Chapter 6

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"I never asked to lead this team... *Sigh* Ok, how does this work again..." Red spoke as it shows him sitting down in a dark room with a computer in front of him, writing an after-action report.

"After-action report, Captain. Aw, forget it... CPT Red Houston, zero-zero-seven hundred hours. We stopped the fuc- No, that ain't going to fly with Don.... Damn Frenchies from Groton High School crippled us real good. Since our school, Davy Crockett High School, is still underway for repair from that surprise attack, with our tanks damaged, it will be a long haul for them to be repaired, as one of the hangars where we stored them blew up along with our ammunition tanks' shells from the air attack.

But the boys are doing good. Sergeant Dean is fine, along with Lieutenant- Damn, I can't say her rank name.... L.T. Shadow is back in action after her former squad, The... Damn it, I can't even say her squad name in French. *Sigh*... The Vipers, her former squad that she left, went back even though I damaged their Captain after our duel. It seems he would likely be back for more. I wish I could have finished him, but it ain't my way to do it.

By the time you read my first report about this, Don... I really wish you were here, older brother, because with you in a coma and Vice Commander Jefferson in the hospital... We don't know who will lead Davy Crockett tankery team." Red typed that as he leans back from his chair, staring at his computer, and sighed in the stress that was placed on him.

With him done typing his after-action report, Red was then startled to see the lights of the room he was in turn on. He quickly turned around to see who did it and spotted Miho Nizhizumi standing at the doorway of the small temporary dorm room for Red while the dorm building of Davy Crockett was being rebuilt.

"Miho, what are you doing here? I thought you were with your friends on your school ship carrier," Red asked.

"Well, I just wanted to see what you're doing... after what happened," Miho said as she walked into the room, observing the movie posters of Top Gun, Star Wars (the Prequel and Original trilogies), and the two flags pinned to the wall – the Texas state flag and the Davy Crockett flag with the symbol of a raccoon hat and a musket hunting rifle underneath.

"Well, I'm doing fine... I was just... doing something," Red said as he slumped back into his chair.

"Oh, I see," Miho said, grabbing herself a chair and sitting right next to Red. The two sat together in silence, and Red then turned to Miho.

"So, how is your older sister?" Red asked.

"Well, ever since Houston went into a coma, it hasn't been easy for her. She's worried for him. I never expected this out of her," Miho said, and Red nodded. As the two sat there in silence, Miho turned to Red and spoke.

"Red... how good are Groton High School and its allies?" Miho asked.

"Well, they've been around longer, back when my brother was in Vermont, so the only people who know them better are Graham and Muller," Red explained.

Meanwhile, at Grand Lake High:

In the state of Louisiana, inside the A-Rank High School, a drink was poured into a cup, and a hand picked it up to take a sip.

"Well, Goddamn... Sorry, Commander Muller. It's been a while since I drank this when I was acting in Hollywood," Graham said, wearing his Grand Lake High Commander uniform. He was relaxed, holding his drink with his feet kicked up on his desk.

"I could use a little drink to wash away the cobwebs," Graham said, taking another sip of his drink as Muller smiled softly at his old friend.

"I don't mind, Graham," Muller said in his German accent, still wearing his Wehrmacht Tanker uniform.

"I hope you don't mind if I unload a bit here, you know I hate to see people we know getting hurt, and the incidents that we have to fight in Dallas and on Oshima Island. Both you and I, Muller, we fought in two of them back then. But I will always have a soft spot for my guys who are laying it down on the line; they are tough as nails," Graham said, taking a small sip while thinking of his infantry and his tanker team members.

"You know, three years it has been since we were here in this league. I still remember us when we were in Dallas, both Vice Commanders at the time when you and I were new to Tankery," Muller said.

"Well, Houston too. Don't forget about him, even though he was in Vermont Tankery Academy at the time. He was a great help in bringing that school down," Graham added.

"That he was," Muller agreed.

Right before the two could continue talking, they heard a knocking on the door, which confused them. They got up from their chairs and walked to the door, opening it. Graham was surprised to see Kay, Katyusha (on a piggyback ride on Nonna), Darjeeling, and Maho.

