Halloween Special

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The city of Pottburg was alive with Halloween spirit. The full moon cast an eerie glow over the streets, illuminating the city's Halloween decorations. Pumpkins carved with sinister grins lined the sidewalks, and cobwebs adorned the lampposts. It was clear that the High Schoolers in Pottburg were celebrating Halloween.

As the night sky rumbled with thunder, groups of American children and teenagers were out and about, sharing candies and treats. They chatted excitedly about the costumes they were planning to wear on Halloween night, a few days away. Some kids hoped to become their favorite superheroes, while others were considering more traditional spooky attire like vampires and zombies.

Meanwhile, in one of the northern sectors of the city's protective wall, a group of German-Americans gathered. They had transformed the old stone wall into their own little Halloween party spot. With airsoft World War II weapons by their side, they were engrossed in a game of poker. The flickering candlelight added an eerie touch to their card game, and the thunder in the distance only added to the atmosphere.

As the poker game continued on the stone wall, the group of German-Americans bantered back and forth, their accents mixing with the occasional laughter of the night.

"Komm schon, Hans, what have you got for us?" one of them teased as they eyed their cards.

Hans, the player whose turn it was, gave a sly smile as he pretended to scrutinize his hand. "Well, boys, I think I've got something that might just give you a fright on Halloween night." He pushed a handful of candy corn into the pot and raised the bet.

Another player, named Fritz, raised an eyebrow. "Candy corn? Really, Hans? You're betting with candy?"

Hans chuckled, "Why not? It's Halloween, after all. Besides, you know I've got some real tricks up my sleeve." With that, he revealed his cards, a pair of black cat cards, fitting for the spooky holiday.

The others groaned and tossed in their cards. "Nice one, Hans," one of them admitted as they passed the candy pot to him.

Across the makeshift card table, a player named Gretchen couldn't help but chime in, "Speaking of Halloween tricks, has anyone else seen those ghostly apparitions near the old cemetery lately? People say they've been spotted there at night."

The players exchanged nervous glances. The supernatural rumors of the cemetery had been spreading through Pottburg like wildfire. Hans, always the skeptic, scoffed. "Ach, it's probably just kids trying to spook each other. You can't trust those stories."

But as they continued their card game, the distant thunder and the eerie Halloween atmosphere reminded them that, on this night, anything seemed possible. The melding of German and American traditions, of spooky stories and Halloween fun, made for a memorable evening on the old city wall of Pottburg.

As the poker game continued, one of the players suddenly rose from his seat and informed the group that he needed to take a quick bathroom break. He left the guard station, and as he relieved himself in the cool night air, the sound of his stream echoed against the stone walls.

However, as he finished and turned to zip up his pants, he heard footsteps approaching him. The German guard furrowed his brow, thinking it was his friend Henrich.

"Henrich, is that you? What are you doing out here? I thought you were—" His words caught in his throat as he realized something was terribly wrong. Henrich was moving in a strange, zombie-like manner, his eyes vacant and glassy, and he emitted a low, guttural moan.

Back at the poker game, the guards were engrossed in their cards when the scream pierced the night, causing them to jump in alarm. They dropped their cards and quickly grabbed their MP-40 airsoft weapons, the eerie atmosphere of Halloween night suddenly turning far more ominous.

The group rushed outside, their faces etched with concern and confusion, following the source of the scream to find out what was happening to their friend Henrich. The melding of Halloween festivities and the unknown threat in the dark night created an atmosphere that had suddenly taken a dark and eerie turn.

As the German-American guards rushed towards the source of the scream, their airsoft weapons at the ready, they found themselves facing an unsettling sight. Henrich, once their comrade, moved slowly and methodically, his vacant eyes fixed on some distant, unseen point.

"Henrich, what's going on?" one of the guards asked, his voice trembling with unease.

Henrich didn't respond. Instead, he continued to shamble forward, his movements eerily reminiscent of a classic Halloween movie monster. The full moon cast eerie shadows across his face, making the situation even more chilling.

The group of guards began to exchange worried glances. Something was clearly amiss, and it wasn't just a Halloween prank. They cautiously approached Henrich, unsure of what to do.

