Chapter 20

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The Lady of Silence Part 2

"Does anyone have eyes on the sniper and the tank?" Houston asked urgently from his position behind a tree, wincing as the bandage on his shoulder was tightened to staunch the bleeding from the gunshot wound.

Machine, scanning the area beyond the trees, spotted movement and strained to get a clearer view. Amidst the women's cries, he finally spoke up, his voice tinged with concern. "Wait, I've got something."

"What do you see, Machine?" Scott inquired as he peered through his gunner scope.

"I see a tank, nine hundred meters out... It's a T90 tank!" Machine announced aloud.

Houston and Scott were momentarily frozen in disbelief at the revelation of the type of tank they were facing.

"Wait, say that again, Machine?" Houston urgently requested through the radio.

"It's a T90 tank, sir, I repeat, a T90," Machine confirmed.

Hearing Machine's words, Scott slowly withdrew from his scope and sat back in his gunner seat, his gaze distant as he grappled with the harsh reality.

"It can't be... She's gone," Scott mumbled, unwilling to accept the painful truth.

Houston's voice, firm and resolute, cut through the tension in 'The Lone Star' tank as he rallied his crew. They were alone in this hostile environment, with no backup in sight, but they were determined to confront the unexpected adversary that lay ahead.

"Okay, since we're the only ones out here and we've got no backup, it's up to us to take this son of a bitch down," Houston declared, his determination unwavering.

As the rain continued to pour in the forest, obscuring their vision and making every move treacherous, Houston carefully peeked out from behind cover, his eyes scanning the surroundings, searching for any sign of the T90 tank.

The 'Lone Star' crew knew the stakes were high, and their unity and trust in one another would be their greatest strength as they prepared to face their formidable adversary and ensure their safety in the midst of the rain-soaked forest.

Before Houston could order Tory to move the tank out of their old positions since their ambusher knew where the tank is Houston got a unknown transmission calling to his ear piece as he picked up. 

As Houston cautiously scanned the rain-soaked forest for any sign of the T90 tank, a voice with a raspy throat suddenly came through the radio, catching him off guard. The unexpected voice offered crucial information about the presence of tank landmines in the area.

"Be careful, Houston. There are tank landmines around there... Use a mine detector that you have on your tank," the voice advised.

Houston, both intrigued and wary, sought to identify the mysterious voice. "Who are you?" he asked.

The voice replied cryptically, "Just call me 'Null.'"

Houston's curiosity was piqued, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity with the name. "Null? Haven't I heard that name before?"

The mysterious 'Null' deflected the question. "Never mind about that."

Houston, growing suspicious, inquired about the radio transmission. "You're not using burst transmission, are you nearby?"

But 'Null' remained focused on the situation at hand. "Listen... There's a tank slowly moving to the right, eight hundred meters away, trying to take out your Sherman. Move to the left and use a sniper rifle if you brought one with you. If not, there's a sniper rifle I left for you hidden by a broken tree on your right. Get it and use it to take out the commander. Good luck."

Houston, still perplexed about the identity of this mysterious benefactor, pressed for answers. "Who are you anyway, and why are you helping me?"

The response from 'Null' was enigmatic. "One of your... fans."

Houston, his mind filled with a mix of curiosity and caution, couldn't dwell on the enigmatic 'Null' for long. There was a pressing threat to deal with—the T90 tank slowly approaching their position.

As 'Null' had advised, Houston swiftly decided to heed the warning about tank landmines. He directed Tory to move 'The Lone Star' tank to the left, away from the potential danger zone.

With the tank safely repositioned, Houston searched their equipment and found the hidden sniper rifle left by 'Null' near the broken tree on the right. He carefully retrieved the weapon and checked it for readiness.

The rain continued to pour around them, the forest still cloaked in darkness and obscurity. Houston knew that he had to act swiftly and decisively to protect his crew and eliminate the imminent threat.

Amid the relentless rain and the thick canopy of the forest, a deadly game of cat and mouse unfolded. Houston, armed with the sniper rifle provided by 'Null,' carefully scanned the dense woods, searching for any sign of the T90 tank commander known as Crying Wolf.

