Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

June/13/2019: Mayes Household, Hoja City:

Hustle and bustle was prominent at the Mayes household as Mark exited his car and walked towards the front door. Knocking loud enough he got the attention of someone who came over and opened the door. Upon the door opening Mark saw a familiar face, one that had become family to Austin and Nonna in time.

"Saki, how are you doing? May I come in?" Mark asked the silent girl. Saki nodded her head with a smile and moved aside to let him enter. The girls from Ooarai's Rabbit team had, since the game ending, basically family to Austin and Nonna. Austin more so as he came to see the six of them as younger sisters. In lieu of having any biological sisters he was all to happy to have them anyway.

"Mayes household you have the honor of welcoming Mark Manson into your esteemed home! Come and bask in my glory!" Mark announced himself.

"Shut up moron!" Austin called from kitchen. Mark looked around the living room to his left saw Yuuki and Ayumi playing cards on the coffee table while Saki went to watch. Moving passed them, while saying hello, Mark came and saw Austin, Nonna, and Azusa inside the kitchen all cooking what seemed to be an assortment of pasta, meat, vegetables, and fish.

"Good to see you brother. Grab a seat and take a load off, I got some beer in the fridge." Austin said. Mark nodded and took his jacket off while taking a seat at the bar stand in front of the kitchen.

"Nonna, Azusa how are you two today?" Mark asked getting the attention of the two women.

"Evening Mark, doing great." Azusa said.

"Everything's going well. Foods almost done to." Nonna said. "Oh Austin can you call the others down to?"

"Yeah." Austin said setting a beer in front of Mark as he moved passed him to the base of the stairs leading to the second floor of the house. "Aya, Karina, Cody come down dinners almost ready!"

"We're those three playing that video game?" Mark asked to which Austin nodded as they took sips from their bottles.

"Yeah. Cody cant get enough of it. He practically asked me everything about the Year Long Match while he was playing one day. He's become very infatuated with it actually." Austin said. After the match on the island ended and knowledge of how the match went a game company in Japan created a video game based off the match using the old players as bases for the models for the playable characters in the game, with the persons permission of course, as well as modeling the vehicles after those used in the match.

"Still not completely sure what changed your mind about naming your son after your older brother. I remember you wanted to name your first son Geroge." Mark asked. Austin nodded his head but glanced over at Nonna.

"Should I not have? You remember what Cody was like, the big brother to everyone on our street." Austin said.

"Yes, I remember. Organizing football games, showing off on his skateboard, convincing people he was Tony Hawk reincarnated. I still remember when he rode that thing through the abandon hospital." Mark and Austin shared a laugh.

"Besides, Nonna helped me remember just how important Cody was to me growing up. So that's why I named my first son after my brother." Austin said now realizing the three he called weren't down here yet. He moved back over to the stairs and called again. "Aya, Karina, Cody get down here now!"

The sound of feet running was the response he received and down came the two last members of the Rabbit team as well as the young Cody Mayes, Son to Austin and Nonna Mayes.

"Uncle Mark!" Cody said running up to him and jumping into a hug.

"Oh look at you, growing up so fast. I can barely hold you anymore." Mark said as ge saw the last two girls. "Aya, Karina happy to see you two."

"You to Mark." Aya said giving a thumbs up.

"Glad you could make it." Karina said.

"Alright everyone dinner is ready. Grab your plates and your seats." Nonna said from the kitchen. Everyone leaped from their positions and bolted to the kitchen, there they grabbed a plates worth of food and made their way towards the dining room grabbing their seats and sitting down to eat with Austin and Nonna at both heads of the table and four on either side.

Time passed smoothly. Mark caught up with the girls and Cody while Austin reprimanded them for getting into trouble during one of their investigations. Yes the Heavy Tank Killers Journalists was what the girls called their little group. They had gotten the head news for several major incidents on the Island. The most notable was the Tank Black Market deals. Some people taking some of the old tanks from the match and selling them in perfect working order. After the match the buying and selling of tanks wasn't illegal but selling or buying them while they were operatable to fire was. One could buy and drive a tank no problem so long as the tank was registered under the DMV, but if the tank had the capability to fire shells it was illegal to own it, as so are many of the old Tankery armor calibrations and upgrades the tanks had throughout their time.

