Chapter 19

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The Lady of Silence Part 1

Flashback During the Incident in Dallas 

In the midst of a heavy downpour within a small forest in the match zone of Dallas, Houston found himself clutching a sniper rifle, seeking refuge behind a sturdy tree trunk. As he cautiously peered out, a sniper's bullet whizzed past his face, narrowly missing him by an inch. Startled, Houston swiftly retreated to the safety of his cover before reaching for his radio to contact Scott.

"Scott! Is there anyone from our unit stationed here?" Houston inquired urgently.

"No, Houston, there's no one else with you in that forest," Scott replied over the radio.

"I see..." Houston sighed with a sense of foreboding.

"Why? What's happening?" Scott asked, his voice tinged with confusion.

"Someone's shooting at me... right in the middle of this relentless rain," Houston said with a mixture of frustration and concern.

"It can't be... It must be her..." Scott's voice quivered with fear.

"Silent? Lady Silent?" Houston queried.

"Yes, it's her, Houston," Scott admitted with a shiver in his voice, the weight of the situation weighing heavily on him.

"Scott... You sound sad and terrified of what's to come," Houston observed with genuine empathy.

"Sorry, Houston... It's just... It's nothing, never mind," Scott replied, his emotions momentarily getting the better of him before he composed himself.

Before Houston could respond, the chilling voice of the Lady of Silence infiltrated their compromised communication channels, leaving both Houston and Scott in a state of dread.

"You can't hide from me, Vice Commander... You shouldn't have betrayed us when you joined with Red. Now, you're mine to hunt," the Lady of Silence declared with a menacing tone.

Impressed by her marksmanship despite the torrential rain, Houston couldn't help but acknowledge her skills. "You're pretty good if you can hit me in this heavy rainstorm," he remarked.

"I told you before, women are much deadlier killers than men like you, Vice Commander," the Lady of Silence retorted with eerie confidence.

Anger welled up within Houston as he harbored thoughts of the unit they once served in and the betrayal that had transpired. "Now I'll have my revenge for what our unit made me do to Red," he declared, his words dripping with indignation.

The Lady of Silence, ever the provocateur, taunted Houston with a venomous statement. "You men are so weak... You can never finish what you started."

In the midst of the rain-soaked forest, a deadly game of cat and mouse unfolded, with Houston and the Lady of Silence locked in a deadly dance of words and bullets.

Present Time

After Muller and Graham had finished interrogating Commander Chiaki, they left her alone in her cell with her captured team members. Dean and his Ranger companion acted as prison guards in the newly arranged detention facility.

Meanwhile, Commander Elijah and Welsey found themselves in the mess hall, surrounded by the boys and girls who were receiving their daily meals. They engaged in a hushed conversation.

"Hey, Welsey, have you noticed that Houston, Muller, and Graham have been keeping something from us?" Elijah asked in a low tone.

Welsey paused mid-meal, contemplating Elijah's words. "Yeah, I've noticed that too. What's even stranger is that since we captured Federation Commander Chiaki, Houston, Muller, and Graham have been interrogating her non-stop, not letting any of us near the interrogation room."

Elijah's brow furrowed in concern. "Do you think they might be treating her the same way the Federation treated me when I was imprisoned?"

Welsey shook his head thoughtfully. "No, I doubt it. Muller and Graham wouldn't go that far. But Houston... he's always been a man of mystery."

Just as they were about to delve deeper into their suspicions, Miho and her team approached, holding their plates of food. Miho hesitated for a moment before speaking.

"Hey, um, Elijah, do you guys mind if we sit here?" Miho asked politely, her team members standing behind her with their meals.

"Sure, Miho, not a problem at all," Elijah replied, and both he and Welsey made space for Miho and her team to sit next to them. 

Yukari, curious about the hierarchy among the American commanders, directed her question to Welsey and Elijah.

"Hey, Commander Welsey, I've been meaning to ask, who's the veteran commander among you guys?" she inquired, her eyes scanning the two American commanders.

Welsey answered, "Well, we have Muller and Graham, who have been involved in our tankery sport for two years. But the one who's been at it the longest is Houston, ever since he started as a freshman."