One of the guards took a step closer and reached out to touch him, hoping to snap him out of his strange state. Suddenly, Henrich's head snapped up, and he let out a blood-curdling, inhuman shriek that sent shivers down their spines. 

Back at the scene near the city wall, chaos erupted as the infected Henrich tackled one of the guards, biting and clawing at him, while the other guard who had gone for a bathroom break met a similar fate. The remaining guards were caught off guard, and before they could react, they too were tackled and infected. The eerie night was now filled with screams and the sound of airsoft weapons, creating a terrifying cacophony that echoed through the city.

Meanwhile, inside the city, at the sleep quarters for the Davy Crockett High's tankery and infantry team, Team Rabbit from Ooarai Girls Academy made an unexpected visit. The first-year girls students, dressed in their Halloween costumes, held out their bags with eager smiles.

"Trick or treat," they chimed in unison.

The Ranger from Davy Crockett High, surprised by their visit, chuckled and said in a squeaky voice, "Wow, it's surprising you girls came by. Here, you may each take one." He gestured toward a bowl of candies, which the girls eagerly reached for, their costumes adding a festive touch to the atmosphere.

The girls thanked the Ranger and left the sleep quarters with their bags of candy, their youthful enthusiasm still intact despite the strange sounds coming from outside.

The Ranger placed the candy bowl to the side and was about to go about his duties when he spotted Dean, the Sergeant and third commanding officer of the Davy Crockett High's tankery and infantry team.

"Oh, it's nice to see that these girls like to celebrate Halloween with us," the squeaky-voiced Ranger remarked.

Dean nodded, a hint of nostalgia in his voice. "Yes, it is. And don't forget to tell them that they have great costumes... even if it sucks that we didn't bring ours here."

The Ranger smiled and offered a reassuring reply, "Don't worry, sir. Maybe when we have Halloween back in the States, we can wear our favorite costumes and celebrate in style."

Inside the hangar, the Lone Star crew, consisting of Grant and Tory, were hard at work on their M4A3E8 Sherman tank. Tory was meticulously repainting the tank, determined to make it look its best. Grant, on the other hand, was less enthusiastic about the task, knowing that their tank's paint job was frequently damaged in battles.

"Jesus, Tory, it's a common thing for our tank to get ruined. Why bother repainting the whole thing?" Grant grumbled.

Tory continued painting, undeterred. "Well, I want us to look good in our tank. Presentation matters, you know."

As they worked on the tank, Grant noticed Yukari entering the hangar. He waved to her and set his paintbrush aside for a moment.

"Hey, Yukari, what are you doing?" Grant inquired.

Yukari smiled and approached them. "Oh, nothing special. I was hoping that Tory might be free, so we could hang out. But I see he's busy making our tank look amazing."

Tory grinned at Yukari's praise. "Yup, you got it, Yukari. We've got to show the world that Lone Star is a force to be reckoned with!"

Yukari's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Oh, really? Who is she, Grant? Tell us more!"

Grant blushed slightly and shrugged, trying to downplay it. "Well, it's nothing serious. It's Hana  We've talked a bit, and she's pretty cool, but I can't be sure if it's anything more than friendship, you know."

Tory, who had been working diligently on the tank's paint job, chuckled. "Come on, Grant, it's Halloween! Maybe it's time to take a chance, like Machine is trying to do with Yuzu."

Yukari, always the romantic at heart, couldn't help but encourage Grant. "Yeah, Grant, Halloween's the perfect time to make a move. Who knows, maybe she's interested too?"

Grant considered their words, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Maybe you're right. I'll see if I can find Hana during the festivities and, who knows, maybe tonight will be the night."

Inside the bustling mess hall, various scenes of camaraderie and relaxation unfolded among the commanders and tank crews. Welsey and Darjeeling enjoyed their tea, engaged in an elegant conversation about strategy and their experiences in tank battles. Nearby, Vice Commander Colton delivered one of his classic love monologues to Rukuriri, whose face was a mix of amusement and indulgence.

