he watched them depart, all he could do was wait anxiously to hear what had transpired.

Meanwhile, a serene scene unfolded in an open field, where a bunny was leisurely hopping around, enjoying its meal. Just as the bunny finished its meal and was about to move, an arrow suddenly pierced the air and struck the bunny. The shooter was revealed to be a young Native American boy, wearing a World War II standard army uniform.

 The young Native American boy made his way back to the small camp that had been set up by the scouting party for the night, carrying the skinned bunny. The members of the squad were seated around the campfire, engaged in conversation. Leading the group was Texas Ranger Dean Morgan, dressed in an Army Ranger uniform, flanked by two of his men.

One of the Scottish American Commandos broke the silence, questioning the absence of their tanks in this mission, "So lads, do you have any idea why Commander Houston sent us out here without our tanks?"

Dean looked into the fire before responding, "Because it's supposed to be a recon mission. If we bring our tanks here, one of the Federation girls will spot us and take us out."

A German-American Stormtrooper chimed in, voicing agreement with Dean's rationale.

The Comanche, busy cooking the rabbit, joined the conversation, "Well, tank or not, it's best we go on foot. We can't let the girls know that we're coming. Besides, this place we're camping in is nice without a tank."

The Commando turned his attention to Dean again, asking about the distance to the city, "So Dean, how far are we from the city?"

"Not that far," Dean replied, his fingers plucking at the grass beneath him. "Just twenty miles to go. We'll get there, but for now, we rest. Tomorrow morning, we'll move out early."

As the group continued their discussion around the campfire, they remained unaware of the situation in the city. 

In the morning, the squad pressed forward through the dense forest. Their progress was difficult due to the terrain. As they moved, Dean overheard a German Stormtrooper, speaking in English.

"I don't understand why Commander Houston sent Commander Muller and Elijah to assist Vice Commander Jefferson and Joey in the city," he asked his comrade. "Well, if you hold the same rank as him, maybe I'll tell you. But for now, shut up," replied the other German-American soldier.

Continuing their journey through the forest, the group halted as a Comanche scout named Huritt came running toward them.

"I've spotted smoke to the south, about twenty miles from here," Huritt pointed out.

Emerging from the forest, the group was taken aback by the sight of smoke billowing from the city. Dean grabbed his binoculars and observed numerous Federation girls around the city with their tanks. Lowering his binoculars, Dean spoke with a heavy heart.

"It's the Alamo, boys... we've lost it," Dean's voice carried a tone of sadness.

"Unbelievable," the commandos were shocked.

"Mein Gott... That means... our commanders have been captured," one of the German Stormtroopers exclaimed.

"We must depart before we meet the same fate," Huritt urged.

"Why's that, lad?" a Scottish commando inquired.

Huritt gestured to his right, revealing a small group of Federation girls advancing toward their position with Leopard tanks. Seeing this, the scout team darted into the forest in an attempt to evade their pursuers. Dean turned to a fellow Texan Ranger and shouted.

"Private, head back and inform Commander Houston about the fate of the Alamo. We'll rendezvous with you once we've shaken them off. Now, go!" Dean ordered the Texas Ranger.

Following Dean's command, the Texas Ranger quickly broke away from the group and sprinted in the direction of Houston's camp. The remaining members of the group continued to run, aiming to lose the pursuing Federation girls. After successfully evading the pursuers, the group seized the opportunity and swiftly made their way back to Houston's camp, hopeful that the Texas Ranger had reached Houston with news of the Alamo.

Meanwhile, in Houston's camp, daylight revealed his men engaged in various activities such as patrolling, tank maintenance, and music. Suddenly, the routine was disrupted by a warning shot, and a frantic Texas Ranger scout rushed in, alerting everyone about the city's situation.


"Wait, were they all captured?"

"Did anyone manage to escape?"

As more questions were raised, panic spread among Houston's men. They followed the young Ranger who kept repeating, "The Alamo has fallen." Hearing this, Houston, who was outside his command tent, looked down, burdened by guilt for sending Muller and Elijah to the Alamo.

After a few minutes, Commander Wesley and Graham, accompanied by Elijah, Vice Commander Achak, and Muller, acting Captain Ludwig, gathered inside Houston's tent. He continued to pace, struggling to contain his anger.

"GOD DAMN IT! Wasn't I appointed as the commander-in-chief to lead all American Tankery League forces?" Houston yelled out, as he paced relentlessly.