Miho was also intrigued by the unique nickname for Houston. "Speaking of Houston, why do some of his men and you guys call him 'Boss'? Is he a Marshal Commander?" she asked.

Elijah shook his head, revealing his own curiosity about the matter. "No, it's not that. The reason why we call him 'Boss' is something I've always questioned too, especially since his men always address him that way, even Jefferson."

Meanwhile, in the Davy Crockett Tank Hangar, Grant and Tory were busy with machine gun maintenance as Scott marked the kill marks of the disabled tanks they had taken down on the Lone Star armor's side. Scott hummed a tune to himself as they worked. Machine returned with a large duffle bag and casually tossed it onto the ground.

"Hey, guys, I'm back from the pantry raid," Machine announced.

Tory's interest was piqued. "Nice, what did they have in there?" he asked as he set down the .38 caliber machine gun.

Machine listed off their loot, "Well, chips, candy, some Japanese food that the girls made, and even some sushi." He tossed a bag of chips to Grant, who skillfully caught it and began munching on them.

"Oh hey, Scott I never thought you would be dating Naomi from Saunders so how did you two hook up?" Tory asked as Scott stopped drawing the marking. 

Scott paused his marking and looked up, a faint smile touching his lips as Tory brought up his relationship with Naomi from Saunders.

"Well," he began, "to be honest, before Naomi and I started dating, there was a moment that brought us closer. It all began after Commander Houston and Commander Maho saved our guys from the Federation. Naomi had heard about the battles we fought and how we fought against each other. She reached out to me because she was genuinely impressed by my gunner skills during that intense firefight."

Scott's gaze drifted away for a moment as he recollected those early conversations. "We started chatting a lot after that. I learned about her passion for tankery, her dedication to Saunders, and her love for her teammates. She was kind and supportive, and we just clicked. It was as if we understood each other on a deeper level."

A soft, affectionate smile graced Scott's face as he continued, "Over time, our connection grew stronger, and we realized there was something more than friendship between us. It wasn't long before we decided to officially start dating, and since then, she's become an essential part of my life."

Tory's curiosity prompted another question, "So, she's the first girl you dated, Scott?"

Scott hesitated for a moment before responding, "Um... no, there was another girl I dated before I met Naomi."

Grant leaned in, his interest piqued, and asked, "Oh, what happened to her?"

A heavy silence hung in the air as Scott's expression turned somber. He looked down, lost in the memories of his first love, a love that ended in a heart-wrenching manner. The flashback took him back to the Dallas match.

Flashback - Dallas

Amidst the wreckage of a destroyed T90 tank, flames casting eerie shadows, lay the Lady of Silence. Blood stained her uniform as she had lost a sniper battle against Houston. He knelt beside her, his voice heavy with sorrow.

"Rest easy... You will die as a true warrior you are after telling me the truth..." Houston whispered softly.

With weakened breath, the Lady of Silence spoke, her voice filled with resignation, "I see... I finally understand why we are here... Houston... Ever since we came to this place, the people who organized this match... they wanted us to kill each other to determine the superior one... And now... I see who will be the last one standing in our unit..."

Turning her gaze to Houston, she continued, "You... a boy they created and trained... Houston... You're a hero to those who looked up to you... Please... set me free, Vice Commander..."

As Houston rose to his feet and aimed his M1911 pistol at her, a heartbreaking scene unfolded. Scott, who was the Davy Crockett High School sophomore at the time, rushed to their side and fell to his knees. Tears streamed down his face as he looked at the legendary female sniper, the Lady of Silence, whom he had fallen deeply in love with.

"Why... I loved you... for who you are... just why are you asking Houston to do it?" Scott choked on his words, his heart heavy with grief.

The Lady of Silence summoned a faint smile, her final moments marked by an indomitable spirit, "Scott... My dear Scott... I knew from the moment we met that this day might come. I've always been a soldier, and in this world we live in, sometimes, we must make the most difficult choices. I didn't want to burden you with this."

As her eyes met Scott's one last time, she whispered, "Remember me as I was, not as I am now. Carry our memories forward, and let them be a testament to the love we shared."

She reached out a trembling hand, gently wiping away Scott's tears with her thumb. "Life is unpredictable, my dear Scott," she said softly. "We met in the midst of chaos, and our paths were destined to cross. Cherish the time we had together and remember me as a woman who fought with honor."