In another corner of the mess hall, Muller and Erika shared candies, their laughter and teasing evident in their interaction. Kay and Graham, ever the comedic duo, were engrossed in an animated conversation, their laughter echoing through the room. Joey was helping Alisa with her radio equipment, offering technical support and expertise, while Gunther and Nonna focused on ensuring that Katyusha could sleep soundly, placing ear muffs on her head to block out the party noise.

Elijah and Orange Pekoe found a quiet corner for a more serious discussion, perhaps regarding tactics or future battles. In general, the mood in the mess hall was one of camaraderie and shared moments, a brief respite from the intensity of tank warfare.

Unbeknownst to the revelers inside, the boys from North High received reports of a new group of German-American soldiers in town, and they grabbed their airsoft weapons and quickly rushed off, their faces determined as they headed out to investigate and, if necessary, ensure the safety and security of their city.

In the dark of the Halloween night, chaos erupted outside as the North High German-American boys found themselves under attack. They fired their airsoft weapons frantically as one of their own was tackled to the ground, screaming in terror. The infected assailants, once their friends, had turned into eerie, zombie-like figures, driven by an unknown force.

Captain Ludwig, in command during the outbreak, immediately sprang into action, rallying as many German-American infantry as he could find. He knew the severity of the situation and that they had to fight off this sudden onslaught.

"Scheiße, ich hätte wissen müssen, dass das wieder passieren würde," Ludwig muttered in German as he fired his Airsoft Luger, his eyes scanning the chaotic scene for a way to regain control.

"Sie sind überall! Hilfe!" one of the German boys cried out, pinned to the ground by an infected friend.

"Nien! Nien!" another boy shouted as he struggled against an attacker who had once been part of their group. The night had taken a horrifying turn, and the German-American boys were locked in a battle for their survival, trying to fend off their infected comrades.

As the battle outside raged on and the uninfected were being outnumbered, Captain Ludwig turned to one of his privates, shouting urgent orders for him to gather all the infantry and alert their commanders about the dire situation. The private was momentarily shocked but soon sprang into action, understanding the gravity of the situation. However, as he was about to deliver the message, he saw Ludwig being tackled and surrounded by the infected, his scream filling the night.

In the midst of this chaos, the scene shifted to the war room where Maho, Miho, Houston, and Jefferson had just finished preparations for an upcoming campaign. Miho, in her role as commander, gathered the papers and documents, while Jefferson, Houston's Vice Commander, assisted her.

"Alright, this will do for now. We just need a date for when this operation starts," Miho said, focused on her work.

Jefferson turned to Houston, asking about the operation's launch date. Houston, however, had other things on his mind.

"Not yet, Jefferson. We'll wait for the right time," Houston replied.

Jefferson, always the cheerful and light-hearted presence, couldn't resist teasing his commander. "Well, don't work too late, Houston. We've got a Halloween party to attend, and I want to see you dancing like when your Lone Star crew caught you in the act!"

Houston rolled his eyes at the playful remark, brushing it off. "I won't... See you two later."

As Jefferson and Miho left the war room, Houston and Maho found themselves alone together. They began cleaning up the room, their hands moving in unison. The two of them had kept their relationship a secret, as Maho had a marriage arrangement waiting for her after the competition was over. Houston, not willing to accept this, wanted to be close to Maho and be with her to the end.

As they were tidying up, Houston turned to Maho and spoke, his voice warm and affectionate. "Hey, Maho."

Maho turned to him, her attention captured by his voice. "Yes, what do you need?"

Before she could finish speaking, Houston closed the distance between them and kissed her, their lips meeting in a tender, heartfelt embrace. Maho wrapped her arms around Houston, deepening the kiss, their unspoken emotions and love for each other surfacing in that intimate moment. They shared the kiss, a sweet and passionate connection in the midst of their private world.

In the midst of their passionate kiss, Houston and Maho were momentarily lost in their own world, unaware of the outside distractions. The room was filled with an unspoken tenderness, and their hearts beat in harmony.

However, the door to the war room suddenly burst open, interrupting their intimate moment. Dean, one of Houston's third-in-command, entered the room in a hurry, his face etched with concern.