In the distance, a flash of movement caught his eye—a glint of metal and a shadowy figure slowly emerging from the underbrush. Crying Wolf, the expert sniper and commander of the T90, had her sights set on 'The Lone Star' crew, and she was a force to be reckoned with.

Houston's training and instincts took over as he steadied the sniper rifle, his keen eyes narrowing in on the distant figure. He knew that this battle of marksmanship could mean life or death for his crew and himself.

Meanwhile, inside her camouflaged T90 tank, Crying Wolf carefully maneuvered through the dense forest, her sights locked on Houston's Sherman tank, 'The Lone Star.' Her deadly skills as a sniper and her cunning tactics were matched only by her relentless determination.

The tension in the air was palpable as the rain continued to pour, obscuring visibility and adding an extra layer of challenge to the battlefield. The forest echoed with the sound of raindrops and the distant rumble of thunder, creating an eerie backdrop for this deadly confrontation.

With their weapons at the ready, Houston and Crying Wolf prepared to engage in a high-stakes sniper battle, each knowing that the outcome could tip the scales of this perilous encounter. The forest itself seemed to hold its breath.

As Houston continued to crawl through the mud, the rain pouring down on him, he maintained his focus on the sniper battle that raged on in the rain-soaked forest. His determination to protect his crew and himself was unwavering.

Inside the tank, Scott finally snapped back to reality after moments of deep introspection and sadness. He had been lost in thoughts of the past and the haunting memories of the Dallas match, where they had faced a formidable adversary. Now, he had a revelation.

"Commander, I think I know who our little sniper friend is," Scott said over the radio.

Houston's curiosity was piqued, and he inquired, "What? Who is it?"

Scott prompted Houston to think back to their past experiences. "Think back to the Dallas match. Remember when me and you were in this situation back then?"

Houston's memory was jogged, and he replied, "Yeah, I remember..."

Scott continued, his voice filled with emotion and determination. "It must be her, or someone pretending to be her... Commander, it would be best if you took this sniper out. If it's someone trying to emulate her, there's no one better than a killer."

Scott's words resonated deeply with Houston, and he recalled the Lady of Silence's final moments in Dallas. "Remember me as a woman who fought with honor," she had said to him before Houston had ended her suffering.

As Maho and Naomi quietly followed the path that Houston and his crew had taken, in their tanks their curiosity drove them deeper into the rain-soaked forest. The forest's thick canopy provided them with some cover as they moved cautiously, trying to remain unnoticed.

As they ventured deeper into the woods, the sound of distant gunfire and the rumble of tank engines reached their ears. The tension in the air was palpable, and they knew that they were getting closer to the heart of the action.

Maho, ever the composed and focused leader, signaled for Naomi to stop as they approached a vantage point that allowed them to observe the ongoing battle from a concealed position. They carefully peeked through their tank scope, their eyes widening at the scene before them.

Through the rain and the dense foliage, they could see Houston and his crew locked in a deadly standoff with an adversary hidden among the trees. Sniper shots echoed through the forest, and the distinctive sounds of tank engines and turret movements filled the air.

Naomi whispered to Maho, her voice barely audible over the sounds of battle, "Maho, that's Commander Houston and his crew. What are they doing out here?"

Her gaze fixed on the unfolding situation, Maho replied softly, "I'm not sure, but it seems they've encountered someone formidable. We need to stay hidden and observe, Naomi. Let's see how this plays out."

The relentless rain poured down on the battlefield, making every move a muddy struggle. Houston had found himself a new sniping position, determined to counter the threat of Crying Wolf's T90 tank. He had rolled into different positions, evading sniper shots fired at him, while his crew worked together to engage the enemy.

Machine, operating the M4A3E8's machine gun, fired rounds towards Crying Wolf's suspected location, trying to suppress her and keep her at bay. Scott, in charge of the tank's cannon, fired a precise shot that struck the T90, causing it to shake from the impact. Grant quickly reloaded the cannon, while Tory skillfully maneuvered 'The Lone Star' tank to find a new position, keeping their adversary off balance.

Through his sniper scope, Houston spotted the T90's commander hatch opened, but there was no one visible. He suspected something was amiss. However, just as he was about to divert his attention from the sniper rifle 'Null' had left for him, he sensed movement behind him.

