Chapter 39

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"From what I've heard, it could mean a serious reprimand for the Rangers," remarked one of the Canadian Sergeants. He and Lieutenant Archie, representing the Washington Boys' and Girls' Academy, were traversing a dirt road with infantry high schoolers perched on the Sherman Firefly tanks they hadn't exactly 'borrowed' from the Davy Crockett back in the States. They sat atop their jeep, with the Sergeant at the wheel.

"The Rangers have every right to be frustrated. We were meant to secure this river days ago. Command is being overly cautious. Boldness often leads to better outcomes," Archie asserted.

"At least it beats waiting back at our FOB with nothing to do," the Sergeant replied.

"Well, Sergeant, we won't be twiddling our thumbs once we arrive at our destination. We're about to get very busy," Archie said, pointing in the direction of the river they were tasked to capture.

Meanwhile, in the northern theater of operations, the Polish-Americans, under the command of Master Sergeant Dillon from Grand Lake High in Louisiana, were making their presence felt. One tank crew of an M1 Abrams found themselves in a field surrounded by disabled Leopard tanks, with Federation Women captives kneeling, their hands secured behind their heads. The crew took a moment to mark the number of tanks kills they had achieved on their own tank's side armor.

"Seven kills in as many days," the loader proudly announced.

"We'll need more paint to catch up with the Lone Star crew from Davy Crockett High," the radio operator joked, provoking laughter from the group.

Dillon arrived, clearing his throat to get his crew's attention. "Enough of that for now. We have boys from Kansas Chief High coming to pick up these prisoners, and we've received new orders. We're taking Mount Ormel," he declared, looking at the paper with the orders.

"We? Just us?" the Driver inquired.

"Don't worry, the Canadians are right behind us," Dillon assured them.

"What is Mount Ormel, anyway, Sergeant?" the gunner asked.

Dillon walked a few steps forward and pointed north to a small rise on the horizon, the hill they were tasked with defending and capturing. "The Mace," he said with determination.

Meanwhile back at Pottsboro

A well a everybody heard about the bird

As the radio began to play "Surfin' Bird," it then showed Red at the mess hall having a bowl of cereal. He poured milk into the bowl while sitting alone, eating his morning breakfast with his hair all messed up and his eyes looking very sleepy. Someone walked up to him.

"Ah, it's good to see one of the Houstons awake," Anzu said as she walked to Red, with Momo and Yuzu following behind her, eating one of her favorite snacks.

"Hm... Yeah," Red said as he took one scoop and a bite of his cereal.

"I see you've also picked up your older brother's habit of staying up late," Momo commented.

"Actually, no. The reason I stay awake is that my older brother was... busy, going over the battle plan with Maho. I stayed up hearing their talks," Red quickly said, not wanting to expose his older brother's secret relationship with Maho Nishizumi.

"I see. Well, I know some of us are tired from this big operation we're doing, so the rest of the girls are planning to have a beach party that this city has, so we can boost our morale and enjoy our time on this island," Anzu said.

"A beach party? Hmm, well, since you said that, I wouldn't mind if that happened. I hope the other boys will be fine with that," Red said, knowing they needed a break from this match.

"We're not going to have a beach party," Graham stated.

It then cuts back to Red in the room with the Four Major Commanders and Vice Commanders. Jefferson and Dean, who are still in the recovery list, stand behind Red.

"Why not?" Red asked, confused.

"Well, in case you've forgotten, Red, Commander Anderson and his old remnants of the shutdown Vermont Tankery Academy are hunting us," Muller pointed out.

"Yeah, I know that... But he hasn't made a move since we captured Anthony and currently have him in the holding cell, still knocked out," Red said.

"Yet, however, the last time we let our guard down, we had the 'Fury' and 'Rage' try to kill your older brother earlier when they somehow snuck past our defenses with their tanks," Graham added.

"Yeah, I have to agree with Graham and Muller on this one, Red. We can't let our guard down," Elijah spoke up.

"It's a bloody shame that one of us has to break this news to the girls," Wesley said, with his arms crossed, trying to think of how to tell the girls that they won't be having a beach party.

 Red listened to the concerns raised by the commanders and understood the seriousness of the situation. However, he couldn't help but think of a humorous angle to try and change their minds.