"Houston, Maho, sorry to interrupt, but we have a situation," Dean announced breathlessly.

Houston and Maho pulled away from their embrace, their expressions shifting from the affectionate moment they were sharing to one of alertness. They quickly composed themselves, ready to face the unexpected turn of events.

"What's going on, Dean?" Houston asked, his tone serious.

Dean quickly explained the situation outside involving the North High German-Americans and the infected. It was clear that the city was in the midst of a Halloween nightmare that required their immediate attention.

Outside, chaos had engulfed the city as the infected and their panicked victims collided in a frenzied struggle. Houston and Maho quickly arrived on the scene, finding the Rangers from Washington Boys and Girls Academy and the Commandos from the Canadian forces, their airsoft weapons at the ready. Some of the uninfected German-Americans from North High were in full retreat, their faces filled with fear and desperation.

"Alright, lads, lock and load!" Lieutenant Archie from Washington Boys and Girls Academy shouted as he took charge, his voice cutting through the chaos.

"Here they come!" one of the Rangers yelled as the horde of infected pressed forward, a relentless wave.

The combined forces opened fire with their airsoft weapons, attempting to hold back the oncoming onslaught, but the sheer number of infected made it an overwhelming task. The first line of defense quickly crumbled, and the infected pushed through.

Lieutenant Archie, maintaining his position with his men, radioed for assistance. "Dean! Our positions are being overrun! I say again, we are being overrun! They...argh!" Archie's voice was cut off as an infected assailant tackled him to the ground, a ring of zombies closing in around him.

Dean, hearing the desperate call for help, clenched his jaw and cursed softly as he loaded a new magazine into his airsoft weapon. "Archie, respond! Archie!" he shouted into his radio, his voice filled with concern and determination. The situation was dire, and the battle outside raged on, threatening to overwhelm their defenses. 

As the situation outside continued to deteriorate, Dean turned to his remaining Rangers who were barricading the doors of the mess hall. Panic and confusion rippled through the group, with the British-accented Welsey expressing his confusion about the unfolding events.

"Sergeant, what the bloody hell is going on?" Welsey asked, his accent tinged with concern. Many of the girls in the mess hall were equally bewildered and frightened by the chaos outside.

"Look, Commander, we've got this under control. We just need everyone to calm down," Dean reassured them. But just as he spoke, one of the windows shattered, revealing an infected attacker who had grabbed one of the Rangers, a man named Sean.

"Sean!" Dean cried out, his voice filled with alarm, and he moved quickly to save his friend.

The other Rangers joined Dean, firing their airsoft weapons out of the broken window while Dean attempted to pull Sean to safety.

"I've got you, Sean! I'm not letting you go!" Dean shouted, his determination unwavering.

"F***ing undead bastards, stay dead!" one of the Rangers exclaimed as he fired his airsoft BAR, the room filled with the rapid cracks and pops of airsoft pellets. It was a desperate fight to protect their fellow soldiers and maintain control in the face of the sudden outbreak.

In the midst of the chaos, Sean was in a state of panic as the infected assailants continued to pull him out through the shattered window. Dean's heart raced, and his hands trembled as he desperately tried to pull his friend back inside.

"Sean, hold on! I'm not letting them take you!" Dean shouted, his voice filled with anguish and determination. The infected attackers outside were relentless, their ghastly grip on Sean tightening, inch by inch.

With terror in his eyes, Sean struggled against the infected's grasp, but it was a losing battle. His fingers slipped from the windowsill, and he was dragged further out into the night.

"NO!" Dean screamed, his cry echoing through the mess hall. His grip on Sean's arm slipped away, and his friend was lost to the infected, disappearing into the darkness outside.

The room fell into a shocked silence as the realization of what had just happened washed over them. Sean, one of their own, was now among the infected, and Dean's anguished scream still hung in the air. The battle against the undead had taken a devastating toll, leaving the group in stunned disbelief and grief.

As the room fell into a shocked silence, the outside chaos continued to escalate. The infected assailants were relentless, and some of them began to break through the barricades, their eerily vacant eyes fixed on the living inside.

