Alt. Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The clean up for Homedale started after all the Japanese girls were rounded up and seated off to the side. The American boys used their own tanks to tow the disabled ones from the Japanese girls and stored them in a three large garages on the east side of town. The boys from Washington were chosen to stand guard of their captives and watch over them, mostly to make sure they didn't try to escape, while also trying to figure out which of the girls were the commanders of their respective school. They all had different uniforms on and so there was no doubt there were three schools, and three commanders, that needed sorting.

"Ladies of the Japanese Sensha-Do Federation, My name is Commander Albert, I apologize for taking so long but we've been busy with finding appropriate lodgings for you all. If the Commanders of the three schools could come up and see me I can work with you to move this process along faster." Moose said as he came up to the large group of girls huddled around each other.

Most of the girls didn't move, in fact they seemed a little apprehensive, or they didn't understand him. Moose knew nothing in Japanese, but English was common enough around the world, so he hoped at least one of them knew the language.

"Hey. Commander Moose here is trying his best to help you all. I know this can be a frightening situation, but he wants to help you." Claude said. Some of the girls in the crowd giggled to themselves before one raised her hand. "Yes?"

"Is his name really Moose?" She asked with an inquisitive look on her face.

"Yes it is. Commander Moose here thinks his name is Albert, so we try to remind him whenever possible. He has memory problems." Claude said causing the girls to giggle again before repeating the joke to their friends. A larger number of the girls started chuckling as Moose slowly shook his head with a small smile. Leave it to Claude to cut the tension in a room filled with animosity or apprehension, even if it was insulting Moose.

After a moment of silence one girl stood up and walked over to them. She wore a Brown jacket and had long black hair. Moose recognized the emblem on her jacket for Chi-Ha Tan.

"My name Nishi, I commandeer Chi-Ha Tan Academia." The girl said in broken English. Moose held out his hand for a shake and she took it.

"Moose." He said pointing to himself. Might as well let the gage run, plus it might be easier to remember then Albert.

"My girls, scared. We, don't Engrish well. Hard to Rikai suru. Gomen'nasai." The girl, Nishi, said. Moose turned to Claude and asked.

"You catch that last part?" He asked.

"Nope." Claude said. Moose sighed and scratched his head. He understood the first part, the girls of Chi-Ha Tan not understanding English well, and that they were scared. He needed to find a bridge in that gap.

Moose's ears picked up something. He glanced over to see, and hear, some of the girls wearing a blue uniform speaking in French. Moose smiled a bit, he grew up in Saskatchewan, so he knew Canadian French, but he hoped it wasn't to big a difference. Moose walked over to the two girls and looked at them, they had seen him coming and went silent until he spoke.

"Bonjour, pouvez-vous m'aider en me montrant votre commandant?" The two girls went wide eyed and looked at each other not saying anything until another girl stood up and walked over to him. She to wore the blue uniform, had blonde hair, styled very nobly, and held herself high.

"Bonjour, je suis le commandant Marie de BC Freedom." The girl said. "I speak English if that helps."

Moose offered her his hand and she was more hesitant to take it, but she did in the end.

"I'm commander Moose of George Washington Boys Academy, I would really appreciate some help with finding lodgings for you all." He said. Marie nodded and followed Moose back to where Nishi was. Unbeknownst to Moose, Nishi gave a glare at Marie.

After another minute of talking Moose noticed Commander Ezio Morelli of Los Angeles High School of Tankery History walking up to him with another girl in tow. She wore the last uniform of the three schools, but her jacket was more regal. She must be the commander of this third school.

"Ezio, pleasure to see you again." Moose said giving the boy a handshake.

"Please Moose the pleasure is all mine." Ezio said shaking the boys hand, before pulling him in and giving Moose the old kiss on each cheek thing. Claude laughed as Moose backed himself away.

"I told you not to do that!" Moose yelled.

"That's how we show respect and care In the old country." Ezio said. Moose sighed before motioning to his companion.

"Who's this?" he asked.

