Chapter 16

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It was a beautiful day in Houston and his Vice Commander Jefferson's world as they stood under the showerhead, finally getting a chance to clean up after weeks of strenuous missions with their unit. Jefferson had recently recovered from an illness and was itching to get back into action, so he eagerly joined Houston in their mission to secure the supplies line for the joint American and Japanese schools' city.

As the water cascaded down on them, Jefferson couldn't help but hum a little tune, a sign that he was back in high spirits. Houston, on the other hand, was diligently scrubbing himself with a bar of soap.

Houston turned to his Vice Commander and remarked, "Hey... won't you take your sunglasses off?"

Jefferson blinked, as if he had just realized something, and promptly removed his sunglasses, placing them away. "That's why it's still dark in here, huh, Commander?" he said, grinning.

Houston chuckled. "Yeah... So, it's finally finished, huh?"

Jefferson raised an eyebrow, a hint of confusion in his expression. "What's finished?"

"The new room," Houston replied, making Jefferson suddenly aware of what he was talking about.

"Oh! You mean the Sauna?" Jefferson asked, his eyes lighting up with realization.

"Yeah," Houston said, nodding. "Isn't it a bit extravagant to have a sauna here in our base? Do you realize how many boys and girls are going to use it?"

Jefferson shrugged playfully. "Well, Boss, you were the one who approved it behind Marshal Commander Maho's back."

Houston sighed, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "Yeah, I changed my mind during the mission... It's too expensive, and it will drain our water supplies."

Jefferson grinned mischievously, countering, "Look, sir, we're using water from the beach and saving energy. It's kind of like an economical move, and I thought we had some tired people, just like us, who could use a morale boost."

As Houston contemplated the unexpected addition of the sauna to their base, Jefferson caught him off guard by tossing a bar of soap in his direction. Houston tried to make a quick catch, but the slippery soap slipped through his fingers and fell to the ground, causing him to sigh in mild frustration.

Jefferson, undeterred by the soap fumble, continued his sales pitch for the sauna. "I heard saunas are really popular with the folks who use them, you know. You wait until it gets hot, then you pour water to create steam. It's just like a Finnish sauna! Twenty people can get in here."

Houston raised an eyebrow and asked, "Jeff... I heard people got injured in here."

Jefferson chuckled nervously. "Oh, that... That was just a bruise."

"Just a bruise?" Houston pressed, a skeptical look on his face. "And he's been recovering for over a month? Who was it that got hurt?"

Jefferson hesitated for a moment, then replied, "Armadillo."

"Were you here when it happened?" Houston inquired further.

"Um... He, uh... He suddenly slipped... Probably on a soap," Jefferson replied, his answer sounding increasingly dubious.

"Slipped... Armadillo... That guy is built like a tank, even though he drives our M4A4 Sherman," Houston mused, sensing that there might be more to the story than Jefferson was letting on.

As Houston gazed at the sauna, clearly perplexed by its presence, he finally voiced his concern. "Because of the sauna..."

Jefferson started to explain, but Houston cut him off. His tone shifted, becoming more serious as he moved closer to Jefferson. "Jefferson..." Houston's voice was low and probing. "Is there something... you wanna tell me?" he asked, searching for answers.

Jefferson hesitated for a moment, realizing that his attempt to divert the conversation hadn't worked. "Well..." he began cautiously, "are you going inside the sauna?"

Houston paused for a moment, then made a decision. "Will you show me how to use it, Vice Commander?" he asked, surprising Jefferson with his willingness to explore this unexpected addition to their base. With a nod, they both entered the sauna, ready to uncover the secrets of this unconventional amenity together.

"Alright, Commander," Jefferson began, "first things first. It's all about the heat. We're gonna need to crank up the temperature in here. You see that control panel over there?" He pointed to a panel on the wall with various buttons and dials.

Houston nodded as he glanced at the control panel. "Yeah, I see it. What do we do with it?"

Jefferson grinned, ready to give the lowdown. "Well, you turn up the heat by pressing this button," he said, pressing a button labeled "Heat." The sauna began to warm up, and Houston could feel the temperature rising.

"Now, as it gets hotter in here," Jefferson continued, "we're gonna want to create some steam to make it more like a traditional sauna. See this lever?" He pointed to a lever that controlled a bucket hanging from the ceiling.

Houston nodded again, curious about where this was going.

Jefferson explained, "You fill this bucket with water, then pull the lever, and it'll pour water onto the hot stones there." He pointed to a pile of stones in the corner of the sauna. "That'll create steam and raise the humidity."

