Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

"FIRE!" Edwards order sprang through the entire flank. The mass of vehicles fired into the oncoming wave of Federation Challengers. The news had come early in the morning. The Federation was making an advance towards Hoja City with their two Karl's in tow. The news of those massive mortar's was unnerving. Though the Americans seemed very gleeful about taking out those monstrosities. It would boost their ego a tremendous amount should they actually succeed in doing so. Yet Edward had said they could do it.

The High Schoolers plan was this. Lure the enemy into the open fields in the city outskirts. This would give Montana a chance to hit their targets. If that did not work, then the force would split into three troops. Right flank, Left flank, and Center line. The formation would be that the flanks would form 45-degree angles to the center line. This would push back the Federation and allow the flanks to get a good shot on either of the Mercer Karl's.

The first plan had failed. The experience at Homedale with Montana knew that open spaces suited them. instead the Federation was content to sit in the trees past the fields. This gave them cover and maneuverability. This prompted Edward to switch to plan B and order the assault on the Federations position. The Americans followed Edwards orders and steadily moved towards the elevated enemy position.

Montana was still able to ensure a steady amount of casualties as they advanced. The main problem was that the Americans were marching parade style out in the open with no cover. They had sustained casualties of their own, but this did not deter them from their mission.

"Right, Uncle Sam, Virginia, charge that position!" Edward ordered.

The two flanks of the formation sped up and headed for the tree line. Taking hits would be expected but they would make it over the crest of the small incline and completely control their opponent's attention for part 2 of plan B.

The Americans launched themselves over the crest and into the tree line. From there on it was a mosh pit of American and Federation tanks. Davis's M6 team drove a massive hole through the right side of the Federation flank. Uncle Sam kept a steady pace and opted to fire then advance.

The movements of the Federation team were becoming more sporadic. The sudden charge of the Americans had put them into a panic. With this part 2 could commence momentarily. The only thing left was to locate the primary target.

A massive boom ranged about five hundred yards away and in the next moment a 600mm shell collided with Virginia's side of the fight. Two of Davis's M6's were taken out, literally being thrown from their stationed position. The white flag popped up signaling it disabled.

"Anyone see where that came from!?" Edward asked.

"Nothing. I don't see anything!" Adam said.

Another boom rang out and second later impacted with Uncle Sam's side. Two more tanks were disabled. The signature 'Thunk Pa-Tunk' of the white flag popped out.

"Chaffee 2 and Patton 3 are down! Move out of the area, don't bunch up!" Hans ordered.

The American tanks spread themselves away from one another. Again, a massive boom and explosion hit Virginia's side prompting the flank to fall back some ways.

"Focus fire! Someone find those Damn Mortar tanks and lets take them down!" Edward ordered.

Even after the order the situation would not change. For several minutes both Uncle Sam and Virginia would continue the fire fight with the Federation tanks while trying to avoid a potential hit from the Mercer Karl's. through the next few minutes things were starting to look bleak.

"Another on the left!"

"their coming this way"

"Patton 5, we're hit"

"Davis is suffering heavy casualties. We need to bring Montana up!" that last one got a response from Edward.

"No, Montana needs to secure the outside of the tree line, their abilities wont do us good in here." Edward said.

However, with no way of finding the Mortar's position they would be sitting ducks. Edward shook his head, he needed to enact part 2 earlier than he wanted to.

"Charles, call our reinforcements. Tell them the situation and that we need help." Edward ordered his radio operator. Charles nodded and went to do so.

Akari looked over the map of the city outskirts. She was happy with the current layout of the battle. The arrival of the two Karl Mortar tanks and the Schwerer Gustav Cannon had really updated her options. The Gustav was currently up north halting Association advance. Most of her force was holding either the middle of the island or here in the south to combat the high schoolers. She wanted the Karl's with her to further the fact she wanted to wipe the belligerent smirks off of that Maho Nishizumi's face. Her betrayal would not be forgiven so easily. Not by Akari or Maho's mother.

Akari was currently seated inside one of the Mercer Karl's, she wanted to be inside the one that attacked those Americans that broke out of her prison she had made for them. the Uncle Sam high schoolers were on the top of her list. Although at the very top was Maho Nishizumi.