"This is Commander Anchovy of Anzio High School. Their school is Italian themed so I thought I would introduce myself, she speaks Italian so I can translate if need be." Ezio explained.

"Perfect. Alright lets get to work." Moose said.

Moose, Ezio, and the three Japanese commanders spent the next hour setting up the girls in different buildings to act as lodging for them. Moose would need to convene with Ezio and commander August of South Texas to figure out what to do with the girls next. After the girls were set up Moose went on to figuring out the next piece of work to focus on.

"We'll keep the girls tanks stored in the garages under lock and key for now. I'll need to discuss with you and Ezio about what to do with the girls later." Moose said to August.

"Agreed. I wondered if we would put them to work or maybe just send them back to the Federation?" August said.

"I'm apprehensive on that latter option. It just means they will be put back into action sooner rather than later. Anyway, what news from the others?" Moose asked.

"Montana is still up north fighting with Saunders, Rivers is really not giving them a chance to breathe. Uncle Sam split up and is holding back both Kuromorimine and Pravda, despite their best efforts the two schools cant seem to find a way to wiggle past their defenses. Commander Johnathon and his team are moving to back Commander Edward and his team up, Lord knows they could use the help." August said.

"What about Hoja City?" Moose asked.

"Last thing I heard is that Commander Davis is on a war path. Word was one of his guys took a machine gun bullet to the shoulder and he blames St. Gloriana for it. He's tearing up the city looking for them."

"What the hell is going with everyone?" Moose wondered. "I know I'm not as familiar with them, but they never acted like this before."

"The Japanese Federation are trying to take our sport. Everyone is fighting like hell so we can keep it." August said. Moose sighed and shook his head.

"Lets just hope that they don't lose their humanity while fighting." Moose said somberly.

"On a brighter note, the Association forces have arrived, and their commander is Colonel Blake Abernathy." August said piping Moose's interest.

"Oh Ezio will be happy to hear that, he practically worships the guy." Moose said as August laughs.

Nishi sat on the front steps of the building her team was staying in. She couldn't stop glaring at another building across the way that housed BC Freedom. She still couldn't get the thought of Marie knowing about the ambush and using her and her team to trip it. Honestly it boiled Nishi's blood to have such anger in her, but she couldn't let it go. Marie needed to explain herself and Nishi was going to get it.

Nishi stood from her seat and marched across the courtyard and made it to the BC Freedoms building where she saw the floor marked with tape. Almost like the building was split down the middle. Nishi shook her head, clearing it of distractions, and marched down until she saw Marie in a large room eating a piece of cake. Nishi walked over and stood before her before she spoke.

"You knew about the ambush in the town!" She said accusingly. Marie didn't so much as flutter an eyelid.

"What are you talking about?" She asked.

"You sent my team into Homedale during the fight knowing we would drive right into an ambush. You used my teammates and I to flush it out and did nothing to help us." Nishi accused again.

"Watch it Chi-Ha Tan, show some respect to Commander Marie!" Said one of the BC Freedom Eclair students.

"I have no respect for cowards who use other people like they're tools." Nishi said. This time Marie stood up.

"I will not abide by being called a coward. I am anything but. If you want the truth, yes, I foresaw an ambush ahead within the town and yes I used your team to flush it open. I didn't expect enemy reinforcements to arrive at the time or else we would have won the whole engagement. I will not apologize for thinking strategically." Marie said.

"Think strategically all you want, but I want you to apologize for using my team and I. We aren't tools, we aren't pawns, we're supposed to be allies. You told us to trust you and we did, but you went back on that trust and lied to me. I can't trust you If you lie." Nishi said. Marie only looked at her and said nothing for a minute.

"You say you want an apology, but you will receive none. I have nothing to apologize for." Marie said sitting back down and resumed to eat her cake. Nishi gnarled her teeth again, her eyes glared, her fists bawled, yet before she did anything rash she turned and stormed out of the building. Marie watched her go before letting a slight shiver run down her spine. That glare gave her a startle, and if Nishi was that adamant about receiving an apology Marie would be double so to make her understand that she did nothing wrong.

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