As the four Japanese school representatives entered Graham's office, he walked back to his desk, and Muller was surprised to see the girls there.

"Anything that we can help you girls with?" Graham said, still holding his drink.

"Graham and Muller, how well do you know Groton High School?" Darjeeling asked.

"Well, long enough. It was before the America Tankery League was made, during the time of the Battle Reenactment Association," Graham replied.

"How long?" Maho inquired.

"Before the Dallas incident happened," Muller added.

(Debriefing monologue coming up, just like Metal Gear Solid games, lol)

"You see, before the incident, there were a lot of S-Rank schools. Groton High School had an Emperor leading it, and during that time, there were four schools together – Groton High, Lake Travis High, Thomas Jefferson High, and the one we all know, Vermont Tankery Academy," Graham explained.

"Wait, Vermont was part of their alliance before?" Kay asked.

"Yeah. The four were the best allies that no one ever faced," Graham said.

"Yeah, before the dark time," Muller added.

"What do you mean before the dark time?" Darjeeling inquired.

"Well, you see, when Anderson was the Vermont Commander and Houston the Vice Commander at the time, Anderson's ambition grew. Since he wanted to determine which school was the best, he then gave one strict order – he ordered Houston and his men, who were under his command, to betray and kill those who would be in the way of their plan," Graham said, recalling the moment when it first appeared in the news.


Gunfire echoed as it showed Vermont infantry boys entering the training ground, where allied school boys were under fire. Vermont's infantry shot those in sight, overpowering and putting down those who tried to defend themselves.

The boys from the allied schools, attempting to defend themselves, were slowly getting overrun. More Vermont infantry poured in, following orders. A group of young freshmen from the allied schools tried to find a safe place to hide amidst the chaos.

The ground was littered with bodies as the group spotted someone walking towards them. One of the freshmen recognized Houston, wearing his Vermont Vice Commander uniform and a mask covering his face. A small group of his troopers marched behind him. Houston spotted the group of freshmen, and without hesitation, he killed them one by one, blood splashing on his uniform and mask.

One of the freshmen, scared and trying to escape, tripped on his own feet. He stared at Houston, who had slight blood on his mask. Without hesitation, Houston killed that lone freshman and continued marching with his troops, ordering them to kill those who were hiding and declaring, "I want to see this place burn down!" Houston, or the codename he was called back then, 'Spector of Death,' nodded to his boys, and they began killing their once-allied comrades.

As Houston and his ruthless troops continued their merciless assault, the once-bustling training ground turned into a scene of horror. The cries of the wounded and dying echoed through the air, mixing with the sounds of gunfire and destruction. The air was thick with the acrid scent of burning flesh and the bitter taste of betrayal.

The group of freshmen that Houston had just mercilessly executed lay sprawled on the ground, their lifeless eyes staring into the void. The atmosphere was suffocating, and the air seemed tainted with the darkness that had befallen the once-allied schools.

Vermont's infantry, now transformed into heartless executioners, hunted down anyone who dared to hide or resist. The once-loyal comrades turned against each other, their bonds shattered by the cold brutality of Houston's command. The ground was stained crimson with the blood of the fallen, marking the gruesome trail of betrayal left in the wake of Houston's merciless rampage.

In the distance, flames roared as buildings were set ablaze, casting an eerie glow on the horrifying tableau of death and destruction. The shadows danced menacingly, reflecting the twisted souls of those who had willingly followed Houston's dark orders.

Amidst the chaos, Houston, still wearing his mask tainted with the blood of his former allies, surveyed the carnage with an unsettling calmness. His eyes, hidden behind the cold, unfeeling mask, betrayed no remorse. The once-virtuous Vice Commander had become an embodiment of terror, leaving behind a legacy of betrayal and despair that would haunt the survivors for years to come. The training ground, once a symbol of camaraderie, now stood as a grim reminder of the darkness that could consume even the noblest of intentions.

End of Flashback:

Hearing how Graham recounted the rise of Vermont Tankery Academy and the brutal methods that Anderson ordered Houston to carry out, a chilling silence settled in the room. The revelation of the brutality and killing that Houston had once orchestrated sent shivers down everyone's spine, including Maho, who never thought Houston would be capable of such dark actions, given his reluctance to talk about his past.

