Chapter 2

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The fierce battle between Aiko and the masked girl raged on, their movements a blur of punches, kicks, and blocks. Each strike was met with a counter, each attack with a defense, the two combatants perfectly matched in skill and determination. Aiko could feel the tension in the air, the weight of her responsibility pressing down on her as she fought to protect her school.

With a well-timed feint, Aiko managed to sweep the masked girl's legs out from under her, sending her crashing to the floor. In an instant, Aiko was on top of her, pinning the girl down with her foot pressed firmly against the intruder's chest.

"Who sent you? Why are you here?" Aiko demanded, her voice cold and commanding.

But the masked girl only smirked beneath her mask, a glint of defiance in her eyes. Before Aiko could react, the girl suddenly twisted her body, using the momentum to knock Aiko off balance. Aiko stumbled back, struggling to regain her footing as the girl sprang to her feet.

The three masked intruders wasted no time. With swift, coordinated movements, they made their escape, darting down the hallway with the stolen data in hand. Aiko cursed under her breath, pushing herself up as she watched them disappear around a corner.

"Stop them!" Aiko shouted into her radio, her voice filled with frustration and urgency. "Do not let them escape!"

But it was too late. The intruders had already breached the perimeter, their escape route carefully planned and executed. Aiko sprinted after them, her heart pounding in her chest, but as she reached the exit, she saw the last of them vanish into the shadows, disappearing as quickly as they had appeared.

Aiko stood at the doorway, her breathing heavy, her fists clenched in anger. They had come so close, and yet, the intruders had slipped through their fingers. The sense of failure gnawed at her, a bitter reminder of the responsibility she bore as Commander of Kuromorimine.

As the adrenaline began to fade, Aiko's mind raced with questions. Who were these intruders? What exactly had they stolen? And, most importantly, why had they targeted Kuromorimine?

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps behind her. Turning, Aiko saw Sonja Müller, her Vice Commander, approaching with a group of girls, their faces a mix of concern and determination.

"Commander, are you all right?" Sonja asked, her voice steady despite the tension in the air.

Aiko nodded, though her expression remained grim. "I'm fine. But they got away. We need to secure the campus and find out exactly what they took. Double the patrols and alert all fireteams. We can't let this happen again."

Sonja nodded, immediately relaying the orders to the rest of the team. As the girls dispersed to carry out their duties, Aiko stood in the now-empty hallway, her mind still reeling from the events that had just transpired.

As the group walked through the corridors after a long day of training, Gambit wiped his brow with a dramatic flourish, exaggerating his exhaustion. "Whew... Training the new kids was tougher than yesterday, eh?"

James, who looked just as worn out but more serious, shrugged. "Yeah, well, if you think training the Airborne with Greg was rough, try handling the Rangers. Then we can talk."

Greg chuckled, giving James a playful nudge. "Hey, we're not saying you had it easy, James. But you seem a bit more on edge than usual. What's eating at you?"

James sighed, rubbing his face. "Ah... it's just the recruits. They're a tough bunch, but it's wearing me down. Sorry, guys."

Gambit grinned, flipping one of the cards in his hands with a flick of his wrist. "Don't worry about it, James. We all have our off days." He then turned to Yumi, who was quietly listening to the conversation, her expression cool as always. "But you know what would really make my day better, chérie? How about a kiss for your favorite Lieutenant?"

Yumi shot him a withering glare, not even breaking stride as she moved closer. "You want a kiss?" she asked, her tone deceptively sweet.

Gambit nodded eagerly, leaning in with a smirk. "Just a little one—"

Before he could finish, Yumi's fist connected with his face, knocking him out cold. He crumpled to the ground, out cold, his cards scattering around him.

Greg winced as he watched Gambit go down. "You had that one coming, Luc."

James snorted, shaking his head. "Serves him right."

Yumi, unfazed, simply stepped over Gambit's unconscious form and kept walking. "He'll be fine. Let's just get to Emily's office. She's been holed up in there all day, and I want to know what our Commander's been up to."

