Chapter 42

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Operation Cherrybomb part 3

The scene unfolds in a war-torn city, with airsoft pellets whistling past as Davy Crockett Rangers boys take cover. A group of Rangers, positioned strategically, fires back at the Federation women across from their location.

Amidst the intense firefight, one Ranger lies on the ground, taking a few breaths to absorb the chaos around him. Tanks, including Shermans and Ooarai Girls Academy tanks, unleash a barrage, hitting and disabling Federation Leopard tanks. In the midst of the chaos, the boy scans his surroundings, tightly gripping his airsoft M1 Grand. Suddenly, he looks up and spots his high school commander, Houston, standing outside his Sherman tank, calmly observing the battle through binoculars.

Houston notices the downed Ranger and acts swiftly, picking him up and shouting, "Get up, Private Allen! Rangers lead the way! Move!" With a firm push, Houston propels him towards the Rangers' position. Quickly getting into position, the boy joins the firefight, unleashing a barrage of airsoft rounds alongside his comrades.

"Rangers Four-one, keep laying pressure on them! If we lose any more armor, we move on foot. Hooah?" Dean shouted, firing his Airsoft Thompson's drum mag amid the ongoing firefight.

As the battle intensified, a small squad of Federation forces attempted to flank the Rangers and the tanks. Sean spotted them and urgently reported, "We got hostiles flanking us, Sarge!"

"Take 'em out!" Dean ordered.

The Rangers swiftly neutralized the flanking threat, forcing the defensive Federation girls to retreat further into the city. Dean, taking charge, rallied the Rangers.

"They retreated! Everyone, get your ass back to the vehicles. We're Oscar Mike!" Dean declared as they rushed to the Jeeps armed with .50 Cal airsoft machine guns. Some Rangers stood outside the jeeps, phones in hand, ready to capture the impending epic moment.

"Ten seconds!" one of the Rangers shouted.

"Which building is it, dude?" asked one Ranger to his buddy.

"It's the tall one right there," he pointed.

"Wait, which one?" another Ranger asked.

"The one at—Hey, Dave, which one is it? The one on the left or the right?" he asked Dave.

"One on the right," Dave responded, attempting to capture the moment on his phone.

"Hey, isn't this against the rules?" other Rangers questioned.

"Come on... Since when did the Federation Commander follow the rules?" the other Ranger replied with a grin.

Amidst the confusion and uncertainty, Momo popped out of the Hetzer hatch, her voice cutting through the chaos.

"What are you boys standing around for?! Come on, we don't have all day for whatever you boys are doing?!" Momo shouted, urging the Rangers to get back into action.

"Probably Houston has something special happening that we don't know," Auzu speculated, taking a nonchalant bite of her beloved dried sweet potato snack.

Meanwhile, Miho and the rest of Anglerfish in the Panzer IV behind the Hetzer observed the Rangers, equally puzzled by the unexpected pause in the action. The air was thick with anticipation as everyone tried to decipher the reason behind the momentary standstill.

Miho exchanged glances with her crew inside the Panzer IV, and after a brief pause, she spoke up, "Something seems off. Let's be prepared for anything."

Saori, ever the optimist, added, "Maybe they're just taking a breather. Those airsoft battles can get pretty intense, you know?"

"Still, it's unusual," Yukari chimed in, her eyes scanning the surroundings. "I don't see any sign of the enemy. They can't just be resting."

The sudden roar of a P-51 Mustang pierced through the air, drawing everyone's attention skyward. The single plane made a swift dive, releasing a payload that hurtled toward the targeted building. A massive explosion ensued, reducing the structure to rubble. The shockwave echoed through the area, and cheers erupted from the Rangers and the boys inside the Sherman tanks.


"Yeah! Get some, baby!"

"That's what I'm talking about!"


The triumphant shouts filled the air as the airborne spectacle unfolded. The Federation forces, taken aback by the unexpected turn of events, now faced a formidable display of firepower from the Rangers and their allies. The Rangers, energized by the successful airstrike, continued to celebrate, their camaraderie evident in the shared thrill of the airsoft battle.

Houston, in his Lone Star tank, chuckled at the successful airstrike. He grabbed his radio, issuing orders to both teams from Davy Crockett School and Ooarai School.