Houston followed Jefferson's instructions as they filled the bucket with water, and he pulled the lever, resulting in a hiss of steam as water met the hot stones.

"As for timing," Jefferson continued, "it depends on your preference. Some folks like it really hot, so they stay in for just a short while. Others prefer to take their time and relax. Just remember, it can get really hot in here, so be careful not to overdo it."

Houston nodded appreciatively, absorbing the sauna wisdom being passed down by his Vice Commander. "Got it, Jefferson. Anything else I should know?"

"Well, it's always a good idea to have a towel to sit on," Jefferson added. "And if it gets too hot for you, we can always cool off in the shower again."

As they continued to relax in the sauna, Houston couldn't help but notice a fresh bruised mark on Jefferson's arm. Jefferson, seemingly trying to divert attention from it, spoke up, "Like this, Houston..."

Houston, however, was quick to pick up on the new injury. "Jefferson... Since when did you get that injury on your arm?" he asked, concern in his voice.

Jefferson tried to deflect, asking, "Um, what are you looking at?"

Houston raised an eyebrow and replied, "Your whole body... except for that one bit you're covering up with the towel."

Jefferson attempted to change the conversation, saying, "So, how's the sauna? It's something, isn't it?"

Houston wasn't about to let it slide. "Jefferson... Get up and show me your back," he commanded.

"Huh? My back?" Jefferson asked, clearly confused.

"Yeah, show it to me," Houston insisted.

With a sigh, Jefferson reluctantly got up from his spot. As he exposed his back, Houston's eyes widened in surprise as he noticed more bruise marks, some of them looking like claw marks, near Jefferson's leg.

"Um... Houston, why are you asking me to do this?" Jefferson asked, both embarrassed and confused.

Houston, now realizing the extent of what had happened, continued to investigate, saying, "There are wounds even on your leg as if something clawed it..."

Jefferson attempted to put an end to the inspection, saying, "Okay, I think that's enough-"

But Houston was not finished. "No, show me more," he insisted, his detective instincts kicking in as he sought to uncover the mystery of what had really transpired in the sauna.

Amidst the intrigue of the sauna injuries, Houston decided to steer the conversation in an unexpected direction, reminiscing about their past conversations as Commander and Vice Commander.

"Jefferson," Houston began, "do you remember our old talks from our early days when you and I first became Commander and Vice Commander? You asked me how many girls I had... Or was it how many girls I had that you could make yours?"

Jefferson took a moment to recall the conversation. "Oh yeah, I remember that talk," he replied with a grin.

"It's been two years... So, how many new girls have you had?" Houston asked, genuinely curious.

Jefferson chuckled and raised ten fingers, making Houston's eyes widen in surprise. "That many?! How have you had this many girls with such a busy life as yours?" Houston questioned, genuinely puzzled. "Jefferson, I'm not going to control everyone's love affairs... You're free; it's your responsibility," he added.

"I would expect nothing less..." Jefferson replied, trying to keep the conversation light.

"However," Houston continued, his tone becoming more serious, "I also believe it's important not to set a bad example for the girls here... You understand, right?" He fixed a stern gaze on Jefferson, making it clear he wanted a genuine response.

Jefferson squirmed uncomfortably under Houston's scrutiny, trying to deflect the topic. "You're getting a bit red, maybe I should..."

But Houston cut him off again, this time with a clear message. "Jefferson!... You're mine, Sub Commander. Even though Maho is my Vice Marshal Commander, you're still in the same unit as me. You should have a little more sense."

Jefferson was clearly puzzled. "What?" he asked in confusion.

Houston continued, revealing a surprising detail. "Taeko Kondou came to me after I finished our mission with the Ooarai High School team... She wanted to talk. She's pretty, isn't she?" Houston inquired.

Jefferson, now blushing intensely, replied, "Um, yeah, she is..."

"So... did you two... you know," Houston asked, trailing off suggestively.

Jefferson stammered, his embarrassment evident. "Um... Did she say we did it?" he countered, trying to evade the question. The conversation had taken an unexpected turn, diving into the complexities of personal relationships and romance within the unit, much to Jefferson's chagrin.

As Houston got up from his spot and reached for a nearby towel, he brought up Taeko's observation, his tone still casual. "By the way, Taeko said she did see you with Akebi," Houston mentioned. "It's such a shame... She's that pretty and is working here... Don't you think?"