With lightning speed, Crying Wolf closed the distance, her agility akin to that of a wolf pouncing on its prey. She swept Houston's legs out from under him, and he tumbled into the muddy ground, momentarily pinned down by her relentless assault.

As he lay in the mud, his senses sharp despite the shock of the attack, Houston looked up and saw beyond the mask that concealed Crying Wolf's face. Behind it, he noticed tears streaming down her cheeks, a contradiction to the deadly force she embodied.

Houston found himself trapped beneath this enigmatic adversary, unsure of what would come next in this perilous encounter amidst the rain-soaked battlefield.

Amidst the chaos and the relentless rain, 'The Lone Star' Sherman tank had taken a hit. Tory cursed as he realized that the T90 had successfully disabled their tracks, leaving them immobilized and vulnerable in the rain-soaked forest.

"Shit, they hit the tracks!" Tory shouted in frustration.

Panic surged through the crew as they grappled with the grim reality of their situation.

"Oh, we're screwed, man!" Grant's voice trembled with fear.

Machine's urgency was clear in his tone. "Quickly, Scott! We need to shoot back and take that T90 out!"

Scott, determined and focused, took aim with the tank's cannon. He knew exactly where to strike to disable the T90. With a resounding blast, the cannon fired, sending a round that struck the T90's armor. The enemy tank shuddered under the impact, but it continued to rain down fire on 'The Lone Star,' leaving only scratches on the Sherman's paint job.

Tory's frustration boiled over, and he shouted in exasperation, "What's up with these guys screwing with our paint job? Like, what the heck!"

The rain continued to pour, the forest bearing witness to this unexpected and intense skirmish. 'The Lone Star' was immobilized, and its crew faced a determined adversary in the T90. With their mobility compromised, they had to rely on their skill and teamwork to turn the tide of this rain-soaked battle.

As 'The Lone Star' remained immobilized and the crew grappled with their situation, panic started to set in. The relentless rain and the constant assault from the T90 had taken its toll on their morale.

Scott struggled to come up with a plan under the pressure. "We can't stay here like this! We need to figure out a way to get moving again and take out that damn T90!"

Tory, still frustrated about their paint job, added, "And we need to do it fast before they ruin our tank completely!"

However, as the crew's desperation grew, an unexpected savior arrived. Emerging from the rain-soaked woods came two tanks, each bearing the insignia of Ooarai Girls Academy. It was Maho Nishizumi in her commanding Tiger I and Naomi in her Sherman Firefly.

Maho, with her usual composed demeanor, assessed the situation quickly. "Hold your ground. We'll provide support."

Naomi nodded in agreement, her determination clear. "Let's show them what tankery is all about."

The two tanks opened fire, unleashing a barrage of shells toward the T90 that had been tormenting 'The Lone Star.' The combined firepower from Maho's Tiger I and Naomi's Sherman Firefly proved to be overwhelming. The enemy T90, caught off guard, took a series of devastating hits that rendered it inoperable.

As the T90 finally succumbed to the onslaught, the rain-soaked forest fell silent once more. 'The Lone Star' was still immobilized, but its crew had been rescued by unexpected allies. Maho and Naomi had stepped in, turning the tide of the battle with their tanks and saving their friends from impending doom.

Scott's surprise was evident in his voice as he radioed Maho and Naomi, who had just intervened to save 'The Lone Star' crew from the T90 threat.

"Naomi and Commander Maho, what the hell are you two doing here?" Scott's tone was a mixture of relief and confusion.

Naomi's voice crackled over the radio, "We were following you, Scott. We couldn't just let you face this danger alone."

But Scott wasn't entirely pleased with her decision. He felt a rush of emotions as he replied, his voice tinged with concern and frustration, "Naomi, you can't just charge into a battle like this! It's too dangerous! I don't want you to end up like..." His voice trailed off, unable to finish the sentence.

Maho, always composed, interjected, "We are here to assist and ensure the safety of all our comrades, Scott."

But Scott wasn't convinced. He could feel his emotions welling up, and he wanted to protect Naomi at all costs. "No, Commander! This is too much! I've lost someone I cared about in a situation like this before. I can't bear to see it happen again!"