"So Azusa what happened with that young man you were seeing, Brad was it?" Nonna asked. Azusa's face got downtrodden at the subject, something Nonna noticed immediately. "Did it not work out?"

"No. He was kind of rude during it to. He said that if I wanted to be with him that I would need to get used to going to parties and always staying besides him during it and stuff." Azusa said. Austin shook his head at that.

"I had a feeling that boy was no good. He didn't want a girlfriend only a trophy to show off. listen Azusa, you are not some trophy, you are a treasure. If he can't see that, then he doesn't deserve you. The right guy is out there somewhere, you just got to be patient." Austin said. Azusa, as well as Nonna, smiled at his words. He really saw these girls as his little sisters, and he'd be damned if some jerk weed hurt any of them.

"Thanks Austin." Azusa said.

"So Nonna any more news about your promotion?" Mark asked. This topic changed all focus for the rest of the table. It was a very happy occasion that Nonna got Promoted.

"Command has given me the green light to great my own team, and I honestly think I'm going to do that. With this I can commence my own operations and hopefully finish some old, uncompleted tasks I have." Nonna said.

"Like what?" Yuuki asked intrigued.

"Like hunting down Kai Adachi." Nonna said causing the room to go silent. No one spoke for the reason was to unexpected. The only one confused by this was Cody as he looked to his dad for answers.

"Who's Kai?" He asked. Austin looked at Cody and then at everyone else at the table before refocusing on his son.

"Kai Adachi is a man that did some bad things to close friends of mom and dad. He hurt them, and when we was supposed to be punished for it he ran away and hide. Your mother is talking about finding him and giving him his punishment. Although that may be a difficult ordeal in of itself Nonna." Austin said the last sentence to his wife.

"I'm aware of that, but he needs to be brought back for proper sentencing. He cant be left to be free after what he did Austin." Nonna answered.

"I'm aware of that to. We know he fled to Peru but its been half a decade since then. Who knows where he is now." Austin reasoned.

"It may take me a long time to find him, but I'm willing to go that far for justice to served." Nonna said, her eyes gleaming with the intense focus she was known for. After a minute Austin sighed and nodded.

"Alright. Its not like I can stop you, anyway, just don't be afraid to ask for help." Austin said. Nonna smiled.

"From previous experiences you'll come and push me out of the way in my time of need. I know I can count on you Austin." Nonna said gazing at him lovingly as he returned the stare.

"And on that note, I'm going to watch some baseball. Who's with me?" Mark said standing from his seat plate in hand and walking towards the living room. Most of the girls and Cody rose from their seats as well following behind him.

"Don't spill anything on my Persian Rug, its ancient and expensive." Austin called out.

"Your such a house husband man." Mark called back. Azusa was the only one who stayed with Austin and Nonna at the dinner table and asked a question that all had been thinking.

"Do you even think it's a good idea to go after Kai? Nonna, he was a dangerous man. Who knows what he's been up to all these years." Nonna looked at her before looking at her plate. She did think that it may be a waste of time, and although Kai hurt their friends he never hurt any of those Nonna came to be so close to. However it was the principal that meant everything.

"I know, but I just feel it's the right thing to do. Don't worry Azusa, I'll be fine. And if anything should happen I have a big strong man to come to my rescue." Nonna said gazing at Austin again.

"Even if a hundred-foot-tall tower were in my way I'd climb it to rescue one of such beauty and splendor. Even from the grasps of hell itself." Austin gazing at her in return.

"And on that note, I'm out of here to." Azusa picked up her own plate and followed the rest of the girls into the living room leaving the two alone. Austin stood up and moved next to Nonna and grasped her hands, looking straight in her eyes.

"If ever you need my help just ask. I'll come in a heartbeat." Nonna smiled at his words and stood up beside him.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." She said pressing her lips to his as they moved into a loving embrace.

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