Jefferson started to respond, "Ah, they're both-"

But before he could finish, Houston interrupted sharply, his voice now carrying a note of suspicion. "You entered with her, didn't you?!" Houston accused. "You and Akebi entered the shower alone..."

Jefferson, realizing he was trapped in the conversation, fell silent, beads of sweat forming on his forehead as he avoided eye contact.

Houston didn't let up. He suddenly spanked Jefferson with the wet towel he was holding, causing Jefferson to yelp in surprise and pain. "THAT HURTS!" he exclaimed, rubbing his stinging backside.

"So, what's it going to be?" Houston pressed on, a sly grin on his face. "I've heard everything! Soap play, huh?"

The sauna adventure had taken an unexpected turn as Houston, fueled by a mix of curiosity and righteous indignation, continued to press Jefferson about his romantic escapades.

Before Jefferson could explain further, he was once again spanked by Houston's wet towel, causing him to yelp in pain. "Talk!" Houston demanded, his patience wearing thin.

"I'm sorry, it was unintentional..." Jefferson stammered, desperately trying to clarify.

"Unintentional?!" Houston exclaimed, clearly not satisfied with the explanation. He slowly approached Jefferson, his voice growing more accusatory. "Armadillo saw it all! And she was his crush!" Houston said as he delivered another spank. "And was he surprised! Armadillo, so proud of his tank-like stance!" Another spank followed, making Jefferson crawl away from Houston.

"Lost his balance, right?! Fell, and all the birds went flying, is that it?!" Houston continued to piece together the mysteries, each spank emphasizing his frustration.

"Two-timer! What the hell were you thinking?! What happened to chivalry?!" Houston yelled, grabbing Jefferson firmly.

"Commander..." Jefferson spoke in fear, realizing the gravity of his actions.

"And to think I even gave you this sermon!" Houston exclaimed, his patience finally reaching its limit. With a swift motion, he delivered a punch that knocked Jefferson off his feet and sent various sauna accessories flying.

As tensions reached their peak inside the sauna, Jefferson finally admitted, "I'm a bad person, alright?!"

Houston's anger flared even more as he listed the transgressions he believed Jefferson had committed. "And it wasn't only that, right? Commander Kay and her Vice Commander Alisa?! Do you want me to beat you for all this?!" he yelled, tossing sauna accessories aside as he advanced toward Jefferson.

But Jefferson, pushed to his limit, shouted, "I didn't... DO ANYTHING!" With a surge of frustration and anger, he suddenly lunged at Houston, landing a punch that caught the Commander off guard. Houston staggered back, shocked by his Vice Commander's unexpected retaliation.

"You son of a bitch!" Houston exclaimed, his own fury ignited.

The sauna was no longer a place of relaxation; it had become an impromptu battleground as Houston and Jefferson traded blows. Punch after punch, they fought fiercely within the small space, knocking things over and creating a chaotic scene.

"I'm going to beat you down, Commander!" Jefferson declared, throwing another punch.

"I won't allow that!" Houston retorted, determined to hold his ground.

Their skirmish grew more intense until, with a final, forceful push, they crashed through the sauna door, spilling into the showers beyond. The fight had escalated beyond anyone's expectations, leaving them grappling with each other as water from the showerheads drenched them both.

The fight continued in the showers, the two commanders grappling with each other as water sprayed all around them. Wet tiles made for a slippery battleground, adding an extra layer of difficulty to their tussle.

Houston and Jefferson exchanged blows, each landing solid punches and dodging the other's attacks. Their voices were drowned out by the sound of water splashing and echoing off the walls as they fought tooth and nail.

Jefferson managed to pin Houston against the wall for a moment, but Houston wasn't about to give in. With a sudden burst of strength, he pushed back, causing Jefferson to stumble backward and nearly slip on the wet floor.

Their skirmish intensified, neither willing to concede defeat. Locking arms and attempting to grapple, they wrestled in the cascading water, a peculiar mix of laughter and determination in their expressions.

"What's gotten into you, Jefferson?!" Houston shouted between their grunts and splashes.

"I won't let you lecture me like that, Commander!" Jefferson retorted, his competitive spirit flaring.

The showerhead drenched them further as their struggle continued, their friendly banter giving way to sheer determination. It was a battle of wits and strength between the Commander and his Vice Commander, all within the confines of the unit's unconventional and humorous world.

Their fight raged on, the sauna and shower areas now a watery battleground where both commanders could prove their mettle, even if it meant getting soaked and tangled in the process.