"God..." Darjeeling muttered, feeling a sense of fear at the revelation.

"I never thought Houston was capable of doing that," Kay remarked.

Katyusha remained silent but visibly shaken, contemplating the frightening possibility that Houston, if he did it before, could potentially do it again.

Maho stayed silent, her thoughts reflecting the understanding that the Houston of the past was not the same as the Houston they knew in the present. However, if she had encountered him during those dark times, she couldn't fathom approving of the actions he had committed.

After a moment of heavy silence, Darjeeling broke it, "Such darkness in one's past can cast a long shadow. It makes you wonder how much of it still lingers."

Kay nodded in agreement, "Indeed, it's a side of Houston we never knew."

Katyusha finally spoke, her voice a mix of concern and curiosity, "Do you think he's changed since then?"

Maho, still thoughtful, responded, "People can change, but the weight of their past remains."

The room fell into a contemplative silence, with each girl grappling with the newfound knowledge of Houston's dark history.

"If you think that's bad, do you know that after the attack, Anderson and the squad that he and Houston formed... The 'Dogs of War' gathered the three commanders of the S-Rank schools, including the old members of Groton High School's best squad, La Vipère. They were defeated at the hands of the Dogs of War," Graham said, recalling the moment.

It then showed the members of the Dogs of War: Silent Cobra, Fury, The Lady of Silence, The Jester, Chaos of War, Spector of Death, and finally, Hound Leader. Anderson, wearing his mask, had both of his hands inside his trench jacket, and the squad stared down at their defeated enemies.

The three commanders and the members of La Vipère, covered in bruises, looked up at their once allies who had betrayed them. The atmosphere was tense, filled with the aftermath of betrayal and the cruel triumph of the Dogs of War.

Their old allies couldn't believe that Anderson and his squad had betrayed them. Anderson, wearing his mask, stepped forward, his tone cold and merciless. He declared that Vermont Tankery Academy would be the only S-Rank school remaining standing, and as a final act of cruelty, he ordered Fury to pour gasoline on the defeated commanders and members of La Vipère.

Fury, carrying out the orders without hesitation, doused them in gasoline, the pungent smell filling the air. The defeated commanders and La Vipère struggled against their injuries, helpless in the face of impending doom. The members of the Dogs of War, with masks concealing any semblance of humanity, watched with stoic indifference.

As the gasoline-soaked victims lay on the ground, Anderson raised his hand, giving the signal. Fury, holding a lit torch, approached with a sinister grin. The flame ignited the gasoline-soaked ground, and the fire roared to life, consuming the once-proud warriors who had now become helpless victims of betrayal.

The crackling flames cast an eerie light on the faces of the Dogs of War, their masked expressions unmoved by the horrors they had orchestrated. The screams of the betrayed commanders and La Vipère echoed in the desolate aftermath, a haunting symphony of agony and treachery that marked the dark legacy of the Dogs of War.

The Dogs of War stood stoically, staring at the roaring flames that consumed their once-allied commanders and the defeated members of La Vipère. The fire danced in their cold, masked eyes, casting an eerie glow on their emotionless expressions.

Amidst the merciless scene, Houston, under his mask, felt a tear escape, rolling down his cheek. It went unnoticed by the others, hidden beneath the mask, as he couldn't bear to witness the atrocity that they had just committed.

Anderson, observing the inferno with a detached satisfaction, turned to the remaining members of the Dogs of War. "This is the price of betrayal. Vermont Tankery Academy will stand alone at the top, unchallenged."

Specter of Death, who had once been Houston, couldn't bring himself to meet the gaze of his old comrades. The weight of the betrayal, the darkness that had consumed them, hung heavily in the air. He whispered under his breath, "What have we become?"

Silent Cobra, his mask revealing nothing of his thoughts, spoke in a low, haunting tone, "A necessary sacrifice for supremacy."

The fire continued its relentless dance, casting flickering shadows on the unmoved faces of the Dogs of War. The screams of the betrayed echoed in the night, the flames serving as a cruel testament to the ruthlessness that had taken root within their hearts. As the inferno raged, Houston's tear fell to the ground, lost amidst the ashes of their once-shared camaraderie.