The memories of the Lady of Silence and the pain of her loss haunted Scott, and he was determined not to let history repeat itself. He was torn between his duty as Houston's tank gunner and his desire to protect the people he cared about, particularly Naomi.


The rain fell relentlessly around Houston and Scott, each drops a painful reminder of the tragedy that had just unfolded before them. The forest in Dallas had become a somber battleground, and as Scott stood there, tears streaming down his face, he couldn't hold back the overwhelming emotions that had welled up inside him.

"Houston... You once said love can bloom on the battlefield..." Scott's voice trembled as he tried to make sense of the loss he had just witnessed. "But I couldn't save her... Why? Why couldn't I save her from the unit you were in, Houston?"

Houston remained silent for a moment, his expression a mix of sorrow and understanding. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a handkerchief, carefully using it to cover the face of the Lady of Silence, the legendary sniper who had fallen in battle.

Scott was confused by this gesture, unsure of its significance. He looked at Houston, his eyes pleading for an explanation.

Houston took a deep breath, his voice heavy with the weight of his words. "Scott, what we experienced back there... it wasn't love. It was manipulation. The people who organized this tournament wanted us to kill each other, to see who would be the last one standing in our unit."

He paused, trying to find the right words to convey the painful truth. "The Lady of Silence knew this, and she wanted to end her suffering. She wanted a way out, and she believed that I could give her that mercy."

Scott's tears continued to flow as he struggled to comprehend the harsh reality of their situation. "But... Houston, we had a chance to get out of this bloodbath together, to escape this madness. Why did you...?"

Houston's voice remained steady as he explained, "Scott, we were manipulated from the beginning. There was no way out for us, not as long as they controlled the rules of this tournament. The Lady of Silence understood that, and she chose her own path."

He placed a hand on Scott's shoulder, offering comfort in the midst of their shared grief. "We can't save everyone, Scott. But we can honor those we've lost by continuing to fight, by surviving this ordeal together. We owe it to them to make it out of here."

As the rain poured down around them, Houston and Scott stood in the forest, their bond forged in the crucible of battle, their hearts heavy with the weight of their experiences. 

As Houston walked away from Scott, leaving behind a trail of rain-soaked footprints, Scott's voice trembled with uncertainty and emotion.

"Houston! What was she fighting for? What am I fighting for? What are we fighting for?" Scott's questions hung heavy in the rain-soaked air, echoing the doubts that had plagued their minds since the beginning of this brutal tournament.

Houston stopped in his tracks, his back to Scott, his fists clenched at his sides. The weight of their shared experiences and the burden of their choices weighed heavily on his shoulders. He turned slowly to face Scott, his eyes meeting his comrade's.

"If we survive this match," Houston's voice was resolute, "I'll be the first one to tell you."

Scott nodded, determination burning in his eyes despite the tears that still lingered. "Okay... I'll be searching too."

End of Flashback

Back inside 'The Lone Star,' the tears continued to flow down Scott's face, his emotions raw and unfiltered. Grant, Tory, and Machine exchanged worried glances as they observed their comrade's anguish. It was clear to them that Scott's tears were not a result of anger but a manifestation of profound sadness.

Before anyone could speak or offer comfort to Scott, the distant sound of gunshots shattered the moment, echoing through the rainy forest. The urgency of the situation snapped them into action.

"Crap! Commander Houston is out there!" Grant's concern was palpable as he recognized the gravity of the situation.

Tory, without hesitation, took charge. "I'll fix the tank's tracks. Scott and Machine, we need to find Commander Houston."

With Grant focusing on repairing 'The Lone Star,' Scott and Machine prepared to venture into the rain-soaked forest, their primary objective clear: locate and assist their commander in his perilous situation.

Meanwhile, in the heart of the forest, Houston and Crying Wolf remained locked in a tense standoff. The rain continued to fall around them as they faced each other, their breaths visible in the chilly air. Crying Wolf's masked face, eerie and enigmatic, betrayed no emotion as she howled like a wolf, her intent unfathomable. Houston, undaunted, readied himself for the impending hand-to-hand confrontation, determined to face this formidable adversary head-on.

Despite the dire circumstances, Houston's training and instincts kicked in. He knew that he had to remain calm and find a way to break free from the hold that Crying Wolf had on him.

