Chapter 40

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Operation Cherrybomb Part 1

"Hey, Sergeant. How long are we gonna be here anyway?" one of the Canadians asked as they rested during the siege against the Federation, recovering from their long journey.

"At least until your crappy playing gives away our position," the Sergeant replied, checking the weapons they had been given. Archie entered with the young radio boy and addressed the group.

"Buck up, men! We've got a battle to win as soon as our tanks finish disabling the Federation tanks," Archie encouraged, receiving thumbs up from the platoon. He then turned to the Sergeant, asking, "Are our men ready?"

"Can anyone be ready to march into hell?" the Sergeant retorted.

"The tank crew is slowly running out of time, Sergeant," Archie warned as they continued walking. One of the radio men ran up to them.

"Sir! Word from command. The Poles have taken Hill Two Sixty-Two, but they lost their radio," the young radio boy reported.

"Well, we've got bigger problems than that, Private," the Sergeant remarked.

"This adds to them, sir. Command wants us to send a radio operator to help the Poles," the radio boy added.

"Well, get going. Mount Ormel's at least a day's drive away... Listen, Baron, I'm doing a favor. One of our tank crews has gone missing, and we suspect they are captured by the Federation women in that town. We're going on a rescue op. It's dangerous business, and you wouldn't want any part of it," Archie explained.

"I'm not a coward, Lieutenant and Sergeant. My job is to protect our radio, our only link to command, and—" Baron started, but the Sergeant cut him off.

"Now your job is to be the Poles' radio. Dismissed, Private," the Sergeant commanded. Baron sighed and moved to where the Poles were stationed. Archie approached the Sergeant.

"You're a bit hard on him," Archie commented.

"Nah. We've got bigger worries than that. Get ready to move; we've got men waiting on us," the Sergeant said.

Meanwhile, in the town, the scene unfolded in Commander Chiaki's room. Commander Anderson and Vice Commander Sienna joined him, disappointment evident on Chiaki's face as he scrutinized the war map. Never in his life did he anticipate his alliance facing challenges from a group of high school teenagers, both boys and girls, working in tandem to push Chiaki and her forces back.

Among them was his old comrade and traitor, Houston, and others who had survived the Dallas incident. They brainstormed plans, fully aware that if Commander Chiaki and her team were defeated, it would signal the end of the game. This, in turn, meant that the supplies hidden by Anderson would be exposed by the American and Japanese Governments when they arrived on the island to address Commander Chiaki's crimes.

 Understood that with the match not in Commander Chiaki's hands, it was only a matter of time before the Joint High Schools team, led by Houston, would bring them down again. The stakes were high, and the tension in the room reflected the gravity of the situation.

"It seems that I really underestimated these kids," Chiaki mused, studying the war map with a furrowed brow.

"You think? Look at how strong and how far they've gotten. They've taken mostly key cities on this island, leaving the League occupation that threatens me and Commander Anderson's supply lines for ourselves. We're almost close to exposing our hidden base," Sienna retorted, her anger palpable.

"Well, unless you two Yankees do something instead of striking in the shadows, helping me, then I could have beaten them long ago," Chiaki challenged.

"If we dare to reveal ourselves and attack, the whole world will be after mine and Sienna's heads. There's a reason why we attack in the shadows, mostly targeting the survivors from the incident in Dallas. Besides, if my forces use live ammunition and harm a Japanese teenage girl, we won't like the consequences from both of our governments," Anderson stated in his cold tone, his hands tucked inside his trench coat. He continued, "We will wait until the time is right, then I can make my move. So now, Commander Chiaki, your job is to push them back. If you can't do it, then I will have no choice but to withdraw my support for your forces, training, and tactics. Do something right now." With that, Anderson and Sienna left the room, leaving Chiaki to contemplate the gravity of the situation and the urgency to act.

Chiaki stared at the war map, a mixture of frustration and determination etched on her face. The weight of responsibility pressed heavily on her shoulders. She knew she had to come up with a strategy to counter the Joint High Schools team and turn the tide of the battle.

In the dimly lit room, she summoned her most trusted advisors, a group of seasoned commanders who had been with her through thick and thin. The atmosphere was tense as they discussed possible maneuvers and tactics.