End of Flashback:

As Graham concluded the chilling tale of the Dogs of War's betrayal and the merciless act of setting their former allies ablaze, a heavy silence settled in the room. The atmosphere hung thick with the weight of the past, the shadows of betrayal, and the darkness that had tainted the once-honorable members of the Dogs of War.

Darjeeling broke the silence, her voice measured but filled with concern, "Such brutality... I had no idea."

Kay, with a somber expression, added, "It's unimaginable that they were once comrades."

Katyusha, still processing the horrifying revelation, spoke softly, "How can they live with themselves after committing such atrocities?"

Maho, who had remained composed throughout the recounting of the tale, finally spoke, "People change, but some scars run deep. It is a reminder that even the strongest bonds can be broken by the shadows of the past."

The room fell into a contemplative silence once again, the gravity of the revealed history lingering in the air. The darkness that had once consumed the Dogs of War now cast a long shadow over the present, leaving the girls to grapple with the haunting knowledge of the atrocities committed by those who had once fought side by side.

"So, Graham, do you think that all of that happened in the past that Houston did has come back to haunt him?" Maho asked.

"Apparently so..." Graham replied.

As the room fell into a heavy silence, one of Graham's boys entered, his tone filled with concern. "Commander Graham, come quick! There's a delegation live on TV between Davy Crockett High School Principal and Groton High School Principal."

Upon hearing this, they quickly left the room and entered a space where many of Graham's boys were gathered, watching the live TV broadcast inside the American Tankery League Conference Room. On the screen, the delegation showcased some young boys, aspiring senators and future leaders from both Davy Crockett High School and Groton High School. The atmosphere was tense, and the young boys from Davy Crockett were visibly upset, some even yelling at the Groton High School representatives for the surprise attack and the devastation it caused to their school.

The live broadcast showed the Davy Crockett High School Principal and the Groton High School Principal standing before the delegation, attempting to address the heated situation. The room was filled with tension as angry murmurs and accusations flew back and forth.

The Davy Crockett boys were particularly vocal, expressing their anger and frustration. One of them shouted, "You destroyed our school! How do you justify that?"

The Groton High School Principal, maintaining a composed demeanor, responded, "I understand the gravity of the situation, and we deeply regret the collateral damage caused during the engagement. However, we believe there were extenuating circumstances that led to the incident."

A Davy Crockett student, visibly irate, retorted, "No excuse can justify such destruction! Our tanks, our facilities—everything is in ruins because of your surprise attack!"

The Groton High School Principal, trying to defuse the tension, stated, "We are committed to finding a resolution and compensating for the damages. This incident was not something we anticipated or desired."

The broadcast captured the escalating emotions in the room, with both sides struggling to find common ground. The Davy Crockett boys remained indignant, demanding accountability and retribution for the harm caused to their school.

As the situation unfolded on live TV, the ramifications of past conflicts seemed to reverberate into the present, casting a shadow over the efforts to resolve the recent hostilities between the two schools.

"If you want a solution, then expel your Emperor who thought of this attack, including the other school leaders, so the League can punish those boys severely!" The Principal of Davy Crockett declared, sparking agreement among many of the young boys.

"No!" The Groton High School Principal shouted in defiance.

"Yes!" The Davy Crockett Principal shouted back, the tension escalating in the room.

The yes and no responses went back and forth, creating a heated debate. In the midst of the confrontation, the League President or Founder of the American Tankery sport, who was overseeing the meeting, turned to his Chairwoman, Delia Houston. She, the aunt of Commander Don Houston and Captain Red Houston, shared a worried look.

The League President looked concerned, realizing the gravity of the situation. The debate seemed to reach a boiling point, leaving the resolution hanging in the balance. The League President and Delia Houston exchanged glances, uncertain of how the confrontation would unfold.

Just then, one of the Davy Crockett boys directed a shout at one of the Groton High School boys, adding another layer of tension to the already fraught atmosphere.

The Davy Crockett boy, wearing his school uniform under his toga, spoke up, capturing the attention of everyone in the room, especially the Groton High School contingent.