"Ma'am the Americans are inching closer with every shot they fire. Should we not fall back?" One of the operators asked.

"No, we can hold them. if need be, we can even bring up our reinforcements." Akari said.

"It would potentially weaken the fall back line if we did that." The operator said.

"I don't care! I will show these Mangy American Dogs what true Sensha Do is and why it's a 'woman's' sport." Akari said emphasizing the word woman.

She had the look of the devil in her eye. She was clearly just focused on getting whatever revenge she thought she deserved.

"Enemy tanks coming in on our right. Their after the second Karl." Another operator alerted.

"What, what about the sentries we put there?" Akari asked.

"they were taken out." The operator said.

"Which American school is it?" Akari asked.

"Its not the Americans. It's a combination of the deserters." A third operator said.

"Nishizumi! Turn our Karl around we'll suppress them and give time for reinforcements to reach us and slaughter them." Akari said.

Maho had received the message from Edward and moved her team immediately. Her team consisted of herself, Erika, a group from Saunders, Pravda, St. Gloriana, and Ooarai. They moved past the left side of the incline further back so Davis would be blocking their advance. Once they reached the far side, they quickly found the locations of the two Mortar's. now if everything went to plan then Edward would be taking the second Karl out as she focused on the first.

"We've dealt with these things before. Hold yourselves high and find a good shot. These things are vulnerable from the top so take that into consideration." Maho ordered.

"Right!" A collective response rang.

"Panzer Vor!" Maho Ordered.

The Japanese Schools then began their rapid advance towards the enemy. Their engines roared as they moved. Turning around a bend Maho's group found themselves behind the enemy line. There they spotted one of the Karl's seventy meters away guarded by four Challenger 2's.

"Open fire on the challengers. Give our boys a chance to regroup." Maho ordered.

The team fired into the four Challengers, all but one were taken out by the barrage. The fourth one turned its turret towards Maho's team and took a shot. The shell missed and Maho's Tiger 1 fired in return. The shell hit the Challenger in the body disabling it.

"Focus fire on the Karl!" Maho ordered.

Her whole team began a constant barrage of shells on the Mortar. With it however came return fire. A Karl shell hit the ground near Maho's team but was off by the closest tank by a few meters.

Maho brought her hand to her mic. "Edward, the first Karl is being suppressed but the second one is firing at us." Maho warned.

"Akari, she must be in the second one." Edward said. "We'll give her a taste of American Audacity."

Edward's plan was one he formed his sophomore year of high school. It was crazy and stupid, but it seemed like just the idea that could win them the fight.

"Attention Uncle Sam, go to Battering Ram Strategy. Take out that Karl." Edward ordered.

A collection of groans where heard over the mic. Except for one excited voice.

"Really!? Did Ed just say to use Battering Ram!?" Austin asked.

"Yes, good lord I hate this plan." Hans said.

"Yeah, Thank you lord I love this plan!" Austin cheered.

"Hans, Peter, Adam, the four of us will take the Karl down. There is a seven-yard ditch, ten yards behind it. We get it in there it is done for. The rest of you cover us." Edward said.

"Lets get this over with." Adam groaned.

The four tanks then broke from their line and raced towards the Karl at full speed. Their fellow teammates were giving all the covering fire they could, but time was precious here. Once the four tanks breached the line of Challengers, they saw the Karl directly ahead, the side facing them as if it held a massive red target.

"Ma'am we have four tanks charging right at us!" the first Operator warned.

"What!" Akari yelled.

The American tanks came rushing forward with Austin on the mic giving a loud cry of excitement.

"Yea Haw!" Austin yelled.

"Cutting it close Austin!" Hans yelled.

"I'm going for the treads!" Austin yelled back.

As soon as he said that the Tiger 1 rammed straight into the side of the Karl. The whole thing shook from the impact and even moved just the smallest inch. After that Peters 38t, Edwards Hellcat, and Adams Abrams collided with the Karl as well pushing it back even further.

"They've lost their minds!" Akari yelled in shock and rage.

"Push, you sorry yanks!" Peter yelled through the mic.