"We need to hit them where they least expect it," Chiaki asserted, her eyes narrowing. "They may be a group of teenagers, but they've proven to be more resilient and cunning than we anticipated."

One of the commanders, a strategist named Hiroshi, spoke up. "Commander Chiaki, perhaps if we exploit the divisions within their ranks, we can create confusion and weaken their overall effectiveness. They may be skilled individually, but unity is their strength."

Chiaki nodded, acknowledging the wisdom in Hiroshi's suggestion. "Yes, Hiroshi. Divide and conquer. Let's gather intelligence on their team dynamics, find their weaknesses, and exploit them. And we'll need to do it discreetly; we can't afford to draw too much attention."

As the planning continued, Chiaki couldn't shake the feeling that time was slipping away. The pressure from Anderson and Sienna loomed over her, threatening to sever the support she desperately needed.

Meanwhile, at the Airfield in the City of Pottboro, the scene shifted to the two Houston brothers, Don and Red. Red was diligently working on his P-51 plane, with his older brother observing him from the side.

"So, you're sending me on a very important mission?" Red asked, still focused on his plane.

"Yes. Since Anderson doesn't want us to communicate with the League directly, and the Federation Sensha Do is likely unaware of what's going on, he cut our communication to the League. The only way we can send our message is by you air-dropping these pamphlets to them," Houston explained, handing Red a bag filled with pamphlets.

"Alright, I see what I can do..." Red responded. He finished working on his plane, quickly stowing away his tools. Red then put on his jacket and helmet, ready to take off.

"Oh yeah, one thing... Stay safe, little brother," Houston said, wearing a small smile. This prompted Red to smile back, and they shared a brief hug.

"I will, big brother..." Red affirmed, a sense of determination in his eyes. With that, he headed towards his plane, prepared to embark on a mission that could have significant implications for the unfolding conflict on the island.

Red climbed into the cockpit of his P-51, adjusting the straps and ensuring everything was in order. The engine roared to life as he taxied to the runway, the anticipation of the mission ahead coursing through him.

As he prepared for takeoff, Houston watched from the ground, his expression a mix of pride and concern. The roar of the engine drowned out any spoken words, but the shared understanding between the two brothers was evident. Red saluted his older brother, a silent promise of returning safely.

The P-51 accelerated down the runway and lifted into the sky, soaring over the city of Pottboro. Red glanced at the bag of pamphlets, realizing the weight of the message he carried.

Meanwhile in Japan 

"I can't get him off my tail!"

"Don't worry Smoke Seven, I got him!"

"Splash five! Pilot just bailed out of his plane."

The room was filled with the sounds of aerial combat as Doyal Houston, the uncle of Don and Red, watched an old clip of Red in a heated aerial match against one of the best fighter pilots in the states. The footage captured the intense dogfighting skills that ultimately led Red to become the King of Aces after the match.

Alone in the break room, Doyal was immersed in the memories of Red's triumph, a mix of pride and nostalgia evident in his eyes. The door swung open, and Shiho Nishizumi entered, seeking a moment of respite from the chaos unfolding outside. She noticed Doyal engrossed in the video, his attention focused entirely on the intense aerial maneuvers.

"Quite the pilot, your nephew," Shiho remarked, acknowledging the impressive display on the screen.

Doyal turned to look at her, his eyes momentarily distant before focusing on the present. "Oh, yeah. Red's got the skills. Takes after his old man," he replied, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

"I see..." Shiho said, her gaze fixed on the clip, watching how skillfully Red outmaneuvered his opponents, closing in for the kill. The video showcased the speed and precision of his attacks, culminating in a victorious flyby over the ground.

As the video played on, Shiho glanced over at Doyal, recalling their last conversation about their personal lives. She remembered his wisdom and advice when he asked about her family life, a topic that still weighed heavily on her mind.

In the midst of the room filled with the sounds of the past battle, Shiho's thoughts drifted to the recent events and the decisions made by Maho and others to assist the Americans. She couldn't comprehend the reasons behind those actions. Despite months passing since she last saw her two daughters, the ache in her heart lingered.

