Chapter 29

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The song "Back in Time" by Pitbull played softly in the background as Graham's M1A1 Abrams tank rumbled on. The scene depicted students from Grand Lake High, Kansas Chief's High, and Saunders University High camping together, in a common mission: to prevent any Federation forces from acquiring vital supplies, which included severing the supply line to the All-Star University Team, who were thought to be in the midst of a fierce battle in Houston.

As the music continued to play, the camera panned to Graham, who stood atop a small hill, peering through his binoculars at the surrounding landscape. His Vice Commander, Joey, ambled up to him, casually devouring cereal straight from the box without bothering to transfer it into his canteen bowl.

"So..." Crunch Joey mumbled through a mouthful of cereal, his hand already reaching for another handful as he continued to munch away.

"No... It's still quiet out here..." Graham replied, his gaze still fixed on the horizon. He didn't even bother to turn his head to address Joey's peculiar eating habits.

Graham sighed, inwardly wishing Joey would use a bowl for his cereal.

After Graham had completed his scouting mission, he made his way back to the camp. However, upon his return, he was immediately drawn to the commotion erupting at the campsite. A group of boys had formed a circle, with some girls from Saunders University also gathering around to watch the unfolding scene.

Sighing with exasperation, Graham stepped forward to investigate the situation. As he approached, he realized that one of his boys was engaged in a heated brawl with a boy from Kansas. The two combatants were exchanging punches, and the tension in the air was palpable.

Graham's concern grew as he saw that the attempts of his companions, including Helmet-chan, to intervene and break up the fight had been unsuccessful. Frustration mounted until one of his own boys charged at the Kansas boy, attempting to force him to the ground.

Despite his efforts, the Grand Lake High boy failed, and the situation escalated. The Kansas boy retaliated by driving his knee into his opponent's chest multiple times. As his rival staggered, the Kansas boy seized the opportunity to punch him across the face and taunted him provocatively.

"Come on!" the Kansas boy taunted.

In response, the Grand Lake High boy growled angrily and retaliated with a punch of his own, aiming for his adversary's face. The brawl continued, with tensions running high, until the Kansas boy executed a powerful roundhouse kick that sent his opponent crashing to the ground.

Graham wasted no time. He swiftly moved into the heart of the brawl, his authoritative presence commanding the attention of everyone involved. With a firm and authoritative voice, he shouted, "That's enough! Break it up, both of you!"

The combatants, their faces bruised and their tempers flaring, reluctantly obeyed Graham's command and separated from each other, though they continued to exchange heated glares.

Helmet-chan and the others took the opportunity to step in more assertively, physically restraining the two boys and keeping them apart

"What the hell were you two doing?!" Graham yelled as he glared at the two.

Kay the Commander from Saunders came in along with Elijah as he is the Commander of The Kansas Chief High School as one of Graham's boy's who was in a fight points glares at the Kansas boy he was fighting and spoke up.

"This men insulted Helment-Chan and tries to assault her!" Graham's boy said as the Kansas boy snorted at the response.

"Bullshit I tried to assault but yeah I did say something at her... Because she the enemy! The rest of the Japanese girls who betrayed from the Federation and who is helping their fucking spys!" The Kansas boys argued

"We're not spies!" One of Saunders Girls yelled out.

"Bullshit!" One of the Kansas boys shouted "How can we trust them if they go behind out back and go back to their federation feeding them off intel about us!" Another Kansas boy said

At which point some of the Kansas boys agreeing thinking the Japanese schools that is helping them is waiting for great timing to stabbed all the Americans in the back so they can give the win to the Federation.

But however Graham and Elijah continue to tell Elijah's men those were false as the girls risked their necks saving some of them who were prisoners for being mistreated.

"God I wish Marshal Commander Houston was here so he can show you all respect." Graham said.

"You mean that cowardly Marshal Commander Houston?! Who does nothing but have us waiting and keeping moving only allowing us do small raids against the Federation supplies and that it?! Me and the others who voted on the other to be Marshal Commander not Houston that man doesn't know how to led! That why three of our guys and his were killed for following his order blindly as he forsaken us when we were defending the Alamo 2.0 against her!" The Kasnsas Boy then points at Commander Kay and her girls for being part of the attack of the Alamo .

"They have to Pay with blood! Blood I say!" The Kansas boy said as the other agrees with him while the other didn't as those who were loyal to Elijah who trusted Houston along with Graham and his boys. 

