Deleted Chapter 2

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Big Three Major's Part 1

From the tiny foothold of taking the third CP of the Americans' Schools after the success of their Operation Stalemate, the American Schools have established an ironclad front across the island. As they drove deep into enemy territory, scoring victory after victory.

It shows more footage of Davy Crockett Rangers moving along their tanks as it depicts the Lone Star advancing alongside other Sherman tanks, passing different disabled Japanese School tanks.

But success has not come at an easy price. The boys moved with shocking speed, stretching supply lines thin while exhaustion set in among the troops. Now, with the onset of winter coming in Houston, the Marshal Commander of the American Tankery League calls a halt while supply and manpower situations are worked out.

It then shows Grand Lake High Boys taking over one of the cities as North High School went to join in the city along with Davy Crockett High with the tankers of their tanks working on repairs or sorting out their supplies, many of the infantry began resting up, some even patrolling around the city they just took.

As all this was happening, it then shows the three tank commanders of their own schools standing over a small hill. Houston is wearing his Davy Crockett Commander winter uniform with a bandana wrapped around his forehead. Next, Graham, Commander of Grand Lake High, wearing his Winter Commander uniform with a helmet on his head, is live streaming himself on his phone, telling his fans that he's fine and he might make a movie out of this if he returns to Hollywood.

Commander Muller of North High School, wearing his Wehrmacht winter uniform, still having the officer hat on his head, looks over Houston's shoulder, looking at the mini-map of the island that the league gave to them.

"Hm, this area that we are in seems quiet, right Muller?" Houston said.

"Ja... Since we are pushing in hard, we can't push our luck further since our supply lines are thin," Muller said.

"True... We will rest here then... waiting to get more of our supplies here," Houston said.

"Okay then, Houston and..." Before Muller can speak, he then turns to Graham, who was over-talking the two still on his phone with his live stream. "Graham, turn off your phone. We are having a team meeting here!" Muller yelled out.

As the scene unfolds, Graham finally notices Muller's interruption and quickly wraps up his live stream with a flourish.

"Alright, folks, duty calls! But don't worry, I'll be back with more epic tales to tell. Stay tuned and keep rooting for us! Signing off for now!" Graham ends his stream with a charismatic smile before turning his full attention to the conversation at hand.

"Sorry about that, gentlemen," Graham says, slipping back into his Hollywood persona effortlessly. "You know how it is, always gotta keep the fans updated. But let's focus on the task at hand. Houston, Muller, what's the plan moving forward?"

Houston nods, appreciating Graham's ability to transition from showmanship to seriousness. "We need to consolidate our gains and fortify our position here. Muller's right, pushing our luck too far could be disastrous with our supply lines as they are."

Muller nods in agreement. "Ja, we should focus on securing this area and ensuring our troops are rested and resupplied. Once we're replenished, we can consider our next move strategically."

Graham nods thoughtfully. "Sounds like a plan. Let's get our teams organized and make sure everyone knows their tasks. We've come this far; we can't afford to slip up now."

"Agree..." Houston said as the three commanders watched more of their tanks driving up to the captured city. Houston took a deep breath, watching this, then spoke up.

"You know, seeing our guys working together again... Reminds me of the Dallas Incident," Houston said, prompting Graham and Muller to recall the event with a sigh.

"Yeah, it does, minus the bad parts but... the good part is that we have each other," Graham said.

"Ah yes... Even though Graham and I were Vice Commanders of our own schools, and you, Houston, were a Vice Commander of Vermont Tankery Academy, even though you were our enemy those three years ago until you betrayed your old school and joined us in our fight until we ended that match," Muller said, reminiscing about the battles of the past.

"Yes, I remember that. And now, in the present, with Vermont Tankery Academy shut down because of me, I moved to a different school, became a Commander of Davy Crockett, and here we are... fighting side by side again," Houston said.

"Yeah, the big three," Graham said, giving them a nickname.

Meanwhile, in the snowy forest outside of the city, Katyusha had a tarp draped over her body as she scouted the movements of the American forces. She observed the number of tanks stationed in the city and noted the positions of the three major high schools: Grand Lake, North High, and Davy Crockett.