As they lay in the mud, Houston took a moment to assess the situation. Crying Wolf's grip was strong, but there was an opportunity to exploit. He noticed that her focus seemed divided, her mask concealing not just her identity but also her emotions. Tears continued to stream down her cheeks, and it was evident that there was more to her than met the eye.

With a quick, calculated movement, Houston managed to break free from her hold, rolling to the side and putting some distance between them. He knew that this encounter was unlike any other he had faced. Crying Wolf's tears hinted at a deeper story, and he couldn't help but wonder about her past and what had led her down this path.

As Houston got back on his feet, he didn't immediately reach for his weapon. Instead, he cautiously approached Crying Wolf, his hands held out in a gesture of peace. He wanted to understand her, to see if there was any possibility of resolving this conflict without further bloodshed.

In the midst of the pouring rain and the relentless battle, Crying Wolf's relentless assault continued. Her movements were swift and feral, reminiscent of a predatory wolf closing in on its prey. Houston's combat instincts and training served him well as he dodged her attacks, moving with agility and precision.

As Crying Wolf lunged at him, Houston swiftly evaded her strikes, his movements calculated and deliberate. In a moment of opportunity, he delivered a powerful punch aimed at her masked face, intending to gain the upper hand in their deadly duel. However, the impact of the blow caused pain to shoot through his hand, a testament to the formidable strength of his adversary.

The rain poured down around them, creating an eerie and surreal atmosphere. The occasional flash of lightning illuminated their struggle, casting dramatic shadows and adding to the intensity of their battle. Houston's thoughts briefly drifted back to a similar fight in Dallas, where he had faced The Lady of Silence alone in a rainy forest, betrayed by his old Vermont Dogs of War squad and hunted down by their ruthless commander.

The memories of that fateful encounter intertwined with the current battle, creating a sense of déjà vu and a haunting reminder of the past. Houston knew that this fight held significant consequences, not only for him but for the entire team in the Island.

As Houston cautiously approached Crying Wolf, who now lay on the muddy ground, the pouring rain continued to drench them both. The tension of the battle had dissipated, replaced by an eerie sense of confusion and sorrow. With his heart pounding and concern in his eyes, Houston slowly reached out and removed the mask that concealed Crying Wolf's face.

What he saw beneath the mask took him by surprise—a Hispanic woman whose features bore a striking resemblance to The Lady of Silence but were undeniably different. Her expression was one of profound distress, and her eyes held a haunted look.

"I hear the cries... The cries of babies... Stop it! Stop crying! Please! Stop crying!" the woman cried out, her words a desperate plea. She seemed to be talking to herself, her voice filled with anguish as the haunting cries of a baby echoed in her mind.

Houston, now standing over her, felt a surge of empathy. He realized that there was more to this woman's story than met the eye. It was clear that she was trapped in a nightmarish cycle of torment, haunted by traumatic memories. In this moment, the battlefield seemed to fade away, and Houston saw not an enemy but a person in need of help.

He lowered his guard, extending a hand to offer assistance, his voice filled with compassion. "It's okay. We can help you. You don't have to suffer like this anymore."

Houston watched as the woman, still clearly tormented by her inner demons, backed away from him in fear. Her trembling form and tear-filled eyes revealed the depth of her suffering. She continued to murmur, her voice filled with anguish and regret.

"No, wolf... Go away... Don't come any closer..." she pleaded, cradling herself as the haunting cries of a baby continued to torment her. Her words were a heartbreaking reflection of her inner turmoil, and Houston felt a pang of empathy for her.

As she sobbed and uttered words of apology, Houston remained silent for a moment. He could see the profound pain in her eyes, the weight of her past haunting her every thought. Slowly, he took a step back, trying not to appear threatening, and knelt down in the mud, maintaining a respectful distance.

"You don't have to be sorry," he said softly, his voice filled with genuine compassion. "I can see that you've been through something incredibly difficult. I'm here to help, not to hurt. You're not alone anymore."

Houston's heart ached as he listened to the woman's anguished plea. Her tear-stained face and bloodshot eyes bore the weight of unimaginable pain, and her words conveyed a deep longing for release from the torment that had consumed her.

