Chapter 8

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"This is the psychedelic music shown on AFVN. I'm Army Specialist Zack Johnson. Our APO here is 96309. If you send a request to that number, what we do is, we open it like this. When it arrives, we read it, pull out that record, and play it on the air, like this one: 'Fortunate Son' by CCR," Zack spoke on the radio.

Houston listened on the radio, wearing his dirty school uniform but with his bandana still clean from all the mud and dirt on him. Hearing a tank driving up, Houston got up from his chair and walked out of his tent.

Outside, the battle camp of the America Tankery League was bustling. Grand Lake High and Davy Crockett High were present, with the Rangers of Davy Crockett's boys' infantry doing their job as two boys carried an ammo crate of Airsoft to the storage. Grand Lake High Marines patrolled the area.

As the M60 tank drove up to the tent Houston was in, the command hatch opened, revealing Commander Graham of Grand Lake High. His hair was a bit messy and his uniform was also dirty. He smiled upon seeing his old friend.

"Houston," Graham called out as he climbed off his tank.

"Graham, you look like hammered shit," Houston commented on his appearance.

"Looks don't count for shit here on this island. But even though it does matter when I'm in Hollywood, since I'm not on a movie set... This is like 'Nam, baby," Graham said.

The two old friends walked to the jeep and got in. As the driver began to drive away, Graham turned to Houston in the back and spoke.

"So, anything on the front?" Graham asked.

"Well, my Vice Commander and yours are still fighting in the city," Houston said.

"Of course. I just didn't expect Saunders Girls High to be this difficult, and you assigned me to face them. But who knows what Commander Kay is planning," Graham said.

"Yeah, I just hope that Joey and Jefferson aren't causing havoc over there," Houston said.

Houston's Vice Commander, Jefferson, had his Patton tank and three Shermans in cover, firing at Saunders' Shermans. Alongside them, Graham's Vice Commander, Joey, was with Jefferson, firing his T-28 tank along with his three T-34s. The tanks fired separately as Joey's and Jefferson's infantry boys—Rangers and Joey's Red-Army Shock Troops—took cover, holding their airsoft weapons.

The camera crew from Grand Lake High was recording each of the boys in cover. As the camera panned to the Rangers, one of them spoke up, quoting a line from "Full Metal Jacket": "Is that you, John Wayne? Is this me?"

The Rangers laughed, making jokes to lighten the tense atmosphere.

"Man, these Saunders girls are tougher than my ex's dad," one Ranger said.

"Yeah, and better shots too," another chimed in.

Jefferson, huddled in his Patton, grabbed his radio. "Joey, how's it looking on your end?"

Joey, inside his T-28, responded, "Holding steady. These girls are no joke, but we've got the upper hand for now."

"Let's hope it stays that way," Jefferson replied. "We need to push them back before they regroup."

Joey's voice crackled back over the radio, "Got it. Just keep your head down and your ammo ready. Rangers, Shock Troops, you hear that?"

The boys cheered in response, their spirits lifted by the banter and the adrenaline of the fight.

Jefferson added, "Remember, lads, we're not just fighting for ourselves. We're fighting for our schools, our friends, and a damn good story to tell later."

One of the Rangers laughed, "And maybe a date with one of those Saunders girls if we win!"

Commander Kay of Saunders Girls High School was pinned down with her team under the heavy fire from Jefferson's Patton and Joey's T-28, along with their accompanying Shermans and T-34s.

Kay, always upbeat despite the situation, peeked out from behind her cover. "Alright, ladies, we've got ourselves a real challenge here! But remember, we've faced tougher odds and come out on top!"

Naomi, Kay's ace gunner, was crouched nearby, adjusting her position. "Kay, those Patton and T-28 tanks are giving us hell. We need to find a way to outflank them."

Alisa, known for her strategic mind, nodded in agreement. "Our Shermans can't hold out much longer under this barrage. We need to spread out and hit them from different angles."

Kay smiled confidently. "Exactly. Let's give them a taste of Saunders' ingenuity. Naomi, take a couple of Shermans and circle around to their left. Alisa, you do the same on the right. I'll stay here and keep them busy."

Naomi saluted, "Got it, Commander! Let's show them what we're made of!"

The girls quickly moved into action. Naomi led her group to the left, finding cover and inching closer to Jefferson's position. Alisa took her team to the right, keeping low and using the terrain to their advantage.

Kay, still under heavy fire, called out over the radio, "Jefferson, Joey, you boys having fun over there?"

Jefferson's voice came back with a chuckle, "Kay, you know we are. But don't worry, we'll leave you some room to breathe."

Kay laughed, "You better. Because we're not going down without a fight!"

As Naomi and Alisa maneuvered their tanks into position, the Rangers and Red-Army Shock Troops continued their assault. The camera crew from Grand Lake High captured every moment, the boys exchanging jokes and staying vigilant.

One of the Shock Troops quipped, "Hey, you think these girls are gonna let us win this time?"

A Ranger laughed, "Not a chance, but it's fun trying!"

Meanwhile, Naomi and Alisa were ready. Naomi radioed in, "Commander, we're in position."

Kay smiled. "Perfect. On my mark, give them everything you've got."

Kay raised her hand, signaling the attack. "Now!"

Naomi and Alisa's teams opened fire from their flanking positions, catching Jefferson and Joey off guard. The sudden change in tactics put the boys on the defensive, scrambling to adjust their positions.

Kay shouted, "Let's push them back, Saunders! Show them what girl power can do!"

With renewed vigor, the Saunders girls advanced, determined to turn the tide of the battle.

Naomi, ever the sharpshooter, took advantage of the confusion. "Target locked. Firing now!" Her Sherman's cannon roared, sending a shell directly into the side of one of Jefferson's Shermans, disabling it.

Alisa was equally effective on her side. "Take this, boys!" She ordered her team to concentrate fire on Joey's T-34s. The combined firepower of her Shermans battered one of the T-34s, causing it to retreat.

Kay saw the opportunity to press the attack. "Alright, girls, let's push forward! Keep the pressure on!"

Jefferson, seeing his forces falter, radioed Joey. "Joey, we need to regroup. They're hitting us hard on both flanks."

Joey, scanning the battlefield, replied, "I see it. Red-Army Shock Troops, fall back to the secondary position! Rangers, hold the line as long as you can!"

The boys began to reposition, but the Saunders girls were relentless. Kay led her remaining tanks straight down the middle, providing support to Naomi and Alisa's forces. Her command tank's cannon fired continuously, aiming to keep Jefferson and Joey off balance.

Naomi's voice crackled over the radio. "Commander, we're breaking through on the left!"

Alisa added, "Same here on the right! They're falling back!"

Kay grinned, "Great work, everyone! Let's keep up the momentum. Don't give them a chance to regroup!"

As the Saunders girls advanced, the Rangers and Red-Army Shock Troops found themselves under increasing pressure. The camera crew from Grand Lake High captured the intensity of the battle, zooming in on the determined faces of the Saunders girls and the struggling boys.