He leaned in with a mischievous smirk on his face and said, "You know, we might be missing out on something crucial here. If we cancel the beach party, we won't get to see the girls in their swimwear. Just think about it; they've been working so hard, and they deserve some fun in the sun. Plus, it could boost our spirits too. Who knows, it might even motivate us to be even more vigilant when we're back on the battlefield."

The commanders exchanged glances, and a few chuckled at Red's cheeky remark. After a moment, Graham couldn't help but grin and said, "Alright, Red, you make a compelling point. Let's not be complete spoilsports. We'll allow the beach party, but with extra security measures in place. And no late-night swims for anyone!"

Red's grin widened as he successfully turned the situation around. "Deal," he said, pleased with the outcome. With that settled, he turned his attention to thinking about how to deliver the good news to the girls, who would undoubtedly be thrilled with the beach party idea.

"Okay, then we have to get this approved by Marshal Commander Houston and Maho," Graham said.

"Wait, what..." Red muttered to himself.

"Ja, I agree. Let's go. I hope he isn't asleep," Muller said.

As the four Major Commanders then left the room, Red tried to stop them but failed to do so. He placed both of his hands on his head, gripping his hair in sheer panic. Jefferson noticed this and spoke up.

"Um, Red, are you alright? You seem panicked," Jefferson asked.

"I am! I have to get there first before they do. Vice Commander Jefferson and Sergeant Dean, tell all the boys and girls that we're having a beach party. Let them know! I'll go talk to my brother!" Red spoke quickly as he rushed out of the room.

(Began the chase music lol)

Red's heart raced as he dashed through the hallways of the base, his footsteps echoing in his ears. He was on a mission, a race against time, determined to catch up to the Four Major Commanders before they reached the Davy Crockett quarters. The suspense in the air was palpable, and it felt like something out of a "Mission Impossible" chase scene.

As he sprinted around corners and leaped over obstacles, he couldn't help but feel like a secret agent in a high-stakes operation. The urgent need to get to Marshal Commander Houston and Maho before the others discovered their hidden relationship added a layer of tension to his sprint.

Red's mind was racing as fast as his legs. He knew that the relationship between his older brother and Maho was something that should remain a closely guarded secret. He couldn't bear the thought of it being exposed, not only because it could jeopardize their positions but also because it was a deeply personal matter.

He finally caught sight of the Four Major Commanders ahead, just as they were about to enter the Davy Crockett quarters. With a burst of speed, Red closed the gap between them, and in a final sprint, he managed to reach them just before they reached the door.

"Wait! You can't go in there!" Red gasped, breathless from his mad dash.

Graham, Muller, Elijah, and Wesley turned to him, surprised by his sudden appearance. "Red, what's the matter?" Graham asked, concern in his voice.

"I need to talk to Marshal Commander Houston and Maho first. It's urgent!" Red insisted, his eyes pleading with them to understand the gravity of the situation.

The commanders exchanged puzzled glances but ultimately nodded, allowing Red to enter the quarters before them. As he stepped inside, Red hoped he could handle the delicate conversation without exposing the secret that he had been entrusted to keep. The stakes were high, and the tension in the room was palpable as he prepared to speak to his brother and Maho.

The scene transitioned to a room littered with discarded clothes, remnants of Houston and Maho's school commander uniforms strewn haphazardly across the floor. The soft rays of morning light filtered in through the curtains, casting a warm and intimate ambiance in the room.

Marshal Commander Houston slowly stirred from his slumber, his eyes fluttering open. His gaze fell upon Maho, who was still peacefully asleep beside him. He couldn't help but wear a tender smile, overwhelmed by the affection he felt for her. Gently, he moved his hand to softly stroke her hair, coaxing her to wake up.

"Hey, are you awake?" Houston whispered, his voice a gentle caress.

Maho's eyes blinked open, and she looked up at Houston, her expression softening as she met his gaze. The two of them lay there, bathed in the golden morning light, a silent connection passing between them.

A small, contented sigh escaped her lips as she nestled closer to him, her head resting on his chest. "Good morning," Maho murmured, her voice filled with warmth.

"Good morning," Houston replied, his fingers tracing gentle patterns along her back. He couldn't help but feel a profound sense of happiness in that moment, cherishing their shared tranquility.

In that quiet morning, they savored the simple pleasure of being together, their feelings unspoken but deeply understood. Their secret relationship, hidden from the world, remained a precious bond, and the world outside the room seemed distant and irrelevant in that intimate moment.