As she watched each sector, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Graham's company, serving as the defensive support unit, seemed formidable. Muller's relentless mechanized German tanks and infantry were imposing. And then there was Davy Crockett High School, with its deadly offensive unit led by Houston and the elite Rangers.

Katyusha knew the history of these commanders and their schools well. While Muller and Graham were highly ranked on the A tier list, Houston stood out even more, ranking on the S Tier list of commanders.

Her unease grew as she shifted her camera to observe the three commanders preparing to join their teams. Suddenly, Houston stopped, his gaze seemingly fixed in her direction. Fear gripped Katyusha as she worried he might have spotted her.

This fear was unfamiliar to her, reminiscent of her days spying on Kuromorimine before the 63rd Sensha-do tournament. But Houston was different from Maho Nishizumi, and the fear she felt towards him was unlike anything she had experienced before.

Back with Houston, as he stared into the distance, Graham's teasing voice broke the momentary silence.

"Hey Texas... Louisiana has the best cookout meat," Graham called out, trying to lighten the mood.

Houston chuckled, snapping back to the present. "Over my dead Texas body it ain't, swamp boy," he retorted, before turning and heading back towards the city with determination in his stride.

Panicking, Katyusha swiftly retreated from her vantage point, running back through the snow-covered forest to rejoin the other commanders of the Sensha-do Federation lines. Nearby, stationed not far from the city the Americans had captured, were Pravda High School, Saunders Girls High School, and Kuromorimine Girls' Academy.

Arriving breathless but determined, Katyusha quickly briefed the other commanders on what she had observed. Pravda's Vice commander, Nonna, listened intently, her stoic demeanor betraying no emotion. Across from her, the lively and energetic Kay from Saunders Girls High School nodded along, her mind already racing with tactical possibilities. And finally, at the head of the table, stood Maho Nishizumi, the formidable leader of Kuromorimine Girls' Academy, her presence commanding respect from all those around her.

As Katyusha relayed the information, Maho's expression remained unchanged, her eyes calculating. Nonna remained silent, her gaze sharp as she absorbed every detail. Kay, on the other hand, couldn't contain her excitement, already formulating strategies to counter the American offensive.

Once Katyusha had finished, Maho spoke, her voice cool and authoritative. "Thank you, Katyusha. Your reconnaissance is invaluable. We will adjust our plans accordingly."

Nonna nodded in agreement, while Kay grinned eagerly, eager for the challenge ahead. With their forces united and their resolve strengthened, the commanders of the Sensha-do Federation prepared to face the formidable American opponents, drawing upon their training, experience, and camaraderie to emerge victorious on the battlefield.

Maho leaned forward, her eyes flickering with determination as she addressed the other commanders. "Our initial strategy remains unchanged. Pravda will initiate a diversionary assault from the north, drawing the attention of the American forces. Saunders will provide long-range support, targeting key enemy positions and disrupting their supply lines."

Katyusha nodded in agreement, her expression unreadable as always. "Yes, we will keep them occupied," 

Kay bounced in her seat, her enthusiasm palpable. "You got it! We'll rain hellfire down on 'em!" she exclaimed, fist-pumping the air.

Maho's gaze shifted to Nonna, her voice soft but commanding. "Nonna, you will lead a small reconnaissance team to infiltrate the enemy lines and gather intel on their defenses. We need to identify weak points and exploit them."

Nonna nods of this plan "Understood, Commander Nishizumi. We won't let you down."

Maho nodded in approval before turning her attention back to the map spread out before them. "Our main objective is to disrupt their command structure and seize control of the city. We must strike swiftly and decisively."

As time passed, the Americans continued their shifts, receiving more tanks and infantry units from their Vice Commanders behind the lines.

In the Grand Lake High Company sector, Graham took charge, rallying his troops for sentry duty at Checkpoint Delta.

"Alright, you ninety-day wonders, listen up. We're gonna be taking over sentry duty from the Rangers and Lone Star at Checkpoint Delta... Now, seeing as there's nothing, we're gonna build some stuff... Let's move, Raiders," Graham commanded as he climbed into his M1 Abram tank.