The others followed, stepping over Gambit as they continued down the hallway, exchanging amused glances at their flirtatious Lieutenant's misfortune.

As the group reached Emily's office, they exchanged curious glances, wondering what they might find inside. Greg, always the bold one, reached out and slowly pushed the door open. What they saw made them stop in their tracks.

Emily, still in her high school gym clothes, was dancing energetically to the catchy beat of "Bye Bye Bye" by NSYNC. Her moves were surprisingly sharp and full of enthusiasm, as if she had been practicing for weeks. The normally serious and composed Commander of Davy Crockett High was completely immersed in the music, singing along with a smile on her face.

"Don't wanna be a fool for you, just another player in your game for two... You may hate me, but it ain't no lie, baby, bye, bye, bye..."

Greg blinked in surprise, trying to stifle a laugh. "Is she...?"

Yumi raised an eyebrow, equally astonished but clearly amused. "Looks like she's blowing off some steam."

James crossed his arms, a grin spreading across his face. "Didn't know our Commander had these moves."

Just then, Emily noticed them standing in the doorway. Instead of stopping or feeling embarrassed, she gave them a playful wink and continued dancing. She even added a few extra flourishes to her moves, twirling around and striking a dramatic pose as the chorus hit.

Gambit, who had just regained consciousness and joined the others at the door, was wide-eyed. "Oh là là, Commander's got rhythm!"

Emily continued to dance until the song ended, her laughter filling the room. She finally stopped, breathing heavily but grinning from ear to ear. "You guys are early," she said, still catching her breath.

Greg chuckled, leaning against the doorframe. "Didn't know we were interrupting a private concert."

Emily waved it off, grabbing a towel to wipe the sweat from her brow. "Just needed to unwind a bit after a long day. What's up?"

Yumi smirked. "We just came to check in, but it looks like you're doing just fine."

Emily smiled, still in high spirits from her impromptu dance session. "I am now. So, what's the update?"

"Well, everything seems to be in order, Commander," Yumi reported.

"Good, then you guys are free to do anything," Emily replied, still in a lighthearted mood.

Yumi, Gambit, and James saluted before turning to leave, the door closing softly behind them. This left only Emily and Greg in the room, the two cousins exchanging knowing looks.

"What is it, Greg?" Emily asked, noticing the mischievous glint in his eye.

"What? Is it wrong for me to want to hang out with my cousin?" Greg teased, a playful grin on his face.

Emily raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms. "No, it's not wrong. It's just that, knowing you, every time you hung out with me when I was growing up, you always had something planned—usually something that got us both into trouble."

Greg laughed, the sound echoing in the room. "Ah, you know me too well, Em. But I promise, no trouble this time."

Emily eyed him suspiciously, though her smile never wavered. "Sure, sure. So, what's really on your mind?"

Greg hesitated for a moment, then sighed, dropping the teasing tone. "Honestly? I just wanted to check in on you. You've been carrying a lot on your shoulders lately, and I know it's not easy."

Emily's expression softened. She appreciated Greg's concern, even if he usually masked it with humor. "Thanks, Greg. I'm managing. It's just... you know how it is. Expectations, responsibilities... and sometimes, it feels like I'm still in Dad's shadow."

Greg nodded, understanding her struggles. "You're doing great, Em. Better than great, actually. And trust me, your dad would be proud of everything you've accomplished."

Emily looked down for a moment, then back up at Greg, her resolve stronger than before. "Thanks. That means a lot, coming from you."

Greg smiled warmly. "Anytime, cousin. So, what do you say we take a break? Maybe grab some food, catch up properly?"

Emily softened, her arms uncrossing as she smiled. "Alright, Greg. Let's do it. But if you try anything sneaky, remember—I'm wearing my gym clothes. I can still take you down."