One of the Rangers, panting from exertion, muttered, "Man, these girls don't let up, do they?"

Another nodded, "Nope, they're like a force of nature."

Jefferson and Joey continued to coordinate their defense. "Joey, we need to create a choke point. Use the terrain to our advantage," Jefferson suggested.

Joey agreed, "Roger that. Pulling back to the ravine. We'll make our stand there."

The boys retreated to a narrow ravine, setting up a defensive position. The Saunders girls followed, carefully advancing and keeping their formation tight.

Kay radioed her team, "Alright, everyone. They're trying to bottleneck us. Watch your flanks and move carefully. We've got them on the ropes, but we can't afford to get careless."

Naomi and Alisa acknowledged the orders, adjusting their tactics. The Shermans moved forward, using cover to shield themselves from the boys' defensive fire.

Jefferson, now entrenched in the ravine, shouted, "Hold the line, boys! Don't let them break through!"

Back at the command center, Houston and Graham ended their joy ride, both a bit more relaxed but aware of the battle's intensity. As they stepped inside, the sound of the ongoing fight was a constant reminder of their responsibilities.

Houston leaned over the command table, studying the battlefield map. "Our Vice Commanders are getting a bit too cocky out there," he said, shaking his head.

Graham sighed, adjusting his headset. "Yeah, they're holding their own, but we can't afford to let our guard down."

Graham picked up the radio and contacted a nearby squad of Marines. "Bravo Squad, this is Commander Graham. We've got a situation here. Our boys are being pushed back. I need you to move to the front lines and provide support. We're calling this mission 'War Pig'."

The radio crackled with a response. "Roger that, Commander. Bravo Squad is mobilizing now."

Houston turned to Graham, "We need to get our remaining tanks and infantry into the fight. If we don't reinforce our lines, Saunders is going to overrun our position."

Graham nodded, "Agreed. Let's move out."

Bravo Squad, the Marine unit dispatched by Graham, was making their way to the front lines. The squad, comprised of seasoned fighters, was tasked with reinforcing the positions held by Jefferson and Joey. They moved through the abandoned city sector, the remnants of buildings and debris offering both cover and obstacles.

The squad's leader, Sergeant Mitchell, led the way. His sharp eyes scanned the surroundings, noting the eerie silence that permeated the deserted streets. "Alright, Marines, keep your heads on a swivel. We're half a click from the Vice Commander's position. Stay alert."

The Marines proceeded cautiously, their rifles at the ready. As they patrolled, one of the Marines, Private Davis, spotted a faded sign hanging precariously from a crumbling storefront. "Hey, check out that old store. Looks like it's been abandoned for years."

Corporal Lee, who was covering Davis, responded with a chuckle, "Davis, don't get distracted. We're on a mission here."

Before Davis could reply, a sudden burst of airsoft fire erupted from nearby positions, catching the Marines by surprise. The Federation's Women had set up an ambush in the ruins of the city. Davis and Lee dove for cover as the rapid staccato of shots rang out.

"Contact, 2 o'clock!" Sergeant Mitchell shouted, taking cover behind a ruined wall. He gestured for the squad to return fire.

The Marines quickly reacted, using the broken buildings and rubble for cover. Private Davis, recovering from his initial shock, joined the fight, firing back at the enemy positions. "We've got Federation Women in the ruins! They're flanking us!"

Corporal Lee, crouched behind a wrecked vehicle, aimed and fired. "Damn, they're well-hidden. We need to flush them out before they can get any closer."

Sergeant Mitchell took command, "Davis, Lee, you two take the left flank. I'll cover the right. Keep your heads down and focus on their positions."

Davis and Lee moved swiftly, their movements coordinated as they engaged the enemy. The air was filled with the crackle of airsoft gunfire and the occasional shout from the Marines as they exchanged shots with the Federation forces.

Sergeant Mitchell led the way, guiding his team through a narrow alley. "Watch your corners, Marines. We need to stay sharp."

As they progressed, they inadvertently boxed themselves in a narrow section of the alley. The walls were lined with debris, and the space offered little cover. Suddenly, a burst of airsoft fire erupted from the far end of the alley.

"Contact! We're trapped!" Corporal Lee shouted as the squad dove for cover behind whatever they could find.

The Marines fired back, their shots echoing off the walls as they engaged the hidden Federation Women. The tight space made movement difficult, and the enemy took advantage of this, launching a coordinated assault.

Private Davis, who had been covering the squad's rear, was hit by a burst of fire. He fell to the ground, wounded. "I'm hit! I'm hit!" he cried out, struggling to move.

One of the Federation Women, seizing the opportunity, dashed out from cover and began dragging Davis away, trying to take him out of the fight.

"Stop her!" Sergeant Mitchell ordered. "Someone get Davis back here!"

Corporal Lee, seeing Davis being dragged away, reacted quickly. "I'm on it!" He sprinted towards the Federation Woman, firing as he ran. He managed to hit her, causing her to drop Davis and retreat. Lee reached Davis, pulling him back to cover with the help of another Marine, Private Johnson.

Mitchell, realizing their situation was worsening, kicked down a door to a nearby building. "Get inside! Move!"

The Marines quickly followed Mitchell's command, crowding into the building as the door slammed shut behind them. The interior was dim and dusty, filled with broken furniture and scattered debris.

"Form a perimeter and hold this position!" Mitchell ordered as he took stock of the situation. The squad set up defensive positions near the windows and doorways, their rifles ready.

The Federation Women, noticing the Marines' escape into the building, regrouped and began attacking the structure. Airsoft pellets whizzed through the broken windows and rattled against the walls.

Lee, tending to Davis, applied first aid as best he could. "Hang in there, Davis. We've got you covered."

Davis, wincing in pain, replied, "Thanks, Lee. Just make sure we get out of this mess."

Mitchell, monitoring the firefight from the window, directed the squad. "We need to hold them off until we can make a break for it. They're not going to give us an easy way out."

The Marines engaged the Federation Women from their new vantage point, firing through the windows and taking advantage of any cover available. The building offered some protection, but the intensity of the firefight was unrelenting.

"Keep it up, Marines! We've got to break through!" Mitchell shouted over the din of battle.

Private Johnson, peering through a crack in the wall, added, "We've got a clear path through the back. If we can hold them off long enough, we can make a run for it."

Mitchell nodded. "Alright, let's hold this position and get ready to move out when the time is right. We've got to get back on track and support the Vice Commanders."

As the firefight raged on, Houston and Graham were back at the command center, listening to the chaotic communications. Graham's voice crackled over the radio, clearly strained. "Houston, Bravo Squad is pinned down! We're losing ground!"

Houston sighed in frustration. "Alright, turn off the radio. I need some quiet to think."

He turned to his third Command Sergeant, Dean. "Dean, Graham's Marines are in trouble. I'm commandeering your unit."