"Alright, move out, boys!" Houston commanded, and the Rangers led the charge, jeeps racing forward. Some of the Rangers stayed behind, covering their backs as they ventured deeper into the city.

Amidst the dust and smoke from the bombing, Houston switched radio frequencies and contacted Red.

"Good job, baby brother... Didn't know you had a bomb on you? By the way, where did you get it?" Houston inquired.

"Well, it's a long story on how I got it. I'll tell you once you're done in the city. Also, Don, you guys are on your own. I'm returning back to our FOB. See you there once you're finished," Red responded on the radio.

"Copy that," Houston acknowledged, then switched back to the group frequencies, focused on leading his team through the remaining challenges in the city.

In the city, the tanks decided to take a different route, recognizing that the original path would be too narrow for the tanks to navigate effectively. Houston grabbed the radio and contacted his Sergeant, who was leading the Rangers.

"Dean, we'll be taking a different route. You and your boys will continue and meet up at the checkpoint on your own without tank support. Got it?" Houston informed.

"Got it... Good luck, Commander," Dean replied.

"You too," Houston said, acknowledging the separation as the tank company moved into an alternate route, leaving the Rangers and the Jeep convoy to continue on their own, deeper into the city.

As they progressed, one of the Rangers' jeeps came under fire, and the group frantically searched for the source of the attack.

"Can you see 'em? Can you see 'em?" one of the Rangers shouted.

"I don't see nothing!" another responded.

"All teams, prepare to engage! We're taking sniper fire from multiple directions," Dean's voice crackled over the radio.

"Prepare to engage! We're going in!" one of the Rangers declared.

"This is it, spin it up!" his buddy exclaimed, and the gunners on the machine gun started firing.

Emerging from the tight route, they found themselves near a school, and Federation women were using it for cover as they opened fire on the convoy of Rangers' jeeps. The Rangers swiftly retaliated, exchanging gunfire with the Federation forces in the intense urban skirmish. The echoes of airsoft pellets and the shouts of both sides filled the city streets.

"Shit! There are too many of them! Back it up! Back it up!" one of the Rangers urgently called out.

"Get us the hell out of here, driver!" Dean shouted, the urgency in his voice evident.

Swiftly maneuvering out of the school's range, the convoy sped through the city, desperately searching for a safer position. Multiple directions faced incoming fire, with Federation forces strategically using buildings and windows to their advantage.

Rangers in the shotgun positions of the jeeps returned fire as they drove past the city streets, while Dean continued firing from the lead jeep. Amidst the chaos, Houston radioed in, seeking an update on their situation.

"How's things going? Is everything okay, Sergeant?" Houston inquired over the radio.

"I don't want to talk about it, Houston! We're busy!" Dean shouted, the sounds of the ongoing firefight audible in the background. The intensity of the situation was palpable as the Rangers fought to navigate the urban battlefield.

Still weaving through the narrow streets, a stroke of misfortune hit the Rangers as one of the Federation women landed a lucky shot on the gunner of the leading jeep. The affected boy, seizing the opportunity, pretended to be hit, acting out that he had been shot.

"They got Hector!" Sean exclaimed.

"This place is messed up!" Gus added, holding onto the feigned casualty as Dean turned to assess the situation.

"Is anyone hit?" Houston's voice came over the radio.

"Yeah, Private First Class Hector!" Dean replied.

"What's his status? What is his status?" Houston urgently shouted over the radio.

"He's out!" Dean declared.

"Hey, someone get on the .50!" the driver yelled, focusing on maneuvering through the challenging terrain.

"I got it!" Dean shouted, swiftly vacating his shotgun seat to take control of the .50 cal. He began firing in response as the convoy continued weaving through the intricate city streets, the intensity of the situation escalating with every turn.

Navigating through the city, the convoy encountered a roadblock, forcing the Rangers to abandon their jeeps and seek refuge in a nearby building. As the Rangers rushed inside, Dean took charge, assessing the status of each boy.

"Is everyone alright?" Dean inquired.

"Yeah, we're all right. They're moving around upstairs in this building we're in, sir," one of the Rangers reported.

"Get the hell away from the window and let's secure this building! Move!" Dean ordered.