Graham's voice grew even more stern, his threat clear and unwavering. "You better take back what you said about Houston... Or I'll have your ass court-martialed once Commander Houston comes back."

The Kansas boy scoffed at the threat, showing no sign of backing down. "You threatening me, Louisiana swamp boy? What makes you trust that cowardly Houston?" he challenged.

Graham's expression hardened as he offered a response that sent a shiver down the spines of those who had witnessed the Dallas Incident and knew the significance of Houston's old codename. "Because I've seen what he's done when he wasn't Commander, and I've witnessed firsthand the things he accomplished during the Dallas Incident. That's why he was called the 'Specter of Death.'"

Not wanting to know how Houston got that nickname the boy then backs off as Elijah gives a tiring sigh knowing that his men won't let go of the grudge they have as he turns to Graham who only calms himself and later leaves the scene.


In the dimly lit tent, Graham and Joey were engrossed in reviewing the files that Houston had entrusted to them. The silence was broken when Elijah and his Vice Commander, Achak, entered the tent. Graham looked up, hopefulness in his eyes, and asked, "Hey, any response from Commander Houston?"

Elijah shook his head, his expression weary. "Nope... The signal is all static. I'm pretty sure they're in a siege against the All-Star University team. Houston's got his work cut out for him."

"Yeah, I bet," Graham admitted, sharing in the concern for their fellow commander's situation.

Then, Elijah broached a more personal question, his voice tinged with curiosity. "Hey... If you don't mind me asking, why did you and your men react the way you did when you mentioned Houston's old codename? Was it really that bad what he did in Dallas to earn that nickname?"

Graham's expression shifted, his thoughts going back to the harrowing events of the Dallas match. He began to explain, "Yeah, it was really bad... You see, during the Dallas match, before Houston was with us or in Davy Crockett High, he and his old school were brutal and ruthless. Their Commander, a man named Anderson, was cold-hearted and enjoyed twisting any plan to suit his sadistic desires. Houston, his Vice Commander at the time, would carry out these brutal acts, satisfying Anderson's violent inclinations."

Graham continued, his tone grim, "That's why we called Houston 'the Specter of Death.' Because back then, we never knew if he'd be there to take your life, whether in a tank or on foot." The memories of Houston's relentless pursuit and violence during the Dallas match still haunted Graham, as well as others who had faced him in those days

Elijah listened intently, his expression grave as Graham recounted the dark chapter of Houston's past. The weight of the nickname 'the Specter of Death' hung heavily in the air, evoking memories of the brutality and fear that Houston had instilled during his time with his previous school.

As Graham's words settled, Elijah absorbed the gravity of the situation. It was clear that Houston had undergone a transformation since those days, becoming a more measured and strategic leader. Still, the echoes of his earlier ruthlessness lingered in the minds of those who had faced him.

"I see," Elijah finally replied, his voice tinged with a newfound understanding. "Sounds like he's come a long way from those days, but it's hard to shake off a reputation like that."

Graham nodded in agreement. "Yeah, he's a different man now, but the past has a way of sticking with you. We've all got our scars, one way or another."

Joey, who had been silently listening, chimed in, "Well, whether it's the Specter of Death or the Commander we know today, Houston's got our trust. He's earned it."

Graham nodded in agreement with Joey's sentiment. "Yeah, for saving all of us – you, me, Muller, Gunther, Jefferson, and Dean," he acknowledged, gratitude evident in his voice. Their shared experiences and the bonds they had formed in the face of adversity were something they would always carry with them.


In a flashback, the scene shifted to the outskirts of Vermont's headquarters during the Dallas Match. A sixteen-year-old Houston was shown, crouched behind a large container, his movements deliberate and calculated. He stealthily made his way to the courtyard of the enemy base, taking care to avoid detection.

Houston's sharp eyes spotted a guard on a routine patrol, and he patiently waited for the right moment. As the guard turned away, Houston slipped past him, inching closer to the heart of the base.

His progress was momentarily halted when he spotted a security camera scanning the area. Recognizing the camera's view range, Houston carefully maneuvered to avoid its sight, keeping to the shadows as he continued his infiltration.

Moving up a staircase to a catwalk, Houston encountered another guard who seemed preoccupied with trying to warm his hands in the chilly Texas weather. Taking advantage of the distraction, Houston swiftly passed by the guard, his movements silent and precise.

Houston's eyes then fell upon an open vent, providing a perfect entry point into the inner workings of the Vermont base. Without hesitation, he crawled into the vent, determined to reach his objective within the enemy's stronghold.