The first of the infected burst through a barricaded window, their twisted and inhuman faces filled with hunger. Panicked shouts and screams filled the room as the survivors tried to defend themselves. The Rangers and the other students from the school quickly opened fire with their airsoft weapons, trying to hold back the onslaught.

But the infected were numerous, and more of them began to infiltrate the mess hall. The survivors backed up, trying to maintain a defensive line and protect those still inside.

Dean, his face a mask of grief and anger after losing Sean, fired relentlessly, determined to keep the infected from advancing further. The room was filled with the sound of airsoft pellets and terrified cries as the battle raged on, and the survivors fought desperately to keep the infected at bay.

It was a nightmarish scene that had suddenly unfolded, and the fate of those inside the mess hall hung in the balance as they struggled to survive the Halloween outbreak.

Inside the mess hall, panic rippled through the girls as they saw the infected breaking through, screaming and backing away in fear. The remaining Rangers and Commandos, along with Commander Elijah and Welsey, grabbed their airsoft pistols and opened fire, doing their best to hold back the relentless tide of infection.

"They're breaking in!" Joey shouted at his airsoft Thompson spitting out pellets as he fought to keep the attackers at bay.

Amid the chaos, Gunther, Colton, Jefferson, and Achak joined the fray, grabbing unused airsoft weapons and firing with determination. The room was filled with the rat-tat-tat of airsoft weapons as they fought to protect the others.

In the midst of the mayhem, Gunther, speaking in his native German, expressed his frustration at the situation. "Scheiße, ich hätte wissen müssen, dass das passiert, Jefferson?"

As one of the infected tried to grab Nonna, Gunther swiftly kicked the zombie back and fired at it, making sure it stayed down. He turned to Nonna to ensure her safety, his face a mix of relief and determination.

"Bleib weg von meinem Mädchen!" Gunther shouted, his voice filled with a protective instinct as he reassured Nonna that he would keep her safe in the midst of the chaotic battle. The room was a symphony of airsoft gunfire and frightened cries, but the survivors were determined to stand their ground against the unexpected outbreak.

In the midst of the chaotic battle, one of the infected managed to breach the defensive line and was dangerously close to reaching Dean as he was reloading. Dean turned to see the imminent threat, but before the infected could reach him, a familiar figure stepped in to save him. It was his Marshal Commander, Houston, wielding the airsoft BAR in his hands. Houston opened fire, protecting Dean and pushing the infected assailant back.

Muller and Graham swiftly entered the room, firing their airsoft weapons in unison with Houston. The combined firepower provided a temporary respite, and Houston shouted over the din of battle.

"Fall back! Fall back!" Houston's voice rang out, and the survivors quickly retreated, following his lead.

As they fell back, Muller, Graham, and Houston continued to provide covering fire to protect their retreat. However, in the chaos, some of the infected managed to tackle several of the Rangers, Commandos, and even some of the girls, like Naomi, who struggled to break free.

Scott, watching in horror as Naomi was overwhelmed, couldn't stand idly by. He rushed in, trying to save her, but the odds were against him. Both Naomi and Scott were surrounded by the relentless infected.

"Scott!" Houston shouted in despair as he watched his tank gunner, a member of their close-knit crew, succumb to the infection. The night had taken a devastating toll on them, and the battle against the undead had grown even more dire.

As Dean attempted to retreat, one of the infected managed to tackle him to the ground and bit his leg. His fellow Ranger quickly shot the zombie off him and helped him back on his feet.

"Come on, Sarge! Let's go!" one of the Rangers shouted, pulling Dean to safety.

Houston, Graham, and Muller slowly began to withdraw, still providing covering fire to protect their comrades as they retreated. Muller couldn't help but smile a bit, even in the midst of this dire situation. It reminded him of the Dallas Incident and the Halloween event they had participated in back then.

"Cover me! I'm reloading!" Graham called out as he began the reloading process, while Houston and Muller continued to fire at the advancing infected.