The Rangers quickly dispersed within the building, firing at any Federation girls present. They found themselves close to the schools they had attempted to escape earlier, realizing the focus had shifted to another convoy of jeeps. Another platoon of Rangers was pinned down, and a desperate call for assistance came over the radio.

"Four-One, we are combat ineffective here! We're taking heavy fire from the school, can you assist?" one of the Rangers urgently shouted.

"Keep it together, One-Three! We're moving in, out!" Dean responded on the radio. With determination, Dean and his group entered the school, engaging Federation forces on the first floor before cautiously advancing to the second floor. The intensity of the airsoft battle within the confined space of the building reached new heights as the Rangers fought to regain control.

The air inside the school building became thick with tension as the Rangers maneuvered through the corridors, their airsoft guns blazing. Shots rang out as airsoft pellets zipped through the air, colliding with walls and furniture. The echoing sounds of the firefight created an eerie symphony within the building.

Dean led the charge, his Thompson submachine gun sending a barrage of airsoft rounds down the hallway. The Rangers, strategically positioned, provided covering fire as they moved methodically from room to room. Federation girls, caught off guard, hastily retreated or sought cover behind desks and classroom furniture.

"Clear this room! Watch those corners!" Dean shouted as the Rangers systematically cleared each classroom. The staccato rhythm of airsoft gunfire and the occasional yell pierced through the building as the firefight intensified.

On the second floor, the Federation forces made a desperate stand. The Rangers faced fierce resistance as they pushed forward, exchanging fire in a chaotic dance. Airsoft pellets flew in all directions, creating a surreal spectacle as they bounced off walls and windows.

As the Rangers advanced, the Federation girls executed hit-and-run tactics, using the school's layout to their advantage. Dean, recognizing the need to outflank the enemy, coordinated with his team.

"Four-One, this is Ranger One-Three. Thanks for the assist! We're leaving, over!" the relieved Ranger radioed in.

"Roger that... Let's move, squad," Dean directed.

With the school secured and the Federation forces withdrawing, the Rangers regrouped and began moving on foot towards the checkpoint. Dean grabbed his radio to update Houston on their progress.

"Houston, we finally secured the school, and hostiles are withdrawing from the area. We're just mopping up now," Dean reported.

"Copy that. Proceed with caution to the checkpoint. There could be some hostiles in the area, over," Houston cautioned.

"Roger... Thanks for the heads up," Dean acknowledged, ending the radio conversation. The Rangers continued their cautious advance toward the rally point, vigilant for any lingering threats in the aftermath of the intense firefight. The airsoft battle in the city had proven to be a challenging and dynamic experience, and the Rangers remained on high alert as they navigated the urban landscape.

As the Rangers cautiously advanced through the city, the echoes of the intense firefight still resonated in the air. The once-bustling urban landscape now bore the signs of the airsoft battle that had unfolded. The Rangers maintained a vigilant posture, scanning their surroundings for any potential threats.

Approaching the designated checkpoint, the tension in the air eased slightly. The Rangers could see the familiar silhouette of the Lone Star tank and the rest of their allies waiting for them. Houston, standing near his tank, observed the approaching Rangers with a nod of approval.

"Good to see you all made it. How's everyone holding up?" Houston inquired as the Rangers reached the checkpoint.

"We're good, Commander. Took a few hits, but nothing we couldn't handle," Dean replied, the weariness evident in his voice.

"Alright now we're done the League and Major Mckenize and his boys will take care of this capture sector we have taken now it is our chance to head back to the FOB and rest up," Houston said as he got on his tank

"Copy that sir. Glad we're done with this city..." Dean said as he and his Ranger went back to get the abandoned jeeps they left behind.

As Major McKenzie and his forces moved in to take control of the sector, Houston dismissed his boys, granting them some much-needed rest after days of intense airsoft battles within the city. Meanwhile, he and Miho made their way to the war room in the command center.

"I'm telling you, with the lines now broken, Graham, we can push through and crush the Federation out. Nothing stands between us," Joey asserted confidently.

"Yeah, I know that, Joey, but if you haven't forgotten, Chiaki is focusing all her main forces to defend her last HQ. It's like we're about to do the Battle of Berlin again," Graham replied, a sense of caution in his tone.