"Yes, sir. All yours, sir," Dean responded, immediately shifting into action.

Houston quickly explained his plan. "I've requisitioned a Stryker from our school. Luckily, they brought our M113 APC as well."

He pointed to the tank model, showing it to Dean. "This is our backup. She's a mean bitch, but she's exactly what we need."

Dean examined the model with a nod of approval. "She's a beauty, sir."

Houston continued, "Right now, I need your squad to unpin the Marines and help them get back to the Vice Commanders. I'll meet you at the front lines shortly with additional support."

Dean gave a sharp salute. "Understood, sir. We'll get it done."

With that, Dean and his group of Rangers moved out, heading towards the location of the pinned-down Marines. The Stryker and M113 APC were prepped and ready for action, their engines rumbling as they prepared to roll out.

Houston watched them leave, then turned his attention to preparing additional reinforcements. He knew that the tide of the battle could shift quickly, and the support from Dean's unit was crucial.

As Dean's squad approached the site of the Marines' engagement, they encountered the intense firefight. The Stryker and M113 APC roared into action, their firepower adding a new dimension to the battle. The heavy vehicles engaged the Federation Women, creating a path through their defenses.

Dean, from inside the Stryker, coordinated his squad's movements over the radio. "Rangers, keep those Federation Women pinned! We need to get the Marines out of here!"

The Rangers followed his orders, their disciplined fire supporting the Marines. Private Davis, still recovering from his injuries, saw the approaching Stryker and APC. "Help is here!" he shouted, relief evident in his voice.

Sergeant Mitchell, seeing the reinforcements, took advantage of the distraction. "Marines, let's move! We've got support!"

The Marines, now aided by the Stryker and APC, began to push back against the Federation Women. The heavy firepower from the Stryker and APC forced the enemy to retreat, allowing the Marines to regroup and recover.

Dean's voice came over the radio. "Houston, Bravo Squad is back in action. We're moving to join the Vice Commanders now."

"Sergeant Dean, man, I'm glad to see you and your boys still in this fight," Mitchell said, giving a nod of respect.

"Damn right," Dean replied, gripping his Airsoft Thompson with determination. "Now, shall we get moving?"

Mitchell rallied his troops, "Right... Marines, we're moving with the Rangers. Let's go!"

The combined forces of Bravo Squad and the Rangers advanced, moving alongside the Stryker and M113 APC. The heavy vehicles cleared the way, their blank shots ringing out as they engaged the Federation Girls entrenched in nearby buildings.

As they pushed forward, the city streets became more chaotic. The tanks provided covering fire while the infantry moved swiftly, taking advantage of the cleared paths.

Dean received a frantic radio transmission from the division holding the Vice Commanders' position. "Bravo and Ranger Two-One, we're taking heavy fire from the overpass! Where the hell are you?"

Dean responded firmly, "We're almost there. Hold on!"

Navigating through the city, Dean and his squad reached the Vice Commanders' position. They found Jefferson's Patton tank and Joey's T-28 dug into cover, their tanks firing intermittently at the Saunders Girls' Shermans. The scene was intense, with the battlefield strewn with debris and smoke from ongoing combat.

Dean quickly assessed the situation. "Alpha Six-One, what's your status? Over."

The squad leader of Alpha Six-One responded, his voice strained. "We're still surrounded, sir! There are just a few of us left, but the tanks are still operational. We've been cut off!"

Dean reassured him, "Don't worry. The Boss and Commander Graham will be here any minute. Just hold this position. We're going to reinforce you."

Dean's Rangers took their positions, setting up a defensive line to support the Vice Commanders. Mitchell's Marines joined the fray, bolstering the defensive efforts.

The Stryker and M113 APC continued to provide covering fire, targeting the Federation Girls' Shermans and suppressing their advance. The combined firepower of the tanks and heavy vehicles helped to relieve some pressure on the surrounded forces.

Dean and Mitchell coordinated their efforts, directing their squads to maximize their effectiveness. Dean moved up alongside Jefferson's Patton tank, offering encouragement. "Jefferson, we're here to back you up. Hold tight!"

Jefferson, who was focused on the battle, acknowledged with a nod. "Glad to see you, Dean. We could use the help."

Joey's voice crackled over the radio, "Dean, we're still holding, but we're getting pushed hard. Any chance for a breakthrough?"

Dean replied, "We're working on it. Keep your positions steady. We're pushing back the Saunders Girls and getting you some breathing room."

As the battle raged, Houston and Graham arrived with additional reinforcements, their presence adding to the momentum. Houston, from the command vehicle, saw the situation stabilizing.

"Alright, let's keep up the pressure!" Houston shouted over the radio. "Everyone, push forward and drive them back!"

The combined forces of the Rangers, Marines, and tanks intensified their counterattack. The Saunders Girls' Shermans began to falter under the renewed assault, their advance slowing as they were forced to withdraw.

The Sherman's engine roared as Troy expertly navigated the tank through the wreckage. "Troy, watch your left! We've got incoming fire!" Houston called out, his voice steady despite the din of battle.

"Got it, Commander! Adjusting course!" Troy responded, steering the tank into a better position.

Grant loaded another shell into the breech, his hands steady. "Ready to fire, sir!"

Scott peered through the sight, tracking a Federation Sherman that was advancing on their position. "Target in sight, Commander. Engaging in three... two... one..."

The cannon fired with a deafening boom, sending a shell hurtling towards the enemy tank. The shot connected with the Federation Sherman, causing it to erupt in a plume of smoke and debris.

"Direct hit! Nice work, Scott!" Houston shouted, seeing the immediate impact of their shot.

Machine, positioned on the tank's side, unleashed a steady stream of .38 caliber rounds at approaching Federation infantry. "Keep your heads down, boys! They're trying to flank us!"

The machine gun's rapid fire provided crucial cover for the Sherman as it continued its advance. Houston glanced over at Grant. "How're we holding up, Grant?"

"Still good, sir! We've got plenty of shells left!" Grant responded, moving quickly to reload.

Houston surveyed the battlefield through the tank's periscope, taking in the action around them. The Saunders Girls' tanks were beginning to falter under the combined pressure from the reinforcements. However, the enemy still had a few Shermans and T-34s in action, and the fight was far from over.

"Alright, Lone Star, let's push forward and secure that position!" Houston commanded.

Troy maneuvered the Sherman through the streets, avoiding wreckage and returning fire as necessary. The tank's heavy armor and firepower made it a key asset in the ongoing battle. The Sherman's .38 machine gun continued to suppress enemy infantry, while the main gun provided the firepower needed to deal with enemy tanks.

"Commander, we've got a clear path to the overpass!" Scott reported, aiming at a new target.

"Fire at will, Scott!" Houston ordered, watching as the Sherman's cannon roared once more.

The shell sailed through the air and struck an enemy Sherman, causing it to veer off course and eventually halt. The Saunders Girls' forces were starting to retreat as the combined assault of tanks and infantry pushed them back.