A small group of Rifleman and Rear Echelon boys gathered around Graham's tank, and he greeted them with a smile.

"Well, look who finally showed up. Welcome to the shindig, boys... Hope you've got nowhere else to be," Graham said, poking half his body out of his tank's Commander hatch.

"Alright, fall in, boys... You know Marshal Commander Houston will never stop with the wisecracking if we're late," Graham instructed as they gathered and moved to the checkpoint.

Arriving at the checkpoint, Houston, leaning outside of his M4A3E8 Sherman tank, spotted Graham and his boys entering. He took a puff of his smuggled cigarettes before speaking.

"Commander Graham... Glad you could finally make it," Houston remarked.

"Yeah, well, this match ain't in no hurry to end; figured we had plenty of time to mosey on over here," Graham replied with a grin.

Houston chuckled. "Well, we wouldn't want your boys pulling a muscle hurrying on our account. I'm going to get my boys back to downtown of the city for hot meals and showers. They could use it," Houston said as he climbed onto his tank.

As Graham watched Houston and his boys depart, he turned back to his own troops with a determined expression.

"All right, boys, you heard the Marshal. Let's get to work. We've got a job to do," Graham declared, his voice firm and authoritative.

The soldiers nodded in response, their faces set with determination as they began to set up their positions at Checkpoint Delta. Working efficiently, they unloaded equipment from their trucks and started constructing makeshift cover and barricades using sandbags and other materials.

"Hey, Jackson, pass me those sandbags over there," Graham called out to one of his men, who swiftly complied, tossing the sandbags to him.

Meanwhile, another group of soldiers began laying down camouflage netting, expertly draping it over their positions to conceal themselves from potential enemy observation.

As they worked, Graham kept a watchful eye on the surroundings, scanning the area for any signs of enemy activity. The air was tense with anticipation, but Graham's leadership instilled confidence in his men, driving them to work swiftly and efficiently.

"Keep it up, boys. We need to make sure this checkpoint is fortified and ready for anything," Graham encouraged, his voice carrying across the checkpoint as his men worked diligently to set up their defenses.

As Graham and his boys diligently set up their defenses at Checkpoint Delta, Kay, the commander of Saunders Girls High School, observed from a distance. With a mischievous grin, she leaned over the commander's hatch of her Sherman tank, plotting her next move.

"Alright, girls, let's give our friends over at Grand Lake High a little surprise," Kay said to her crew, her voice tinged with excitement.

With practiced precision, the crew of the Sherman tank adjusted their artillery settings, aiming for strategic locations near Graham's position. Kay grinned as she prepared to unleash a barrage of small tank artillery to spook Graham and his boys.

"Fire at will!" Kay commanded, and the crew sprang into action, launching a series of controlled artillery rounds towards the outskirts of Checkpoint Delta.

The explosions reverberated through the air, sending plumes of smoke and debris into the sky. Graham and his boys quickly ducked for cover, their faces a mixture of surprise and determination as they braced themselves against the sudden onslaught.

"Keep your heads down! Return fire!" Graham shouted, rallying his troops to action as they prepared to defend their position against the unexpected attack.

Meanwhile, Kay watched with delight as the artillery rounds landed near the Grand Lake High Company's defenses, creating chaos and confusion among their ranks. She couldn't help but laugh as she imagined the look on Graham's face as he scrambled to regroup his troops.

"Ha! That ought to give them something to think about," Kay said, a satisfied smirk on her face as she surveyed the scene.

As explosions continued to rock the area, Graham and his boys quickly took cover, seeking refuge inside their tanks and behind the hastily constructed barricades. Graham wasted no time, grabbing his radio to report the situation.

"This is Checkpoint Delta, we're under enemy artillery fire!" Graham's voice crackled over the radio, urgency evident in his tone. The radio operator quickly acknowledged the report.

"Roger Delta. Hold your position and advise as needed," the voice on the other end responded.

