Deleted Chapter 4

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Big Three Major Part 3

The cold wind howled over Oshima Island, where a small town sat on its outskirts. Inside a command tent, Welsey, dressed in his Winter British Commander uniform, addressed his fellow officers, including his Vice Commander, Colton.

"Kuromormine has the city of Lin surrounded. Davy Crockett High School Rangers, including Commander Houston, are taking a huge beating. We can't get anything in or out. Those girls won't let us, and neither will this damn weather... But, that could be a good thing. If we can open a gap, we'll use the road to get Houston and his Rangers out, and then we will go in. Kuromormine won't even know what hit 'em.

As long as we keep this route clear... There's no time to waste, so let's get to it, boys," Welsey said in his English accent.

"Sir, yes sir," responded his officers, saluting before departing to their duties.

Colton turned to Welsey with a concerned look. "You think this will work?"

"Of course. Since Marshal Commander Maho is focused on fighting against Marshal Commander Houston, she won't expect us from Washington Boys' and Girls' Academy to come in and get Houston and his boys out while we take over," Welsey replied confidently.

"Alright, sir. I'll go ready the men," Colton said, leaving the command tent to execute the plan.

The scene shifts to the ongoing battle within the city of Lin. Kuromormine Girl's Academy tanks dominate the urban landscape, with many disabled Shermans and Pershing tanks from Davy Crockett High School strewn across the roads. The narrator's voice begins to speak over the intense visuals.

"Every major road from the surprise counter-attack converges on one point: Lin, making it crucial to holding the region. After a prolonged siege, our Rangers trapped in the city are being called 'the battered bastards,' and with good reason."

The footage shows a squad of Rangers taking cover and firing their airsoft rifles at advancing Federation Sensha-Do infantry. A Kuromormine Panther tank emerges from a city corner, but the Rangers hold their ground. Another squad is seen loading M6 Bazookas, aiming, and successfully immobilizing a second Panther. Commander Houston is in the thick of it, trying to keep his boys organized and fighting.

"They're outnumbered five to one, have no supplies, are suffering mounting casualties, and have been in battle for several days straight. In response, Washington Boys' and Girls' Academy, led by Major Commander Welsey, is dispatching a relief force racing toward Lin to take on Kuromormine Girl's Academy head-on."

Two Cromwell tanks move forward, flanked by Welsey's Scottish-American Commandos running alongside. The tanks make their way to the remnants of Houston's camp. Amid the ruins, Houston coordinates his rear echelon boys as they work to repair their battle camp. Welsey's tanks finally arrive, bringing a glimmer of hope.

Welsey radios his men, his voice steady and resolute, "Looks like the elements are on our side in Lin, boys. The Federation will be blind to our movements in this storm. Perfect time to strike. This will be a great letter to write to my family."

The cold, stormy night enveloped Lin as Welsey's tanks rolled into the city. The combined force of Washington Boys' and Girls' Academy and the remnants of Houston's Rangers braced for the decisive maneuver.

As the Cromwell tanks positioned themselves, Welsey's voice came over the radio again, directing his men to secure key road points.

"Alright, lads, it's time to secure each road leading out of this city. We need to create a clear path for Houston and his boys. Move with precision, and remember, surprise is on our side."

The Scottish-American Commandos, hardened and ready, spread out to take their positions. One of the Commandos, a burly Scotsman named McGregor, spoke up, his accent thick.

"Alright, ya lot, ye heard the commander. Let's move tae secure these points. Donnae let anythin' get past us."

The Commandos moved swiftly through the streets, their movements coordinated and efficient. At the first road point, a squad set up a defensive perimeter, their airsoft rifles trained on any potential threats. McGregor checked in with his men.

"How're we holdin' up here, lads?"

"We're good, McGregor. No sign of the enemy yet," one of the Commandos replied.

"Keep yer eyes peeled. They'll be comin' soon enough," McGregor said, scanning the dark streets.

Further down, another team set up an ambush at the second road point. They positioned M6 Bazookas behind makeshift cover, ready to take out any advancing Panthers. A young Commando named Fraser spoke up.

"Ye think they'll come this way, McGregor?"

"Aye, Fraser. They'll no' have any other choice once they see we're takin' the roads. Jus' stay sharp and be ready."

The night wore on as Welsey's boys secured each road point, their presence tightening the noose around Kuromormine's forces. At the central command post, Welsey monitored the progress, his confidence growing.

"Colton, how are we looking?" Welsey asked his Vice Commander.

"We've secured three of the five major roads, sir. The men are holding their positions and waiting for further instructions," Colton replied.