Machine continued to lay down fire, providing cover for their advance. "We're pushing them back, but we need to keep the pressure up!"

Houston nodded, his eyes fixed on the battlefield. "Keep up the fire and stay alert. We've got to maintain this momentum and secure the area."

As the dust settled and the sounds of battle began to fade, the Saunders Girls' tanks began to pull back. Their lines had been broken, and the Federation forces were retreating in the face of Houston and Graham's relentless assault. The city, now under their control, was filled with the remnants of the intense firefight—burned-out vehicles, scattered debris, and the lingering smell of gunpowder.

Among the retreating forces, Naomi, one of Saunders' most skilled tankers, maneuvered her Sherman Firefly into a strategic position. From this elevated vantage point, she had a clear view of Houston's tank, "Lone Star," now parked as Houston disembarked to meet Graham, who had also climbed down from his own tank.

Houston, dusting off his uniform, walked towards Graham. The two commanders exchanged glances, both relieved and exhausted, as they surveyed the secured city around them.

"Looks like we've got the city under control," Graham remarked, his voice carrying a hint of weariness.

Houston nodded. "Yeah, but let's not get too comfortable. We need to hold this ground and be ready for anything."

Unbeknownst to them, Naomi had lined up a shot, her eyes narrowing as she aimed at Houston. Her intent was not to kill, but to wound—to send a message that the battle was far from over. She steadied her aim, and with a deep breath, she fired.

The round whistled through the air, hurtling towards Houston with deadly precision. But just as the shell was about to connect, Houston's instincts kicked in. The faint sound of the tank firing was all the warning he needed. In a move that stunned everyone watching, Houston executed a perfect flip, his body twisting in mid-air as the shell narrowly missed him.

Graham, the nearby Rangers, and even Naomi were momentarily frozen in shock, their eyes wide as Houston landed on his feet, only to be knocked to the ground by the shockwave of the blast. The force of the impact sent a few Rangers sprawling, and for a split second, everyone feared a renewed attack was imminent.

"Sniper tank!" one of the Rangers shouted, diving for cover as the realization set in.

Inside "Lone Star," Scott and the rest of the crew were instantly on high alert. "We've got a sniper on us!" Scott barked, his eyes darting to the periscope as he tried to locate the source of the shot.

Grant, already moving quickly, loaded a shell into the breech. "Ready to fire, just give Scott a target!"

"Hold on!" Troy called out from the driver's seat. "We need to find out where that shot came from before we give away our position!"

Machine, still manning the .38, scanned the area, his finger hovering over the trigger. "I'll keep our flanks covered, but we need to take that sniper out fast!"

Scott, breathing steadily to calm his nerves, peered through the sight again. "There!" he spotted the Sherman Firefly tucked into a concealed position between two buildings, barely visible. "It's the Firefly She's taken up a sniper position."

Houston, recovering from the blast, scrambled back to his feet. He could see "Lone Star" gearing up for a counterattack. Over the radio, he barked an order, "Scott, take her out! We can't let her keep us pinned down."

Scott lined up the shot, but Naomi, realizing she'd been spotted, fired again. The shell struck the ground just inches from "Lone Star," sending dirt and debris flying into the air.

"Hang on!" Troy shouted, spinning the tank's turret to face Naomi.

Scott, unshaken by the near miss, zeroed in on the enemy tank. "Firing!" The cannon roared, the shell hurtling towards Naomi's position.

Naomi driver, with a quick hand, reversed her Sherman Firefly, narrowly avoiding the shot. The round exploded against the building behind her, sending chunks of concrete raining down.

Grant quickly reloaded another shell, shouting, "We've got her on the run!"

Scott fired again, this time aiming for the spot where Naomi had moved. But Naomi was a seasoned tanker, and she expertly maneuvered her Sherman out of harm's way, returning fire with precision. Her shot clipped the edge of "Lone Star," rocking the tank but not disabling it.

"She's good," Machine muttered, keeping a wary eye on their surroundings. "But she's not getting away."

The two tanks exchanged fire in a deadly game of cat and mouse, each one trying to outmaneuver the other in the confined urban environment. Naomi's Firefly had the advantage of concealment, but "Lone Star" had the upper hand in sheer firepower and determination.

Scott's breath was steady as he fired again, this time anticipating Naomi's next move. The shell tore through the building she was using for cover, forcing her into the open.

"Now!" Houston shouted into the radio. "Finish her!"

Scott didn't hesitate. He adjusted his aim and fired a direct shot at Naomi's exposed position. The round struck her Sherman squarely on the side, the impact causing her to lose control for a moment. But before Scott could deliver the final blow, Naomi made the call to retreat.

Realizing that she was outgunned and outmaneuvered, Naomi pulled her tank back, disappearing into the streets. "She's retreating!" Troy called out as the Firefly vanished from sight.

"Let her go," Houston ordered. "We've secured the city. No need to chase her into an ambush."

The crew of "Lone Star" relaxed slightly, their adrenaline still pumping from the intense fight. Scott leaned back, wiping sweat from his brow. "That was close."

Scott, still reeling from the intense battle, slowly relaxed his grip on the trigger. He removed his tanker helmet, the weight of the recent firefight heavy on his mind. As he caught his breath, memories from three years ago flooded back, the same sense of intensity, the same adrenaline rush. It took him a moment to fully come back to the present, but even then, the thought of who was behind the Saunders Firefly gnawed at him. He couldn't shake the feeling that this was far from over.

With the city secured, the area now deep within Federation lines, Houston and Graham were in the makeshift command center tent. This city, now their forward operating base (FOB), was crucial, and they were discussing how to ensure a steady supply of fresh ammunition and reinforcements.

"Well, if we go through the same route that we took, then..." Graham started, but Houston cut him off.

"They probably know where we came from, Graham," Houston pointed out.

"Shit, you're right... Then we have to return back to our Main HQ?" Graham asked, realizing the predicament.

"That's right. The others will probably help us find a new route for this city so we can supply our Vice Commanders' companies with fresh guys and ammo," Houston confirmed.

"Sounds like a plan..." Graham agreed.

Just as they were wrapping up their discussion, Jefferson and Joey entered the command center. Houston turned to them, ready to delegate the next steps.

"Okay, Joey and Jefferson, listen up. I'll be leaving this city under your control. Graham and I will be returning back to our lines so we can make a plan to find a new route for supplies. For now, control of this city is in your hands," Houston stated firmly.

As the meeting concluded, Houston began to walk out of the command center. Jefferson called out behind him, "Boss, any reason why you're leaving me in charge here?"

Houston paused and then turned back to Jefferson, "That, I'll tell you. Walk with me, Vice Commander."

As they walked through the now-secured streets of the city, Houston glanced around, his eyes taking in the familiar surroundings. "This city reminds me of San Antonio, Jefferson," Houston began, his tone reflective. "You ever been there?"