End of Flashback

As Houston slowly regained consciousness, his head throbbing from the blow he had received, he became aware of his surroundings. His eyes opened to a dimly lit interior, and it took a moment for his vision to adjust.

He found himself in the back of a transport truck, his hands cuffed and secured to the seat. Panic and confusion momentarily washed over him until his memories began to piece together the events that had led to this point.

Turning his head, he saw Maho sitting beside him, also restrained and unconscious. Gently nudging her to wake her, Houston whispered, "Maho... Maho, wake up."

Maho stirred, her eyes fluttering open as she slowly came to. She too was disoriented at first but quickly realized the dire situation they were in.

"Don... what happened?" she asked in a hushed voice.

"We've been captured," Houston replied, his tone grim. 

Not knowing where they were being taken, but well aware of the potential danger ahead, Houston turned to Maho. His voice was filled with urgency as he spoke.

"Listen to me closely, Maho... Once this truck reaches its destination, remember this: these guys don't follow the rules of engagement for prisoners, especially female ones," Houston cautioned, his eyes locked onto hers. "I say this because they'll try to break your mind, your will, and humiliate you until you're left mentally shattered. There may even be some who will try to cross boundaries."

He paused, his expression grave, but his eyes conveyed his concern and determination. "To get through this, stick close to me and keep your mind strong, okay?"

Maho met Houston's unwavering gaze with a mixture of apprehension and determination. She understood the gravity of the situation and the importance of Houston's advice.

She nodded, her voice steady as she replied, "I understand, Houston. I'll stay strong, and I'll stick by your side. We'll get through this together."

Hearing that kind of calm him down but however he knew that Anderson and these new people who are now part of Dogs of War squad have certain ways of breaking a person spirit. 

Finally, the truck came to a halt, the engine shutting off with an ominous finality. The sounds of activity outside the vehicle hinted at the presence of numerous individuals, and the tension inside the truck reached its peak.

The rear door of the truck swung open, revealing a group of armed individuals, including the enigmatic Vice Commander who had orchestrated their capture. They were led out of the truck, their hands still cuffed, and escorted into the secret FOB.

Amidst the tense and uncertain atmosphere of the secret FOB, a slow clap echoed through the room. Houston turned to see another masked figure, this one with a prosthetic hand and leg, walking towards them.

"Well, well, well... if it isn't my old Vice Commander," the masked man spoke, his voice distorted by the modification device in his mask. He walked up to Houston, Maho, and the mysterious Vice Commander, his gaze fixed on Houston.

"It's good to see you again... Don," the masked man said, his voice tinged with a mix of emotions.

Houston's reaction was a mixture of surprise and recognition. "So you survived too?" Houston retorted, his eyes narrowing behind his own mask. "Well, how's your arm and leg that you lost when you faced me, Anthony?" Houston asked, referring to the injuries the man had suffered during a past encounter.

In response, the masked Lieutenant, identified as Anthony, unleashed a sudden punch that struck Houston across the face, the blow landing with a resounding impact

The punch from Anthony landed squarely on Houston's jaw, causing him to stagger backward. He recovered quickly, wiping a trickle of blood from his lip with the back of his hand. The tension in the room escalated as the two former comrades locked eyes, their past animosities and grudges simmering just beneath the surface.

Houston, refusing to back down, maintained his defiant stance. "I see you haven't lost your touch, Anthony," he remarked, his voice tinged with a mixture of bitterness and resolve.

Anthony's prosthetic hand clenched into a fist, and his masked expression remained inscrutable. "You always were a thorn in our side, Don," he replied, his voice cold and measured. "But now, things have changed. We are in charge here."

The masked Vice Commander, who had orchestrated their capture, watched the exchange with a calculating gaze, seemingly content to let this confrontation play out.

"So what is the real plan here huh? What is your goal in all this? If it just petty reveage of killing me on how I ruin our old school pertiogues record or getting shut down or is it something else." Houston said 

"Something like that my old Vice Commander." Anderson's voice spoke up

As Anderson entered the room, his presence hung heavily in the air, and his voice cut through the tension like a blade. The room fell into an eerie silence as Anderson addressed Houston, his words filled with anger and resentment.

"Houston... I see you've recovered well," Anderson remarked with a chilling tone. His actions, however, spoke louder than his words. With a swift movement, he unlocked Houston's cuffs, and confusion momentarily crossed Houston's face.