As the remaining uninfected survivors tried to escape, some of them were tackled by the infected. One of the infected managed to tackle Yuzu, and "Machine" rushed to save her, kicking the assailant off her. However, in the process, "Machine" himself was tackled by another infected. Yuzu covered her mouth in horror as she watched "Machine" scream in distress.

The group continued to move, desperately seeking a safe room to take shelter in. In the chaos, one of the infected rushed towards Vice Commander Gunther, who spotted the threat and cursed in German.

"Oh Scheiße, nicht schon wieder!" Gunther shouted as he was tackled through a window and sent outside. Nonna watched in horror as Gunther was lost to the infection. Meanwhile, Joey, who was firing his airsoft weapon, found himself surrounded by infected assailants, and his screams echoed through the chaos. The survivors were struggling to find safety and regroup in the face of the relentless outbreak.

The situation continued to deteriorate rapidly, and the survivors were now in a dire predicament. Houston, Maho seeking protection behind him, realized the gravity of the situation.

"Houston, there are too many of them! We have to fall back!" Maho pleaded, her voice filled with concern.

"Then we'll have to abandon the city!" Houston declared, his resolve unwavering as he continued to fire at the advancing infected.

However, Elijah, who had argued against leaving the city, was suddenly tackled by the infected, and the situation quickly spiraled out of control. Welsey, the British-accented soldier, found himself overwhelmed by the zombies as well.

"Elijah!" Welsey shouted in despair as he too was tackled by the infected.

Vice Commander Achak, along with Colton and Jefferson, was quickly overrun by the relentless infected horde. The situation grew even more desperate, and Jefferson knew that the only option was to save the others.

"Don't look back! Just go! ARGH!!!" Jefferson shouted as he used all his strength to close the door behind the group, sacrificing himself to protect his comrades.

Inside the barricaded room, the survivors took a moment to catch their breath and assess the dire situation. Houston, Graham, Muller, Maho, Miho, Erika, Darjeeling, Kay, Dean, and Nonna were the only ones left, a mere fraction of their original group. The Joint High School team had been reduced to ten people.

Miho, still in shock, sat on the floor, curled into a ball. The reality of the situation weighed heavily on her. The loss of so many friends and comrades, including her own team, was almost too much to bear.

Maho, her older sister, tried to comfort Miho as best she could, offering solace in the face of this overwhelming nightmare. Houston took on the role of leadership, his mind racing to formulate their next plan.

Darjeeling and Kay, both survivors of the ordeal, checked on themselves and others, making sure that they were all right. Muller focused his attention on Erika, offering reassurance and support in their time of need. Nonna, still reeling from the loss of Gunther, couldn't hold back her tears, mourning the fate of the man who had saved her.

Amidst the confusion, fear, and grief that filled the room, Dean, who had been bitten, groaned in pain. He looked down at his injured leg, fully aware of what lay ahead for him.

"Shit..." Dean muttered, his voice filled with resignation as he contemplated the grim fate that awaited him as an infected. The survivors now faced the daunting task of making a plan to ensure their survival in the midst of a city overrun by the undead.

Dean, his face etched with pain and grim determination, looked at his bitten leg and then back at the group. He understood the inevitable fate that awaited him as an infected, and he didn't want to burden the others with his impending transformation.

"Houston," he began, his voice filled with resignation, "you have to leave me. I don't want to become one of those things, and I don't want to put you all in danger."

Houston, torn by the difficult decision he was faced with, looked at Dean with a heavy heart. He knew that Dean's words held a grim truth, and leaving him behind was a hard but necessary choice to make.

Maho, Miho, and the others in the room, still reeling from the shock and loss they had experienced, understood the gravity of the situation. The room was filled with a heavy silence, as everyone knew that time was of the essence, and they needed to make a decision quickly.

Houston, his voice filled with sorrow, finally spoke. "Dean, you're right. We can't risk it. We have to go. I'm so sorry."

The survivors, with heavy hearts, knew that they had to leave one of their own behind, a painful sacrifice in their struggle to escape the infected city.