Jefferson shook his head. "No, sir. I haven't had the chance."

Houston nodded, seemingly lost in thought for a moment before he continued. "This area... it looks a lot like the Alamo. You know about the Alamo?"

Jefferson shook his head again, "I know it's a historical site, but I don't know much beyond that."

Houston stopped walking and looked at Jefferson, his expression serious. "The Alamo was a pivotal event in the Texas Revolution. Back in 1836, a small group of Texan defenders, including famous figures like Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie, made their last stand against a much larger Mexican army led by General Santa Anna. They were outnumbered, outgunned, and outmatched, but they fought to the last man to protect what they believed in."

Jefferson listened intently as Houston continued. "The battle became a symbol of resistance and sacrifice. It was about standing your ground, even when the odds were against you. That's what I see here. We've taken this city, and now it's up to you to hold it, just like those men held the Alamo."

Jefferson nodded, understanding the weight of the responsibility Houston was placing on him. "I'll do my best, sir."

"I know you will, Jefferson," Houston said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Remember, this isn't just about holding the line. It's about making a stand for what we believe in. Don't let this place fall. Make the Alamo proud."

With that, Houston gave Jefferson a final nod before heading back to his tank, leaving Jefferson with a deeper understanding of the significance of their mission.

Meanwhile with the Saunder Girl's High retreat point.

At Saunders Girls High's retreat point, Kay hopped down from her tank, holding the damage assessment list in her hands. She glanced at the marks on her own tank, relieved to see they weren't too severe. However, as she surveyed the rest of her unit, her expression grew more serious. Most of their thirteen Shermans were inoperable, scattered around the wooded area they had chosen for temporary repairs and to assess the toll of the day's battle.

Alisa, emerging from her own tank, began organizing the repairs and taking note of the casualties among the official Federation women, marking those who had been hit with airsoft pellets as out of action. It wasn't their usual style to be stuck in a wooded area, repairing their tanks and tallying losses, but the battle had taken its toll.

The sound of an approaching tank caught Kay's attention, and she turned to see a damaged Firefly rolling in. The crew climbed out, but Naomi remained inside.

"Hey, what happened to Naomi?" Kay asked the driver.

"Oh, she's inside... She hasn't said anything or moved since we arrived here," the driver replied, a hint of concern in her voice.

Curious and worried, Kay climbed inside the tank through the loader's hatch. She found Naomi sitting in her chair, staring off into space, her mind clearly elsewhere.

"Hey, you alright?" Kay asked gently.

Naomi, still dazed, responded, "I've never been hit from so far away, nor have I ever felt like this... That 'Lone Star' tank—the way it fired, the angles they were positioned at... It was perfect. Nothing I've ever seen before."

Kay, confused by Naomi's words and demeanor, had never seen her acting like this. "Are you in shock?" she asked, her concern growing.

Naomi nodded slowly, a strange smile creeping onto her face. Then, a small, almost joyous laugh escaped her. It was clear she was thrilled by the challenge, finally having someone to truly test her skills against.

Kay, slightly unnerved by Naomi's reaction, exited the tank and returned to the ground, where she saw Alisa approaching.

"What's going on with Naomi?" Alisa asked, noticing the strange atmosphere.

"To be honest, I don't know..." Kay shrugged as the two walked together.

Alisa speculated, "Davy Crockett and Grand Lake High have the best tankers and infantry. Probably one of them got Naomi like that."

"And that scares me... Seeing Commander Houston and Commander Graham working together—it scared me. If they hadn't held back from taking the city, they could've taken us out," Kay admitted, a rare moment of vulnerability showing through.

As night fell, the Saunders team made camp. Later, Naomi finally emerged from her tank and approached Alisa, requesting the files of Davy Crockett High's team. She wanted to know everything—every tanker's and Ranger's name, every company they were in. When she found the file on Houston's company and saw the 'Lone Star' tank and its gunner, Scott Travis, she knew she had found her match.

The next day, Kay decided to do some recon on the city they had tried to capture. What she saw only confirmed her fears: the city was now heavily guarded by Jefferson's Rangers and Joey's Red Army, with Shermans and T-34s strategically positioned. The Rangers were setting up sandbags and defensive positions, tightening the city's defenses. Hearing the distant chatter and the sounds of the preparations, Kay knew they were outmatched. If she tried to attack again, they would be defeated. Reluctantly, she decided to fall back and wait for another opportunity.

Days later, after Saunders had retreated and returned to the town where Kuromorimine was stationed, Kay parked her Sherman and got out, only to see Maho approaching her.

"Kay, you weren't expected back so soon. What happened?" Maho asked, her tone serious.

"Houston and Graham's teams kicked us out. I went to check it out, and the city is completely on lockdown. There's no way I'm taking that city back," Kay admitted.

"I see..." Maho replied as the two walked together.

Kay continued, "Right now, I don't know if you have a plan to retake it, because sooner or later, Houston or the other commanders might push their lines closer."

Maho's eyes narrowed slightly as she considered the situation. "Well, I do have a plan... Miho and her team are here with me in this town. They sent two spies deep into the League's lines and managed to return with valuable intel."

Kay's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? I'm glad we have Yukari on our side. So, tell me, how did she manage to slip in?"

Maho smiled slightly. "Why don't we ask her herself?"

A few minutes later, Yukari eagerly explained, "Oh yeah, I managed to get in by taking one of the Florida All-School girls' uniforms and forging my identity, pretending to be part of their team... Plus, I recorded everything that happened. Here, take a look."

Yukari plugged her recording camera into the TV as Maho, Kay, and Yukari gathered around to watch. The screen flickered to life,

The video begins with Yukari, dressed in a standard Florida High School girls' Tankery team uniform, riding in a convoy alongside other members of the team. As the convoy reaches a checkpoint near the main headquarters, where all the American high schools have gathered, the atmosphere is tense. The security is extremely tight, with North High School Wehrmacht boys manning the checkpoint. One of them, holding an Airsoft MP-40, checks the ID cards while another guard inspects each of the convoy trucks.

Yukari glances out of the convoy, observing the guards closely. Her heart races as her turn approaches. She sees one of the Wehrmacht boys checking IDs, his face stern as he takes his duty seriously. When it's her turn, she steps forward.

"Papier, bitte," the guard says in German, holding out his hand for her papers.

"Oh, um, here you go," Yukari replies nervously, handing over her identification.

The guard inspects the papers, his eyes narrowing as he looks at her. "Ich habe Sie hier noch nie gesehen. Was ist der Grund für Ihren Besuch?" he asks, questioning her presence.

"I'm the fast messenger for the Florida all-girls High School," Yukari replies, trying to maintain her composure.

The guard raises an eyebrow but hands back her papers. "Hm, ich wusste nicht, dass ihr schnelle Messager habt, aber wenn eure Papiere in Ordnung sind, könnt ihr gehen," he says, stepping aside to let her through.