She pulled out her phone, intending to look at an old family picture, but her attention shifted to the contact list. One number stood out – her husband Tsuneo's. It had been a while since she last spoke to him, especially after the night she essentially asked him to leave, though she never filed for divorce.

Shiho continued to stare at her phone, torn between the desire to reconnect with her family and the uncertainties surrounding her current predicament. Meanwhile, Doyal remained engrossed in the video, a smile on his face as he relished the happiness displayed by Red and his loved ones in the aftermath of the match. The contrast between the joy on the screen and the complexities of their personal lives hung in the air, unspoken yet palpable.

Shiho sighed softly, torn between the memories of her family and the present situation. She glanced back at Doyal, who seemed lost in the joyous aftermath of Red's victory.

Doyal, noticing her contemplative expression, turned to Shiho. "Something on your mind?" he asked, genuine concern in his eyes.

Shiho hesitated for a moment before speaking. "It's just... I find it hard to understand why Maho and others would choose to help the Americans. It goes against everything we stood for."

Doyal nodded, acknowledging the weight of her words. "People change, circumstances change. We don't always see the full picture of someone's motivations," he said, his voice carrying a hint of empathy.

Shiho thought about Doyal's advice from their previous conversation. "You mentioned family before. Have you ever been in a situation where you felt you had to make difficult choices for them?"

Doyal's expression shifted, a mixture of emotions crossing his face. "Yeah, I have. Sometimes, you're faced with choices that don't have clear answers. It's about doing what you think is right, even if it's tough."

Shiho nodded, absorbing his words. She felt the weight of her own choices, the complexity of her feelings toward her family. With a deep breath, she decided to break the silence surrounding her husband.

"I haven't spoken to my husband in a long time," she admitted, her gaze returning to her phone.

Doyal listened, understanding the significance of her words. "Maybe it's time to reach out. You never know what might come of it."

Shiho looked at the number on her phone screen, contemplating whether to make the call. The room was filled with the distant echoes of Red's victorious plane, a stark reminder of the complexities of family, decisions, and the ongoing battles in their lives.

Hesitated with her phone in hand, caught in a moment of reflection. She glanced between the device displaying her husband's blocked number and Doyal, still absorbed in the video of Red's triumph. The air in the room seemed to carry the weight of unresolved emotions and unspoken words.

"Move! Move!" Archie shouted, chaos erupting as explosions echoed through the air. The scene revealed Archie leading his platoon forward, desperately trying to infiltrate the town. A Firefly tank provided cover, but the situation quickly turned dire when a Leopard tank burst out of a building, incapacitating the Firefly. The white flag signaled their temporary defeat.

"Move! Take Cover! Take Cover!" Archie bellowed, rallying his men. A group of Canadians followed Archie as they sought refuge in the trenches hastily constructed by the Federation women. Both sides engaged in a skirmish, wielding Airsoft weapons to simulate the intensity of a real battle.

Aware that the Leopard tanks were in pursuit, Archie swiftly ordered his men to seek shelter in a nearby house. The plan was to navigate through the building to evade the relentless pursuit of the tanks and regroup for a strategic advantage.

The platoon entered the house, maneuvering through its interiors with caution. The sounds of their footsteps were muffled as they sought to outwit the pursuing Leopard tanks. Tensions ran high as they strategically mapped out their next moves, determined to gain the upper hand in this simulated conflict.

Outside, the town remained a battleground, with explosions and gunfire echoing through the air. The scenario unfolded like a high-stakes game, testing the skills and strategies of both the Canadians and the Federation women. The outcome hung in the balance as the platoon aimed to outmaneuver their opponents and turn the tide in their favor.

Inside the house, Archie and his platoon moved cautiously, their every step calculated to avoid detection. The distant sounds of the ongoing battle outside served as a constant reminder of the stakes they faced. As they navigated the building's interior, they communicated through hand signals and quiet whispers, ensuring stealth in their movements.

Outside, the battle raged on. The remaining members of the platoon, separated from Archie, engaged in a fierce firefight with the Federation women. The echo of Airsoft guns filled the air as both sides strategically maneuvered, seeking advantageous positions. The occasional explosion and the unmistakable roar of tanks added to the chaotic symphony of the simulated conflict.