"Please end this... Set me free... Kill me..." she implored, her voice filled with desperation. "I cried myself... I don't have any tears anymore... I cried myself dry... Please... set me free out of this nightmare... So I can hear him cry... So I can be there with him... With the people I love."

Houston's own experiences in the crucible of battle had taught him the profound toll it could take on one's spirit. He understood the woman's anguish and the unbearable burden she carried. But he also recognized the gravity of her request and the moral dilemma it posed.

He remained on his knees in the mud, his gaze unwavering as he spoke softly, "I can't do that. I won't take a life. But we can help you find a way out of this nightmare. You don't have to face it alone. There are people who care about you and want to see you find peace."

Houston's heart weighed heavy as he grappled with the woman's desperate plea. He had always believed in preserving life and offering help to those in need, but he also understood the unbearable suffering this woman had endured. In the end, he made a painful and solemn decision.

"No, I can't do it... I can get you the help you need," Houston asserted, his voice filled with compassion and empathy.

But the woman's torment was relentless, and she continued to beg for release from her nightmare. Her pleas were heart-wrenching, and Houston felt the weight of her suffering pressing down on him.

"Please set me free... There's nothing that can help me... Do it... Please end my suffering," she implored, her eyes pleading for a final act of mercy.

With a heavy heart and a deep sense of sorrow, Houston raised his M1911, his hands trembling slightly. He squeezed the trigger, and the shot rang out through the rain-soaked forest. The woman's body fell to the muddy ground, lifeless.

"Thank you..." she whispered with her final breath, a sense of relief in her voice.

Once killing Crying wolf Houston stares at her lifeless body staring at it Houston then received an Radio transmission from his mysterious friends who help him 'Null.'

"It seems you killed one of the new squad members in the island impressive you haven't gotten rusty..." Null said

"Yeah..... You know me pretty well did we meet before?" Houston asked.

"Yes once in the battlefield in Dallas as one of your former enemies.... But I won't spoiled my identity but what I can tell you a story of Crying Wolf the woman you just killed...." Null said as he prepared the backstory 

As Null began to recount the tragic backstory of Crying Wolf, Houston listened intently, his heart heavy with sorrow. The story unfolded like a nightmarish tale of survival in the midst of war, a haunting narrative of a young girl's desperate struggle to protect her only family in a world torn apart by violence.

"Do you remember your history lesson of the Invasion of Panama?" Null's voice echoed through the radio. "Well, during that time, when she was a little girl, the town she was living in became a warzone between the United States and the Panama Forces."

Houston could vividly picture the chaotic scenes of that era, the innocent civilians caught in the crossfire, and the devastation wrought upon their lives. He knew all too well the horrors of war, and this story struck a chord deep within him.

"Her parents and siblings were killed during the crossfire, and she was left a refugee," Null continued. "She took her last surviving relative, her baby brother, and she ran as far as she could away from the warzone."

Houston could feel the desperation and fear that must have gripped the young girl as she clung to her baby brother, the weight of responsibility resting heavily on her shoulders.

"One day," Null's voice softened, "she came across an enemy unit, so she took her brother and hid in an abandoned home. Until her brother started to cry."

Houston's heart sank as he imagined the heart-wrenching moment when the baby's cries threatened to reveal their hiding place. The girl, determined to protect her brother at any cost, resorted to a desperate measure.

"She knew if the soldiers heard the noise, they would most likely find them and kill them," Null explained. "So what she did was wrap her hand around his mouth when the soldiers' footsteps went away."

The image of the young girl silencing her baby brother's cries in a bid for survival was both tragic and deeply unsettling. Houston felt a profound sense of empathy for her and the unbearable choices she had been forced to make.

"And then," Null continued, "when the soldiers left and she came back to her senses, she only saw her baby brother was not breathing anymore."

Houston's heart ached as he absorbed the full weight of the tragedy. The girl's valiant efforts to protect her brother had ended in heartbreaking loss.

"You know," Null concluded, "as Hunter and yourself, Houston, we both know wolves eat their own pups when they die. She was spotted wandering through the thick of battle, carrying her baby brother's lifeless corpse in her arms."

Houston continued to listen in silence as Null unraveled the haunting story of Crying Wolf's tormented past. The tale grew even more chilling as it delved into the psychological horrors that had plagued her existence since childhood.