Yukari breathes a sigh of relief as she continues into the main headquarters. The base is bustling with activity, with North High School's Panzer Division parked alongside tanks from Graham's Marines, Wesley's forces, and Elijah's unit. The sight of so many tanks and soldiers in one place is overwhelming, but Yukari keeps her focus, blending in as she moves through the base.

As she looks around, she notices Houston's Rangers running training drills. Some are running laps, others are relaxing, and one group is even playing a guitar, filling the air with a laid-back melody that contrasts sharply with the military atmosphere.

Yukari's attention is drawn to a particular training session. Standing off to the side, she spots Houston himself, overseeing a CQC (close-quarters combat) drill with his Rangers. Intrigued, she discreetly begins recording the scene. Houston is demonstrating techniques to his loyal Rangers, his movements precise and deadly efficient. The boys around him watch intently, absorbing every word and action.

As the session continues, Houston is approached by Dean, who whispers something in his ear. Yukari, too far away to hear, can only guess at what's being discussed. After a brief exchange, Houston instructs his Sergeant to continue the training, then prepares to leave the ground. Before he can, a Private approaches him, standing at attention.

"Thank you, Boss!" the Private says, his voice filled with admiration.

Houston, unfazed, responds, "Hm... Listen up, for us there is no victory."

The Private, confused, asks, "But in revolution, doesn't one triumph or die?"

"We don't do either," Houston replies flatly, before walking away. The Private salutes behind Houston's back, a proud smile spreading across his face, clearly devoted to his commander.

Maho, watching the video alongside Kay and Yukari, asks to pause it at this point. The screen freezes, showing the stark difference between the uniforms of Houston's regular Rangers and his loyal Rangers. The regulars wear dark green, while the loyalists are clad in black with red berets and masks covering their faces.

"Look at that," Maho points out, her eyes narrowing in thought. "The distinction between his regulars and his loyalists... It's clear Houston has a very specific hierarchy within his ranks. The loyal Rangers seem more elite, more trusted."

Kay nods, her gaze fixed on the screen. "It's like he's building his own personal army within the school's team. This kind of loyalty... it's intense."

Yukari adds, "I've never seen anything like it. The way they train, the way they look at him... It's almost like they're preparing for something bigger than just a Tankery match."

Maho agrees, "This isn't just about winning a battle. Houston is preparing for something much larger. We need to be ready for whatever he has planned."

As the video continues, Yukari discreetly follows Houston as he makes his way toward the main base's interior. The tension is palpable as she watches Wehrmacht boys and Loyal Rangers guarding the entrance. They salute Houston, allowing him easy access inside. Yukari, determined to keep up, approaches the entrance, but is quickly stopped by the guards.

"Halt! In diesem Bereich sind nur bestimmte Personen zugelassen... Zeigt mir eure Papiere," the German guard demands, his tone authoritative.

"Oh, here you go," Yukari responds calmly, handing over her papers.

The guards inspect the documents closely, exchanging a brief glance before returning them to her.

"Seem's like the paper's in check. What do you think, German?" the Ranger beside the German guard asks.

"Dies ist die Reihenfolge, in der Sie gehen können," the Wehrmacht boy replies, nodding in approval.

With a sigh of relief, Yukari steps inside the base. She hears the Ranger behind her muttering something about not understanding German as the door closes. The scene inside is bustling with activity. High-ranking officers are in deep discussion, while Wesley's Scottish Commandos stand guard alongside Houston's Rangers, Graham's Marines, and Wehrmacht troops. Elijah's Comanche boys are meticulously inspecting bags carried by others in the base, adding to the overall sense of vigilance.

Yukari spots Houston making his way upstairs and decides to follow, but her path is abruptly blocked when an announcement echoes through the intercom, stating that the upstairs area is off-limits for the time being. She pauses, listening to some disgruntled soldiers nearby who are also frustrated by the strictness of the boys in charge. Their dissatisfaction adds to the tension in the atmosphere.

Determined to continue her mission, Yukari walks around the main floor, her eyes scanning for another way upstairs. She soon finds a staircase, guarded by a single German soldier. Approaching him, she is once again stopped.

"Tut mir leid, die oberen Stockwerke sind auf Befehl von Commander Muller gesperrt. Geben Sie mir Ihre Papiere," the German guard says, holding out his hand.

Yukari hands over her papers, maintaining her cover.

"Du musst neu sein, ich habe dich noch nicht gesehen. Dieses Treppenhaus ist nur für Offiziere. Wen wollen Sie hier sehen?" the guard questions, his tone suspicious.

"Oh, I'm here to pick up some papers that my Commander sent me to collect," Yukari replies smoothly, hoping her excuse will be enough.

The guard considers her words for a moment before nodding. "Da Sie eine schnelle Nachricht sind, können Sie sehr gut weitermachen," he says, stepping aside to let her pass.

Yukari ascends the stairs cautiously, her heart pounding as she reaches the upper floors. The atmosphere here is different—more intense, with high-ranking officers gathered around war maps and discussing battle plans. She spots Houston walking ahead and follows him at a distance, careful not to draw attention to herself.

As she watches, Houston enters a room. Yukari hesitates, knowing she can't follow him directly without being spotted. But she quickly notices that the room is connected to another, larger room. Slipping inside, she finds herself in what appears to be a large war room. Several people are drawing up battle plans, while the commanders—Muller, Wesley, Elijah, Graham, and Houston—are gathered around a table, engaged in a serious discussion.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Yukari positions herself to secretly record the conversation. The commanders are deep in discussion, their voices low and serious. Although Yukari can't catch every word, the overall tone suggests they are planning something significant, perhaps the next stage of their military campaign.

As the camera records, Yukari captures snippets of the conversation:

Commander Muller is speaking first, pointing at a section of the map, "If we fortify this area, we can create a choke point that will slow down any advancing forces. It's crucial that we hold this position."

Wesley nods in agreement, adding, "Our commandos can be deployed here. We'll need to ensure the area is well-defended, especially against any armored units."

Elijah chimes in, "I'll have my boys set up reconnaissance. We can't afford to be caught off guard. If there's any movement from the enemy, we'll know about it first."

Graham leans over the map, his expression thoughtful. "And what about the support? We need to ensure the area were going  are clear, especially if Houston's Rangers are going to be the ones pushing forward."

Houston, who has been quietly listening, finally speaks up, his voice firm. "My Rangers will handle the offensive. But we need to ensure our supply lines are secure. Without supplies, we won't last long in a drawn-out engagement. I'll have my Loyal Rangers ready to support wherever necessary."

As the meeting continues, Houston takes the floor, addressing a critical issue that has been on his mind. His voice is calm but carries the weight of the situation.

"We're spread thin," Houston begins, pointing to a section of the map that marks the city they recently captured. "Graham and I had no choice but to leave our Vice Commanders behind to secure the city. We're calling it 'Alamo 2.0.' If the enemy pushes back, we might not have enough manpower to hold it."