As her strength waned, she turned her gaze back to Houston. With a faint smile, she whispered, "Houston, do what you must. Set me free."

With those words, Houston gently pulled the trigger, ending her pain and suffering. Scott's heart shattered as the gunshot rang out, echoing in the desolate battlefield.

Back to the Present

Scott quickly fabricated a tale, not wanting to delve into the painful truth of what had transpired with his first love.

"Well, she... She moved," he said, managing to keep a straight face.

Grant and Tory exchanged understanding nods. "I see," Grant replied, not pressing further.

Before the conversation could delve deeper, Tory spotted Marshal Commander Maho Nishizumi approaching them. He discreetly tapped Grant and Machine on the shoulders, alerting them to the approaching presence. Machine, in a rush, hid the duffle bag filled with snacks he had raided from the mess hall pantry, trying to suppress a grin.

As Maho stood before the "Lone Star" crew, her formidable presence softened with an air of curiosity.

"Hey, has one of you guys seen Houston? I've been meaning to talk to him," she inquired with her trademark stoic demeanor.

Scott, ever quick on his feet, replied with a playful tone, "Um, no, I haven't seen him. He's probably still in the war room, plotting world domination or something." He couldn't help but smirk, knowing that Maho was likely on official business

As the door of the hangar swung open, revealing Houston in his newly changed tankery uniform, everyone's attention turned towards him. Maho, who had been looking for him, wasted no time in addressing him.

"Oh, there you are, Houston. I've been meaning to talk to you," Maho stated with her usual composed demeanor.

Houston, still wearing his tankery helmet, met her gaze and responded, "Well, Maho, I'm sure I'd love to listen, but I've got an important mission that requires me and my tank crew to handle alone."

Curiosity piqued, Grant couldn't help but ask, "What's the mission, sir?"

Houston climbed onto his M4A3E8 Sherman tank as he explained, "We're going to meet up with the League Professional Tankery team. We've been having a hard time communicating with them through radio, so I want to meet the person in charge."

Tory chimed in, "So this is our first solo mission, huh?"

Houston nodded, his tone reassuring, "Yep, just a quick check-in, that's all."

Maho couldn't help but express her concern. "Houston, are you sure you want to go alone? What if one of the Federation girls comes to our lines and attacks you and your crew?"

Houston, his confidence unwavering, reassured her with a grin, "Don't worry, Maho. They'll have a hard time taking us out. After all, there's a reason why we're called the 'Lone Star'."

As the tank crew made their final preparations, Scott fastened his tankery helmet. Just then, he heard his name being called, and he turned to see Naomi walking towards him, her presence bringing a smile to his face.

Scott's heart swelled with warmth as he saw Naomi approaching, her determination mirrored in her eyes. He quickly stepped towards her, embracing her tightly.

"Scott," she whispered, her voice laced with concern. "I can't help but worry about you going alone on this mission. What if something happens out there?"

Scott gently brushed a strand of hair away from her face, his eyes locking onto hers. "I know you're worried, Naomi. But it's a quick check-in, and the crew's got my back. Besides, I need to do this."

Naomi's grip on his hand tightened, her love and concern evident. "Scott, please, consider taking me with you. I can support you, and we can face any challenge together."

Scott was torn, feeling the depth of their connection. He sighed softly, his heart heavy. "I promise, the moment I return, we'll spend all the time we can together. But for now, let me handle this mission, alright? It won't be long."

Naomi nodded, her eyes filled with understanding and love. She leaned in and planted a tender kiss on Scott's lips.

As Scott waved goodbye to Naomi and the 'Lone Star' Sherman tank rolled out of the hangar, leaving only Maho and Naomi behind, an unusual atmosphere lingered. Maho's gaze remained fixed on the fading image of Houston's tank, her heart behaving strangely, with a constant, almost unnerving thumping.

Naomi noticed the change in Maho's demeanor and couldn't help but feel intrigued. She had seen Maho as the stoic, unflappable commander, and this was the first time she had ever sensed something different, something personal.

"Commander Maho," Naomi began hesitantly, "is everything alright? You seem... different."