Yes, sir..." Wesley spoke up, still shocked about the news.

"Then why didn't they obey my order to abandon the Alamo?" Houston said as he later sat down on his chair, placing both of his hands on his forehead, trying to calm himself down. "I should have gone with them..." Houston said that in a disappointed tone to himself.

"Commander, if I may... What Commander Muller and Elijah probably did was try to buy us more time to weaken their forces," Captain Ludwig spoke up.

"Yeah, I could say the same with my Vice Commander too, Don— I mean Houston... Probably your Vice Commander has felt the same way as well, sir," Graham spoke up.

"Well... Let's hope so. We can't let their sacrifice of defending that city be in vain... Right now, they are probably somewhere deep in the Federation lines," Achak spoke up.

"If they are deep in enemy lines, then I know who to call to drop me off there," Houston said as he got up from his chair and grabbed his bag.

"Are you bloody insane, Houston?! Do you really think you can infiltrate behind enemy lines without support and free our men who are prisoners?" Wesley spoke up.

"I did it once. Remember our seventh competition when I was a freshman, Graham?" Houston asked as he turned to Graham, who knew what Houston was talking about.

"Are you sure about this, Commander? I mean, this could be against the rules," Graham asked.

"Well, reading the rules, it didn't say how we should conduct our rescue mission. So, as long as I don't use live ammo..." Houston then placed his pistol away and grabbed the tranquilizer MK 22 from his bag, putting on his stealth suit. "You guys are dismissed. I'll see you boys when I get back."

Before Houston could leave his camp, he saw Sergeant Dean and his scout team returning from their retreat from the Federation. Right as Sergeant Dean could say a word, Houston spoke first before he left.

"Dean, you will be acting in command while I'm gone. If you have any questions, talk to my tank crew. They will help you through," Houston said as he walked off.

While he walked off, Houston grabbed his phone and opened his call list, scrolling past the phone numbers that were saved on his phone. He then stopped at one and called a number. Hearing it ring, the person on the other end picked up, speaking up with a warm greeting.

"Commander Houston... It's been a while since you called me," the person on the phone spoke.

"Yeah, it has... Hey, remember the favor you still owe me and Red from back then?" Houston spoke into his phone.

"Yeah, I still remember. What do you want to use it for now?" the person on the phone asked.

"Something you like... Meet me at the Onoppunai airport. I'll be waiting for you and your plane there," Houston said as he hung up.

Meanwhile in the city of Okata 

Nonna stood up from the desk. She had been working on paperwork regarding the fall of the Alamo report ever since the attack on the Alamo or the city of Sweskia. The Federation had been on the offensive, taking or recapturing lands they had lost. This lowered the morale of the Americans, as even the League Professional team was struggling against a college women's team. However, some schools still showed determination against them, like Davy Crockett High, Grand Lake High, and Washington Boy's and Girl's Academy.

With the three powerful commanders remaining in the field, Houston continued to move his units, tricking the Federation into thinking they had him cornered, only for the area to clear out. However, the Federation aimed to end this war game with one strike by attacking the American's main HQ. Taking out the HQ would secure their victory and force the Americans to forfeit their sport. As Nonna thought about this, she also reflected on her time with Vice Commander Gunther and his reasons for joining the League Tankery.

Gunther's grandfather had fought in the war, and Gunther grew up hearing stories of his heroic actions. Inspired by his grandfather, Gunther joined the U.S. Army to fight against the Nazis, aspiring to continue his grandfather's legacy. Nonna acknowledged the noble goal but didn't want to take it away. It had been two and a half months since they arrived on the island. While facing the Americans in the match was enjoyable, with the Federation girls launching offensives and counterattacks all over the island, Nonna felt sympathy for the Americans, especially after learning about what happened to the city and the defenders of the Alamo who fought to the end without surrender.

Now, Nonna felt compelled to help the Americans save their sports and protect their legacy so they could continue following in their grandfathers' footsteps. She even contemplated discussing her desire to "defect" and help the Americans with Katyusha. However, she considered this an improbable situation until Klara walked into the room.

"Nonna, are you okay?" Klara asked, noticing Nonna's stress.

"I'm just thinking..." Nonna replied.

"Is it about Gunther?" Klara asked, a smirk on her face.

"Yes, it is... Klara, do you mind if I pick your brain for a bit?" Nonna asked.