"She had visions too, you see," Null began, "a wolf walking alongside her every night, the wolf would howl and cry just like her brother did that day."

Houston couldn't help but shudder at the imagery of the wolf's cries mirroring the anguish of a young girl burdened by the weight of her actions.

"Eventually," Null continued, "she made it to a government-run refugee camp, but by then, her brother's body had rotted away..."

The camp, once a place of refuge, had become a nightmarish battleground for the girl, haunted by the cries of infants and the relentless specter of the wolf.

"The Camp was crowded with refugees like herself and little children like her brother," Null explained. "Day and night, she was tormented by the cries of babies. The wolf that always followed her heard her sorrowful screams and answered..."

The eerie presence of the wolf in the story sent chills down Houston's spine. It was a symbol of the girl's inner torment and the horrors she had endured.

"It made its way around the camp, silencing the children," Null recounted. "She tried to stop it, but she was powerless to stop the wolf."

As the tragic narrative unfolded, it became painfully clear that the girl had been unable to come to terms with her actions, her psyche fractured by the unspeakable horrors she believed she had committed.

"A few days passed, and on the eve of the attack of Panama forces attacked the camp," Null continued. "There wasn't a child left. The adults who survived were torn up pretty bad. Of course, there never was any wolf in that camp."

The revelation that the wolf had been a figment of her imagination, a manifestation of her guilt and anguish, was a heart-wrenching twist in the story.

"She was the one who killed those babies," Null stated bluntly. "But she couldn't bring herself to admit it. She couldn't bear the thought of herself going from one baby to the next, howling like a wolf, snuffing out their lives."

Houston felt a profound sadness wash over him as he absorbed the full extent of Crying Wolf's torment and guilt.

"And she never did," Null concluded, "even as Crying Wolf, a lonely beast forever stalking the battlefield."

The weight of her actions, real or perceived, had haunted her, and it was only through their final confrontation that she had found release from her torment.

Houston, deeply moved by the story, couldn't help but feel a mixture of sorrow and relief for the woman he had faced in battle. She had found her own form of redemption, and he had played a part in silencing the cries that had tormented her.

"Don't put her death blame on you...." Null's words echoed through the radio, a reminder that, in the chaos of war, they were all victims in one way or another.

As Houston put away his radio, he couldn't shake the lingering sense of melancholy that had settled over him. Null's enigmatic words left him with a lot to ponder, and he knew that their paths might cross again in this unpredictable battlefield.

Before he could dwell on it further, he saw Scott, Machine, and Maho approaching him with a mix of concern and curiosity in their expressions. Houston knew that he had to face their questions and confront the aftermath of the battle.

Maho, being the composed leader she was, was the first to speak. "Houston, what happened here? Who was that woman, and why did you have to kill her?"

Houston met her gaze with a somber expression, rain still falling around them. "Her name was Crying Wolf. She was... a troubled soul, haunted by her past. I had to stop her, not just for our sake but for hers too. She was trapped in a nightmare, and in the end, I think I set her free from her pain and suffering."

"Why you couldn't save her? We could have gotten the help she needed and-" Before Machine could go on Houston stop Machine.

"There no way of saving her...... She was manipulated by someone using her old nightmares..... I did her favor and stopped it..... Now come on... We need to head back to our FOB..." Houston said as he grunted looking at the injuries he got.

"Ben is going to kill me if he sees me get injured like this..." Houston said.

Not liking what Houston did Maho stares at him still not understanding why did he had to kill that poor woman they could've given her to the officials in the next supplies drop off but why do it..

"Houston.....What are you hiding from us..." Maho said to herself.

As Scott, Houston, and Machine walked back to the 'Lone Star' Scott only turned to Crying Wolf's body and her disabled T90 tank as he said one word with a smile on his face as he got a small brief flashback of The lady of Silence death to this.

"It was nice to see you again... My silence love...." He mumbled to himself.

A/n: Holy crap close to 1k view guys! Thanks you all for enjoying this story but what I can say in the future chapters things will get very spicy and sad and lot more I hope you enjoy this chapter even though it a little bit of dark so yeah...... That all I have to say 

-Tom out

P.S. KingDiscord if you get to this Chapter in Chapter 15 it's just a joke okay? Discord? Discord?

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