With the door banging of where the infected trying to break in Houston and the others quickly leave the room leaving Dean alone once he was alone he then pulls out a photo of him and Mika the two smiling in that photograph tears running down from his check as he loaded his last maginze of his airsoft Thompson the door broke down as Dean fires taking as many infected with him

The group, now consisting of Houston, Graham, Muller, Dean, Maho, Miho, Darjeeling, Kay, and Nonna, found themselves outside in the night, facing a growing horde of infected. In the face of the approaching threat, Houston, Graham, and Muller passed on their airsoft pistols to the girls and Dean, ensuring that everyone had a means to defend themselves.

As they watched the slow but relentless advance of the infected, the survivors knew that this was their last stand. The situation was dire, and the memory of their infected friends and comrades haunted them.

In this life-or-death moment, they realized that in many zombie films and games, survivors shared a common trait—they were in the wrong place at the wrong time, facing the inexorable threat of infection. And in the face of this grim reality, they had to learn to work together.

The survivors opened fire on the approaching horde, with Houston wielding his BAR airsoft and Muller firing his STG 44 airsoft. As the infected drew closer, they quickly shifted to a new position, trying to maintain their advantage.

The girls, who were using airsoft pistols for the first time, joined the fight. Maho, using Houston's M1911 airsoft, shot her first rounds as if she were born to it. However, she soon ran out of ammunition.

"Damn, I'm out!" Maho exclaimed, her voice filled with frustration. Houston, still firing, quickly stopped and reached for more magazines.

"Here, catch!" Houston tossed some extra magazines to her, and she quickly reloaded her weapon. The survivors were determined to fight for their lives and make the most of this last stand against the relentless infected horde. 

In the midst of the intense battle, as the infected closed in, Muller found himself face to face with one of the infected. With a swift punch, he knocked the attacker aside and continued firing at the horde.

"Du wagst es, deinen Kommandeur anzufassen, wie kannst du es wagen!" Muller shouted in German, his words filled with anger and determination as he stood his ground, defending his position.

Graham, seizing the moment, swung into action with enthusiasm. He fired at the approaching infected, shouting in excitement, "Incoming! Take this, you zombie shits! WO!" This was a moment of combat that he had never experienced before in his life.

The survivors were fortunate to have each other's backs, but their ammunition was running low. As they began to run out of bullets, Miho turned to Houston in desperation. "We're out! What do we do?" she asked, firing her last round from her airsoft.

Houston, knowing that their situation was dire, made a quick decision. "Me, Muller, and Graham can hold them off. Go!" With that, he smacked one of his infected Rangers with his BAR and used close-quarters combat techniques against the infected. Muller and Graham resorted to using their fists to fight off the infected, determined to buy time for the others.

"We can't leave you boys behind!" Kay protested, her voice filled with concern.

"Just go!" Muller shouted, making it clear that their chances of survival depended on the others getting to safety. The survivors were faced with a heart-wrenching decision to leave some of their comrades behind in order to escape the relentless horde of infected.

In their final stand against the relentless infected horde, Houston, Graham, and Muller fought valiantly, standing together as they had during the Dallas Incident. They fired their airsoft weapons and used their fists, determined to hold off the infected for as long as possible. The three Americans made their last stand, their faces etched with resolve.

But despite their courage and determination, the infected eventually overwhelmed them. As the horde closed in, Houston let out a final, desperate scream, surrounded by the infected members of his tank crew and his loyal Rangers. Graham and Muller stood beside him, and the three of them faced their fate together.

Meanwhile, Maho and the other survivors were running, desperate to escape the encroaching horde. But they couldn't help but hear Houston's anguished scream in the distance. Maho, overwhelmed by grief and guilt, suddenly stopped in her tracks and fell to her knees. She couldn't believe that Houston and the other boys had sacrificed their lives to save them.

Tears streamed down Maho's face as she cried for their fallen friends. The other girls, out of breath and filled with sorrow, watched in silence as Maho's tears fell. The weight of their loss was heavy, and the survivors had to find the strength to move forward, carrying the memory of their friends and comrades who had given everything to protect them.