Back inside the house, Archie reached a decision point. He gathered his men in a makeshift strategy room, where they huddled around a table covered in hastily drawn sketches of the town. Archie's finger traced potential routes and escape points, his mind working quickly to outsmart the pursuing Leopard tanks.

"We need to move through the back alleys, stay low, and avoid open spaces," Archie instructed, his voice barely audible. "Our objective is to reach the outskirts of the town and regroup. We can't let those tanks pin us down."

With a shared nod, the platoon silently moved out, sticking to the shadows and utilizing cover as they navigated through the building's interconnected rooms. The tension rose with each passing moment, knowing that at any time, they could encounter Federation forces or the relentless Leopard tanks.

As they cautiously made their way through the war-torn town, Archie's leadership was put to the test. Every decision carried weight, and the success of their escape hinged on their ability to outwit and outmaneuver the Federation women. 

Moving stealthily through the war-torn town, Archie and his platoon entered another house. To their surprise, they discovered one of the missing tank crew members, armed and engaged in a firefight with Federation women. The Canadians quickly took strategic positions and efficiently neutralized the threat, the Federation women raising their hands in surrender as they were outgunned.

With the immediate danger dealt with, the group huddled together, Archie taking charge of the conversation.

"Lieutenant Archie and Sergeant, it's good to see you both well," the tanker crew member expressed with relief.

"Yeah, same goes for you all," Archie replied.

"No Japs took prisoners. They're being held in a tavern up ahead, flanked by forty-two. We couldn't get near it," the tanker explained.

"Well, now you have our help," the Sergeant declared, determination in his voice. The group quickly formed a plan to rescue the captured tank crew members and eliminate the threat posed by the Federation forces.

As they prepared to move out, Archie took a moment to glance at the map, his mind calculating the best route to the tavern. The stakes were high, and the odds were against them, but the camaraderie within the group burned bright. They were determined to face the challenges head-on and ensure the safe return of their comrades.

 Archie and his platoon moved with purpose through the war-ravaged town, their eyes on the objective: the tavern where their fellow tank crew members were being held captive. The air was thick with tension as they navigated the narrow streets, mindful of potential ambushes or enemy reinforcements.

As they approached the tavern, Archie signaled for the group to take cover behind the nearby structures. He peered around the corner, assessing the situation. The tavern was well-defended, with Federation women positioned strategically, making a direct assault risky.

"We need a diversion," Archie whispered to the Sergeant and the tanker crew member. "Something to draw their attention away from the tavern's entrance."

The Sergeant nodded, and the tanker crew member chimed in, "I saw a stash of smoke grenades in one of the houses nearby. We could use those."

"Good. Get the grenades, but be discreet. We don't want to alert them prematurely," Archie instructed. The Sergeant and the tanker crew member silently slipped away, leaving Archie to coordinate the next phase of their plan.

Meanwhile, the rest of the platoon maintained their positions, their airsoft weapons at the ready. The tension in the air was palpable as they awaited the signal to initiate the diversion.

Minutes later, the Sergeant and the tanker crew member returned with a handful of smoke grenades. Archie nodded in approval as he took the grenades, a plan forming in his mind. He whispered the details to his team, ensuring everyone was on the same page.

With a nod from Archie, the Sergeant and the tanker crew member discreetly tossed the smoke grenades in different directions. The canisters erupted, creating a thick screen of smoke that billowed through the streets, obscuring visibility.

Amid the confusion, Archie led his platoon forward, using the cover of smoke to approach the tavern unseen. The element of surprise was on their side as they closed in on the unsuspecting Federation women guarding the entrance.

The skirmish intensified as airsoft pellets filled the air. The platoon fought valiantly, working as a well-coordinated unit to neutralize the enemy forces. The outcome of this simulated conflict hinged on their ability to rescue their captured comrades and secure victory against the Federation women.

"Regroup at the Tavern!" Archie commanded.

Once inside the tavern, Archie quickly assessed the situation and began issuing orders to his platoon.

"Gather up weapons and ammo. Take up positions. Someone cover that window," he directed, seamlessly taking cover himself.

"Sir," a private spoke up.

"What is it?!" Archie demanded.

"Well, we got what we came for, sir – the tank crew. I mean, and I was wondering..." the private trailed off.

