Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

The Stryker APC became not so different to Swiss Cheese after Austin had driven it into the Southern part of Hoja City. heavy machine gun placements, rockets, and a hefty amount of infantry. Yet Austin still drove through the streets, adamant to reach the source of the radio signal that was received using his own code. Cody, Azusa, Ayumi, Aya, Yuuki, Karina, and Saki. His son and little sister figures were in danger, and he needed to save them. All of them.

Mark howled again after using the Bushmaster Chain gun to tear through another group of the Terrorists. He had been reveling in the chance to get back at the men who destroyed his home. Carl was on the radio tracking the source of the signal and directed Austin on where to go, considering they were blind to enemy positions it led them into a hostile fray multiple times.

"I got a stronger connection!" Carl said looking over a map of the City. He traced his finger and stopped at a point Austin and Mark knew well. "They're at Hoja City High School!"

Austin did a double take on that but quickly refocused himself. If they were at the school he knew how to get there. Immediately he took a left turn and after fifty feet took a right down an alleyway. Seventeen yards he slowed and made a left through a driveway before coming up in front of another Terrorist position. Mark wasted no time and opened fire quickly cutting through a third of the Terrorists.

The school was in sight. Another few hundred yards and they would be there. Austin drove through the Terrorist held position, and even ran someone over, as he focused on the rode ahead and the reassurance he was going to save his family.

Family. That word brought his thoughts back to Nonna. He needed to save her to. Fast and quick, that's what he would do. Pull up the the school, have Mark deal with any hostiles in the way as he grabbed Cody and the Girls, drop them back at base and then go get Nonna.

Austin turned the APC around the corner of the school and brought the vehicle inside the school, entering a large open area that Austin knew well. This was the area where the Joint High School Team stored their tanks while they had been stationed here. Austin had to force upcoming memories out of his head and focus on the task at hand.

Austin jumped out of the APC followed by Carl while Mark held the chain gun focused on the area where he had been firing on. Austin took out a radio and hailed the frequency, he knew the girls would be listening.

"Azusa!? Its Austin, I'm in the central courtyard with Mark and Carl! Get out here now!" Austin yelled into the radio. Not a second later did the girls plus Cody come running out of one of the buildings. Austin immediately took off towards them and embraced all seven of them in the biggest and hardest group hug he had ever been a part of.

"Austin! You came for us!" Yuuki said.

"Of course I did, I'd never leave any of you behind." Austin responded.

"Thank you Austin!" Aya cried into his chest.

"Dad!" Cody was crying just as hard as Austin tightened the hug even more.

"I'm here buddy, I'm here." Austin kissed his head and just held them. He just held them, for every moment he could get.

"Contact!" Carl called out with gun fire following right after. Everyone ducked behind the building for some moderate cover while Austin raced to figure a way to get everyone to the APC safely.

"Carl! You and me are going to provide cover fire! Girls, while Carl and I do that two of you at a time are going to run towards that vehicle and get inside. Ok?" Austin didn't need to convince them. The girls nodded and Cody put on a hard face not showing the terror he was surely feeling. Austin pulled his radio and spoke to Mark. "Mark prepare to aid in covering fire, I got the girls and Cody, they'll be coming two at a time."

A quick three clicks on the Radio let Austin know that Mark heard him and acknowledged his words. Austin double checked his weapon and saw it loaded. He then looked at Carl, who nodded that he was ready, and Austin sprung from the cover opening fire at the enemy making them hide behind their own cover.

"Go!" Saki and Cody went first. The two ran hard and made it to the APC in record time with Saki pushing Cody inside before she entered herself.

Austin ducked behind cover again and reloaded, Carl was doing the same as Mark kept up fire on the Chain gun.

"Go!" Austin sprung from cover again and fired on the Terrorists position. Again they hid behind the cover and this time Yuuki and Ayumi ran to the APC making faster time then Saki and Cody. Once they made it in Austin fell into cover and reloaded. Again he left cover and opened fire letting Aya and Karina bolt for the APC this time caused Austin to reload out of cover to keep the Terrorists pinned as Karina stumbled for a moment.

