Alt Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

The American Tankery Hall of Fame was located in Denver Colorado to commemorate the founding of the American Tankery Association as well as the first American Tankery Match back in 1955. The Hall of Fame was also the location for the yearly meeting involving the American Department of Education, the American Tankery Association, and the families of the Students who partake in the sport. While meetings are normally cordial and fast, this meeting was anything but.

"We've been separated from our kids for four months! Four Months!" shouted an angered father.

"I want my baby boy to come home!" Yelled an estranged mother.

"Are you people even in contact with the Japanese!? If so then end this stupid match and give us our kids back!" Shouted another angered father. Kennedy Morrison of the Department of Education sighed as Mr. George Backer, Head of the Association, scrambled to calm down the number of angered and scared parents.

"Please everyone will you take your seats and then we can start with answering questions." George said. The yelling and screaming only intensified as the parents, mainly the fathers, seemed to be close to rushing up to the man in an aggressive manner.

A loud thunk of wood on wood and a snap of something surprisingly caught everyone's attention and caused the parents and officials to turn their heads towards the noise. Seated to the right of the large mob of parents sat three people. The silence was only due to who the individuals were. The man who made the noise was Joshua Mayes, an older man in his seventies who played the sport way back when. With him is his son Derek Mayes and his daughter in law Jada Mayes, both of whom look shocked at Joshua taking his walking stick and slamming it onto the wooden table snapping his cane in two in the process.

"Would you all kindly take your seats?" Joshua asked with a tone that made it clear he wasn't asking. The parents said nothing as they all went back to their seats and waited for Joshua's next words. "Mr. Backer, would you be so kind as to ask one of these young men standing around to room to fetch me a new cane?"

George Backer was quiet for a moment looking at the several young men who stood around the room as security for the Hall.

"Luis, go and get Mr. Mayes a new cane." George told one of the young men who nodded and left the room without a word. "Mr. Mayes, do you wish to start with a question about the match?"

"No! I want a new cane!" Joshua said harshly causing Mr. Backer to jolt.

"It is being fetched now sir. Would anyone else like to start with the questions?" Mr. Backer asked the crowd of parents. Many looked over to Joshua, but he didn't say anything, still many parents were still not sure of they should stand, until one mother did.

"My name is Edna Cooper, My son is William Cooper of Uncle Sam High School, My question is are our children safe??" Her question got some of the other parents to chime in and ask the same.

"We've received word from Colonel Abernathy when he arrived that the children are all fine and are taking care of themselves. We also sent an excess load of medical supplies with this months resupply ship. The boys have trained medics within their ranks, and I am fairly certain they can take care of themselves." Mr. Backer said.

"But how do we know that's true!?" Asked a father from the back.

"What is your name sir?" Mr. Backer asked.

"My name is Ivan Kuznetsov, my son Nikoli is also from Uncle Sam High School." Ivan said.

"Mr. Kuznetsov, while we have no radio contact with the island after Colonel Abernathy gave us the all clear we can reasonably assume that everything is well under control." Mr. Backer said.

"But what if it isn't! what if our sons are hurt, or starving, what if one of them is dead!?" yelled out another mother that Mr. Backer recognized.

"Mrs. Manson, Colonel Abernathy and his men are veterans of many peculiar Tankery Matches and have every bit of training necessary to protect the children." Mr. Backer said.

"Do you know my son personally? Do you know what my Mark can and will do? He is the biggest trouble maker in his school and while Mr. Abernathy assured us he will do his best to keep them out of trouble I don't trust he can keep them safe." Mary Manson said as her husband, Micheal Manson stood up.

"Mr. Backer our son is all we care about in this world, I would request that you call Colonel Abernathy to get a confirmation that our children are all ok." Micheal said.

"Unfortunately Mr. Manson the rules set up by both the Association and Federation have prohibited any form of contact to and from the island, with the exception of news about a fatality or severe injuries." The parents began an uproar again, standing and shouting at Mr. Backer for his idiocy.

"You never should have agreed to that rule in the first place!" Shouted an angered father.

"Send someone to get us answers!" Shouted another.

"Give me back my son!" Shouted an angered mother.