"Spit it out?! We are on the clock here!" Archie shouted.

"I was wondering why we aren't bugging out, sir," the private finally asked.

"Because right now, our mission has changed. We're taking this town, that's why," Archie declared.

"But I... I thought we don't have the manpower for that?" the private questioned.

"Well, give those tankers some guns, and we do. Look, the Polish-Americans are stranded up on Mount Ormel, trying to hold on to that hill with both hands. They'll need reinforcements that'll have to move through this town to get there. You understand?" Archie explained, his gaze piercing through the urgency of the situation.

The private nodded, comprehension settling in. The dynamics of the mission had shifted, and the town they had initially infiltrated became a crucial point for facilitating the movement of reinforcements. The fate of Mount Ormel and the success of the larger mission now depended on Archie and his platoon holding their ground.

The sudden explosion jolted everyone inside the tavern, dust and debris filling the air. One of the men pointed outside behind the tavern, revealing the source of the chaos – three crews of mortars firing in quick succession. The Federation reinforcements were making a decisive move.

Archie reacted swiftly, realizing the gravity of the situation. "Take cover! Find shelter!" he yelled, the urgency evident in his voice. The platoon scrambled, seeking refuge from the incoming mortar rounds.

As the men dove behind furniture and into corners, the mortars continued to rain down, creating chaos and destruction in their wake. The sound of explosions echoed through the town, a stark reminder of the escalating conflict.

Archie assessed the situation, trying to determine the best course of action. "We need to neutralize those mortar crews! Get to higher ground and take them out," he commanded, rallying his platoon despite the chaos unfolding around them.

The platoon regrouped, determined to counter the Federation's aggressive move. They navigated through the smoke-filled tavern, emerging on the other side to confront the mortar crews. Airsoft pellets flew through the air as the two forces clashed in a simulated battle of strategic maneuvers and tactical precision.

Amidst the chaos, Archie maintained a steely focus, leading his platoon with resilience and determination. The outcome of this confrontation would shape the course of the larger conflict, and the Canadians were ready to face the challenges head-on.

Under the chaotic barrage of mortar fire, Archie and his platoon pushed through the adversity, determined to neutralize the threat posed by the Federation reinforcements. As they navigated through the smoke-filled streets, they encountered fierce resistance from the well-coordinated enemy forces.

"Stay low, advance carefully!" Archie shouted, his voice cutting through the cacophony of simulated warfare.

The platoon strategically moved towards higher ground, seeking vantage points to gain the upper hand against the mortar crews. The sound of airsoft pellets and the simulated explosions of the mortar rounds reverberated through the town, creating a tense and immersive atmosphere.

With precise teamwork and coordinated fire, the Canadians engaged the Federation reinforcements. The battle was fierce, with both sides using cover and terrain to their advantage. The clatter of gunfire and the explosions of simulated mortars added to the intensity of the confrontation.

As the mortar team was successfully neutralized, Archie and his platoon quickly pivoted their attention to the retreating Federation forces. Archie's command echoed through the town, urging his men to pursue and clear the streets.

"Follow them out, clear the street!" Archie ordered, and the platoon, fueled by a sense of urgency, exited the tavern and plunged back into the chaos of the simulated conflict.

Explosions continued to resonate as they moved through the town. Suddenly, the familiar roar of the Leopard tank from earlier returned, its cannon pointed menacingly in their direction. The platoon swiftly sought cover, narrowly avoiding the devastating fire.

"Quickly, use a crowbar on that door!" Archie directed, his eyes fixed on a building with boards barring the entrance.

The platoon scrambled, retrieving a crowbar and swiftly prying the planks off the door. The sound of gunfire and the thunderous roar of the tank intensified, creating a tense atmosphere. With the door unbarred, the platoon rushed inside, seeking refuge from the relentless assault.

Inside the building, Archie quickly assessed their situation. "Secure the perimeter! Check for alternate exits," he commanded, his voice carrying a blend of urgency and determination.

As they explored the building and checked for alternative exits, one of the men made a startling discovery in the basement. He called out to Archie and the Sergeant, drawing their attention.

"Um, Lieutenant and Sergeant, I found something..." the man said.