Before Houston could react, Anderson struck him with a powerful punch to the stomach, doubling him over in pain. Then, without mercy, Anderson followed it up with a brutal uppercut that sent Houston reeling. The relentless assault continued as Anderson landed three more punches to Houston's face, causing blood to stream from his injuries.

Maho watched in horrified disbelief as the man she loved was subjected to this brutal beating. Her voice caught in her throat, and she could only bear witness to the violence unfolding before her.

The Vice Commander and Anthony observed the savage beating with cold detachment, their expressions revealing nothing as Anderson continued to pummel Houston relentlessly, leaving the once-legendary tank commander battered and broken. 

The relentless assault from Anderson showed no signs of stopping. Blow after brutal blow rained down on Houston, his face battered and bloodied, his body wracked with pain. Despite his desperate attempts to break free, Anderson's grip was unyielding, and his wrath seemed unquenchable.

Houston could feel the sensation of his own blood, warm and sticky, streaming down his face. He fought to stay on his feet, to be a symbol of strength for Maho, but the unrelenting assault left him weakened and vulnerable.

As the punches kept coming, Houston's strength waned, and he fell to his knees, struggling to regain his composure. His attempts to stand were futile as Anderson continued his merciless assault. Headbutts followed, leaving Houston dazed and disoriented, his vision swimming.

Finally, one last devastating punch from Anderson sent Houston sprawling onto the cold floor

Maho watched in horror as her lover was reduced to a bloody pulp. Houston lay on the floor, unconscious and broken, his face battered beyond recognition. Anderson stood over him, a look of triumph on his face.

The Vice Commander stepped forward, assessing Houston's injuries. "He's alive," she remarked, her expression unreadable. She turned towards the other masked individuals, including Anthony.

"Good. I want him alive," Anderson declared, a sinister edge to his voice. He then addressed Anthony directly, entrusting him with Houston's fate.

"Leave him in your care until we're ready to move them to the interrogation room," Anderson ordered, his tone unyielding. "I won't tolerate any more 'accidents' like the one with that DARPA League official, Anthony."

Anthony nodded in acknowledgment. "You can count on me, Commander."

The masked Vice Commander then turned her attention to Maho, her voice still concealed by the voice modification device in her mask. "And what about her?" she asked, a hint of sadistic curiosity in her tone.

"Let the guards do as they please with her," Anderson replied coldly, his eyes filled with malice. "I want to see her broken."

With that chilling declaration, Anderson left the room to prepare the interrogation room for Houston, leaving Maho vulnerable to the cruelty of the guards and the grim fate that awaited them both in this nightmarish facility.

The Vice Commander looked at Maho and her face darkened. Maho felt her heart pound in her chest, unable to move as the guards approached her. The guards grabbed Maho and threw her violently to the ground, pinning her arms down with their boots.

"You have a pretty face," the guard on her right growled in response. "Hope we get to have fun with it." The guard on Maho's left chuckled and grabbed her by the throat, squeezing tightly. "If the Commander wants her broken, we'll break her good."

In response, Maho kicked and struggled in desperation, attempting to free herself from their grip. The guards pressed down on her more forcefully in response, tightening their grip. Maho could feel her breath becoming more ragged and could feel her panic rising.

Unable to stop the guards on her own, Maho looked desperately to the Vice Commander for help. He simply stood there impassively, watching silently as the guards violated her.

The guard on Maho's right reached down and lifted up her face by her chin. With his other hand, he brushed the hair out of her face, exposing her neck. His lips slowly crept down toward her, and Maho froze in fear...

..As his lips met her neck, the guard started to kiss her. Maho was unable to move under his strength, and felt violated and humiliated.

...Maho felt the guard press her down flat on the ground, his lips all over her neck. She struggled in vain, her face red and her eyes welling up with tears.

"I'm sorry..." she whispered in desperation. "Please... stop... It hurts..."


Commander Welsey observed the All Star University team from his Conqueror tank, his binoculars trained on their distant position. The enemy tanks remained stationary, their barrels aimed at the city, creating an eerie and unsettling standoff.

Welsey's brow furrowed with concern as he pondered their intentions. The absence of any immediate movement or aggression from the opposing team left him wondering what they were planning. The uncertainty of the situation hung heavily in the air as he tried to decipher their motives, knowing that any misstep could have dire consequences for his own forces and the city they were tasked with defending.

As Welsey continued to observe the All Star University team's tanks, a sense of unease settled over him. The standoff between their forces and the enemy remained tense and perplexing.

He scanned the battlefield, looking for any signs of movement or communication among the enemy tanks. The stillness of the moment contrasted sharply with the potential for sudden, explosive action.

