the girls

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the slots

important notes!

coordination: the making of ops, plans, etc.
intelligence: mental knowledge
combat: martial skill, combat intelligence
covert operations: spying, information gathering
weaponry: knowledge of knives, guns, etc.
technology: hacking skill, knowledge of gadgets


04/05 // THE LEADER // third year // seventeen, eighteen

POLARIS is the eldest of the girls, and the de facto leader. She is strong, witty, and elegant; wise beyond her years with a knack for planning and direction. She always puts others before herself, in every which way—if there's one girl on the team who'll take a bullet for you, this is she. Preferring to watch everything play out than to participate, POLARIS is level-headed and unaggressive, working as an even moderate to balance out the team, and ensuring that everyone does what they need with the least amount of drama needed—even if that means lying her ass off to keep the peace. POLARIS can be unassertive, overly cautious, and unwilling to take risks. She can also be quite insecure, but she'll never show it; as the head of the team, she refuses to bare her anxiety in the faces of the others under the worry she'll bring them down.

EXTRA // bonus points

→ strengths: coordination, combat

→ face claim vibes: someone serene and mature

→ as the most experienced member, does she have any past of being in the field? how did that affect her? 


04/05 // THE KNIFE // third year // seventeen, eighteen

KINGDOM COME is the heavy fatalist of the group. With a strong sense of justice, liberty, and the idea that it'll all work out in the end, she likes to solve her problems by stabbing first and deciding the universe will sort out the rest second. Cold, chic, and just a little trigger-happy, KINGDOM COME is aggressive and strong, willing to do anything it takes to get the job done. While more brawny than the others, she's still a quintessential spy, and thinks her actions through before she does them. She aids POLARIS as being a sort of second-in-command in the team, looking over the younger girls like an overprotective hawk. Although she is strong-willed and intelligent, KINGDOM COME can often jump to conclusions, blunder quite a bit, and let her hands lead before her head.

EXTRA // bonus points

→ strengths: combat, covert operations

→ face claim vibes: ice queen, unapproachable

→ what caused her strike-first attitude? why is so so convinced that fate is predetermined?


06/07 // THE HONEYPOT // second year // sixteen, seventeen

VOGUE is the hot girl of the group. She's got charisma for miles and the conniving wiles to match, with the perfect ability to make others underestimate her and get what she really wants out of the equation. Street-smart but largely instinctual, VOGUE relies on her gut to lead, and knows the ins and outs of everything and everyone just a footstep into the doorway. Everyone loves her and wants to be her, but nobody truly knows her; VOGUE makes sure that she's always one step ahead, blended into the ground as a pavement artist and personifying the true spy part of being a spy. Unfortunately, she has a habit of only trusting herself. Due to this, she can be closed off, overly analytical, and extremely cynical, brushing off her real feelings and others' concern with a boisterous laugh and hair toss.

EXTRA // bonus points

→ strengths: covert operations, coordination

→ face claim vibes: someone drop-dead gorgeous

→ why is she so secretive? what caused her analytical approach to society?


06/07 // THE INTELLIGENCE // second year // sixteen, seventeen

If you look at a grade chart, you'll see SOUR GRAPES right at the top. Everyone knows she'll be valedictorian by the time she graduates—with a fierce reputation of destroying grade curves and correcting the teacher behind her, SOUR GRAPES knows everything about everything, literally. She is laid-back, disgustingly intelligent, and attentive, ready to correct and direct her abilities for the greater good at any chance given. She doesn't like to make a fuss, and is a kind and easy person to talk to and gives the best advice. Despite her intelligence and knowledge, though, she is unsociable, incredibly arrogant, and almost painfully awkward. She has a bad habit of beliving that she is better than everyone else, and not thinking she needs to socialize past making connections for her future. This leads to many others disliking her and brushing her off as self-absorbed or haughty.

EXTRA // bonus points

→ strengths: intelligence, weaponry

→ face claim vibes: someone young and bright, intelligent

→ what does she want for her future? why is she so ambitious?


07/08 // THE OVERKILL // first year // fifteen, sixteen

TIGER EYES is the one girl who manages to sneak four weapons into a martial-skill-only class. Never without her trusty weapon of choice, she is strong and vicious, ready to tear a new hole into anyone who crosses her. Hyperactive, with a fast-flickering attention span and a brain always scattering to take in new images, TIGER EYES can be naive and overly headstrong, her passion burning brighter than anyone else around her. She always has to be the center of attention, and she'll resort to dramatic ends to make sure all eyes are on her. Because of this, she's rather immature, and is prone to acting more like a, well, "normal" teenager. Her emotions greatly manage her reactions to things, and she often needs to be tempered.

EXTRA // bonus points

→ strengths: weaponry, technology

→ face claim vibes: someone fiery and aggressive

→ why doesn't she think things through? why does she care so much for attention?


07/08 // THE COMPUTER // first year // fifteen, sixteen

the baby of the group, SKYLINE is the youngest and the least trained, but easily more knowledgable than all others when it comes to knowing her way around computers. Affable and eager to please, SKYLINE is a complaisant soul willing to do whatever others tell her as long as she's helping out. She's most comfortable behind a computer screen, taking direction and making sure everyone's safe and sound in the field. Despite her amazing technical abilities, she can be naive, not having been trained nearly as long as the others and often messing up with in-field tactics. She's also quite insecure, worrying about messing up and always stressing too much when she does, and can be overly spooked or scared of what's happening around her. All in all, SKYLINE is truly a child at heart.

EXTRA // bonus points

→ strengths: technology, intelligence

→ face claim vibes: someone young, sweet, and innocent

→ what is her background? (she seems like she doesn't have a spy family, so where did she come from?)

lilith's notes: who's your favorite girl?
personally i'm partial to VOGUE. might
nab her if i get no signups >_>.

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