Before Graham could formulate a plan, he noticed movement in the treeline. Federation infantry, accompanied by Saunders' tanks, were advancing towards them. With a sense of urgency, Graham rallied his men.

"There's movement in the treeline! The Feds are on us!" Graham shouted, his voice cutting through the chaos.

Instantly, his men sprang into action, returning fire with precision and determination. Bullets flew through the air as the soldiers of Grand Lake High Company fought fiercely to repel the enemy assault. Despite the surprise attack, they remained steadfast, their training kicking in as they worked together to defend their position at Checkpoint Delta.

Inside his tank, Graham gritted his teeth, his focus unwavering as he directed his men and coordinated their response. They may have been caught off guard, but they were not about to let the Federation forces overrun them without a fight. With determination burning in their hearts, they stood firm, ready to hold the line against any and all threats to their position.

As the battle raged on, Graham's voice boomed over the chaos, issuing orders to his men with authority and clarity.

"Keep those Federation bastards pinned down! We can't let them advance any further!" Graham shouted, his voice cutting through the cacophony of gunfire and explosions.

His men responded with determination, their rifles blazing as they fought fiercely to repel the enemy assault. But amidst the chaos, one of Graham's men shouted a warning.

"Commander! They're flanking us on the left!" the soldier called out, his voice filled with urgency.

Graham's eyes narrowed as he processed the information, swiftly formulating a plan to counter the enemy's maneuver.

"Roger that! Alpha Team, shift your fire to the left flank! We need to protect our perimeter at all costs!" Graham commanded, his voice ringing out with authority.

Without hesitation, Alpha Team adjusted their positions, redirecting their firepower towards the advancing Federation forces. Bullets tore through the air as they engaged the enemy, determined to hold their ground and prevent any further encroachment on their flank.

Meanwhile, Graham remained vigilant, scanning the battlefield for any signs of weakness in the enemy's defenses. With his keen strategic mind and unwavering leadership, he was determined to lead his men to victory, no matter the cost.

As the dust settled from the intense firefight, Graham's tank crew took a moment to catch their breath amidst the chaos of battle. Graham's voice crackled over the radio as he reported the situation to command.

"This is Checkpoint Delta... Contact report. Light infantry and tanks advancing from the northeast," Graham relayed, his voice calm despite the urgency of the situation.

"Roger. We're getting reports from all over the area. Federation forces are moving in from the east and to the north, between here and the main city," the radioman responded, the gravity of the situation evident in his voice.

Graham's brow furrowed as he considered their options. "What's the status of Houston and his Davy Crockett team in the city?" he inquired, hoping for some good news.

"No contact as of yet. Will update you as we hear news," the radioman replied, leaving Graham to ponder their next move.

Meanwhile, in the heart of the city, Houston and his Davy Crockett team were holding their ground against the advancing Federation infantry. Inside his tank, Houston barked orders to his crew, their movements precise and coordinated.

"Hold your positions! Keep those crossroads open!" Houston commanded, his voice carrying authority as his team braced for the onslaught.

As the Federation forces continued to press forward, Houston assessed the situation and formulated a plan to gain the upper hand.

"I need a squad of Rangers to flank these bastards!" Houston declared, his determination unwavering as he prepared to lead his elite infantry unit into battle.

With Houston's command ringing in their ears, a small group of Rangers broke off from the main defensive line, their movements swift and silent as they navigated through the city streets. Clad in their distinctive uniforms, they moved with purpose, their training evident in every step they took.

As they approached the flank of the advancing Federation forces, the Rangers spread out, taking cover behind buildings and vehicles, their weapons at the ready. With a signal from their leader, they opened fire, catching the enemy by surprise with a hail of bullets and grenades.

"Go, go, go! Secure the area!" the Ranger commander shouted, his voice barely audible over the roar of gunfire.

The Rangers moved with precision, methodically eliminating enemy targets and clearing the area block by block. With each passing moment, their confidence grew, bolstered by their training and camaraderie as they worked together to achieve their objective.

Meanwhile, back at the main defensive line, Houston monitored the situation closely, his eyes scanning the battlefield for any signs of trouble. As reports came in from the Rangers, he nodded in satisfaction, knowing that his elite infantry unit was carrying out their mission with efficiency and skill.