"Look, I hold in the folds of my toga, both peace and war. Which one should I drop?" The boy declared, his words carrying a weight of decision that hung in the air.

The Groton High School Principal and boys observed, uncertain of the Davy Crockett boy's intentions. However, one Groton High School boy, perhaps thinking it was just a bluff, scoffed and spoke up, "Whichever one you want!"

"Then... we choose..." the Davy Crockett boy responded, leaving the sentence hanging, as a palpable tension filled the room. The weight of the unspoken decision lingered, casting a shadow over the already strained negotiations between the two schools.

"WAR!!!" The Davy Crockett boy shouted, dropping his toga of war.

The declaration echoed through the room, and the atmosphere shifted from tense negotiation to a chilling realization. Those who were viewing the live TV, including Muller, Graham, Maho, Darjeeling, Katyusha, and Kay, were taken aback by the unexpected turn of events.

"War?" Kay exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yeah... something we forgot to tell you ladies about," Graham admitted, chuckling nervously, realizing that he had neglected to brief them properly on how Tankery worked in America.

"Well, you should've told us first about this, you Yankees!" Katyusha spoke up, her frustration evident.

As Graham and Muller attempted to talk to the girls and calm the situation down, Graham's boys, hearing what their allies from Davy Crockett had declared, were concerned and worried. The force that Davy Crockett had mustered seemed to be crumbling, and the question loomed about how well the Davy Crockett tankery team would recover, facing three S-Rank schools alone.

Meanwhile, at Davy Crockett High School, the aftermath of the destruction was still evident. Many injured individuals were recovering, and the rebuilding efforts were underway. Some parents forced their kids to leave the tankery team, while others stayed, determined to help with the reconstruction.

Rows of disabled Sherman, Chaffee, Pershing, and various tanks lined the area, being worked on by crew members. Among the disabled Shermans, one crew member was diligently working on Commander Houston's Sherman tank, the 'Lone Star.' Grant and Troy were busy with repairs, while Scott assisted Grant. 'Machine' went off to find any remaining ammunition, considering the destruction of the ammunition storage in the hangar. The resilience of the Davy Crockett tankery team was being put to the test in the face of overwhelming challenges.

"So, anything new about Commander Houston?" Scott asked as he worked with Grant.

"From what I heard, he's still in a coma," Troy replied, focused on the engine repairs.

"And Vice Commander Jefferson is also in the hospital, still recovering," Grant added, working on the internals of their tank.

"With that, that leaves... Captain Red, Lieutenant Shadow, and Sergeant Dean," Scott remarked.

"The question is, is Captain Red ready to lead us?" Machine questioned, checking the machine guns of their tanks.

The scene shifted to the Houston manor, where Red sat on the edge of his bed in his room filled with movie posters and WWII fighter plane models hanging from the ceiling. He looked down at the floor, holding his older brother's bandana, lost in thought. After a few moments of silence, there was a knock on the door. Brewster, the family butler, gently knocked and spoke up.

"Master Red, are you okay?" Brewster inquired.

Red looked up at Brewster, his eyes reflecting a mixture of sorrow and determination. He clutched his brother's bandana a little tighter, the fabric a tangible connection to the absent Don Houston.

"Brewster," Red began, his voice carrying the weight of his thoughts, "how can I protect those I love when I couldn't even protect my own brother? How can I lead the team when I couldn't save him?"

Brewster, with years of experience attending to the Houston family, approached Red with a gentle demeanor. He understood the pain that lingered in Red's heart, the burden of responsibility now placed upon his shoulders.

"Master Red," Brewster spoke with a calm and reassuring tone, "you carry a heavy burden, one that not many would be able to bear. But strength is not only measured in victories; it's also found in resilience, in the ability to endure and continue despite the hardships. You may not have been able to prevent what happened to Commander Houston, but you can carry on his legacy by leading with honor and protecting those you care for."

Red listened to Brewster's words, finding a glimmer of solace in the butler's wisdom. The room remained silent for a moment, the weight of the responsibility settling on Red's shoulders. He knew that the road ahead would be challenging, but he also understood that the true test of leadership wasn't avoiding adversity but facing it head-on with unwavering determination.