"Ah, ja, totally. We are not going to be destroying everything over there," Muller added in his distinct German accent.

"Not only that, mates. I've received word from my commando who intercepted their messages. They've received a new stockpile of more ammunition," Wesley informed, casually sipping his tea.

"You think it's Anderson supplying them?" Elijah questioned.

"No, neither Anderson nor his vice-commander has made a move just yet after he tried to take Hill two-six-seven from my Polish boys," Graham clarified, adding a layer of complexity to the strategic considerations.

"Well, do you think he will make another move?" Maho asked.

"No, I don't think so. He's smart, but very clever on how he will trick us, as we have no idea on what purpose he has on this island," Muller replied.

"Then what is he planning to do?" Darjeeling inquired.

"Yeah, you, Houston, and Muller faced him before, Graham. Any ideas on what he could be doing next?" Kay asked.

"Well, he could be, um..." Graham began to answer, but struggled to find the right words as he pondered the possibilities. Before he could articulate his thoughts, the door of the room swung open, and Houston entered.

"He's trying to stay hidden," Houston stated, providing an unexpected perspective on Anderson's tactics.

"Houston, you've returned. How did capturing the second CP from Chiaki go?" Katyusha asked from Nonna's shoulder.

Houston briefly updated the room on their recent activities. "It went well. The city is a maze, but we managed to secure the area.

"I see... So, Houston, tell us what will be our final attack plan against Chiaki. We have her cornered as our grip tightens on the black heart of her stronghold," Graham inquired, seeking the details of the upcoming assault.

Houston took a moment, gazing at the war map adorned with the logos of different schools. He then reached out and collected the pins representing each school's emblem, holding them in his hand. The other commanders watched with curiosity and anticipation.

"Grand Lake High and North High will move in from the right, with the support of Washington Academy and Kansas Chief High. You boys will be attacking in the right flank, hoping to get Commander Chiaki's attention," Houston explained, placing the logos of the four American high schools on the right side of the map.

Elijah, Graham, Muller, and Welsey attentively listened as Houston continued to outline the strategic details of the plan. The war room atmosphere grew more focused as the commanders absorbed the nuances of the impending assault on Chiaki's stronghold.

"Meanwhile," Houston continued, "St. Gloriana's, Pravda, and Saunders will form the left flank. They'll apply pressure from the left, creating a pincer movement to encircle Chiaki's forces. Ooarai and Kuromorimine will hold the center, ready to adapt to the situation as it unfolds."

As he spoke, Houston strategically placed the school emblems on the map, illustrating the coordinated movements of the allied forces. The commanders followed the plan attentively, visualizing the upcoming battlefield scenario.

"Our goal is to force Chiaki into a position where she has to commit her reserves, weakening her defenses," Houston explained. "Once she's stretched thin, we'll strike the heart of her stronghold and capture the final CP."

Graham nodded in approval, "It's a solid plan, Houston. We'll coordinate our movements as per your instructions."

Miho added, "And we'll be ready to adapt if things take an unexpected turn. The city terrain can be unpredictable."

Houston looked around the room, meeting the eyes of each commander. "This is our final push, everyone. Make sure your teams are prepared, and keep communication tight. Once the attack begins, we need to move swiftly and decisively."

Maho and Houston engaged in a silent but intense exchange of glances, each understanding the weight of the decisions that lay ahead. Maho, breaking the silence, inquired about Houston's role in the upcoming assault.

"What about you and your forces, Don?" Maho asked.

Houston, contemplating the options, acknowledged, "Well, once you two both hold the center, then we all could go in. I will be leading the charge, even though it will be risky for me. It's much better than staying another month here on this island. We've been here for five months, and I don't want to stick around for another month in December. We're nearly at the end of November."

As Maho listened, she walked to the map, grabbing her school logo and moving it aside, placing the Davy Crockett High logo right next to it. She met Houston's gaze and spoke with determination.

"Don... I want to fight alongside with you. I insist on the frontline attack with your force," Maho declared.

Houston sighed, nodding at Maho's request. He then addressed the practicalities of the joint assault.

"Since there will be chaos on the frontline, we'll need a way to distinguish my Rangers so your tanks won't hit any of my infantry boys," Houston said, contemplating the challenge.