The other commanders exchange concerned glances. Graham nods in agreement. "The defenses are solid, but without reinforcements, it won't hold forever. We need a way to keep our supply lines open and bring in fresh troops."

Houston continues, "We need to find a new route for supplies. The current ones are too exposed, and if they get cut off, we're done for. I suggest we scout the surrounding areas for alternate paths—maybe something less obvious, a route they wouldn't expect."

Wesley leans over the table, studying the map. "I've got some commandos who can handle that. We'll need to move quickly, though. The longer we wait, the more vulnerable we become."

Just as they are about to dive deeper into planning, Wesley brings up a new issue. "There's another problem. Some of the Minor schools are talking about leaving. They're homesick, and morale is dropping. If they pull out, we'll be losing valuable support."

The room erupts in murmurs of frustration and concern. Elijah slams his hand on the table, his voice rising. "We can't afford to lose them now! Every man counts, and if they leave, it'll weaken our position!"

Graham adds, "We've been treating them like cannon fodder, and now they're bailing. We need to find a way to keep them here, at least until we solidify our defenses."

The tension in the room builds as the commanders argue, their voices overlapping. But before the situation can escalate further, Houston raises his hand, silencing the room.

"Enough!" Houston's voice cuts through the noise like a knife. The room falls silent, all eyes on him.

"We're not losing anyone," Houston states firmly. "The League is already moving in to replace those Minor schools. They're sending reinforcements, and they'll take over where the Minors left off. It's not ideal, but it's better than nothing."

Muller looks at Houston with a raised eyebrow. "The League? How can we be sure they'll arrive in time?"

Houston responds, "We've already made contact. They're en route as we speak. We need to hold out until they get here, and then we can regroup and reassess our position."

Wesley, calming down, nods in agreement. "Alright, but we need to keep the Minors engaged until then. Maybe give them some less risky tasks, something to keep their morale up without putting them in too much danger."

Elijah sighs, "It's a temporary fix, but it'll have to do."

Houston looks around the room, his expression stern. "This isn't going to be easy. We're all stretched thin, and the enemy knows it. But we've got the advantage of being on the defensive now. We use that to our benefit. Focus on fortifying our positions, securing those supply lines, and keeping everyone motivated. The League will be here soon, and once they are, we'll have the strength to push back."

The commanders nod, the tension in the room easing slightly as they start to shift their focus back to the task at hand. The map in front of them becomes the center of attention again as they begin discussing specific plans for the incoming League reinforcements, how to secure new supply routes, and what tasks to assign to the remaining Minor schools.

Yukari, still hidden and recording, captures the entire exchange. She knows that the information about the League's involvement and the potential weakness of the Alamo 2.0 defense could be invaluable to her team. 

As the meeting neared its conclusion, Houston glanced at Graham with a curious expression. "Graham, before we wrap this up, I've got to ask—what's the deal with turning one of the rooms into a nightclub? Seems a bit... unconventional, even for you."

Graham, maintaining his usual cool demeanor, leaned back in his chair. "Simple, Houston. Morale. These kids have been fighting hard, and they're homesick. Giving them a place to unwind, even if it's just a makeshift nightclub, helps keep their spirits up. Besides, it's a good way to keep an eye on them and ensure they're not doing something reckless in their downtime."

The other commanders chuckled lightly, understanding the logic behind Graham's unorthodox approach. Houston nodded, satisfied with the explanation. "Alright, fair enough. Just make sure it doesn't become a distraction. We've got enough on our plate."

As the commanders began to gather their documents and prepare to leave, Yukari knew her time was running out. She quietly slipped away from her hiding spot, confident that she had gathered enough valuable intel to report back to Maho and the others. However, just as she was about to make her way down the stairs, she was suddenly confronted by one of the German guards.

The guard, tall and stern, approached Yukari with suspicion in his eyes. "Was machst du hier oben? Dieser Bereich ist gesperrt," he said, his tone authoritative.

Yukari's heart raced as she tried to maintain her composure. "Oh, um, I was just delivering some papers. I already had my documents checked downstairs," she explained, trying to sound casual.

The guard, unimpressed, narrowed his eyes. "Das spielt keine Rolle. Zeigen Sie mir Ihre Papiere," he demanded, his hand tightening around the Airsoft MP-40 slung over his shoulder.

Yukari realized she was cornered. The guard wasn't going to let her pass without a thorough inspection, and if he found out she wasn't who she claimed to be, her cover would be blown. Thinking quickly, she spotted a small potted plant on a nearby table.

Without hesitation, Yukari grabbed the pot and slammed it against the guard's head. The impact stunned the guard, and he staggered back, momentarily dazed. Yukari didn't waste a second—she turned and bolted down the corridor, her heart pounding in her chest.

"Spion!" the guard shouted, recovering quickly and hitting the alarm.

The blaring sound of the alarm echoed through the building, and chaos erupted as guards and soldiers rushed to secure the area. Yukari sprinted through the corridors, dodging incoming patrols and ducking into shadows whenever possible.

Yukari's heart raced as she bolted down the hallway, the alarm blaring behind her. The sound of heavy boots and shouted commands filled the air as the guards closed in. Desperately searching for an escape, she turned a corner and suddenly found herself face-to-face with a group of Houston's Rangers.

"There she is! Stop her!" one of the Rangers shouted, raising his Airsoft Thompson.

Without hesitation, they opened fire, sending a hail of BB pellets in Yukari's direction. She ducked and rolled, narrowly avoiding the stinging shots as she dashed into a nearby room. Slamming the door behind her, Yukari leaned against it, breathing heavily. She could hear the Rangers on the other side, trying to force their way in.

She quickly scanned the room, realizing she had stumbled into the nightclub that Graham had mentioned earlier. The dimly lit room was filled with flashing lights, and the pounding beats of Daft Punk's "Robot Rock" reverberated through the walls. Despite the blaring alarm and the chaos outside, the high school boys and girls inside the club seemed oblivious, lost in the rhythm of the music as they danced without a care.

Yukari pushed through the crowd, her eyes darting around for another exit. The dancers barely noticed her, too caught up in the electric atmosphere. As she moved deeper into the room, the door behind her burst open, and the Rangers poured in, weapons at the ready.

"There she is!" one of them shouted over the music, pointing at Yukari. The Rangers began shoving their way through the crowd, their Airsoft guns raised and ready to fire.

Panic surged through Yukari as she realized she was running out of options. Just as she reached the edge of the dance floor, another squad of guards burst into the room—this time a mix of German Wehrmacht soldiers, Commando, Marines, and Ejilah loyalists. The situation had just gone from bad to worse.

"Spread out! Don't let her escape!" one of the Marine barked, his voice barely audible over the thumping bass.

Yukari ducked behind a group of dancers, trying to blend in. The strobe lights flashed, casting erratic shadows across the room, making it difficult for the Rangers to spot her in the sea of bodies.