"Keep it up, boys! We've got them on the run!" Houston shouted, his voice infused with determination as he rallied his troops to maintain their momentum.

Despite the ferocity of the battle, the Rangers pressed forward, driving the Federation forces back with relentless determination. As the dust settled and the smoke cleared, they emerged victorious, their courage and tenacity earning them the admiration of their comrades and the respect of their enemies.

Houston peered out from the hatch of his tank, his brow furrowed with concern as he listened to Dean's report.

"Not good, boss. We've got Kuromorimine surrounding almost all of our sides. This downtown is surrounded," Dean replied, his grip tight on his Thompson airsoft SMG.

Houston's expression darkened at the grim news. "Can we get across out of this city?" he inquired, his mind already racing with possibilities.

Dean shook his head grimly. "No, sir. The whole place is crawling with the Feds and one of the Japanese major schools," he confirmed, emphasizing the direness of their situation.

"Okay... We need to raise the other sectors in this city. Confirm what's going on here," Houston ordered, his voice firm and resolute despite the challenge they faced.

"Dean, our radio is going to need a boost. Get to the tower in one of the buildings here so that we can tie into it," Houston instructed, pointing to the location of the radio tower on the mini-map he carried.

"Alright... Rangers, on me," Dean commanded, rallying many of the Ranger infantry as Houston carefully followed behind in his tank.

"What the hell just happened?" Machine questioned from his position in the tank's gunner seat.

"I don't know, it happened all of a sudden," Grant replied, checking the remaining tank shell ammo for the Lone Star.

"Well, whatever it is, I'm gonna drive us out of here," Troy declared, maneuvering the tank with caution, while Scott, the gunner, remained vigilant, scanning the surroundings through his scope.

Approaching the radio tower, the Ranger infantry encountered two squads of Federation forces, engaging them in combat before swiftly eliminating the threat. Meanwhile, Dean made his way to the ham radio, which was still in good condition, and began switching radio frequencies in an attempt to boost their signal.

Meanwhile, Alisa, utilizing her old trick, monitored the radio calls and managed to tune in to the same frequency the Americans were using.

"Houston to C-P, Houston to C-P, Sitrep, does anyone read me?" Houston transmitted over the radio using the device Dean had provided.

After a brief pause, Commander Muller's voice came through the radio. "Muller reporting. Good to hear that you boys are still kicking ass out there, Houston. What's your status?" he inquired.

"We're surrounded here. We're holding onto the city center, and we just managed to capture the radio tower, but we've got Feds and Kuromorimine crawling everywhere," Houston responded.

"Roger. Hold your positions until advised further, over," Muller instructed before signing off.

Meanwhile, Alisa, realizing the implications of North High's actions, relayed the information to Kay, who made plans accordingly.

"It seems that North High is heading to support Davy Crockett High to pull them out from Commander Nishizumi's grip," Alisa reported to Kay over the radio.

"Okay, are you sure about this?" Kay asked.

"Of course, Commander. I'm sure about this," Alisa affirmed.

"Okay then, I will tell Katyusha so that her forces can deal with the German Yankee," Kay decided.

In North High School's sector, Commander Muller led his Tiger I tank ahead, followed by two Panzer IVs and three squads of Wehrmacht riflemen.

"We're going to try and establish a corridor from the inner city to the out so you can fall back, Houston," Muller communicated over the radio.

"Okay, make it quick. My tanks can't hold against Kuromorimine armor here," Houston responded over the radio, the urgency evident in his voice.

Placing the radio away, Muller opened the commander hatch of his tank, peering out as he turned to his infantry boys who were carrying airsoft weapons. His German accent added weight to his words as he addressed them.

"Listen up. I don't know how long this is going to take, but we have to be fast. We need to break through enemy forces to reach the Ranger's boys in the center of the city," Muller commanded, his tone firm and decisive.

His words elicited nods of understanding from his boys as they prepared themselves for the task ahead. Muller picked up his radio once more and communicated with Houston.