Maho suggested, "How about we have your boys' helmets painted bright so we can see them."

Houston pondered the idea but raised a concern, "That may work, but that will let the Federation girls know where my boys are at."

He scanned the room and spotted a deck of cards on another table. An idea sparked in his mind. "Actually, I may have something else," Houston said, drawing the attention of the commanders in the room.

Houston walked over to the table, picked up the deck of cards, and began shuffling through them. He then held up a card, displaying it to the commanders.

"How about this? Each of my boys will carry a playing card on their helmets. That way, it won't be immediately apparent to the Federation where they are, but we'll still be able to identify them," Houston suggested.

Maho observed the card in Houston's hand, considering the proposal. After a moment, she nodded in agreement. "It's a distinctive but discreet way to mark your troops. I approve of the idea."

The other commanders in the room voiced their agreement with the plan. The playing cards would serve as a unique identifier for the Rangers amidst the chaos of the airsoft battle.

"Alright, it's settled then. We'll move forward with this plan. Let's make the necessary preparations and ensure everyone understands their roles. This is our final push, and we need to be cohesive," Houston declared, his tone firm and resolute.

In the following hours, the commanders and their teams went into action, diligently preparing for the final assault. The atmosphere in the war room transitioned from planning to execution as maps were marked, strategies fine-tuned, and teams briefed on their roles.

Houston and Maho conferred over the details, ensuring that the coordination between their forces was seamless. The playing cards were distributed to the Rangers, each card bearing a unique identifier. The commanders discussed contingency plans, emphasizing the need for adaptability in the unpredictable city terrain.

As dusk settled over the island, the allied forces gathered at the staging area, their determination visible in the glow of the setting sun. Houston addressed the assembled teams with a sense of purpose.

As Houston stood outside of his tank, gazing at the rising sun, a mix of determination and reflection filled his eyes. He took a deep breath, knowing that the impending battle would be the most chaotic and destructive fight he had ever experienced.

"So, this is it?" Red, Houston's younger brother, remarked, joining him outside.

Houston nodded, acknowledging the gravity of the moment. "Yes, it is."

Red, holding his flight jacket and helmet, looked towards the horizon. "It's kind of funny, isn't it? We Houstons... fighting against Commander Chiaki of the Sensha-Do Federation, with her defenses on high alert. It's like our great-great-grandpa who fought against General Santa Anna's army."

Houston listened to his brother's words, a subtle grin forming on his face. "History repeats itself in strange ways, doesn't it?"

As the Rangers and their allies prepared for the final assault, Houston's words echoed across the field, rallying the troops for the impending battle.

"Yep, it does. Anyway, brother, if you need air support, radio me in," Red offered, shaking hands with Houston and sharing a brief hug before heading off. Jefferson and Dean approached Houston as Red left.

"Hey, Houston, everyone is ready," Jefferson reported.

"That's good, my Vice Commander. And Sergeant, how about my Texas Rangers? Are they ready?" Houston inquired.

"Yes, sir, they are," Dean confirmed.

"Good. Alright, now, listen up!" Houston called out, his voice carrying across the assembled forces. "This line we are about to cross is the safety of us and the league territory. That way," Houston pointed behind him, "is where Commander Chiaki and her army are waiting for us. Which way, boys and girls? What do you remember, Rangers?"

"Remember the Alamo!" The rallying cry echoed through the air as the Rangers and the boys who fought in the Alamo 2.0 on this island responded with fierce determination. Houston signaled for the forces to move.

Meanwhile in the City of Okata

"You're telling me you lost our secret stash of my ammunition...." Anderson yelled to Chiaki

It then shows Anderson along with Sienna his Vice Commander standing in the war room as it shows Commander Chiaki along with various of her Vice Commanders and officers in the room as Anderson continue to pace himself.

The tension in the war room reached its peak as Anderson berated Chiaki for the perceived failures in their defense of Okata. As Chiaki tried to defend her actions, the exchange grew heated. Anderson's frustration with the situation boiled over, and he criticized Chiaki's leadership and the capability of her remaining forces.