"What is it?" the Sergeant asked.

Archie and the Sergeant hurried to the basement, and their eyes widened in surprise at what they found. The basement revealed Vermont's hidden ammunition storage, stocked with live ammunition and tank shells. The realization hit them – the Federation was actively supporting Vermont by concealing their ammunition.

"Bleeding Jesus... Federation is helping Vermont by hiding their ammunition," Archie exclaimed.

"Yeah... They converted the basement to ammo storage," the Sergeant added.

The gravity of the situation sank in. The discovery presented an opportunity to cripple Vermont's ammunition supply and weaken their forces significantly.

"What do we do, sir?" the men asked.

"Well, there's enough explosives down here to take 'em out and cripple the ammunition of Vermont forces," the Sergeant proposed.

"Good idea. Quickly grab one of their charges and set them up. Move it," Archie ordered, his mind quickly shifting to strategizing their next moves.

As the platoon mobilized to set up the explosives, Archie and the Sergeant knew that this unexpected turn of events had the potential to tip the scales in their favor. 

The tension in the air was palpable as the platoon awaited the explosion from the charges they had planted in the ammunition storage basement. However, as the moments passed, and nothing happened, a sense of unease settled among them. Archie and the Sergeant exchanged concerned glances.

"What's wrong?" Archie inquired.

"The fuse must be defective... Wait here," the Sergeant replied, a steely determination in his eyes.

"Sergeant, no, wait—" Archie began, reaching out and grabbing the Sergeant's arm, a sense of apprehension in his voice.

"We can't turn back now, Archie... I'll go check the fuse. Besides, if the fuse is defective and we didn't destroy that ammunition, think of the lives we would lose, especially the girls! Besides, this is for the boys—Davy Crockett, Grand Lake, and North High School—for those who risked their necks for us Washington Boys' and Girls' Academy," the Sergeant declared, breaking free from Archie's hold and sprinting towards the building.

As the Sergeant reached the building, he carefully examined the fuse, working methodically to determine the cause of the malfunction. Archie, still under the cover, could only watch and hope that their plan to cripple Vermont's ammunition supply would not be thwarted by a simple defect

The Sergeant, fully aware of the potential sacrifice he was making, armed the fuse with a somber determination. In a moment of introspection, he looked back at the building he had entered, muttering to himself.

"Live to fight another day, Lieutenant. Live to fight another day..." the Sergeant whispered, a mantra echoing through the tense air.

As Archie, still recovering from the shock of the defective fuse, moved forward to assist the Sergeant, it was already too late. The explosion engulfed the building, sending a powerful shockwave that pushed Archie and those who attempted to intervene backward.

As Archie slowly opened his eyes, he found himself under the watchful gaze of Ben, the medic from Davy Crockett High. Sensing Archie's awakening, Ben promptly called out to Commander Wesley.

"Commander Wesley, he's awake," Ben announced, taking a step back to allow the higher-ranking officers to assess the situation.

Archie, still recovering from the aftermath of the explosion, slowly rose to his feet. Commander Wesley, accompanied by his Vice Commander Colton, approached Archie with concern.

"Glad you're alright, Archie. You okay?" Wesley inquired with his distinct English accent.

"Yeah, I'm fine... but the Sergeant..." Archie began, his worry evident.

"I know. We won't forget what he did. Right now, we have secured the town, thankfully with the help of Commander Houston and his Davy Crockett boys. You know, we're grateful for what the Sergeant did, and you're due for a promotion... Captain," Wesley declared, a decision supported by Colton with a nod.

"Alright, someone get on the radio so we can start moving armor through this town. Let's get some reinforcements to the Polish Americans, eh?" Wesley directed, shifting the focus to the next phase of their mission.

The hill echoed with the thunderous roar of tank fire and explosions, creating a chaotic symphony of warfare. M1 Abrams tanks entrenched on the hill fired desperately at incoming tank rounds, their teenage crew members scrambling to maintain their defenses.

"Taking the mace is one thing, now we have to hold it..." Sergeant Dillon's voice whispered through the tense air. He stood alongside his fellow Polish countrymen, their tank crew determined to hold the line against the relentless assault.

A/n: Here you daily memes

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