And push they did. The four tanks were just enough to start moving the Karl backwards. The movement was ever so small, but it was working. The Karl was being pushed back. The fighting had momentarily stopped so the Federation and Japanese school girls could understand what had exactly happened.

"What in the world are they doing!?" Erika yelled.

Maho gave off a small chuckle. "Only an American would come up with something like this." She said. "Lets go. Our boys are giving us a chance. Continue firing on the Karl."

The barrage resumed and even then, it was clear this tank could take a beating. One of Pravda's T-34's was hit in the rear and the familiar "Thunk Pa-Tunk" of the white surrender flag sounded.

"Behind us!" Erika warned.

"We've been outflanked!" Maho said.

Maho saw reinforcements coming from behind. Dozens more Challengers were charging straight for the hill. Before Maho's team could return fire Rivers and his Montana Boys came out through the trees and gave the late arrivals their signature pot shots. This was enough to halt the advance but not deter them from attacking.

Maho's attention was brought back to the Karl in front of her. She again ordered the constant firing onto the tank. It felt like ages but after one final barrage the Karl's flag popped up signaling defeat.

While the rest of her team cheered Maho gazed over to the Americans. They were still pushing the second Karl. Though now it seemed to be fighting back. Trying desperately to escape from the clutches of the four tanks. It seemed futile. After another minute of pushing the first part of the Karl was off solid ground and was hanging above the pit. The tanks kept pushing almost fanatically willing the Karl to go over.

"Push!" Edward ordered.

Hans had thought of firing a shell into the side of the Karl but the close proximity of the turret to the Karl's side would only damage the Tiger's turret more. He now more pressing matters. A clunking and sputtering sound drew his attention to the Tiger's engine. It was giving out.

"Tiger's going down, engine is giving out!" William said.

Hans was worried but not exponentially. Austin was the driver for this tank. And he knew this vehicle inside and out. But yes, the Tiger's engine did sputter again, and the Tiger halted.

"Come on Austin, its just some fatigue, give it some more!" Hans ordered.

"Come on T, Give a little more. Just a little more and you can rest all you want. I'll oil your treads and tune your engine, just a few more seconds!" Austin begged for the Tiger to continue.

And it did. The Tiger sprang to life once again and it sprang forward. With the space between the Tiger and the Karl the impact was enough of a push to send the Karl over. The weight of the Karl was one sided enough where gravity took its turn and brought the Karl down into the pit. The fall would be a few seconds and the Karl would land on its rear side. It then took a sway and tumbled over to its side. The "Thunk Pa-Tunk" of the white flag was hear. The two Karl's were defeated. This battle was now completely one sided.

"The Karl's are gone. Push forward!" Davis ordered the rest of his team. Virginia broke cover and began pushing the Challengers back. Sending them through the trees and back down the way they came.

The Tigers crew were overly excited. In fact, two of them were so excited they hopped out of the tank and stood by the edge. They saw Akari and the Karl's crew crawling out of the hatch and onto the ground. Austin and Mark gave them wicked smiles before, with their mics on, began shouting at the women below.

"Yeah, now that's how we do it in America!" Mark shouted.

"Hey, Akari! Suck my mud and dust covered Full-Grain Leather Boots!" Austin shouted sticking his foot out and pointing to his boot. It was in fact, covered in mud and dust.

"Maybe next time you'll think before breaking the leg and whipping the back of American bad asses yeah!?" Mark yelled.

Akari was none to pleased. "You'll regret this! You hear me! I'll have your hinds for this!" Akari screamed.

"Oy, Akari!" Mark turned, pulled his pants down and stuck his rear end out for Akari to see. "My hind likes it Medium Rare!" Austin was laughing so much to even question Marks motives.

Once Mark and Austin got back into the Tiger they moved back to help with the rest of the fight. Once it ended the Federation prisoners were lined up. Most of the Americans thought they would take them captive, but Maho and Edward knew they had not the space or the food in order to comply with the captive requirements the match required of them. but they would not be let loose yet. Maho and Edward had some questions for Akari. Questions that would be answered.