Just as Houston and Jefferson's fight reached its peak in the sauna and showers, an unexpected interruption occurred. The door to the shower area swung open, and in walked a group of girls from Kuromorimine Girls' Academy, one of the schools known for its formidable tankery skills. Among them were Maho Nishizumi, Erika Itsumi, and several other members of their prestigious team.

They had come to try out the new sauna, intrigued by the recent addition to their base. However, their excitement turned to shock and surprise when they stumbled upon the sight of Houston and Jefferson locked in a wet and rowdy brawl.

Maho, the calm and composed leader of Kuromorimine's team, blinked in astonishment before saying in her usual collected manner, "Well, this isn't what I expected to find in the sauna today."

Erika, Maho's loyal vice-commander, let out an amused chuckle. "Seems like the boys are having quite the workout in here."

The other girls from Kuromorimine exchanged bewildered glances, unsure of how to react to the unexpected spectacle before them. The scene was certainly a departure from their typical expectations of a peaceful sauna experience.

As the girls from Kuromorimine watched in bemusement, the battle between Houston and Jefferson showed no signs of slowing down, and the shower area had transformed into an impromptu wrestling ring. The clash of commanders had taken an even more absurd turn with the addition of the Kuromorimine girls as an unwitting audience.

The brawl between Houston and Jefferson continued, escalating with each passing moment. As Houston managed to punch Jefferson off him, the Vice Commander attempted to escape. Desperate and fueled by adrenaline, he grabbed a back scrubber from the shower floor and hurled it at Houston, narrowly missing him.

Houston, not one to back down, retaliated by turning to a nearby towel racket. With a swift kick, he sent it flying, knocking Jefferson off his feet and causing him to tumble to the wet shower floor.

The unexpected fight had now captured the attention of an even larger audience. Girls from Pravda High, Saunders Girls High, St. Gloriana Girls High, and Ooarai Girls' Academy, along with Maho and Erika from Kuromorimine, stood by, wide-eyed and surprised, as they witnessed the half-naked Commander and Vice Commander's skirmish in the shower area.

Houston, with determination in his eyes, slowly approached the fallen Jefferson on the slippery shower floor. His voice carried a stern command as he warned, "Don't you move..."

Jefferson, now realizing the gravity of the situation, attempted to reason with Houston. "Boss, calm down! When it comes to animals-"

But Houston cut him off, his voice unwavering. "We are not animals, are we? We are humans!" he shouted

As the scene unfolded before the gathered girls from various schools, a hushed murmur of conversation began among them. They watched with a mix of amusement and disbelief, exchanging comments and observations:

"Did you see that, girls? The boys are really going at it!" Katyusha spoke

"I heard stories about the boys in this unit being unconventional, but this is something else." Kay said

"I can't believe they're fighting in the middle of a sauna. It's so... unrefined." Darjeeling said

"Well, they've always been a bit eccentric, haven't they?" Miho spoke seeing this unfold.

"This is hardly the behavior I'd expect from a Commander," Maho said as she stared at Houston

"I'm starting to think that sauna was a bad idea." Erika spoke.

As Houston lunged at Jefferson, determined to put an end to their skirmish, Jefferson quickly reached out and turned on one of the showerheads, directing a powerful stream of water at Houston's face. The sudden spray temporarily blinded Houston, causing him to stumble back, disoriented.

Jefferson seized the opportunity to make a run for it, heading towards the exit of the shower area. The girls from various schools instinctively stepped aside to clear a path for his escape.

But Houston was not about to let his Vice Commander get away. Shaking his head to clear his vision, he saw Jefferson making a break for it. With a burst of energy, Houston shouted, "STOP! SNAKE KICK!"

In a daring move, Houston executed a drop kick, propelling himself towards Jefferson. Their collision sent them both flying out of the shower area and into the open space beyond. The gathered girls watched in astonishment as the two commanders tumbled out of sight, leaving behind a trail of chaos and laughter in their wake.

The unexpected showdown between Houston and Jefferson had taken an exhilarating turn, and the girls from different schools could hardly believe the spectacle they had just witnessed.

Outside the sauna, the brawl between Houston and Jefferson continued, with Houston managing to put Jefferson in a chokehold, his arm wrapped firmly around his Vice Commander's neck. Jefferson struggled to break free, gasping for breath as Houston's grip tightened.

"Ack! My neck!" Jefferson choked, trying to endure the pressure.

Houston, still maintaining his hold, remarked, "Your body is hot. This is good, isn't it? The fresh air..."