Maho, lost in her grief and surrounded by what appeared to be infected friends and comrades, was overwhelmed. She ran toward the infected Houston, crying out to him, "Please, Houston! Don't leave me here! Take me with you. I don't want to be here. I want to be with you!" She hugged the infected Houston, tears streaming down her face.

As Maho leaned in for a final kiss, prepared to accept her fate, she suddenly heard snickering coming from Houston and the others. Confusion spread among the group as the infected individuals began to laugh.

"What are you Yankees laughing about!?" Erika demanded, her anger evident.

"We can't believe we fooled you all," Muller said, his laughter still bubbling up.

"Damn right we did," Graham chimed in, still chuckling.

Kay, who had seen Graham's prank, walked over and punched him in the gut, chastising him. "You're a jerk! You know that!" she scolded.

Miho, still bewildered by the situation, sought an explanation. "Wait, what is all this?" she asked, seeking clarity.

Houston, Muller, and Graham took a moment to explain. "We played out one of our event games that we made up back in the States. Since it's close to Halloween, me, Muller, and Graham decided to reenact our favorite outbreak zombie game we used to play during our last Halloween event back in the States," Houston explained.

Muller and Graham added, "For those who are injured, our medics will take care of their injuries."

However, Erika, who had been slapped by Muller earlier, couldn't hide her emotions. She walked up to him, slapped him across the face again, and then hugged him tightly. The survivors, once bewildered and grief-stricken, were now left to process the elaborate prank that had been played on them, relieved that their friends were safe and sound.

Darjeeling, still curious about the authenticity of the prank, inquired, "What about the blood and all? How did you guys do that?"

Welsey, with a mischievous grin, revealed their secret. "Corn syrup or ketchup," he explained, holding up a package of ketchup and corn syrup for everyone to see.

"I see," Darjeeling responded, acknowledging their creative use of common kitchen supplies.

Kay, who seemed to take it all in stride, commented with a hint of amusement, "I like how you boys dressed up like zombies, including that one right there."

Muller exchanged nervous glances with Houston and Graham, realizing that there was a real zombie among them. "Um... he's not ours..."

Suddenly, Houston's voice rang out in alarm, "OH SHIT!" The three Americans swiftly pulled out their live ammunition pistols and gunned down the unsuspecting zombie dressed as a Nazi Zombie.

After the elaborate prank and the ensuing laughter, the group decided to continue their early Halloween party in the city. Amid the festivities, Maho found herself alone with Houston. As they walked together, Maho suddenly stopped, her emotions still running high from the relief of finding out it was all a prank. She slapped Houston playfully, and then, in a moment of intense emotion, she pulled him into a deep, passionate kiss.

Once their kiss was complete, the two embraced, holding each other close. Maho wrapped her arms around Houston's right arm, not wanting to let go of the person she loved. As they stood together, they enjoyed the Halloween festivities and the warmth of each other's company, grateful to be together after the rollercoaster of emotions they had experienced.

A/N: *Zombie noise as I shot the zombie* "Well that just happened... Anywho what the bloody hell after my OC's had enough of their plate now it time for an event that I'm setting up for you my dear viewers who like this special chapter... I know there some of you guys have your own GuP story and I challenge you guys to create your own Halloween Special just like this against your own OC's 

You could anything in your Halloween Special chapter and those who join this challenge would win your own Oc's cameo in next Chapter as it barely written anywho if you are interested to join this challenge here are the ground rules

1: Good Grammar and good writing I know you guys can make Grammar mistake but that do your best

2: you can choose any monster you like but it must have to be Halloween theme

3: Don't go to far with the character meaning don't kill them because last time I almost did that I got a friend pointing a gun at me *Cough* Reich *Cough* 

and finally 4: Make the story long like 2500 words or more if you can't do that then try 1500 I know some guys have great writing experience and I can't wait to see what you have.

Those are the ground rules once your finished the Chapter of your Halloween thing posted and then message me about as I would be selecting the winners of who have the perfect Halloween chapter

Once I announce the winners you have to choose one Oc's that will be in the Cameo plus the date when will it ends be in Oct 31 or Nov 1 so good luck and may the best win 

-Tom out

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