Chapter 27

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With the Joint High School split up, Davy Crockett, Kuromorimine, and Ooarai had set up camp after Houston ordered Dean to secure the town, allowing the Armor company to rest after their long drive.

Many of Davy Crockett's boys enjoyed the company of Kuromorimine and Ooarai girls. Some of them stood by their tanks, chatting, while others sat around the campfire, sharing horror stories and more. Miho watched over this scene, with Jefferson, the Vice Commander of Davy Crockett High, standing next to her as he enjoyed his self-cooked meal.

"You know, Miho Nishizumi, when we boys first heard that your girls were about to shut down our Tankery sport, our guys were enraged. But now, after being on this island for six months, look at us. We're working together not just to save our Tankery sport from being shut down, but also to expose the crimes of the Federation and Commander Chiaki, for what they did to us, including me," Jefferson said, still haunted by the harsh treatment they endured after the Siege of the Alamo

Miho nodded, her gaze fixed on the flickering flames of the campfire. The camaraderie among their unlikely allies was heartening, but she knew the challenges they faced were far from over.

"I understand, Jefferson," Miho replied, her voice filled with determination. "It's not just about saving our Tankery sport anymore. It's about justice and making sure no one else suffers like we did. We'll expose the truth and put an end to Commander Chiaki's reign."

Jefferson nodded in agreement, his eyes reflecting the same determination. "You're right, Miho. We've come a long way, and we've got each other's backs. Together, we'll make sure our voices are heard, and the Federation's corruption is exposed."

As they shared this solemn moment by the campfire, the bonds between the students of Davy Crockett, Kuromorimine, and Ooarai grew stronger. They were united not just by the love of Tankery but by a shared sense of justice and the desire to right the wrongs that had been done to them.

"Hey, I wonder, have you ever found out where Commander Maho went?" Jefferson inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Miho considered for a moment before responding, "I believe she went to check on Commander Houston."

Just as Miho spoke, the scene shifted to an open field where Houston was slowly approaching a group of horses. One of the horses began to panic, but Houston raised his hand slowly and took small steps, soothing the frightened animal until he could gently touch its head, calming it down.

As Houston managed to calm the wild horse, he began patting it and softly spoke to the horse, assuring it that he meant no harm.

"I didn't know you liked horses," Maho remarked as she approached Houston.

Houston turned to her, a soft smile on his face. "Well, my grandpa was a rancher. He was the one who taught me about horses and how to calm them down," he explained as he finished calming the horse and let it go, watching as it rejoined its pack.

As they observed the horse reuniting with its group, Maho's heart raced, and she couldn't shake the strange feeling she had about Houston. When she had confessed her feelings for him, Maho had made it clear that their relationship could never work. Her mother had already arranged for her to meet potential suitors who would continue the Nishizumi family legacy. Even though Maho and Houston had fallen in love, she believed that pursuing their feelings would only lead to a lie and bring dishonor to the Nishizumi name, especially considering the sacrifices she had made to help Houston save his men.

Houston, too, had his reservations about pursuing another relationship. His last romance had ended in heartbreak when the girl he thought he loved had cheated on him. She had returned the Houston family necklace, a symbol passed down through generations, telling him that it was meant for his true love. It was a constant reminder that no matter how far apart they were, the necklace would always connect them to the one they truly loved.

In the past few months on the island, tensions had been running high as the war game between the American Tankery League and The Federation Sensha Do approached its climax. Houston, known for his courage and selflessness, had found himself in dangerous situations several times. However, he never hesitated to put himself at risk to protect his friends and comrades, earning their respect and admiration.

Maho couldn't help but notice how Houston's injuries always seemed to result from his unwavering dedication to those he cared about. It was a testament to his character, and it touched her deeply.

One particularly challenging moment had been when Houston had faced off against his old friend 'Fury,' who had been corrupted by Commander Anderson, Houston's former leader during the Dallas incident back in the States. That painful chapter of Houston's past had left him scarred, having lost his younger brother, Red, as a result. Maho understood the depth of Houston's suffering and the ghosts from his past that still haunted him.