Maho hesitated for a moment, caught off guard by the question, before she finally spoke, "I don't know, Naomi. It's just... something feels strange. I've never experienced this before."

Naomi glanced at the departing tank and then back at Maho, a glimmer of understanding in her eyes. "Is it because of Commander Houston?" she asked softly.

Maho's eyes widened in surprise at Naomi's insight, but she didn't deny it. Instead, she offered a surprising proposal, "Naomi, if you're worried about Scott too, would you like to join me? We can follow Houston's tank and make sure they're safe."

Naomi's heart raced at the idea, both from concern for Houston and for Scott. She nodded, her determination clear. "Yes, Commander. Let's go together."


Inside the Sherman tank, Houston was seated in his command seat, focused on the briefing tape that Muller had obtained during the interrogation of Commander Chiaki. He listened intently through his headphones, the weight of the information settling in.

Tory, who was responsible for carefully driving the tank through the relentless rain, couldn't help but express his surprise. "Jeez, I never thought it would rain this hard in the middle of the night."

Scott, engrossed in his new comic book, responded casually, "Well, you'll get to experience it soon enough."

Meanwhile, Grant was occupied with a task of his own, likely checking and rechecking their equipment to ensure everything was in order for the upcoming mission. Inside the dimly lit tank.

Tory's voice held a note of concern as he continued navigating the Sherman through the torrential rain. He leaned over to Houston, who had just finished listening to the briefing recording.

"Hey, Commander, can you help me navigate in this rain? I can't see where the road is, and I fear I may be driving us into the Federation lines," Tory admitted, his eyes fixed on the map as he tried to make sense of their surroundings.

Houston glanced at the map and then out into the blinding rain. His experience as a commander and his innate sense of direction kicked in. He leaned forward, pointing out a reference point on the map.

"Alright, Tory, I've got you. Keep an eye on this reference point on the map and try to align our course with it," Houston advised, his calm and steady demeanor reassuring the crew. "We'll make it through this rain, just stay focused.

With Houston's guidance, Tory adjusted the Sherman's course, carefully aligning it with the reference point on the map. The rain continued to pour relentlessly, obscuring their vision and making navigation a real challenge.

Grant, who had been checking the tank's equipment, chimed in, offering support to his fellow crew members. "You're doing great, Tory. Keep it steady."

Scott, putting his comic book aside, leaned forward to get a better view. "Yeah, we've faced tougher challenges than a little rain. We'll get through this together."

As the 'Lone Star' crew worked in harmony to navigate through the downpour, their camaraderie and trust in one another only grew stronger. With Houston's guidance and the crew's determination, they were ready to face whatever lay ahead on their mission to meet the League Professional Tankery team.

As the 'Lone Star' Sherman tank continued its slow journey through the relentless rain, the atmosphere inside the vehicle remained tense yet focused. Tory strained to keep the tank on course, while Scott, Machine, Grant, and Houston maintained their positions, each ready for whatever challenges the mission might throw their way.

Suddenly, in the midst of the pouring rain, a haunting and mournful cry pierced the air, echoing eerily through the forest. It was a sound like no other, a cry that seemed to blend sorrow and longing. The crew members exchanged puzzled glances, their senses heightened by the strange and unsettling noise.

Grant's brow furrowed in concern as he looked around, trying to pinpoint the source of the sound. "Did anyone else hear that? What was that noise?"

Scott leaned closer to the tank's viewports, his senses on high alert. "I heard it too, but I can't see anything through this rain."

Then, it happened again. The eerie, mournful cry echoed once more, closer this time. It sent shivers down their spines.

Houston's instincts kicked in, and he knew they needed to be cautious. "Tory, slow down and keep your eyes peeled. Something's not right here."

"Roger," Tory replied, acknowledging Houston's orders as he gradually slowed the tank down, bringing it to a cautious halt.

Inside the tank, tension hung in the air, amplified by the haunting cries that continued to echo through the rain-soaked forest. The crew members exchanged uneasy glances, each feeling the eerie atmosphere closing in.

Machine, scanning the area through his tank scope, couldn't help but voice his unease. "I'm not liking this, sir. I'm getting creeped out."