Struggling to breathe, Jefferson managed to respond, "You're hot... I can feel it all over my body!"

Houston pressed the issue, his voice filled with urgency. "Jefferson, think about it seriously... It's either women or us!"

With a mischievous grin, Jefferson replied, "...Both..."

Houston, not liking that answer, released his grip on Jefferson, and the two commanders continued their brawl. They exchanged punches, their determination and competitive spirit evident in each blow they delivered.

"I'm just... a little... popular... What's wrong with that!" Jefferson argued as they exchanged blows.

The battle reached its climax as they each delivered a final, powerful punch. Houston sent Jefferson sprawling to the ground, but not without feeling the impact of Jefferson's own punch staggering him.

"Nice punch, but it'll take more to take me down," Houston declared, panting but still standing.

Jefferson slowly got up to his feet, his expression a mix of exhaustion and admiration. "Impressive as always... Boss," he admitted, acknowledging Houston's resilience even in the midst of their wild and unexpected brawl.

Amidst the aftermath of the intense brawl between Houston and Jefferson, Maho stepped forward to check on Houston. Her presence commanded respect and authority, and she approached the Commander with a measured expression

"Don, are you alright?" Maho inquired, her voice calm and collected. She examined him for any visible injuries, her concern evident despite her usual stoicism.

As Houston was about to answer Maho's inquiry, his attention was abruptly diverted by a clicking sound. He turned to see Jefferson slowly getting up from the floor, clutching a Fulton recovery system in his hand.

"What are you carrying, Jefferson?" Houston asked, his curiosity piqued. His surprise grew when he realized what was in Jefferson's possession. "A Fulton recovery system?! Where the hell did you get that?" Houston demanded to know.

Jefferson couldn't help but chuckle mischievously as he held the recovery system. "How about a little flying lesson, Commander?" he teased, attempting to secure the pack to himself.

Before Jefferson could launch his unconventional plan, Houston swiftly knocked him to the ground, effectively thwarting his attempt at aviation.

"Apologies to the girls... And try to be a little more careful next time," Houston said with a sigh, acknowledging the chaos their brawl had caused.

Jefferson groaned in response, realizing the consequences of their impromptu fight.

"You're cleaning the sauna for the next month," Houston declared firmly, ensuring there were consequences for their actions.

As Houston prepared to leave, he noticed that every boy and girl present was staring at him, revealing more of his half-naked body than he would have liked. He shot a stern glare at the onlookers and demanded, "What are y'all staring at?"

The boys and girls quickly averted their gazes, returning to their respective activities as Houston retrieved his clothes and left the scene. The sauna brawl and its aftermath had certainly provided the unit with a memorable, if somewhat chaotic, experience, one that they would likely reminisce about for some time to come.

Maho Nishizumi, the composed leader of Kuromorimine Girls' Academy, decided it was time to intervene. She calmly approached Houston, who had just left the sauna, and addressed him with her usual dignified demeanor.

"Commander Houston, it seems your Vice Commander is quite the handful." Maho spoke to Houston.

Houston, still a bit flustered from the unexpected turn of events, nodded in agreement. "You have no idea, Maho. Sometimes I wonder how we manage to keep this unit in one piece."

Maho's lips quirked into a subtle smile, a rare expression from her. "It's moments like these that remind us of the unique spirit that defines our unit. But perhaps it's time for a bit more discipline."

Houston chuckled. "You may be right. I'll have a talk with Jefferson about that."

Maho nodded approvingly. "Good. Let's ensure that our next encounter with the sauna is more peaceful."

As the two commanders from different schools shared a brief moment of camaraderie and understanding, they couldn't help but appreciate the quirks and idiosyncrasies that made their unit special.

As Houston and Maho walked away, oblivious to the enigmatic presence that had observed them, another figure began to materialize, slowly floating above the ground. This mysterious figure fixed his gaze on Houston's departing form.

"Sad... So sad... A host of sorrows..." he murmured softly, his words filled with an eerie melancholy. "And you are one of them, Commander Houston..."

The figure's voice trailed off, leaving an air of uncertainty hanging in the atmosphere. He continued to watch Houston and Maho as they walked away together, a silent and spectral observer of their world.

"...and sooner or later," he whispered, "we will meet in the future to talk about... your sorrow..."

With those cryptic words, the figure gradually faded into obscurity, leaving behind a sense of intrigue and anticipation, as if their paths were destined to cross again in a future filled with secrets and mysteries.

"Death is tragic...... But life is miserable...."

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