Greg smirked. "Wouldn't dream of it, Commander. Now, come on, let's get out of here before Yumi and the others realize we're having all the fun."

At a lively Buffalo Wild Wings in the heart of Houston, Emily and Greg sat at a corner table, their laughter blending with the buzz of the crowd. The smell of spicy wings and fried food filled the air as they waited for their meal, enjoying a rare moment of normalcy away from the base.

"So, what's the plan for tomorrow, Commander?" Greg teased, sipping on his soda. "Another dance-off in the office?"

Emily chuckled, shaking her head. "You never know, Greg. But seriously, I was thinking about revisiting some of the tactics we've been using in training. The new recruits are promising, but they need a bit more polish."

Greg nodded thoughtfully. "Yeah, I've noticed that too. They've got the spirit, but they're still rough around the edges."

As they continued talking, Johnny, a fellow student from Davy Crockett High who had a well-known crush on Emily, spotted them from across the restaurant. His heart skipped a beat as he saw Emily smiling and laughing with Greg. He took a deep breath, feeling the nerves building up inside him. This could be his chance to talk to her again, maybe even finally ask her out. But before he could gather the courage to approach her, something—or rather someone—stopped him in his tracks.

A third boy, someone who Johnny recognized all too well, walked up to Emily and Greg's table. Emily's smile faded the moment she saw him, her expression shifting to one of disgust. The newcomer was none other than her ex-boyfriend, someone she'd rather not see, especially not now.

"Emily," the boy said, his tone casual but with an underlying arrogance that made Greg instantly tense up.

Emily stared at him coldly. "What do you want, Brad?"

Brad shrugged, a smug grin on his face. "I saw you here and thought I'd say hi. It's been a while, hasn't it? Thought maybe we could catch up."

Greg narrowed his eyes, not liking the way Brad was looking at his cousin. "I don't think she's interested in catching up, Brad."

Brad barely glanced at Greg, clearly dismissing him. His focus remained on Emily, who was doing her best to remain composed despite her rising irritation.

"We don't have anything to talk about, Brad," Emily said firmly. "So why don't you just leave us alone?"

Johnny, who was still watching from a distance, felt a mix of emotions—anger at Brad for bothering Emily, and a pang of jealousy. He wanted to be the one sitting with her, talking to her, making her laugh. But now, seeing her so visibly uncomfortable, he knew this wasn't the right time to make his move.

Brad leaned in slightly, ignoring Emily's clear rejection. "Come on, Em. No need to be so cold. We had some good times, didn't we?"

Greg, sensing that Emily had enough, stood up, his expression serious. "I think you should go, Brad. Now."

Brad finally turned his attention to Greg, sizing him up. "Or what? You gonna make me?"

Greg didn't back down. "If I have to."

The tension at the table was palpable, the friendly atmosphere of the restaurant suddenly feeling much more hostile. Emily, not wanting this to escalate further, took a deep breath and stood up as well.

"Brad, just leave," she said, her voice calm but firm. "We're done here. Whatever you think we had, it's over. So go."

For a moment, it looked like Brad might push things further, but then he seemed to reconsider. With a final sneer, he turned and walked away, disappearing into the crowd.

Greg watched him go before turning back to Emily, his concern evident. "You okay?"

Emily sighed, sitting back down. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just... annoyed. He always had a way of showing up at the worst times."

Greg sat down as well, his expression softening. "If he ever bothers you again, you let me know, alright?"

Emily smiled, appreciating the protective side of her cousin. "Thanks, Greg. I will."

As they settled back into their conversation, the tension slowly eased. But Johnny, still watching from afar, couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and frustration. He knew that if he wanted to win Emily's heart, he'd have to step up his game—and maybe, just maybe, he'd get his chance soon.

Just as Emily and Greg were starting to relax, the waiter arrived with their order, placing a steaming basket of wings on the table. Emily reached for a wing, but before she could take a bite, her phone buzzed loudly on the table. She glanced at the screen and saw Yumi's name flashing.