Another loud thunk and snap caused the room to go silent again as Joshua Mayes, yet again, slammed and snapped his new cane on the wooden table just as the young man gave it to him. The young man sighed and went to fetch another cane for Joshua as the old man stood this time.

"Mr. Backer, you of all people know that communication is key yes?" Joshua asked.

"Yes Mr. Mayes I do." Mr. Backer said knowing that he had to be a part of many conversations and political deals about the schools partaking in the Sport.

"Than why am I not allowed to contact my Grandson and ask how his day has been going?" Joshua asked.

"Well the Federation and Association thought it best if-." He got no further as Joshua yelled back.

"Why is my Grandson not allowed to call us and let us know he's not in harm!?" Mr. Backer couldn't speak which caused Joshua to turn to the parents. "Edna, Mary, you two and my daughter in law have been friends since your childhood yes?"

"Yes Mr. Mayes, that's correct." Edna said.

"And my Grandson and your sons are best friends yes?" Joshua asked.

"Yes Mr. Mayes." Mary said.

"I trust that Austin, Mark, and William will look out for each other as well as their tank leader. Mr. and Mrs. Schnider I know my Grandson will take care of Hans." Joshua said looking at the two German parents, who in turn looked very scared and on the verge of tears.

"I know my Grandson will care for those of his teammates." Joshua said looking at Mr. and Mrs. Bubs, young Peter Stevens Parents, and even to Mr. Kuznetsov.

"I know my Grandson will win because we Mayes always win our fights. Austin will win this fight and he will do It making sure all our children are returned safely to us. But you Mr. Backer, you refuse to let us even call them. That rule was stupid, and you should have known better than to agree to it. So why did you?" Joshua asked. The parents all looked towards Mr. Backer for his answer and the man buckled under the pressure.

"We were told that if there was no communication, except for an extreme emergency, that the children would be able to handle any situation themselves. They are all teenagers and young adults, so we believed they would be responsible enough to handle themselves." Mr. Backer said.

"Young William Cooper is two years his classmates junior. He skipped grades due to his intellect, but smarts does not equal educated. Being the smartest in academic subjects does not mean educated in survival skills, good judgment, or even social skills. While I do not mean to insult young William I do stand by this point. Our children were vastly underprepared for this yearlong match on an island in the pacific away from family and proper care." Joshua said.

"May I say something Mr. Mayes?" Asked one of the mothers. Joshua recognized her, Emily Hill, mother of Uncle Sams Tankery Commander Edward Hill.

"Of course Miss Hill." Joshua said. Emily stood up and walked up front with the older man.

"Mr. Backer my son is all I have left in this world. My husband passed away years ago, my parents and I don't talk, and I have no siblings of my own. Edward is everything I have and while I don't wish to insult you sir, I do agree with what Mr. Mayes said. Agreeing to not have any form of communication with our sons was one of the stupidest things you could have agreed to. I don't care if breaking this rule will cause the whole of the Association to collapse in on itself, I just want to know if my son is alright." Emily said in such a way that every parents, even Mr. Backer himself, sympathies with. "Could we please just get factual evidence that our sons are safe and alive?"

Mr. Backer sighed and placed his face in his hands. In all farness to the man he had regretted agreeing to that rule the very day after it was agreed to. The parents were right, and he knew it, but he also didn't want to bring up any form of negligence. The Anti-Armor Corporation had stepped up its efforts to negate the Association and diminish its strength on the High School Circuit of the sport. A disaster on the Island would cause such an uproar and the Association would pay for it. Mr. Backer, knowing that he couldn't deny it any longer, sighed again and raised his head.

"Very well. The next ship leaves within a few weeks, and I will send a messenger to Colonel Abernathy with a radio so we can get into contact with him. All of you will be able to talk to him and maybe we can find your children too." Mr. Backer said.

The parents all let breaths of relief out and some even wept with this new sense of hope. Finally being able to hear the voices of their children would be a wonderful reassurance to all of them.

Kennedy Morrison watched on and sent a slight glare to Mr. Backers back. Discreetly he pulled out a phone, dialed a number, and sent a very short text message.

Next delivery, messenger with a radio. Intercept.

It took only a few seconds for the reply to be received.


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