As they stood together, watching the sun dip below the horizon, Maho couldn't ignore the feelings that had been growing within her. Despite their initial agreement to avoid a romantic relationship, the emotions she had for Houston had become increasingly difficult to suppress. She stole a glance at Houston, who stood beside her, his presence both comforting and captivating. The beauty of the sunset mirrored the complexity of their emotions, a silent reminder that sometimes, matters of the heart were not easily controlled.

As the sun's warm glow gradually gave way to twilight, Maho mustered the courage to broach a topic that had been weighing on her mind for months. She turned to Houston, her voice soft but resolute.

"Houston," she began, her eyes fixed on his, "there's something I need to talk to you about."

Houston turned his attention to Maho, his expression gentle and attentive. "Of course, Maho. What's on your mind?"

 "Lately, I've been thinking about what I said, Houston, about us having a relationship and my fear that it could destroy our lives. But over the past few months and days, I've found it increasingly difficult to ignore the feelings I have for you. They've grown stronger, more undeniable with each passing day," she confessed.

Houston listened intently, his eyes locked onto hers, waiting for her to continue. Maho's admission weighed heavily on both of them.

"I love you... Don, I love you so much that these feelings won't go away. I feel relief and safety with you, and I can't even face my mother, whom I've betrayed and dishonored our family name for. I know you wouldn't hurt our family's traditions, but..." Tears welled up in Maho's eyes as she struggled to find the right words.

"I know it might seem pathetic to see me like this. I shouldn't be feeling this way, and I know you'd endure any pain for me and the others you've protected. But I can't bear to see you face your past alone like this," Maho confessed, her voice filled with vulnerability.

Houston sighed softly, his gaze never leaving Maho's. "Maho, I'm no hero, not in the way you and the others might see me. I never was, and I never will be. I'm just an old breed of killers; that's what I am," he admitted, his voice tinged with regret. "For the people I killed, like 'Crying Wolf,' 'Rage,' and 'Fury,' I did it for murder. There's no righteousness in murder, not ever. And if you were to ask me what I'm fighting for, it's for a better future. That's all I'm fighting for."

Houston continued, his tone heavy with the weight of his past. "There are no heroes or heroines in my line of work. If you lose, you're worm food. Besides, Maho, after my last relationship ended in heartbreak when I was cheated on, I didn't let the grief consume me. I'm good at what I do. Killing. But there are no winners or losers in it. That's what I learned when I was in Dallas. Back then, I never fought for anyone but myself. I had no purpose in life, no ultimate goal, just cheating death in battle."

Maho listened to Houston's candid words, her heart aching for the pain and guilt he carried. She reached out and gently placed her hand on his, a gesture of comfort and understanding. "Houston, you may not see yourself as a hero, but you've shown tremendous courage and selflessness in the battles we've faced. You've protected your friends and comrades, and you've faced your past with unwavering resolve."

 "I may not fully understand the world you come from or the choices you've had to make, but I know the person you are today. You're not just a killer; you're a protector. You've saved lives, and you've protected your friends and comrades. That's the Houston I've come to love."

Tears welled up in Maho's eyes as she continued, "I don't care about the traditions or the expectations. What matters to me is the person you are now and the love we share. I can't deny these feelings any longer. I love you, Houston, with all my heart, and I'm willing to face whatever challenges come our way."

Houston's eyes softened as he listened to Maho's heartfelt words. He reached out and gently wiped away her tears, a small smile forming on his lips. "Maho, you've given me something to fight for, something beyond just surviving. I love you too, more than I ever thought possible. And I'm ready to face whatever comes our way, together."

As they held each other close, a gentle breeze rustled the leaves in the nearby trees, a soothing whisper that seemed to carry away the burdens they had both carried for so long. The world around them faded into the background as they shared a tender kiss, sealing their commitment to each other.

As they broke the kiss, Houston gently wrapped his arm around Maho's waist, and she, in turn, held him close, their bodies pressed together as if to emphasize their unyielding connection. Maho's words were filled with sincerity and determination as she spoke.

"I don't care if our lives are about to be upended. I truly love you, Don," she declared, her voice filled with unwavering conviction.