Just as the serene moment between Houston and Maho continued, a sudden and insistent knocking on the door shattered the tranquility of the room. Startled, Houston and Maho exchanged a swift, alarmed glance

"Brother! Open the door! Brother!" Red shouted, his voice filled with urgency, as he continued knocking on the door. His determination grew, and he started kicking the door, trying to force it open. With a final forceful kick, the door swung open.

"RED, WHAT THE HELL?!" Houston shouted, his voice laced with frustration, as Maho let out a panicked scream, quickly raising the covers of the bed to shield their privacy.

Red glanced at the two on the bed, undeterred by the awkward situation. "Man, I've been wanting to do that..." he muttered. Then, with a mischievous grin, he started to ask a rather embarrassing question. "Did you guys have se—"

Before Red could finish his sentence, Houston interrupted him. "Not the point! What do you want, little brother?!" he exclaimed.

"Oh, yeah, we're having a beach party, and we need your permission. Yes or no?" Red asked, trying to shift the conversation to a less awkward topic.

Houston, with a decisive tone, immediately said, "No."

Maho, however, quickly chimed in, "Yes."

The two exchanged a surprised look, leaving Houston puzzled. "What do you mean, yes?" he asked, turning his attention to Maho, curious about her response.

Maho gave a subtle smile and explained, "Well, it might be a good opportunity for everyone to relax and have some fun. Plus, it could boost morale and help us unwind from the stress of our current situation."

Houston, though still taken aback by Red's sudden intrusion and the unexpected question, contemplated Maho's reasoning. He turned to Red and asked, "Is it well-organized, Red?"

Red nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, Anzu is leading the planning, and it's all set up to ensure security. We won't let our guard down, I promise."

After a moment of silence, Houston sighed, realizing that the beach party might indeed be a welcome break for the team. "Fine, Red, you win this one. We'll give it our approval, but everyone needs to stay vigilant."

Red couldn't hide his excitement. "Thank you, brother!" He quickly retreated from the room, allowing Houston and Maho to regain their composure and privacy.

As the door closed, Maho turned to Houston with a faint smile. "It could be a nice change of pace, don't you think?"

Houston nodded, mirroring her smile. "You're right, Maho. We all need a break from time to time."

As everyone enjoyed their time at the beach, Miho, dressed in her beachwear, observed the fun-filled scene. The sun, the sand, and the laughter all created a joyous atmosphere. She couldn't help but smile at the sight of her friends and teammates making the most of the beach party.

Suddenly, the Rabbit Team and other girls' first years rushed into the water with excitement, only to be hit by a cramp, leaving them in need of assistance. The Rangers, who were on security and lifeguard duty, sprang into action.

"God damn it, you're supposed to stretch before going into the water!" one of the Rangers shouted as they helped the girls back to the shore.

Hana, standing alongside the Anglerfish team, commented, "Well, it's good to see everyone having fun."

"You know, you're right, Hana. It's great to see everyone having a good time," Red agreed, taking in the lively scene with a grin.

"Woah, Red, you look very handsome!" Saori exclaimed, her face turning a shade of red, just like Miho and Yukari. Their eyes sparkled with excitement as they admired Red, who was wearing only military pants without a shirt. He had sunglasses on and was proudly showing off his well-built upper body, displaying two scars on him. He strolled right next to them, exuding confidence and enjoying the beach party to the fullest.

Graham and his crew of the M1 Abrams were gathered around a portable grill they had fashioned from a barrel. They were preparing barbecue food with the precision and care that reflected their Louisiana roots. Graham, the commander, was taking the lead and demonstrating how to prepare the best grill food in a Louisiana style.

"Smells good. The way I cook this meat just reminds me of home..." Graham commented as he expertly flipped the meat on the grill.

Joey, one of the crew members, approached Graham and remarked, "Isn't Commander Houston great at making his Texas barbecue food?"

Graham grinned, showing his competitive spirit. "Yes, but I'm the second best on the grill, Vice Commander," he retorted, not willing to concede that title.

Joey raised an eyebrow and replied, "Hm, sure."

As Graham continued to cook, Muller, accompanied by Gunther and Ludwig, joined them, dressed in their beach clothes, with shirts and their distinctive German hats.

"How's the food going, Graham?" Muller inquired.

Graham gave a satisfied nod. "Going well. I hope you all like the steak cooked medium rare."