Welsey knew that he needed to remain vigilant and cautious. The All Star University team's intentions remained unclear, and the fate of the city hung in the balance. As the commander of his forces, he needed to be prepared for any scenario, no matter how unexpected or treacherous it might be.

Welsey's question hung in the air as he pondered the All Star University team's puzzling behavior. The lack of engagement from the enemy, despite their formidable position, continued to confound him.

He decided to contact Darjeeling, seeking her insight on the situation. "Hey, is this one of the University's plans to have us under siege?" he asked over the radio.

Darjeeling's response was swift and carried an air of concern. "No, that is not like them at all. Something tells me that something different is going on," she replied.

Welsey's unease deepened at Darjeeling's words. The mystery surrounding the enemy's intentions only grew, and he realized that they were facing a situation far more complex and potentially dangerous than he had initially thought

"Hey, one of their Commanders is out of the tank!" one of the Commando unit members shouted from his cover.

Indeed, Wesley grabbed his binoculars and confirmed that it was true. He noticed a figure holding a white flag of truce. Slowly, he disembarked from his tank and instructed his men to remain in their positions. He asked Darjeeling to accompany him.

As the two commanders from St. Gloriana and Washington Boys and Girls Academy approached the All Star University Team Commander, they were taken aback to find that the commander was a young girl. Wesley couldn't believe his eyes, and he had to rub them to make sure he wasn't seeing things.

Darjeeling, however, greeted the young commander with a warm smile. "It's good to see you again, Commander Alice," she said, and Alice reciprocated the greeting.

Wesley, still trying to process the fact that a thirteen-year-old girl was in command of a college-level tankery team, stammered his words as he tried to make sense of the situation. In the background, Darjeeling and Alice exchanged pleasantries.

"So what's going on? Are you planning to take this city from us?" Darjeeling inquired.

Alice shook her head. "No, I was hoping to meet with one of the American commanders."

Wesley, somewhat bewildered, asked, "And that would be me?"

"Yes," Alice replied. "You're one of the Major Commanders, I assume?"

"I'm Major Commander Wesley," he confirmed, still grappling with the surreal circumstances. He then noticed slow footsteps approaching, and a wounded Ranger from Houston's unit emerged. The Ranger wore a black uniform with a red beret and had bandages over his wounds.

"Is it because we were ambushed?" the Ranger said, almost collapsing on the floor. Wesley quickly caught him, and Darjeeling and Alice looked on in concern.

"Who ambushed you? Was it Commander Chiaki?" Wesley asked.

The Ranger's voice quivered as he responded, "No... it was... the old commander we used to follow... Commander Anderson."


Amidst the chaos and bloodshed within the dark and eerie halls of the Secret FOB, a figure cloaked in an old Vermont Academy stealth camouflage moved with lethal precision. The walls bore grim witness to the violence, splattered with blood and echoes of screams and gunshots reverberating through the corridors.

One guard, attempting to find the source of the ominous breathing, was suddenly thrust out of the hallway, his life extinguished. The invisible figure, using the camouflage technology to its advantage, cut through the group of guards with ruthless efficiency.

As the other soldiers halted in confusion, turning to their fallen comrade, they were met with a swift and brutal fate. One by one, they were either slashed, thrown, or violently impaled. Blood sprayed across the walls and pooled on the floor, turning the passage into a gruesome scene of carnage.

Desperation filled the heart of one guard who attempted to escape the slaughter, his comrade providing cover fire. Bullets, however, proved ineffective against the mysterious ninja, whose sword moved so swiftly it seemed to deflect the projectiles effortlessly. The guard, realizing he was out of ammunition, drew a knife, ready to engage his unseen assailant.

With a rush of determination, he lunged at the ninja, but the outcome was inevitable. The ninja grabbed the soldier's arm, twisted it with unnatural ease, and with a sickening snap, dislocated it. The guard screamed in agony as the ninja swiftly dispatched him with a brutal slice, sending more blood splattering in a gruesome fashion.

The hallway, now littered with lifeless bodies and awash in crimson, stood as a testament to the deadly skills of the invisible figure. His cloak, once pristine, was now stained with the blood of his victims, and his breathing remained steady and controlled.

Having dispatched the guards in the hallway, the ninja continued on his clandestine mission, his movements fluid and soundless. The secret FOB held many dark secrets, and he seemed determined to uncover them all, one life at a time.

"Old Friend.......I'm coming....." Spoke the ninja his voice disordered 

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