Houston smiled warmly, his eyes reflecting the depth of his feelings for Maho. He leaned in to meet her lips once more, sealing their love with another tender kiss

A/n: My god *Sniff* I'm not crying.... You're crying I can see you crying Brodie or Reich or KingDiscord... I'm totally not- *Runs off* 


Amidst the backdrop of a fallen Federation city, Welsey found himself in an unexpected situation. He was seated next to his Vice Commander, Colton, who was engaged in a rather poetic and affectionate exchange with Rukuriri.

Welsey couldn't help but cringe as he listened to their lovey-dovey conversation. Colton's romantic declaration in his British accent, followed by Rukuriri's equally affectionate response, left him feeling out of place.

"Never in my life have I looked upon the beauty of the stars and the whole gorgeous universe in your eyes, my dear," Colton declared.

Rukuriri replied with heartfelt emotion, "Oh, darling, I still can't believe that we never met any sooner than this dreaded wartime we're in. I cannot possibly imagine my life without you beside me. Please, my love, never let go of me."

"For you, Darling, I wouldn't dream of letting go," Colton affirmed.

Rukuriri sealed their affectionate exchange with a kiss, and the romantic display left many of the St. Gloriana girls swooning with joy. However, on the other side, the boys from the Washington Boy's and Girl's Academy couldn't hold back their tears. As for Welsey, he couldn't help but express his exasperation.

"Please... kill... me..." Welsey muttered, his head banging against the nearby wall with each word.

In the midst of wartime, surrounded by contrasting emotions, Welsey found himself in a humorous yet exasperating situation, a stark contrast to the more serious matters at hand.

Welsey, still trying to recover from the affectionate exchange he had witnessed, mumbled his frustration against the wall. It was then that Darjeeling approached him, her calm and composed demeanor a stark contrast to the romantic spectacle that had just unfolded.

"As odd as they may seem, I find it rather lovely to see them together," Darjeeling remarked with a hint of amusement in her voice as she stood beside Welsey.

Welsey sighed, lifting his head from the wall and turning to Darjeeling. "Yeah, I'm happy for them too, but their way of expressing their love is enough to make my brain explode," he admitted in a tired tone, clearly exasperated by the whole situation.

Darjeeling couldn't help but chuckle at Welsey's candid response. "Love has its own unique way of showing itself, I suppose," she mused, her eyes briefly flickering toward the still-affectionate couple before returning to Welsey. "But let's hope their happiness brings us luck on the battlefield."

Welsey nodded, a small smile forming on his face despite his exhaustion. "Indeed, let's hope so." 

"Commander Welsey and Commander Darjeeling, sorry if I interrupted anything important," Archie began, saluting as he spoke. "My men have spotted The All Stars University tank unit approaching the city from the west."

Welsey's eyebrows furrowed in surprise and concern. "What? I thought they were stationed up North."

"I thought so too, sir, but they are indeed heading here," Archie confirmed.

Darjeeling, always quick to assess the situation, sensed that something was amiss. "We must contact Commander Houston and Commander Maho about this," she stated, her tone resolute.

"We have, ma'am, but our radio is being jammed. We can't get through to them," Archie reported, his expression reflecting the urgency of the situation.

Welsey wasted no time. "Alright, gather our men and radio Commander Muller and Commander Katyusha. We need their support to take down the All Stars University team. Someone, get in contact with Commander Houston!" he barked out orders.

Meanwhile back with Houston 

As Houston and Maho made their way back to the camp, they stumbled upon a devastating scene. One of Houston's M4A1 Shermans lay in ruins, its crew lifeless on the ground, alongside the bodies of unknown enemy soldiers who appeared to be around the same age as Houston's men. The camp was under attack, and it was clear that the situation had taken a dire turn.

Houston wasted no time. He picked up a fallen enemy's weapon and gathered as much ammunition as he could find, all while Maho looked on, her concern growing by the second.

"Houston, what's going on?" Maho asked, her voice filled with worry.

"I don't know, but we're under attack," Houston replied, his senses on high alert.

As they moved back towards the camp, the sound of gunfire and explosions grew louder. They soon witnessed the remaining infantry loyal Rangers taking cover as they came under heavy fire. The active tanks returned fire, their cannons booming while machine guns blazed, attempting to suppress the advancing enemy.