Anger simmered beneath the surface, and Chiaki, unable to tolerate the accusations any longer, lost control. In a fit of rage, she grabbed a baton from the table and attempted to strike Anderson. Sienna, Anderson's Vice Commander, moved to intervene, but Anderson halted him with a swift motion of his hand.

As Chiaki swung at Anderson, something unexpected occurred. In an instant, four knives appeared, piercing Chiaki's hands and knees. The sudden immobilization caused her to collapse to the floor. Stunned and unable to move, Chiaki found herself at the mercy of Anderson's fury.

"You dare to attack your fellow Commander!" Anderson declared, his voice filled with disdain.

The room fell silent, the weight of the confrontation hanging in the air. The unexpected turn of events left everyone in the war room in a state of shock, wondering who or what had intervened in the clash between the two commanders.

As Chiaki lay defeated on the floor, Anderson approached her, turning to Sienna, his Vice Commander, with a directive.

"Sienna, you will be in command of the Federation forces here. I trust you will join me after what has happened here?" Anderson instructed.

"Yes, sir," Sienna replied, accepting the responsibility.

"Good. Don't worry, Chiaki will still be alive. However, she won't be commanding her forces anymore. Order some of your guards to have her imprisoned for her failures," Anderson declared, finalizing the decision.

Sienna nodded, acknowledging the order. The room, once filled with tension, now bore witness to the swift change in leadership. The fate of the Federation forces in Okata rested in Sienna's hands as Chiaki faced the consequences of her perceived failures in the eyes of Anderson.

Back to the High School Joint

Overlooking the outskirts of the city of Okata, Houston and the commanders from different high schools observed the terrain below. A small smile played on Houston's lips as he stood outside of his tank's hatch.

"Ladies and gentlemen, God delays, but he never denies. I believe he's given us the perfect battleground," Houston declared, gazing over the city from a distance. "Their tanks can't operate in those thick woods nor flank us in the marsh. Just the field between us and them with their tanks. If they decide to cross it, we will pour fire from these woods and cut them to shreds," he explained.

Jefferson, Houston's Vice Commander, turned to Dean and issued orders. "Make camp in the woods, by company. Spread the word, Sergeant," Jefferson directed Dean, setting the plan into motion.

As the commanders and their forces prepared for the impending battle, the woods offered both cover and strategic advantage. The air was filled with a sense of anticipation and readiness as the allied forces readied themselves for the final showdown in the city of Okata.

Once everyone was in the process of setting up, Houston descended from his tank, taking charge and directing Dean on the placements of sentry posts around their temporary battle camp.

"I want sentries posted there, there, and there," Houston pointed out, indicating strategic locations. "Tell them not to engage; I want to make sure we don't get flanked by the Federation," he instructed, and Dean swiftly relayed the orders to the Rangers.

As the defensive measures were being put in place, Houston retreated to his makeshift command tent, where he meticulously studied the war map, ensuring that every element of their plan was in order. Satisfied with the preparations, he emerged from the tent, passing by the Rangers and their tanks, overseeing the final checks.

Approaching the Tiger I tank, Houston noticed Maho, engrossed in the final details with her crew. The crew members politely excused themselves as Houston neared, allowing the two Marshal Commanders to have a private conversation.

The air in the camp was charged with anticipation as the commanders and their forces readied themselves for the decisive battle that awaited them in the city of Okata.

As the camp prepared for the final attack, Houston approached Maho, checking on the status of their ammunition.

"Everything good?" Houston inquired.

"Yes, just getting the ammunition checked, and then we'll be all set," Maho replied.

"Good... Finally, I'm glad we are almost finished with this match," Houston said, standing and overlooking the city in the distance.

Maho, curious about what lies beyond the impending battle, asked, "After we defeat the Federation and the game comes to an end, what will be next?"

Houston contemplated for a moment before responding, "Then... I could focus on Anderson. But we can worry about that later. Right now, we need to focus on what is our final attack."

Before he could continue, an explosion rang out, startling everyone. Infantry boys dove for cover, and Houston reassured them, "That is just for show... to let us know that Chiaki is here."

However, another explosion followed, nearly hitting a group of Rangers. Panic ensued, but Houston quickly calmed everyone down, emphasizing, "Everyone, calm down. Keep your heads down. This is not an attack."