"Houston, get your boys and armor to the edge of the city. We're going to try to form an evac corridor," Muller instructed, his voice carrying over the radio waves.

"Roger... Moving now," Houston responded promptly over the radio.

With the orders given, Muller directed his tanks to move forward, with the infantry following closely behind, determined to reach Houston and his boys in time to provide support and establish the evac corridor.

Approaching the edge of the city, the scene shifted to Grand Lake High still engaged in fierce combat with Saunders Girls High, holding back both tanks and infantry.

"Muller, me and my boys have sight lines of the attack area. Grand Lake High can support your advance from here," Graham's voice came over the radio, indicating his readiness to assist.

"Thanks, Graham. I knew I could count on you," Muller acknowledged gratefully.

As they advanced, one of the Werhmact boys noticed a Kuromorimine tank breaking off the siege and attempting to stop Muller's advance.

"Verdammt. Kuromorimine brought in their Panzer IV here!" the boy exclaimed in German, alerting his comrades to the new threat.

Muller's brows furrowed in concern as he assessed the situation. Kuromorimine's intervention could significantly complicate their advance and threaten their mission to establish the evac corridor.

"Keep moving forward! We need to push through and neutralize that Panzer IV," Muller commanded, his voice cutting through the din of battle.

His tanks accelerated, their engines roaring as they closed the distance with the enemy Panzer IV. Meanwhile, the infantry boys maintained cover, providing suppressive fire to keep the Kuromorimine forces pinned down.

As they approached, the Panzer IV unleashed a volley of shells, aiming to halt Muller's advance. The ground shook as explosions erupted around them, but Muller remained resolute, guiding his tanks with precision.

"Return fire! Take out that Panzer IV!" Muller ordered, his tone unwavering despite the intensity of the situation.

His tank crews responded swiftly, their cannons thundering as they unleashed rounds upon the enemy tank. Explosions blossomed across the Panzer IV's armor as the Grand Lake High tanks focused their fire, determined to eliminate the threat.

Amidst the chaos, Muller's keen strategic mind assessed the battlefield, seeking out weaknesses in the enemy's defenses. With each passing moment, the pressure mounted, but Muller remained calm, leading his forces with unwavering resolve.

Finally, with a well-placed shot, the Panzer IV faltered, smoke billowing from its damaged hull. Muller's tanks pressed forward, seizing the opportunity to break through the enemy line and continue their advance toward the edge of the city.

"Good shooting, boys! Keep moving! We're almost there!" Muller exclaimed, his voice filled with determination as they pushed onward, inching closer to their objective with each passing second.

"Damn good to see you boys," Houston exclaimed as Muller's forces reached the edge of the city.

"Commander Houston! Everything is going to shit here. Jap's and Feds are moving in hard from the north and east," one of the Rangers reported urgently.

"I say me and Graham's forces can give you cover and get your boys out of this city," Muller proposed, offering his support.

"Agreed," Houston replied, acknowledging the necessity of Muller's assistance in their dire situation.

Turning to his boys, Muller wasted no time in outlining their new objective.

"Okay, listen up... Rangers are going to fall back along the road back to HQ. Provide supporting fire along the way as they move," Muller instructed his boys, his voice firm and authoritative.

His troops nodded in understanding, ready to execute their orders with precision and efficiency. With their plan in place, Muller's forces prepared to provide cover for the Rangers as they made their retreat, their determination unwavering in the face of adversity.

As the Rangers fought their way through the city streets, they soon found themselves facing a formidable obstacle: the girls from Kuromorimine Girls' Academy, led by the stoic Maho Nishizumi.

"Rangers, hold your ground! We can't let them push us back any further!" the sergeant barked, his voice laced with determination as the Kuromorimine tanks loomed in the distance.

Maho, her presence commanding, surveyed the battlefield with a steely gaze. "Target the enemy's weak points. Don't let a single one slip past us," she ordered her comrades, her voice unwavering in the face of adversity.

Meanwhile, Saunders Girls' High School, led by the spirited Kay, launched a coordinated assault from the east, their tanks roaring into action with a fierce determination to halt Davy Crockett's retreat.