"Why aren't they stopping the music?!" one of the Rangers yelled over the noise, frustrated by the lack of cooperation from the students.

"Who cares?! Just find her!" another Ranger barked back, pushing his way through the crowd.

A group of students near the DJ booth noticed the frantic search and chuckled, one of them nudging his friend. "Looks like someone's in trouble. Guess they don't know how to handle the heat."

Another student, a girl with brightly colored hair, smirked and shouted to her friends, "Let's crank it up! Maybe they'll just join the party!" She gestured to the DJ, who nodded and turned up the volume even louder, the bass booming through the room.

The increased volume only added to the confusion, making it harder for the Rangers to communicate. Yukari took advantage of the chaos, slipping through the dancers and edging closer to the far side of the room where she spotted another exit.

"She's heading for the back door! Don't lose her!" a Ranger called out, finally catching a glimpse of her.

The soldiers fanned out, sweeping the room as they searched for Yukari. She ducked behind a group of dancing students, trying to stay out of sight, but it was only a matter of time before they found her. As one of the German guards closed in, his Airsoft MP-40 raised, Yukari knew she had no choice but to fight.

In a swift motion, Yukari grabbed a bottle from a nearby table and smashed it over the guard's head, stunning him. As he staggered back, she seized his MP-40 and turned it on the approaching soldiers. Without hesitation, she squeezed the trigger, sending a burst of BB pellets toward the nearest Marine.

The room erupted into chaos. The music was drowned out by the sharp crack of Airsoft gunfire and the shouts of panicked students scrambling for cover. The nightclub, once filled with carefree dancing, had become a battlefield.

"Get her!" one of the Rangers yelled as they returned fire, BB pellets ricocheting off walls and furniture. Yukari ducked and weaved through the chaos, firing back as she desperately searched for a way out.

The firefight intensified as more guards joined the fray, trying to corner Yukari. She knocked over tables and pushed through the panicked crowd, using the confusion to her advantage. One of the Marines lunged at her, but she sidestepped his attack and delivered a swift kick, sending him crashing into a nearby table.

"Stop her! Don't let her escape!" another guard shouted, frustration growing as Yukari continued to evade them.

Despite her best efforts, Yukari knew she couldn't hold them off forever. She needed to find a way out—and fast. Spotting a side door near the back of the club, she made a break for it, firing a few more shots to keep the guards at bay.

Just as she reached the door, a Commando lunged at her, grabbing her arm. Yukari struggled, managing to wrench herself free just in time. She spun around, using the butt of the MP-40 to knock the Commando off balance.

The nightclub was a whirlwind of chaos. Houston, Graham, and Muller arrived in the midst of the tumult, having heard reports of the escalating firefight. They moved through the crowd, Houston's face set in grim determination, while Graham and Muller followed closely, ready for action. The sound of Daft Punk's "Robot Rock" was replaced by a pulsing, urgent beat as the DJ scrambled to adjust the music to the unfolding chaos.

As they entered the nightclub, Houston quickly assessed the scene. Guards were dragging out students who had been caught in the crossfire, their shouts mingling with the clamor of gunfire. The room was filled with flashing lights and strobe effects that made it difficult to see clearly, but Houston's sharp eyes quickly found Yukari in the midst of the fray.

Yukari, her face flushed with adrenaline, spotted Houston, Graham, and Muller approaching. Without hesitation, she raised her MP-40 and began firing at them, her shots pinging off nearby walls and furniture. The three commanders instinctively took cover, Houston diving behind a table that had been overturned in the chaos.

"Cover!" Houston shouted, flipping the table to shield himself and his companions from the onslaught. "Graham, Muller, move left!"

Graham, a grin on his face despite the danger, quickly took Houston's advice and rolled to the left, drawing his sidearm as he did. Muller, equally experienced, followed suit, taking up a position behind a stack of crates and returning fire with practiced ease.

"I've missed this kind of action," Graham laughed, his voice barely audible over the din of the nightclub. "Reminds me of the old days!"

As Graham and Muller engaged in the firefight, Houston's sharp eyes tracked Yukari's movements. She was agile and resourceful, but the combined firepower of Houston, Graham, and Muller was overwhelming. The three commanders worked in unison, their shots precise and coordinated, forcing Yukari to constantly shift her position.

Yukari, realizing she was being cornered, made a desperate move. She darted towards a large window on the far side of the club. The room was filled with the sound of her rapid footsteps and the staccato rhythm of gunfire as she made her way through the chaos.

Seeing the window as her only viable escape route, Yukari launched herself through it, shattering the glass as she went. The sudden movement caught Houston and his team off guard, momentarily disrupting their concentrated fire.

"She's making a run for it!" Muller shouted, his voice cutting through the noise.

Houston turned to Graham and Muller, his expression resolute. "We can't let her get away! We need to secure the perimeter and find her before she disappears."

The three commanders pushed through the nightclub, making their way to the now-broken window. Outside, Yukari was already scrambling down the fire escape, her movements frantic but determined. Houston, Graham, and Muller quickly followed, their experience guiding them through the dangerous, high-stakes situation.

As they emerged into the cool night air, Houston glanced around, trying to pick up Yukari's trail. But later on couldn't as he can't be sure where she went and with that the video of what happened ended.

When Maho and Kay turned to Yukair surprised on what they saw in the video as she mangnaged to take out some of the guard's from the American's base.

"That was..." Before Maho could say anything Kay then give Yukari an hug 

"That was amazing you handling the guard's like that! Man I wish I was there enjoying the nightclub or seeing the fight in person." Kay said 

After awhile when Yukari finished what she needed to do as she was dismissed by Maho as the room was left only for Maho and Kay the two started talking. 

"With the American Minor's Schools pulling out, the defenses will definitely be weaker," Kay noted. "But that also means more chaos and potential gaps in their lines."

Maho nodded, her eyes tracing the routes on the map. "Exactly. Houston and Graham's decision to turn that city into 'Alamo 2.0' is both a strength and a potential weakness. It's fortified, but it's also isolated. Once the reinforcements from the Federation arrive, we'll need to strike quickly before they can regroup."

Kay tapped her finger thoughtfully on the map. "The key will be timing. If we hit them too soon, we might face their full strength. But if we wait too long, they could reinforce their position or even go on the offensive."

Maho folded her arms, deep in thought. "We need to be ready to act the moment the Federation forces arrive. Houston might be expecting a siege, but we won't give him the luxury of time."

Kay grinned, her usual optimism shining through. "And with Yukari's intel, we have the upper hand. We know their strengths and weaknesses, and we can use that to our advantage."

Maho smiled faintly, her eyes still on the map. "Yes, and we'll make sure that when the time comes, Houston's 'Alamo 2.0' falls swiftly."

A/N: This took me a long time to rewrite and also the old Chapter 8 I accidentally deleted so damn it that was on me but don't worry I made a new version of it and add more scenes that would make this chapter better anyway that all for now and I will see you all later 

-Tom out

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