As Red looked at his brother's bandana, he silently vowed to honor Don's memory and strive to be the leader that Davy Crockett High School needed in these trying times.

Meanwhile, at Groton High School:

Emperor Timothee, still wearing his military uniform, meticulously went through reports and status updates on his tankery and infantry forces. After learning about Davy Crockett High School's declaration of war, he saw it as an opportunity for a decisive victory, aiming to further tarnish the legacy that Commander Houston had built.

As he sat down at his desk, removing his French hat and placing it on the desk, the phone suddenly rang. Timothee picked it up and answered with a calm demeanor, "Hello?"

On the other end of the line, a voice inquired about the update. Timothee, with a sense of confidence, responded, "Well, I can tell you this... Davy Crockett High School has finally declared war on us. It will be far easier for me and my allies to finish them off and put our revenge to rest after what Houston did to us. Even though he's in a coma, that doesn't mean his new friends and new school will escape our wrath for what he did to the old members and commanders."

As the conversation continued, the voice questioned Timothee about Houston's allies.

"Yes, I'm aware that Grand Lake High, North High, and Washington Boys and Girls Academy have sent warnings. But don't worry, they don't have the manpower to challenge an S-Rank school, even though they're in the A-Rank. Speaking of which, I'm pleased that you were able to send someone to keep Kansas Chief High School busy with the coup that Commander Elijah is dealing with," Timothee assured, revealing a glimpse of the intricate web of alliances and conflicts within the tankery world.

"Speaking of which, I'm afraid I'm going to have to delay my match-up with one of those Japanese schools. Kuromorimine Girls' Academy will be delayed until I deal with the Texans. Yes, I will finish them off and shut down every school that the Japanese Federation Sensha-Do has made after they tried to shut down our sport. It made my blood boil... I understand. Speaking of which, I just got an email that the Director of MEXT, Renta Tsuji, seems to be backing out of our deal," Timothee stated.

As the voice on the phone continued to speak, Timothee nodded in agreement.

"Indeed it is... He will probably tell everyone about the meeting that we agreed upon. Well, it will be a shame for him to... disappear," Timothee concluded before hanging up.

The scene shifted to Japan, inside the MEXT building. An unknown woman leaped over a desk, wearing a mask, and began choking Renta. He struggled to breathe as the woman slowly crushed his neck. With a gruesome sound of a neck-snapping, the woman stood up, taking a few breaths after committing the act. Meanwhile, another person entered, carrying a walkman at his waist, with the music still playing. He spoke up to the woman.

"Your favorite song... Vera Lynn. You have a certain taste in music," the man's voice commented, the chilling notes of "We'll Meet Again" playing in the background.

The masked woman turned to face the man, her expression hidden behind the mask. She nodded, acknowledging his presence, and the music continued to play as they stood in the aftermath of the grim act.

"I find it fitting. This song carries a certain nostalgia, a reminder of times gone by," the woman replied, her voice muffled by the mask.

The man adjusted his walkman, the haunting melody filling the room. "Indeed. It's a song of farewells and reunions, carrying both sorrow and hope."

As they shared a moment surrounded by the melancholic tune, the woman approached the lifeless body of Renta Tsuji. The man observed her, curious about the motivation behind her actions.

"Why eliminate him?" the man asked, his tone calm.

"He became a liability. His wavering commitment to our cause could have jeopardized everything. We can't afford weakness," the woman explained, her eyes focused on the now motionless figure on the floor.

"Fair enough," the man acknowledged as the two prepared to leave. Before they departed, he raised another question.

"Is he ready?" the man inquired.

"My son... Yes, he's perfect, more so than the ones I gave birth to long ago," the woman replied, her words carrying a hint of both pride and mystery.

"Very well. I'll inform Timothee that he will be gaining a new addition to his school," the man said, accepting the information with a sense of purpose.

The enigmatic pair then left the scene, leaving behind the eerie atmosphere of the MEXT building. As they vanished into the shadows, the haunting melody of "We'll Meet Again" lingered, foreshadowing the uncertainties and intrigues that lay ahead.

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