"Keep up the pressure, girls! We've got them on the run!" Kay cheered, her voice filled with confidence as her tank maneuvered through the debris-strewn streets.

But just as it seemed like Davy Crockett's escape was within reach, they were ambushed by the cunning tactics of Pravda High School, led by the fearless Katyusha.

"Fire at will, comrades! Let's show these Americans what we're made of!" Katyusha exclaimed, her voice carrying over the roar of gunfire as Pravda's tanks moved in for the attack.

Caught between the relentless assault of Kuromorimine, the determined advance of Saunders, and the surprise ambush by Pravda, the Rangers faced their toughest challenge yet. But with their backs against the wall, they fought with an unmatched ferocity, determined to break through the enemy lines and reach the safety of headquarters.

As the Rangers faced the combined onslaught of Kuromorimine, Saunders, and Pravda, panic began to spread among the infantry of Davy Crockett. Amidst the chaos of battle, shouts and cries filled the air, mingling with the sounds of gunfire and explosions.

"We're pinned down! We can't hold them off much longer!" one soldier yelled, his voice tinged with fear as enemy shells rained down around them.

Another soldier frantically radioed for support. "We need backup now! The girls from Kuromorimine and Saunders are everywhere, and Pravda just hit us with an ambush! We're getting slaughtered out here!"

Houston, watching the chaos unfold from his tank, gritted his teeth in frustration. "Hold on, boys! We're not giving up yet! Muller and Graham are providing cover fire. We just need to keep moving!"

But despite Houston's attempts to rally their spirits, the relentless enemy assault continued unabated. With each passing moment, the pressure mounted, and the realization that they were outnumbered and outgunned began to weigh heavily on the soldiers' minds.

"We're not gonna make it out of here alive!" one soldier cried out, his voice trembling with fear as enemy tanks closed in from all sides.

With the Rangers and tanks from Davy Crockett finally reaching safety, Muller took a moment to assess their situation.

"All remaining units are reporting in," he reported to Houston and Graham, his voice steady despite the chaos that surrounded them.

"Thank God. We can't hold this area any longer," Graham remarked, his relief palpable.

But Muller's brow furrowed as he surveyed the battlefield. "These girls aren't quitting. They're pouring in more forces. What's the plan?" he asked, turning to Houston for guidance.

"I suggest we fall back out of here, Houston. There's no use in having our boys marked. We'll link up with whoever is left, figure out what in the hell just hit us, and coordinate a defense," Graham suggested, his voice firm with resolve.

Houston nodded in agreement. "I like your plan, Graham. Let's do that. All units, fall back!" he commanded, his voice echoing over the radio as their forces began to withdraw.

In the League's/Federation Sensha Do meeting room, many officials were seated, attentively listening to reports streaming in from Oshima Island, detailing the progress of the ongoing match. Among them, a woman moved purposefully through the room, clutching a folder of reports in her hands.

"Okay, since we have many of the minor schools wanting to return home, we'll arrange for ships to pick them up in the next few weeks. Let the parents know that they'll be reunited with their kids soon," she announced, her tone authoritative yet reassuring.

"Of course," one of the workers replied, taking charge of the reports and heading off in another direction.

Entering the match monitoring room, which housed both League and military personnel from the U.S. Army, stood Lieutenant Colonel Doyal Houston. Spotting him, the woman approached and greeted him.

"Hey, Doyal," she said warmly.

"Delia, my lovely wife... Good to see you," Doyal replied, his smile widening at the sight of his wife beside him.

"Likewise. What's the status of the match?" Delia inquired.

"Well, so far, it's been relatively quiet. No major moves yet since our high school boys positioned themselves in different sectors for defense. It's been somewhat calm," Doyal explained, his arms crossed in front of him.

"So, business as usual," Delia remarked knowingly.

"Yeah," Doyal confirmed.

"Then, where is our nephew and his school stationed?" Delia queried.

Doyal pointed to the northern ridge on the map of the island, where multiple major cities were indicated. In that sector lay the domain of three top-tier major schools: Davy Crockett, North High, and Grand Lake High.