"Well, then, I hope you make more for all of us," a voice chimed in.

Graham looked up, his eyes landing on Kay and Alisa, who were making their way towards them. Both of them were dressed in their beach outfits, and Graham couldn't help but notice the striking swimsuit that Kay was wearing, an American beach-themed swimsuit that caught his eye.

Graham grinned and gave Kay a playful wink. "Well, Kay, you're looking absolutely stunning in that swimsuit. Are you here to steal the show or just steal my barbecue secrets?"

Kay laughed, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Oh, Graham, stealing the show is a given when I'm around. But I wouldn't mind a little barbecue secret exchange as well."

As they continued their flirty banter, the beach party buzzed with laughter and enjoyment, creating a relaxed and jovial atmosphere that the entire team was savoring.

As Miho and Red stood together, observing their friends having a great time at the beach party, they shared a moment of contentment. Miho's heart raced in a way she couldn't quite explain, feeling both shy and nervous around Red, emotions she struggled to define.

Red broke the silence by expressing his relief, "You know, I'm kind of glad we're taking a break from the match."

Miho nodded in agreement, her gaze briefly meeting Red's before she looked away. "Yeah, it sure is..."

However, their contemplative moment was interrupted when Taeko proposed a game of volleyball. The idea received positive responses from the group. Graham and Muller agreed to play, and Red, with a cocky smile, accepted the challenge, adjusting his sunglasses.

"I'm down," Red said, showing enthusiasm as he headed to the volleyball setup with the three other boys. They were searching for a fourth player when, to everyone's surprise, Houston unexpectedly volunteered.

The sight of the shirtless Don Houston, showing off his fit physique in swim trunks, left everyone wide-eyed and astounded. Red, on the other hand, just sported that ever-confident grin. The teams were set: four former Dallas Incident survivors against Duck Team from Ooarai Girls' Academy.

"Alright, let's go!" Red said, clapping his hands together, ready to start the game, and the tension for a thrilling beach volleyball match built in the air.

With everyone ready for the beach volleyball match, they formed two teams: the four former Dallas Incident survivors, which included Red, Graham, Muller, and the shirtless Houston, and the enthusiastic Duck Team from Ooarai Girls' Academy.

The atmosphere was filled with excitement as the teams lined up on opposite sides of the net. Red couldn't help but feel like they were in some intense movie scene, almost reminiscent of the famous "Top Gun" volleyball scene. As he prepared for the match, he even whispered to Graham, "I feel the need... the need for speed!"

Graham chuckled at the reference and replied, "You've been watching too many movies, Red."

The game began, and the players leaped into action, spiking and diving for the ball with impressive athleticism. The competition was fierce, with both teams displaying their skills and determination. Red, Graham, and Muller showcased their volleyball prowess, but the Duck Team proved to be formidable opponents.

Houston, showing his competitive spirit, leaped high into the air, sending a powerful spike over the net. The ball soared with tremendous force, leaving the opposing team stunned. The scene was nothing short of epic, like a dramatic movie sequence, complete with slow-motion effects.

As the match continued, the beach crowd gathered around, cheering for their favorite team. The intense competition was a sight to behold, leaving everyone in awe of the skills on display. It was a memorable moment, and even the girls, including Miho, couldn't help but get caught up in the excitement, watching with admiration.

The beach volleyball match was a fantastic addition to the day's events, a thrilling and memorable experience that brought everyone together in the spirit of fun and camaraderie.

As the beach volleyball match reached its thrilling conclusion, Red delivered the final score with excitement radiating from his voice. Graham, who had been a spirited and enthusiastic participant in the match, yelled in excitement upon hearing the result. Muller couldn't help but smile, taking a moment to flex and show off his impressive physique.

Red and Houston, the victors of the match, exchanged high-fives, celebrating their hard-fought victory. "That game, Don!" Red exclaimed, his grin stretching from ear to ear.

Houston grinned back at Red and nodded in agreement. "Damn right it is," he said, acknowledging the exhilarating and competitive spirit of the match.

The beach party continued with cheers and laughter, as everyone relished the camaraderie and shared memories created during the exciting volleyball game. It was another moment to remember in their journey at the beach, strengthening the bonds between friends and teammates.

As the beach party continued, everyone relished the delicious barbecue food prepared by Graham's boys. The aroma of the Louisiana barbecue filled the air, adding to the festive atmosphere. Houston had just finished his meal and was about to light up a cigarette when Maho, wearing her swimsuit, stepped in and confiscated the cigarette.