"Excellent. Once we have all points secured, we'll signal Houston to make his move. The storm is still in our favor."

Back at the third road point, McGregor and his squad encountered resistance. A Kuromormine patrol had stumbled upon their position, and a firefight ensued. McGregor shouted over the din of battle.

"Hold yer ground, lads! We'll no' let 'em take this point! Fraser, get that bazooka ready!"

Fraser loaded the M6 Bazooka and took aim at an approaching Panther. With a loud whoosh, the projectile flew and struck the tank, immobilizing it. The Commandos cheered as the threat was neutralized.

"Good shot, Fraser! That'll show 'em," McGregor praised.

As dawn approached, all five road points were securely in the hands of Welsey's forces. The relief force had managed to carve a path through the city, creating a lifeline for Houston and his Rangers. Welsey gave the final order.

"All units, prepare to signal Houston. We've secured the roads. It's time to get our boys out and take the fight to Kuromormine."

The message was sent, and within moments, Houston's battered but determined Rangers began their withdrawal, moving along the secured roads to safety. 

As dawn broke, the situation intensified. Houston's voice crackled over the radio, carrying a mix of relief and caution.

"Ballsy move, Welsey. Just don't be pulling stunts like that every time," Houston said.

"Copy, will do," Welsey responded, a hint of a smile in his voice.

"The base is up and running. Keep it in one piece," spoke the Rear Echelon boys, ensuring the command structure remained intact amidst the chaos.

Houston's tone grew serious. "Also, Welsey, keep a watch out. Marshal Commander Maho will not let my guys escape easily. They're planning to cut the road in half, so you've got to protect us while I try to get my guys out of here, including the wounded."

"Copy, will do," Welsey affirmed before switching radio frequencies to address his men. "Alright, listen up. Kuromormine is intent on cutting the road in half. We've gotta assemble a blocking force and throw everything we have at them."

His men responded with determination, their voices echoing through the radio. "Sir, yes sir!"

One of the Rangers' medics chimed in urgently, "We got ambulances headed up to Lin. Make sure the corridor is safe."

Welsey understood the gravity of the situation. Protecting the ambulances and ensuring a safe retreat for Houston's men was paramount. He began issuing orders rapidly.

"McGregor, I need you and your squad to set up a defensive line at the halfway point of the road. Use any cover you can find and hold the line at all costs," Welsey commanded.

"Aye, commander. We'll hold 'em off," McGregor responded, his Scottish accent unwavering.

"Fraser, take the bazooka team and support McGregor. Any Panthers that try to break through, you take 'em out," Welsey continued.

"Understood, sir. We won't let them past," Fraser replied confidently.

"Colton, coordinate with the Rear Echelon boys. Make sure the base defenses are up and running. We need to be prepared for any counterattacks," Welsey added.

"On it, Welsey. We'll keep the base secure," Colton affirmed.

The scene was set for a crucial standoff. The Scottish-American Commandos quickly moved to their designated positions, setting up a fortified line along the road. McGregor's squad used debris and abandoned vehicles for cover, creating a makeshift barricade.

"Hold steady, lads. They'll be comin' soon enough," McGregor encouraged his men, his voice steady and reassuring.

Fraser and his bazooka team positioned themselves strategically, ready to take out any approaching enemy tanks. The tension was palpable as they waited for the inevitable attack.

In the command tent, Welsey monitored the situation closely, his mind racing with strategies and contingencies. The storm continued to rage, providing both a cover and a challenge.

The first signs of the enemy appeared on the horizon. Kuromormine's tanks and infantry moved in, determined to sever the lifeline Welsey's forces had created. The Commandos braced for impact.

"Here they come! Hold your ground!" McGregor shouted.

The battle erupted with ferocity. Airsoft rifle fire and the roar of bazookas filled the air. Welsey's men fought with tenacity, repelling wave after wave of attackers. Ambulances, carrying the wounded, sped through the secured corridor, protected by the brave efforts of the Rangers and Commandos.

"Keep pushing! Don't let them break through!" Welsey urged over the radio.

In the midst of the storm, within the heart of Kuromormine Girls' Academy's command, Marshal Commander Maho Nishizumi stood resolutely. The situation was tense, and the unexpected arrival of Welsey's forces had thrown a wrench into their plans. She surveyed the battlefield map, noting the strategic points secured by the enemy.

"We cannot allow them to create an escape corridor for Houston's forces. If they succeed, it will be a significant blow to our campaign," Maho said, her voice calm yet authoritative.