"In the northern ridge sector," Doyal answered, gesturing towards the designated area on the map. "That's where Davy Crockett, North High, and Grand Lake High are stationed."

Delia followed Doyal's gesture, her brow furrowing slightly as she observed the map. "That's quite the strategic position. I hope they're managing well," she commented, her concern evident in her tone.

Doyal nodded in agreement. "They're a capable bunch, but it's a challenging environment. We'll need to keep a close eye on them," he remarked, his gaze fixed on the monitoring screens displaying the status of each school's position.

Suddenly, an alarm blared, piercing the air with its urgency. The monitors in the room flashed red, indicating a significant development in the match.

"What's happening?" Delia exclaimed, her voice tinged with alarm as she turned towards the nearest monitor.

Doyal quickly moved to analyze the incoming data, his expression grave. "It looks like there's been a major assault in the northern sector," he reported, his tone urgent.

On the screens, the images revealed the unthinkable: the northern sector, once held by Davy Crockett, North High, and Grand Lake High, was now overrun by the combined forces of Kuromorimine Girls' Academy, Saunders Girls' High, and Pravda High School.

Delia gasped in shock, her hand flying to her mouth as she processed the devastating turn of events. "How could this happen?" she murmured, disbelief evident in her voice.

Meanwhile, other monitors in the room displayed similar scenes of chaos and destruction as the news spread throughout the monitoring team. Murmurs of disbelief and concern rippled through the room as everyone grappled with the gravity of the situation.

"It's a coordinated assault from all three schools," one of the monitors reported, his voice grim.

As the panic and urgency filled the room, Doyal's eyes flickered across the monitors, his mind racing with thoughts of strategy and action. Amidst the chaos, he noticed something that sent a shiver down his spine.

"Wait a minute," he murmured, his gaze fixated on the screens showing the three major schools still engaged in battle. "They're not pulling back. They're... they're regrouping."

The realization struck him like a bolt of lightning. The scene unfolding before him echoed a dark chapter from history, one of the most famous and deadly battles of World War II: the Battle of the Bulge.

"They're attempting to retake the sector," Doyal said, his voice tight with apprehension. "They're rallying their forces for a counterattack."

On that fateful day, a massive artillery barrage caught the American forces off guard, signaling the start of an unexpected Japanese counteroffensive in the quiet forests.

Recordings showed a squad of Rangers taking cover, clutching their airsoft weapons as powder shells pounded their positions. Once in cover, the Rangers screamed and pretended to be dead, their intention to break the lines of the American forces in half and ultimately claim the valuable land of the northern sector. Their timing was impeccable, with the cold winds of winter blowing in. None of the American schools, including their Vice Commander units, could make it in time. The Japanese schools were taking full advantage of the situation.

Kuromorimine Girls' Academy, Saunders Girls' High, and Pravda High School hit the weakly defended city along a 45-mile front, driving deep into the American lines. Tanks moved swiftly and decisively, taking out many of North High School's, Grand Lake High's, and Davy Crockett High's tanks and securing the crews and infantry as prisoners.

Within 24 hours of the Sensha Do Federation unleashing their desperate offensive, the initiative in the battle of Oshima Island completely changed hands. Kuromorimine aimed to capture strategic road junctions and secure their hold on the region.

The scene then shifted to Sergeant Dean and his group of Rangers running through the frozen forest, armed with M6 Bazookas and airsoft Thompsons. They shouted commands to move into defensive positions, while Captain Ludwig led his German-American Stormtroopers alongside them.

Houston and the other commanders of the two major American schools scrambled to stem the tide of the Federation pouring into American territory. Though their lines may have bent, their boys would not break. The Japanese Sensha Do Federation's offensive would be turned back.

Knight Tom Present 

Girls und Panzer: Yankees in Tank

Ardennes Assault

Choose Three Companies High School Commanders in this ARC Chapter's 

Grand Lake High School- Commander Graham

North High School- Commander Muller

Davy Crockett High School- Commander Houston

Washington Boy's and Girl's Academy- Commander Welsey

Kansas Chief High School- Commander Elijah

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