In the city, Sienna, wearing a fake face of Commander Chiaki, issued orders to her artillery crew, strategically using the Flak 88 to create chaos.

"Adjust two degrees left. Give them more to worry about. Make sure to keep them awake tonight," Sienna commanded as another warning shot was fired.

Back at the camp, Welsey, with his M7 Priest in position, ran out, shouting, "Fire those artillery back! Fire those back!" He grabbed his binoculars, urging a response.

"Hold on! Let's answer her greeting," Houston said, poised for the impending engagement as the battle reached its climax.

"Fires in my command! Battery one! Battery two!" Welsey's voice boomed as two out of five M7 Priest tanks unleashed a barrage into the city. The explosions reverberated through the air, startling the defenders within the city as they scrambled for cover. Sienna, realizing the presence of artillery support, quickly issued a command.

"Great... now they have artillery support. Order a cease-fire," Sienna instructed, conveying the decision to one of the officers.

As the echoes of the artillery barrage faded, a tense silence settled over the battlefield.

As the day passed, both sides were aware of each other's positions, and anticipation hung in the air. Houston, however, held off on ordering an attack, waiting for the opportune moment. The boys and girls under his command were eager for action, but they trusted Houston's judgment.

The next morning, Houston found himself engaged in a game of chess with Graham. A Ranger approached, questioning the decision to hold back.

"Commander Houston, I understand you're a better strategist than I, but before we're outnumbered, why don't we attack?" the boy inquired.

"Because I'm not ordering one," Houston replied, making his move in chess while lighting a cigarette. "You can reconnoiter, but under no circumstances are you to engage. Is that clear?" he instructed.

The boy nodded, understanding Houston's directive, and left the commanders' tent. Meanwhile, Kay approached Graham and Houston, waving to Graham.

"Hey, Graham, there's something interesting I want to show you," Kay said.

"Really? Okay," Graham responded, standing up after making his final move in chess. With a smirk, he declared, "Checkmate." Graham left Houston to join Kay, leaving the Commander alone with his thoughts as the day unfolded, waiting for the right moment to unleash the final attack.

As a few hours passed, a group of rogue Rangers unexpectedly launched an attack on the defenders. Jefferson urgently called out to Houston, alerting him to the situation.

"Commander, we've got rogue Rangers attacking!" Jefferson's voice echoed through the camp.

Houston, frustrated by the unforeseen actions of the rogue group, mumbled under his breath before responding, "Those damn idiots are going to cost us our attack! I ordered that idiot not to engage!" He swiftly grabbed his airsoft BAR, wrapped a bandana around his head, and, with determination, jumped into one of the jeeps to drive towards the unfolding skirmish.

"Regroup!" the young leader of the rogue Rangers shouted, attempting to regain control. However, the situation escalated, and realizing the challenge they faced, he called for a retreat.

"Fall back! Fall back!" The urgency in his voice was evident, but the chaos of the skirmish persisted.

As Houston approached the scene, the rest of the teenagers in the camp saw it as an opportunity to engage. However, Houston, maintaining his strategic focus, shouted, "Stay back! Stay in the trees, boys! Form ranks and cover their retreat!" He gave clear orders, emphasizing the importance of maintaining their position in the trees as he drove off, addressing the unexpected challenge presented by the rogue Rangers.

Arriving at the scene, Houston wasted no time, swiftly getting off his jeep and engaging in the skirmish. Firing his airsoft rifle, he shouted at the rogue Ranger who had initiated the attack.

"Get your ass up and retreat, damn it!" Houston's commanding voice echoed, covering the retreat of the rogue Rangers. The onlookers watched as the rogue group made their way back to the camp, with Houston providing cover fire. During the chaos, Houston noticed another Ranger who had become surrounded. Without hesitation, he ran in, firing and taking out any opposition, and quickly grabbed the young Ranger, dragging him back to the jeep.

With the rescued Ranger in tow, Houston drove them out of the skirmish area. Sienna, observing the small but intense conflict, smiled after witnessing the rogue Rangers' attack. The unexpected disturbance had momentarily disrupted Houston's plans, but he managed to handle the situation and ensure the safety of the Rangers involved.

A/n: This story is coming close to an end... Be Prepare for the future chapter all I can say a lot of things are going to happened... Also here your Daily meme

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