Her officers, all seasoned tank commanders, nodded in agreement. One of her closest aides, Erika Itsumi, stepped forward.

"Maho, the storm is working against us. Their movements are hidden, and our visibility is severely limited," Erika reported.

Maho considered the situation. "We need to act decisively. Erika, gather our fastest tanks. We will cut the road in half and prevent their retreat."

Erika saluted. "Yes, Maho."

Within minutes, a strike force was assembled. Kuromormine's elite tank crews readied their vehicles, engines rumbling to life. Maho climbed into her command tank, a Tiger I, with her crew.

As they advanced through the storm, the radio crackled to life with updates from the frontline. "Commander Maho, enemy forces have fortified positions at multiple road points. They have heavy defenses."

Maho's eyes narrowed. "We will break through. All units, form up and prepare for a coordinated strike. Focus on their weak points and push through."

The tanks moved out, their tracks crushing the snow beneath them. Despite the limited visibility, Kuromormine's discipline and training kept their formation tight. They approached the first road point, where McGregor and his Commandos had set up their defense.

"Enemy sighted! Prepare to engage!" Maho ordered.

The sound of tank shells and airsoft rifle fire filled the air as the two forces clashed. McGregor's squad fought valiantly, but the sheer power of Kuromormine's assault began to push them back.

"Hold the line, lads! We can't let 'em through!" McGregor shouted, firing his airsoft rifle at the advancing tanks.

Inside her Tiger I, Maho directed her crew with precision. "Target their defenses and create an opening. We must advance."

A well-aimed shot from Maho's tank struck a makeshift barricade, causing it to crumble. The Kuromormine tanks surged forward, exploiting the breach. McGregor's squad fell back, regrouping to a secondary position.

Meanwhile, at another road point, Fraser and his bazooka team faced their own challenges. A Panther tank from Kuromormine's strike force emerged through the storm, its turret swinging toward their position.

"Fraser, take out that Panther!" one of the Commandos yelled.

Fraser aimed the bazooka, steadying his breath. The shot flew true, striking the Panther and rendering it immobile. The Commandos cheered, but their celebration was short-lived as more enemy tanks appeared.

Back in the command tank, Maho received a report from Erika. "We've breached their defenses at two points, but their resistance is fierce. They are protecting the ambulances."

Maho's resolve hardened. "We cannot let them succeed. Push forward and split their forces. Isolate the ambulances and cut off their escape."

The battle raged on, with Kuromormine's forces slowly but surely gaining ground. The storm showed no signs of letting up, adding to the chaos. Maho's strategic mind worked tirelessly, finding weaknesses in the enemy's defenses and exploiting them.

Suddenly, a transmission came through from one of her scouts. "Commander Maho, we have a visual on Welsey's command tank. He's coordinating their defense from there."

Maho saw an opportunity. "All units, focus fire on Welsey's command tank. Disrupt their coordination and we can break their line."

Kuromormine's tanks adjusted their aim, concentrating their fire on Welsey's position. Explosions rocked the area as shells landed dangerously close to the command tank.

Welsey, inside his tank, felt the pressure mounting. "They're targeting us! We need to maintain our position and keep the corridor open!"

As the battle reached a critical point, both sides knew the outcome hinged on their next moves. Kuromormine Girls' Academy, under Maho's unwavering leadership, pushed with relentless force, determined to cut the road and trap Houston's forces.

Despite the odds, Welsey and his combined force of Washington Boys' and Girls' Academy and Houston's Rangers fought with everything they had, striving to secure their path to victory. The fate of Lin and the course of the conflict hung in the balance as the storm raged on, shrouding the battlefield in uncertainty.

The battle continued to rage with relentless intensity as Welsey and his boys fought tooth and nail against Maho and her Kuromormine forces. The storm showed no signs of letting up, adding a layer of complexity to an already fierce conflict. Visibility was poor, but the sounds of explosions, tank treads, and airsoft rifle fire filled the air.

Welsey, inside his command tank, remained calm and focused. "Hold your positions, everyone. We can't let them break through. Remember, we're the only thing standing between them and our retreating forces."

The combined forces of Washington Boys' and Girls' Academy and Houston's Rangers held their ground with determination. McGregor, leading his Commandos, continued to direct the defense.

"Keep firin', lads! We've got 'em on the ropes!" McGregor shouted, his voice barely audible over the chaos.

Fraser and his bazooka team targeted another Panther tank, their aim true and precise. The explosion from the bazooka's impact immobilized the tank, causing it to halt in its tracks.

"Another one down! Keep it up!" Fraser encouraged his team.