Akari just sat there. She was humiliated. It felt good to the Americans. Especially the ones who were held captive by her some months earlier. Now the tables had been turned.

"Well, it looks like you're the ones with the rope tied around you. How's it feel huh?" Mark sarcastically asked.

"I bet it sucks." Hans stated.

"Well, Well how the turn tables." Austin said. The guys around started chuckling.

Edward and Maho then approached the spot. Their eyes were full of malcontent and Edwards were especially full of pure hatred.

"Why did you ever think it was alright to treat us the way you did?" Edward asked upon arrival.

"We had approval to protect ourselves from hostile advances from you Americans. You would have ravished us without a thought." Akari spewed.

"What crap." One guy said.

"So you treat us like we're in an old Nazi internment camp!" Edward accused.

"It was for our protection. Even then it seemed we had not had enough security, seeing as many of the innocent girls you harassed into joining your little heretical cause." Akari said.

"Oh please." A girl from Kuromorimine groaned.

"Seems like you're the one who has a problem. Was it because we tricked you and escaped your clutches? Or was it because you were upset that men were doing something you thought only girls could do?" Edward said insultingly.

"The problem Is that you believe boys can do Sensha Do at all! Sensha Do is a woman's sport, not some fun and lazy filled game where you can dick around!" Akari yelled.

"Well we Americans don't do Sensha Do, we do American Tankery." Edward said.

"A lame excuse for a rip off. Its all the same." Akari accused.

"lame excuse for an argument." A Montana boy said.

"We have all the proof we need to incriminate the entire Sensha Do Federation for base human cruelty. You wont get away with this." Maho said.

"Oh? And you think you'll get away with betraying your mother." Akari said. Maho's eyes widened.

"That's right. Your mother is none to happy that her 'precious' daughter would dare betray her in such a dishonoring way. She's practically heart broken." Akari said.

Maho began to hyperventilate. She grasped her chest and was breathing heavily. This did not go unnoticed by Edward.

"She's so disappointed. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she cut ties with you!" Akari said.

Maho's eyes dilated. She felt weak and could not stand.

"She even signed the papers. She disowned you!" Akari said menacingly.

With that Maho fell to her knees regurgitating. Edward dropped besides her and began holding her shoulder and rubbed her back. All the while Akari was laughing.

"That's what awaits you when you return to Japan. You'll have nowhere to go, and you'll regret ever siding with these American Dogs!" Akari yelled.

"Alright! Will, bandana!" Mark said.

William took his bandana from his pocket and gave it to Mark. He in turn marched up to Akari and forcefully tied the bandana around her mouth.

"Enough of your stupid spouting nonsense." Mark said.

"Hey! Take that off her." One of the Karl's operators yelled.

Mark looked at the woman and immediately recognized her. "I know you. You're the one that broke my leg!" Mark yelled.

The woman looked full of fear seeing Marks eyes. He looked as if he was about to pounce on her.

"Y-you stay away from me!" She yelled again.

"You see this bandana on my head? Its full of sweat and dandruff. Keep talking if you want this covering your face!" Mark screamed.

The operator instantly shut her mouth fearful of the disgusting bandana wrapped around her face. Mark then moved away and walked over to Edward.

"Ed, I would like to personally volunteer to watch over the captives we take back." Mark said.

"Not happening Mark. We cant afford to take any of them back with us." Edward said.

"What? Why!?" Mark asked.

"We don't have the necessary facilities and food to keep them all fed by the rules of the match." Edward said.

"Need I remind you that that one broke my leg and that she devil had Austin whipped!" Mark yelled.

"You don't think I want to take her back and put her through some misery of her own!? Either we follow the rules or we're no better then they are!" Edward screamed.

Edward was not one to scream, especially at his team. Seeing him scream at Mark was a whole new side of him no one had seen yet. It scared most of them.

"Someone call Samuel. Maho needs help." Edward said.

William ran towards the Tiger to signal for help. The others either watched over the Federation captives or made sure that the Challengers would take as long to repair as possible. Things were definitely heating up. In fact, it seemed that this match was even getting under the skin of even the most thick-skinned individuals on the team. What ever was to come would not be pretty.

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