"Sure, what's on your mind?" Klara responded.

"What are your thoughts on Ivan? Would you like to talk to him or see him again?" Nonna inquired.

"Of course, he's a nice and funny guy. He can hold a conversation well, and he's very friendly," Klara said.

"Well, what would you do if you had a choice? Like, staying loyal to your side and completing your task, or... defecting to the enemy for a nobler cause?" Nonna asked, sitting back and leaning in her chair.

"I would follow my heart. If I believe the cause we're fighting for is right, I'll stay. But if my heart leans toward the right thing, then yes, I would defect and help Ivan... Have you considered leaving to help Gunther, Nonna?" Klara inquired.

Nonna remained silent but nodded.

"Have you talked to Katyusha about this?" Klara asked.

Nonna shook her head, turning to gaze at their team picture.

"I didn't want to burden her with this. She already has enough on her plate," Nonna explained.

"Well, Katyusha is many things – childish, temperamental, sporadic – but she never got overwhelmed, even when she was a first-year," Klara said.

Nonna nodded in agreement. Yes, Katyusha had been chosen by her upper classmates in her first year at Pravda due to her height. Despite struggling with schoolwork, club responsibilities, and bullying, Sensha Do had taught her how to channel her problems into the tank, effectively solving some of them. Katyusha was open about her struggles and never felt overwhelmed.

"Katyusha handles it well," Nonna remarked.

"And remember, you're her best friend. She'll understand your reasons perfectly. She might not show it, but Katyusha might be having second thoughts about the Americans, especially after seeing how Gunther and their Marshal Commander saved you from the wolf attack," Klara added.

"I suppose you're right, Klara. Thank you... I'll talk to Katyusha," Nonna said.

Just as Nonna was about to leave, Katyusha burst into the room where Nonna and Klara were.

"Nonna! Klara! Maho and Kay are back! They brought the boys from the city of Sweskia, even capturing Commander Muller and Elijah."

Upon hearing Katyusha's words, Nonna and Klara abandoned their previous plans and followed Katyusha outside. Tanks were rolling in, accompanied by several buses. The vehicles stopped at the main building, doors opening to reveal some of Jefferson Rangers – Joey's men – as well as Muller and Elijah, handcuffed and walking in straight lines.

Nonna noticed Klara gasp and turned to see her gaze fixed on something. Following Klara's line of sight, Nonna also gasped. Ivan, Commander Muller's trusted man, had a bruised face and a bleeding nose. Klara shed a tear at the sight of Ivan in pain.

The boys paid no attention to their surroundings. Any attempts to do so resulted in punishment from the Federation girls. Nonna watched, hoping that Gunther wasn't among the captured. Unfortunately, her heart sank when the Federation girls issued their commands.

"Commander and Vice Commanders, step off the bus!" The Federation woman shouted.

They shoved Jefferson out, causing him to fall to the ground. As he struggled to get up, he was backhanded, blood spilling from his mouth as he spat it out. Joey helped him to his feet, and Jefferson looked skyward, muttering to himself.

"Commander Houston... where are you?" Jefferson mumbled, as he and the other commanders were led into their cells.

. Deep within the forest, far behind the Federation lines, a scene unfolded. A line of ants moved purposefully, making their way toward their nest. Above, a bird soared through the air, spotting a dead frog on the ground. The bird swooped down, grabbed the frog, and continued its flight past the forest. However, its flight was abruptly interrupted as a large snake emerged from the water, attempting to strike at the bird.

In a sudden twist, the bird managed to escape the snake's attack, fleeing just in time. The snake's misfortune continued as an alligator lunged out of the water, clamping its jaws around the snake's body. The two predators engaged in a fierce struggle, each trying to overpower the other in a battle for survival.

As the camera panned away from this clash of apex predators, it delved deeper into the environment, revealing a shadowy swamp. Amidst the eerie atmosphere, an abandoned parachute hung from the trees, its fabric tattered and worn. Within this ominous setting, a figure gradually emerged from the darkness, illuminated by the sun's rays. It was Houston, clad in his stealth suit, a garment he hadn't worn in a long while.

The sun's light revealed Houston's determined expression as he stood in this hidden part of the forest, suggesting that he was embarking on a mission of great significance.

What a Thrill~

"Hang on, boys... I'm coming," Houston spoke with determination in his voice.

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