Carl had inched his way back to the APC and held his line of sight on the Terrorists positions. He motioned to Austin that he was reloaded and ready, to which Austin reloaded himself. Austin looked at Azusa and gave nod asking if she was ready. She nodded back and Austin signaled for Carl to open fire. When he did Mark opened fire with the Chain Gun providing Austin and Azusa enough covering fire to sprint.

Austin and Azusa ran harder than they ever had before, their lungs quickly felt like they were collapsing in on themselves, but they still ran. They were almost there, just a few more yards to go. Despite all the gunfire Austin heard this one shot distinctly clear. He turned to his left and saw the man, armed with an AK, smoke coming form the barrel as he heard Azusa yell in pain and fall to the ground, a bullet wound in her stomach.

Austin stopped immediately and sprayed towards the area of the Terrorists who shot Azusa. None of his bullets hit, but the man fled into cover all the same. Austin stopped and tossed his rifle on the ground, leaving it as he scooped Azusa up into his arms. She cried out in pain and blood came out onto the front of her stomach and onto Austin's arm. If she was losing blood front and back then the bullet went all the way through.

Carl had reloaded and his weapon and fired at the man who shot Azusa when he reappeared. Carl's shot was dead on as the man dropped his weapon and fell on his face. Carl saw Austin jump onto the second step and throw himself into the APC not bothering to not get himself hurt in the process. Carl then hopped into the APC and closed the hatch behind him.

"Karina! Drive! Just like I taught you!" Austin ordered. Karina nodded and jumped into the driver seat while Austin set Azusa down. "Take of to North Park!"

Karina knew how to get there and drove the APC in quick succession. She exited the vehicle from the school and drove back north in the same way they first came in. all the while Austin grabbed a med kit from under one of the seats and pulled up Azusa's shirt to see the wound. It was bleeding, so Austin took out bandage and pressed it against the wound in hopes to stop the bleeding. Carl came in kneeled on Azusa's other side and pressed his hands onto the bandage leaving Austin's hands free to bring out other things.

"Carl?" Azusa asked.

"Yeah, that's me? You're going to be ok Azusa." Carl said. Azusa looked up at him and smiled.

"I've never met another person who cared for me as much as Austin does. I've been happier knowing you then I have any other boy I dated." Azusa said.

"Well, we've only been talking and haven't been on a date yet, so lets make sure we do that once everything is done." Carl said. Azusa smiled reached a hand up to caress his face before using what strength she had to motion for him to lean down. When he did she planted a soft peck on his lips. She smiled again before her head fell back onto the ground and her eyes closed. "Azusa!?"

"She's still breathing, Karina we don't have long, we need to get back to North Park!" Austin said.

"On it!" She called back taking a left.

It took them several minutes of driving, but they made it back to North Park. So close. They had been so close. If they had been any slower they might have lost Azusa during the drive, but now they might lose her here in operations. She lost almost a pint of blood from the wound before Austin stabilized her, at times like this he missed Samuel and his field medic rants.

Austin sat outside the operations building, a quickly renovated gym at the park, and there he sat with Cody in his right arm, Saki in his left, Aya and Karina sitting at his legs and Yuuki and Ayumi hugging him from behind. Mark stood in front of him with Carl, somber looks about them. no words were spoken during this moment as none needed to be said. They were scared for Azusa sure, but she was a fighter. She'd pull through in the end. The only question is how hurt would she be.

Mark coughed and caught Austin's attention when General Sato came over. Austin rose from seat and stood at attention with Mark and Carl. Sato dismissed that and addressed his men.

"I'm going to get our best for her, but right now I need my best men back in the fight. We've already counter attacked and are pushing the Terrorists into a corner. The only thing we need is Kai Adachi and the Suit you saw captured, plus there is Lieutenant Mayes we need to rescue. Corporal Cavendish and Private Robinson have made contact. They found an older way into the old Weather station in the mountains. Your sergeant is already on his way. Are you three ok to rendezvous with them?" General Sato asked.

Mark and Carl need to only smile as Austin spoke for the three of them.

"Hell yes sir."

A/N: Adulting sucks

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