Emily sighed, putting the wing down. "This better be important," she muttered, picking up the call.

Yumi's voice came through, urgent and slightly breathless. "Emily, you need to get back to HQ. We've got incoming video calls from Kuromorimine Girl's Academy and several other Japanese schools. They're requesting your presence immediately."

Emily's eyes widened, and Greg straightened up, his expression serious. "Did they say what it's about?" Emily asked.

"No, but they sounded pretty shaken up," Yumi replied. "Whatever it is, it's big."

Emily quickly stood up, nodding to Greg, who was already grabbing his jacket. "We're on our way. Patch the calls through to the conference room, and let them know I'll be there in ten."

"Roger that," Yumi said before hanging up.

Emily stuffed her phone back into her pocket, her appetite completely gone. "Looks like dinner will have to wait," she said, already heading for the exit with Greg right behind her.

As they rushed out of Buffalo Wild Wings, Emily's mind raced. The fact that multiple schools were reaching out at the same time meant something significant had happened. She just hoped it wasn't as bad as the tone in Yumi's voice made it seem.

They jumped into Greg's car, and he sped off toward Davy Crockett High, both of them already mentally preparing for whatever crisis awaited them.

The atmosphere in the conference room was tense as Emily, now clad in her full Commander uniform, entered with Greg by her side, both ready for the serious discussion ahead. They were greeted by their command staff—Gambit, Yumi, and James—who were already seated and prepared. On the large TV screen at the end of the room, the faces of several commanders from various prestigious Sensha-Dō schools appeared: Greg's second sister, the Commander of Ooarai Girls Academy; Tasha, the daughter of Katyusha, representing Pravda Girls High School; Layla, daughter of Darjeeling and Wesley, from St. Gloriana Girls High School; Mia Graham, daughter of Kay and Jaylon Graham, representing Saunders Girls High School; and at the center of the screen, Aiko, Emily's older twin sister and Commander of Kuromorimine Girls Academy.

Aiko spoke first, her tone cold and formal. "Commander Emily."

Emily nodded in acknowledgment. "Commander Aiko. May I ask the reason for gathering all the Sensha-Dō schools here in this video call?"

Aiko's expression remained stern as she responded, "If you haven't already heard, or perhaps you choose to feign ignorance, Kuromorimine Girls Academy has been infiltrated by someone from your own ranks."

Emily's eyes widened in shock. "What? Why would anyone from Davy Crockett attempt to infiltrate one of your schools? We had no intention of doing that."

Tasha from Pravda chimed in, her voice sharp. "Oh, really?"

Aiko cut in, her voice laced with suspicion. "Emily, do you really think we would fall for such blatant lies?"

Before Emily could respond, Aiko gestured to someone offscreen, and an old recording began to play. The video showed a figure clad in Davy Crockett gear, moving stealthily through the corridors of Kuromorimine. The quality was grainy, but the insignia was unmistakable.

"We have spoken with the Commanders from Grand Lake High and North High," Aiko continued, "and they have refused to acknowledge any involvement. But this—" she pointed at the screen, "—is undeniable proof that someone from your ranks has violated our trust."

Emily shook her head, her frustration growing. "I deny these accusations. Whoever this is, they are not acting under my command."

One of the other commanders, Mia from Saunders, suddenly spoke up, her voice rising in anger. "This is outrageous! How can we trust anything that comes from Davy Crockett when you can't even control your own people?"

Aiko raised a hand to calm the room. "Enough." Her voice was firm. "This leaves us with no choice."

Aiko's eyes narrowed, her next words chilling. "By the authority of Kuromorimine Girls Academy, I hereby declare war."

Emily and her command staff stood up abruptly, shock and disbelief written across their faces. "Aiko, wait!" Emily tried to reason, but Aiko had already made up her mind.

"This is not up for debate, Emily," Aiko said coldly. "Prepare yourselves."