"You know you shouldn't be smoking, Don," Maho chided gently.

Houston sighed and placed his lighter away, looking out at the gathering, where he saw many others enjoying themselves, couples forming, and a sense of unity and happiness in the air. He couldn't help but smile at the scene.

As the day was transitioning into evening, Jefferson approached Houston, holding something in his hand.

"Hey, Houston, remember the thing we did before we got shipped here to this island?" Jefferson asked.

Houston nodded. "Yeah, I remember it."

"Well, my little sister and her manager, who owns her song, just sent us a copy of one of the performances she did with us," Jefferson explained.

"Really? Well, put it on," Houston said, intrigued by the idea.

As the sun began to set, Jefferson and the other Davy Crockett boys set up a projector they had found in the city, using Jefferson's laptop to display the video. Everyone gathered around, with Houston and Maho standing in the back. Maho, looking somewhat curious, asked, "I didn't know Jefferson had a little sister?"

Houston explained, "He never talked much about her. She's famous in Japan for being a Japanese Idol. When we were heading here, she wanted to wish Jefferson good luck and record a music performance with him and our school together."

As the sun continued its descent, the projector was set up, and the video performance was ready to be played. The gathering crowd hushed, their curiosity piqued as the opening notes of the music began to play.

The video played, showcasing the backdrop of the Davy Crockett School with many tank crew members busy preparing their tanks for departure. Jefferson's sister walked past them, and as the music began to play, she began to sing.

(This is the video in question)

"I love you, todoite kono omoi, kitto itsuka wa kanau yo ne. Konna kimochi, setsuna sugiru no," she sang, her voice ringing out in the video. As she sang the first lyrics, she quickly moved offscreen, and the scene transitioned to a group of Rangers in training. Jefferson and Houston watched with interest, while Dean barked orders at the Rangers, who were engaged in close-quarters combat training with one another.

Jefferson's sister remained behind Houston and Jefferson, watching the training exercises while continuing to sing.

"Hajimari nante wakaranai no, namae mo heibon de. Doko ni demo isou demo nanmannin ite mo, watashi kitto kimi wo mitsukeru yo. Sunao na kimochi tojikome kara ni komotta, jibun ga iya de ki no nai furi suru sono tabi ni, tada itami ga fueteiku," she continued to sing, sitting on top of Houston's Lone Star Sherman tank with her feet dangling. She gazed at Houston as she sang, her voice filled with emotion.

"Kimi wa nani wo negau no? Soba ni ite hoshii, zutto zutto. Sore dake na no ni," she sang while still watching Houston. She then faced the camera and made a cute pose, creating a heart symbol with her hand before continuing to sing.

(Doki doki...)

"Koi no yokushiryoku, hora GAME no hajimari. Massugu na omoi ga, hora ima afure hashiridasu," the song continued, the video focusing on the Rangers who were still training hard. It then turned to Jefferson's sister, who was dancing and singing with enthusiasm.

As the song progressed, Houston turned around and spotted her in the video.

"Hitori nante mou iya da yo. Mite yo, watashi no koto zenbu kimi he to tsunagaru no. Donna kako mo mirai mo, zutto zutto...," she sang as she continued to dance and sing, while Houston, Jefferson, and Dean ordered the Rangers to stop their training and stand at attention. The Rangers lined up behind Jefferson's sister, who continued singing and dancing, creating an atmosphere of celebration and unity.

The video cut to Jefferson's sister walking across the training field, still singing, with the Texas flag waving proudly in the background. She then walked past Houston, Jefferson, and Dean, who were dressed in their common uniforms. Houston had a serious expression, wearing a bandana on his head while the wind blew through his hair. Jefferson stood at attention with his right hand on his hip, and Dean held his Airsoft Thompson with his left hand, a toothpick in his mouth. The powerful scene conveyed a sense of determination, pride, and unity among the members of Davy Crockett School.

The excitement among the Davy Crockett boys reached a peak as they spotted their commanders in the video. Shouts of joy and cheers filled the air, creating a lively atmosphere. The Rangers, caught up in the celebratory mood, began dancing along with the song.

Amidst the dancing crowd, Houston turned to Maho and extended his hand, inviting her to join the dance. Maho, initially hesitant, took Houston's hand, and the two began to dance discreetly, away from the prying eyes of the others.