Jefferson, outside his Patton tank, ran to cover, armed with an M4 Carbine. Houston quickly joined him on the ground, returning fire alongside his Vice Commander.

"What happened to the girls?" Houston shouted over the chaos.

"I sent the remaining Kuromorimine and Ooarai girls out of here. I didn't want any of those girls to get caught in the crossfire!" Jefferson explained as they continued to exchange fire with the attackers.

"Where's Jim?" Houston inquired, concern etched on his face.

"I sent him with the girls. Told him to take them to where the league is stationed," Jefferson replied.

Amidst the firefight, a shout rang out, warning of an incoming RPG. Houston's quick reflexes saved them as he took down the RPG-wielding attacker just in time, but the explosion from the rocket hit one of the tanks, sending a shockwave that knocked both Houston and Jefferson to the ground.

"I'm hit!" Jefferson groaned, clutching his injury.

"We're pulling out! Fall back! I say again, fall back!" Houston shouted, his voice filled with urgency and determination.

The remaining loyalist tanks immediately began to withdraw, and one of the Rangers rushed to assist Jefferson back onto a tank. The leader of the Loyalists barked orders to protect the Commanders as they regrouped, their priority now ensuring the safety of their leaders and comrades in the midst of this unexpected and deadly ambush. 

As Houston's "Lone Star" Tank slowly retreated, Tory skillfully maneuvered to evade incoming rockets while Grant continued to load shells for Scott, who fired the main cannon with precision. "Machine" maintained a relentless barrage from his gunner seat. They fought valiantly, protecting their comrades and covering the retreat.

Amid the chaos, one of the Rangers helped Jefferson onto his Patton Tank, but it came at a heavy cost. Some of the loyalist Rangers lost their lives defending Houston and Jefferson as they fell back.

In the midst of the firefight, a brave Ranger stood beside Houston, determined to hold their ground. Tragically, he was shot down right next to Houston, leaving the Commander holding the lifeless body of his fallen comrade.

Fury and determination welled up inside Houston as he turned his grief and anger toward the attackers. With a resounding shout, he unleashed a torrent of gunfire upon the enemy, his fury driving him to cover the remaining Davy Crockett boys' escape.

Jefferson, despite his injuries and the urgency of the situation, couldn't help but watch in agony as Houston stayed behind, surrounded by the advancing enemy forces.

"Houston!" he cried out, his voice filled with desperation and fear for his Commander's safety, as the battle raged on around them, uncertain of the fate that awaited the brave leader who had chosen to stand his ground.

A Few Moment later

Houston, having fought valiantly to cover his men's escape, finally found himself surrounded and forced to surrender to the attackers. He raised his hands in a show of compliance as the enemy soldiers aimed their weapons at him.

Then, a voice interrupted the tense standoff. A masked girl, approximately the same age as Houston, stepped forward, wearing the uniform of the former Vice Commander of Vermonts. Houston recognized her immediately, even beneath the mask, and couldn't help but comment.

"So this is the legendary Don Houston... The S Rank Commander of American Tankery and Hero of the Dallas Incident," she said, her voice distorted by the voice modification device in her mask.

Houston's response was calm and measured. "Hmm... So, let me guess, you're Anderson's new Vice Commander," he remarked, his eyes locked onto hers.

The masked girl confirmed his suspicions. "Yes, I am... At least I'm not like you, who betrayed him in the Dallas match as his last Vice Commander," she replied, her tone laced with a hint of accusation.

As Houston tried to process the situation with the mysterious new Vice Commander, he suddenly heard a struggle nearby. His heart raced as he spotted Maho, trapped and struggling in the grip of one of the attackers.

"Maho," Houston whispered under his breath, his concern for her evident in his eyes.

The Vice Commander, apparently unfazed by Maho's capture, continued speaking. "You know Commander Anderson will be happy to see you again... Take him and the girl away, load them up."

One of the boys under her command obeyed her orders and struck Houston on the back of his head with the butt of his rifle. The blow was enough to knock Houston unconscious, and he slumped to the ground alongside Maho.

As they loaded Houston and Maho onto their vehicle, the Vice Commander gazed at Houston's unconscious form and muttered to herself, "It's nice to see our family back together again..."

"Big Brother."

Game Over

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