Houston, determined to investigate the source of the cries, knew the crew needed to stay together. He made his intentions clear, his voice firm but calm. "I'll investigate it. I'll stay close to the tank, and when I move, you follow me, Tory. Stay alert, everyone."

With that, Houston climbed out of the tank, his senses on high alert, ready to face the unknown danger that lurked in the rain-drenched forest. The crew remained on standby, their attention focused on their commander, their trust in him unwavering as they braced themselves for whatever lay ahead.

As Houston and 'The Lone Star' tank moved slowly through the dense forest, their senses heightened and alert, they remained unaware of the hidden threat that lurked nearby. The rain continued to pour, adding to the tension of the situation.

Unbeknownst to them, in the distance, a modified T90 tank lay in ambush, its surroundings perfectly camouflaged. Inside the tank, a masked woman with a sinister intent watched their every move.

With precision and skill, the turret of the T90 rotated in the direction of Houston and his tank crew. The hatch of the tank swung open, revealing the masked woman, who expertly pulled out a sniper rifle and took aim at Houston, who was still oblivious to the imminent danger.

In a chilling and disguised voice, she spoke her sinister words, "Houston... I finally found you... Cry... Cry for me..."

The relentless cries of the woman and the baby still echoed through the forest, adding to the eerie atmosphere as Houston continued to scan the area, his senses on high alert. He knew that something was amiss.

Pulling out his M1911 pistol loaded with live ammo, Houston carefully surveyed the surroundings, keeping a close eye on any potential threats. However, he was completely unaware of the sniper woman who had taken aim at him.

As she taunted him, her finger poised on the trigger, the sniper woman's words sent chills down Houston's spine. "Go on... Let me hear you cry!"

Suddenly, a loud gunshot rang out, and the tank's main cannon fired, narrowly missing Houston and 'The Lone Star' tank. Reacting swiftly, Houston dove for cover, narrowly avoiding the deadly shot. Mud splattered across his uniform as he hit the ground, his heart racing.

With adrenaline pumping, Houston slowly rose to his feet, determined to assess the situation. He checked his shoulder, where he had been hit, and began to patch himself up, trying to stave off the pain and stay focused.

Turning to his tank crew, Houston barked out orders, "Did you boys see where that shot came from? We need to find that sniper!"

The crew members, their hearts pounding, scanned the forest for any sign of the hidden threat, their trust in Houston's leadership guiding their actions as they prepared to face this deadly adversary.

Tory, Scott, Grant, and Machine inside 'The Lone Star' tank had heard the gunshot and witnessed Houston's quick dive for cover. They frantically scanned the surrounding area, trying to pinpoint the source of the sniper fire.

Scott leaned out of the tank's viewport, peering into the rainy darkness. "I can't see a thing, Commander. It's too dark and rainy."

Tory, still in control of the tank, scanned the surroundings through the viewports, hoping for a clue. "Nothing on my end, Commander. It's like she disappeared into thin air."

Grant, ever the tech-savvy crew member, tapped into the tank's external cameras, trying to spot any unusual movements or signs of the sniper. "I'm checking the cameras, but it's a mess out there. Visibility is terrible."

Machine, his eyes locked on the surroundings through his tank scope, spoke up urgently, "I can't see where it came from, Commander. She's well hidden."

Houston, determined and vigilant, finished patching up his shoulder and grabbed his pistol. The crew members of 'The Lone Star' remained on high alert, listening as the eerie voice of the sniper woman echoed through the relentless rain.

Her chilling words filled the forest, creating an atmosphere of dread. "Show me your tears... Let them flow!... Cry... Until your eyes run red!" Her voice seemed to permeate the very air around them.

The crew couldn't help but shiver at the sinister tone of her words, and they were deeply unsettled by her presence. Inside her hidden tank, the woman retreated temporarily, her intention clear as she continued to stalk them through the forest.

As she returned to her tank, her voice filled the intercom, making sure the 'Lone Star' crew could hear her haunting words. "Sad... So sad... So very sad... So that I could die!" Her words were followed by an eerie howl that mimicked the cry of a wolf, adding to the eerie atmosphere. A bolt of lightning struck nearby, illuminating the forest with a brief, eerie glow.

To be Continued in the next chapter

A/n Cliffhanger :)

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