"Kono deai ga sekai wo kaeru houkago CLASS ni, ima wa futari. Kamisama ga kureta CHANCE yo, jikan wa tada sugite yuku. Kitto kono mama, futari wa sudoori senaka awase de, hanarete yuku...," she continued to sing, showcasing the crews of the Lone Star and Jefferson's Patton tank. The video then panned to the rest of the Rangers, who held their airsoft weapons before placing them down and offering a firm salute to the camera.

The song reached its climax with the chorus, "I love you, todoite kono omoi, kitto itsuka wa kanau yo ne. Konna kimochi, setsuna sugiru no. Onegai tomete... koi no yokushiryoku," as the video concluded. With the final note, the music stopped, and the dancing gradually came to a halt.

Houston and Maho, having enjoyed their dance, slowly stopped and found themselves staring into each other's eyes, both wearing smiles on their faces. The magical moment captured in the song left an indelible mark on the beach party, creating a memory that would be cherished by everyone who witnessed it.

As the music faded away and the cheers from the Davy Crockett boys subsided, Houston and Maho remained in a momentary embrace, their smiles reflecting the shared joy of the dance. The beach party atmosphere, filled with laughter and camaraderie, continued around them.

The night sky was now adorned with stars, casting a gentle glow over the beach. The sounds of waves crashing against the shore added a serene backdrop to the scene. Houston and Maho, still caught in the magic of the moment, exchanged a quiet look that spoke volumes.

"Thank you for the dance," Houston said, his voice a soft whisper.

Maho nodded, her eyes sparkling. "It was a pleasant surprise."

The two commanders stood there, hand in hand, enjoying the tranquility of the night. The beach party continued around them, with friends and comrades sharing stories, laughter, and the warmth of newfound connections.

Red, observing from a distance, couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. He grinned, realizing that the break from the intense tank battles had brought not only relaxation but also a deeper sense of unity among the team.

Miho, in her beach clothes, approached Red as he was about to head back to the Davy Crockett quarter. Startled by her sudden presence, Red quickly grabbed his bag and began putting on his shirt and flight jacket.

"Hey, um, Red?" Miho spoke up, her voice carrying a hint of uncertainty.

Red looked at her, adjusting his jacket, and asked, "What's up, Miho? Did you have fun at the beach party?"

Miho nodded, a soft smile playing on her lips. "Yes, it was a nice break. Seeing everyone enjoy themselves is... refreshing."

Red, finishing the last adjustments to his attire, grinned back at her. "Yeah, it's good to see everyone letting loose. Sometimes, we all need a break, you know?"

Miho chuckled, her eyes reflecting a mixture of gratitude and amusement. "Indeed. It was a pleasant surprise, especially the song and dance."

Red scratched the back of his head, a sheepish expression crossing his face. "Yeah, that was unexpected. But it added something special to the night."

Red halted in his tracks and turned to face Miho with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Actually, there's something more special that we can do."

Curiosity piqued, Miho looked at Red and inquired, "What's that?"

With a sly grin, Red gestured for Miho to follow him. "Follow me."

They walked towards the runway of the island, the night air filled with a sense of anticipation. As they approached the League, Red led Miho to his P-51 Mustang. The moonlight cast a silvery glow over the aircraft, and Red proudly showcased the distinctive features of his plane. The back tail was painted in a striking red, and the marks on the side told the story of numerous victories—kills from battles past, a testament to Red's skill in the air.

Miho, gazing at the markings, couldn't help but be impressed. "Wow, Red... That many markings. It's quite remarkable."

Red, standing by his plane, leaned against it casually. "Each one tells a story. Battles won, challenges overcome. It's a part of who I am."

He then turned to Miho, a playful glint in his eyes. "So, what do you say? Fancy a night flight under the stars?"

Miho looked at the P-51, a mixture of awe and nervousness evident in her expression. Night flights weren't something she was accustomed to, and the idea of soaring through the skies in the dark brought about a sense of uncertainty. Red, sensing her hesitation, approached her with a reassuring smile.

Hold my hand, everything will be okay

I heard from the heavens that clouds have been grey

Pull me close, wrap me in your aching arms

I see that you're hurtin', why'd you take so long

"Don't worry, Miho. I've got plenty of experience flying at night. It's a different kind of beauty up there. You might just enjoy it," Red said, his voice calm and soothing.