Inside her Tiger I, Maho Nishizumi assessed the situation. Despite their initial gains, the resistance from Welsey's forces was proving formidable. The coordination and tenacity of the defenders were making it difficult for Kuromormine to advance.

"Commander Maho, their defense is stronger than anticipated. We've taken significant losses," Erika Itsumi reported, her voice tinged with frustration.

Maho's eyes narrowed. "We cannot afford to get bogged down here. If we don't break through soon, we'll lose our advantage."

The Kuromormine tanks continued their assault, but Welsey's forces were unyielding. The defensive lines, bolstered by the strategic positioning of the Commandos and the support of the bazooka teams, held firm.

"Colton, how are we holding up on the other fronts?" Welsey asked over the radio.

"We're maintaining our positions, but the pressure is increasing. They're throwing everything they have at us," Colton replied.

"Good. Keep coordinating with the medics and make sure those ambulances get through safely," Welsey instructed.

Back on the battlefield, McGregor's squad faced another wave of Kuromormine tanks. The Scotsman directed his men with unwavering resolve.

"Fraser, take aim at the lead tank! Everyone else, cover him!" McGregor ordered.

Fraser lined up his shot and fired, the bazooka's projectile streaking through the air and hitting its mark. The lead tank exploded in a shower of sparks and debris, halting the enemy's advance once more.

As the battle dragged on, the tide began to turn. The coordinated defense and relentless counterattacks from Welsey's forces started to wear down the Kuromormine assault. Maho realized the critical situation they were in.

"All units, regroup and fall back! We need to reassess our strategy," Maho commanded, her voice resolute.

Erika relayed the order, and the Kuromormine tanks began to retreat, their formations pulling back through the storm. The defenders cheered as they saw their enemies withdraw.

"They're pullin' back! We did it!" McGregor exclaimed, raising his airsoft rifle in triumph.

Welsey watched the retreat through his command tank's periscope, a sense of relief washing over him. He grabbed the radio and addressed his men.

"Excellent work, everyone. We held the line and protected our retreating forces. Let's secure the area and ensure no one gets left behind," Welsey instructed.

Houston's voice crackled over the radio. "Welsey, you and your men did an outstanding job. Thanks to you, we're getting our wounded out safely."

"Copy that, Houston. Let's regroup and prepare for any further attacks," Welsey responded.

With the immediate threat neutralized, Welsey's forces began to consolidate their positions, ensuring the safe passage of the remaining ambulances and wounded. The storm still raged, but the defenders now had a moment to catch their breath.

Maho, back at the Kuromormine command post, analyzed the situation with her officers.

"We underestimated their resilience. We'll need a new plan to break their defenses," Maho said, her tone measured.

Erika nodded. "Yes, Maho. We'll regroup and come back stronger."

For now, the defenders had won a crucial victory, buying valuable time for Houston's forces to regroup and evacuate. 

After the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded, Welsey gathered his officers for an after-action report. Inside the command tent, illuminated by the soft glow of lanterns, the officers listened intently as Welsey reviewed the events of the battle.

"Alright, everyone, let's debrief," Welsey began, his voice steady and authoritative. "We faced a formidable enemy today, but thanks to your bravery and determination, we emerged victorious. Our primary objective was to secure the escape route for Commander Houston's forces, and we succeeded."

He gestured to the map spread out on the table, highlighting key moments of the battle. "McGregor, Fraser, Colton, each of you played a vital role in our defense. McGregor, your Commandos held the line against overwhelming odds. Fraser, your bazooka team's precision targeting was instrumental in stopping enemy armor. And Colton, your coordination with the medics ensured the safe evacuation of our wounded."

The officers nodded in acknowledgment, their expressions a mix of exhaustion and pride.

"However," Welsey continued, his tone growing somber, "we did not emerge unscathed. Our company's strength has been diminished. We started with a hundred strong, but our losses have amounted to four percent."

He looked around at his officers, meeting their eyes with resolve. "Our enemy will not rest, and neither shall we. We will rebuild, we will adapt, and we will prevail. Together, we are a force to be reckoned with."

The officers nodded in agreement, their determination renewed. They knew the road ahead would be challenging, but they were ready to face whatever came their way.

As the meeting concluded and the officers dispersed to their duties, Welsey remained in the command tent, reflecting on the events of the day. Despite the toll of battle, he felt a sense of pride in his company's resilience and strength. They had faced adversity head-on and emerged stronger for it.

Washington Boy's and Girl's Company Strenght 

100 ------> 96 Company Strenght 

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