The screen went dark as the video call abruptly ended, leaving Emily and her team standing in silence, the weight of Aiko's declaration hanging heavily in the air.

The atmosphere in the room was thick with tension as the screen went black. Emily stood motionless, her mind racing with the implications of what had just transpired. Her command staff—Gambit, Yumi, James, and Greg—looked to her for guidance, the weight of Aiko's declaration of war pressing down on them all.

James was the first to break the silence, his voice steady but concerned. "Commander, what's our next move? We can't just sit here and do nothing."

Gambit, usually the first to crack a joke, was uncharacteristically serious. "If we don't act fast, we'll be caught off guard. Aiko's not one to make empty threats."

Yumi nodded in agreement. "We need to rally our allies. We can't fight this alone."

Emily took a deep breath, her mind sharpening into focus. "You're right. This isn't just about Davy Crockett anymore—it's about all of us in the American Tankery League. We need to bring everyone together. Yumi, get me a secure line to Grand Lake High, North High, Washington Boys and Girls Academy, and Kansas Chief High. We're going to need all the help we can get."

Yumi nodded and immediately got to work, reaching out to their allies. Meanwhile, Emily turned to Greg, who was still processing the situation. "Greg, I need you to handle communications with the Washington Boys and Girls Academy. Make sure they understand the seriousness of this."

"Got it," Greg replied, his usual lighthearted demeanor replaced by determination.

Emily then looked at James. "James, I need you to coordinate with North High. They've got the manpower and the strategy to help us hold the line if it comes to that."

James nodded. "I'll get in touch with them right away."

Finally, Emily turned to Gambit. "Gambit, I need you to reach out to Kansas Chief High. They're tough, and we're going to need that toughness on our side."

Gambit smirked, the intensity of the moment bringing out his competitive spirit. "Consider it done, Commander."

As her team sprang into action, Emily took a moment to collect her thoughts. The second match between the American Tankery League and Sensha-Dō had just begun.

**Kuromorimine Girls' Academy - Aiko's Office**

Aiko sat in her office, the weight of the recent events pressing down on her. Declaring war on her sister and the American Tankery League had been a necessary decision, but it left her feeling unsettled. The memory of her encounter with the masked girl lingered in her mind. The way the girl had fought—those precise, calculated moves—had felt eerily familiar, as if she were facing a reflection of her own family's legacy.

As Aiko sighed, trying to push the thoughts aside, she noticed a small, folded piece of paper sticking out of her uniform pocket. Curious, she pulled it out and unfolded it, revealing a cryptic message scrawled in dark ink: **"The past never dies."**

A chill ran down her spine as she stared at the note. What did it mean? Who had placed it in her pocket? Aiko's mind raced with possibilities, but before she could delve deeper, she noticed something else tucked behind the note. It was a playing card—an image of a jester staring back at her with a sinister grin.

Aiko's heart skipped a beat. She had seen this card before, though the memory was hazy. Holding it in her hand, she was suddenly struck by a series of disjointed images flashing through her mind. They were fragments of a past she had almost forgotten—memories buried deep within her consciousness, now clawing their way to the surface.

In her mind's eye, she saw herself and Emily as children, no more than seven years old. They were standing in a dimly lit room, fear etched on their young faces. A man, clad in an old, weathered uniform, was approaching them. His footsteps echoed ominously in the silence, growing louder with each step.

There were two others in the room, both of them men. One was sprawled on the floor, writhing in pain as he glared at the approaching figure. The other lay still, his eyes fixed on the ceiling, a pool of blood spreading beneath him. The scene was surreal, as if it were a nightmare pulled from the darkest corners of her mind.

Aiko tried to focus on the man's face, to bring his features into clarity, but they remained frustratingly blurred. All she could remember clearly was the sound of a voice, a voice that sent shivers down her spine.

"You suffer with me..."

Aiko found herself whispering the words aloud, the phrase echoing in her mind like a haunting refrain. What did it mean? Why couldn't she remember more?

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