He opened the cockpit of the P-51, revealing the well-maintained interior. Red gestured for Miho to join him. "Come on, I'll make sure you feel comfortable. We won't go too high or too fast. Just a smooth ride under the stars."

Miho hesitated for a moment but then nodded, a small smile appearing on her face. Red helped her into the cockpit, ensuring she was securely strapped in. As the engine roared to life, the night air filled with the powerful hum of the aircraft.

"Ready for takeoff?" Red asked, looking at Miho with an encouraging grin.

Miho, though still a bit nervous, nodded. "Yes, let's do it."

To tell me you need me? I see that you're bleeding

You don't need to show me again

But if you decide to, I'll ride in this life with you

I won't let go 'til the end

With that, the P-51 taxied down the runway and lifted off into the night sky. The stars above glittered like diamonds, casting a serene glow over the world below. Red, guiding the plane with ease, began a gentle ascent, making sure Miho felt at ease with every movement.

As they soared through the night, Red pointed out constellations and shared stories of his experiences in the air. The nervousness in Miho began to fade, replaced by a sense of wonder and appreciation for the beauty of the night sky.

So cry tonight

But don't you let go of my hand

You can cry every last tear

I won't leave 'til I understand

Promise me, just hold my hand

Red, glancing at Miho with a smile, knew that this spontaneous night flight had become an unforgettable moment, one that both of them would carry with them long. 

As the P-51 continued to cruise through the night sky, Red and Miho found themselves immersed in the peaceful beauty that surrounded them. The distant lights of the city below twinkled like stars on the ground, mirroring the celestial display above.

Raise your head, look into my wishful eyes

That fear that's inside you will lift, give it time

I can see everything you're blind to now

Your prayers will be answered, let God whisper how

As Red and Miho continued their night flight, Red decided to add a touch of excitement to the experience. He smoothly maneuvered the P-51, gaining altitude before executing a graceful turn. The dark expanse of the ocean stretched below, reflecting the shimmering starlight.

With a mischievous grin, Red radioed to Miho, "Hold on tight, Miho. We're going to do a flyby over the beach."

To tell me you need me, I see that you're bleeding

You don't need to show me again

But if you decide to, I'll ride in this life with you

I won't let go 'til the end

So cry tonight

But don't you let go of my hand

You can cry every last tear

I won't leave 'til I understand

Promise you'll just hold my hand

Miho, still getting used to the sensation of flight, tightened her grip on the side handles. Red guided the P-51 in a gentle descent, aligning it with the shoreline. The sound of the engine echoed over the beach, catching the attention of those still enjoying the night.

Hold my hand, hold my

Hold my hand, my hand

I'll be right here, hold my hand

Hold my hand, hold my

Hold my hand, my hand

I'll be right here, hold my hand

I know you're scared and your pain is imperfect

But don't you give up on yourself

I've heard a story, a girl, she once told me

That I would be happy again

As the plane soared low over the beach, the rush of wind and the roar of the engine created a thrilling moment. Red glanced at Miho, who, despite the initial surprise, had a glimmer of excitement in her eyes.

Hold my hand

Hold my hand

Hold my hand, hold my hand

Hold my hand, hold my hand

Hold my hand

I heard from the heaven

The P-51 climbed back into the night sky, leaving the beach below. Red, enjoying the flight as much as he enjoyed Miho's company, continued to weave through the stars. He shared stories of his time in the air, turning the night into a shared journey through the vastness above.

As the flight neared its end, Red brought the P-51 back for a smooth landing on the runway. The engine quieted, and the night settled into a calm silence. Red helped Miho out of the cockpit, and they stood on the runway, looking at the stars that had witnessed their impromptu adventure.

"Thanks, Red. That was... amazing," Miho said, a genuine smile on her face.

Red grinned back. "Anytime, Miho. Sometimes, you just need to embrace the unexpected, right?"

The night flight had not only been an exhilarating experience but also a shared moment that strengthened the bond between Red and Miho, creating memories that would linger long after the night sky faded into dawn.

A/N For those Top Guns Nerds here is the song so you can hear it while reading this chapter also Jesus this is a long one as I carefully choose which song will be in this beach chapter which nobody has done in the Girls Und Panzer stories I mean seriously who skip out the beach chapter in their book... Anyway hope you enjoy this chapter and I'll see you all the next one 

Tom out.

Also here is your daily meme

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