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Then they got here.

"Uh, sorry we're late, Kunikida-san," Atsushi said as they ran up. "Hiro-san and Tadashi-san insisted on coming to help as well. Um... who are they?"

"Uh, sorry we're late, Kunikida-san," Atsushi said as they ran up. "Hiro-san and Tadashi-san insisted on coming to help as well. Um... who are they?"

"These are the two we rescued, if I remember their conversation correctly, it's Asahi and Haruto," he said, pointing at the wrong person accidentally.

"Those are our names, but, you've got it backwards. I'm Haruto and that's Asahi," he said, still holding onto Asahi's jacket sleeve.

"Alright, we'll it's nice to meet you guys. I'm Atsushi Nakajima, and this is Kyouka Izumi."

"Atsushi-kun is Dazai's apprentice, and him and Kyouka-chan go hand in hand."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Takeshita Asahi, and this is my boyfriend Haruto, we're members of the Tokyo Manji gang—"

A/N: Okay okay I'll be serious😋

"We're fairly high-ranking members of the Southeast Wolves, best fighters in the city."

When he caught Kunikida looking at him sideways, he had to hold in a laugh.

"Best fighters, not most powerful. We saw your strength when you rescued us. What they say about the Armed Detective Agency is true, and we're in your debt."

"Hm," he hummed, pride swelling. "And forget that debt thing. Helping us now repays whatever debt you might have from the fact that we did our job."

"Stop being so official, Kunikida-kun. They're amazing fighters, two of them almost stopped me once, at a time when I wore the Port Mafia's clothes. That fight was fun, and I thought I was going to die. Alas, I wound up alive at the end of it all, but that fight was still one of the most exhilarating ones I've ever had. I'm getting excited just thinking about that beautiful pairing. She was as fast as I was, faster, even, and ridiculously agile. You could tell she'd been training for years, which is always the best kind of opponent. And then her partner. He was strong and tall, and they were in tune with each other's every movement. They looked similar, so I think they're siblings. Comparable to the Akutagawas, you know, Atsushi-kun. Together, they were almost a match for me. In the end, I knocked her out and dislocated his left shoulder, then I left to go to lunch, which could've been a either a hamburger or some sushi, but I think it was some very moldy pizza, because I was wondering if that would kill me. And also..."

"Is he okay?" Hiro asked.

"No," Atsushi sighed.

"He has never, ever been okay," Kunikida facepalmed.

"Heh, I guess that's true," Dazai said, pulling himself together.

"Why can you do both?!" Atsushi groaned in annoyance. "You're an idiot, but why are you hot too?!"

"Eh?!" everyone asked, looking at Atsushi.

"✨Atsushi-kun!✨ You think I'm hot?!"

"I mean yeah. Not to me, but to the girls that are always falling all over you, yeah."

"Hm? Girls?!"

"You are not asking a civilian to commit double suicide with you, Dazai-san. I'm actually certain that that's against some kind of law."

"Aw. Guess I can't die today," he sighed. "But that's for the best I suppose. After all, Chuuya needs me to counter Corruption, and the Detective Agency needs their second-highest IQ to help out. And we've got a mission at hand, so are you all ready?"

"I know I am!" Asahi said, grinning confidently. "How about you, Haruto?"

"Yeah, you Hiro-kun?"

"Mhm. How about you, Tadashi?"

"Yeah, and you, Dazai-san?"

"Mhm! Atsushi-kun?"

"Yeah. You, Kyouka-chan?"

"Mhm," she nods. "Now all that's left is to just go in."

"But before that," Haruto says. "Now, we need a plan."

"Atsushi-kun, your turn," Kunikida nodded at the boy, who immediately assumed a thinking expression for 2-3 minutes.

"Kyouka-chan, you sneak around the edges, knocking as many people out as you can. Kunikida-san, head the attack. Dazai-san, go around the edges knocking people out opposite Kyouka-chan, don't sneak though, we need you to terrorize them. Hiro-san, Haruto-kun, go on Kunikida-san's left, Tadashi-san, Asahi-kun, you two on the right. Just fight people. I need you four go in there and kick ass. Do your best, too, because time is of the essence, since this is still a hostage recovery mission. Any questions or disagreements..?"

A collective "No."

"Okay then. Well, uh... who's going in first?"

"Let Dazai do it. He'll react the fastest," Kunikida replied. "If worst comes to worst, he's quite literally capable of dodging bullets."

"...And that's quite literally impossible," Haruto said.

"Watch me," he said, strutting in, and yeah, immediately stepping out of the path of two to twelve bullets.

"Whoa," Asahi says. "Not gonna lie, that was extremely impressive."

"Thanks. NOW GO!!" he shouts, running wildly into the crowd of people in tank tops and sweatpants, with bloodlust in their eyes. Almost immediately, someone attempted to grab hold of his hair, who also almost immediately got kicked in the face. She fell back, unconscious, and Dazai immediately jumped onto the next man's head, punching him in the jaw. As he fell, Osamu leapt to the ground, standing up and beginning to tear through 7 people at a time, with all the fierceness of a leopard.

Kunikida sent the Wolves directly into battle, the four of them each taking on people as duos, except Kunikida himself, who ran quietly through the crowd, getting to Dazai just as he knocked out his last attacker.

"Oi, Dazai. Go pick the lock, I'll cover you."

"Yeah," he smiled, slightly out-of-breath. "Let's go recover those hostages."

Kyouka and Atsushi see them running to the vault and abandon all planning. They both come running out of the dark, quickly to each other's sides. 

"Behind you," Kyouka whispered as Atsushi did a 180 and scratched a dude right under the jawline, tearing the bottom of his mouth open and splitting his tongue, calling out to her.

"Right next to you!"

And she turned, hitting the woman in the stomach with her elbow by accident, and immediately following up with a forceful blow to the throat. The lady went down hard and stayed down, and it was indeterminate whether or not she was even alive.

"Atsushi! Kyouka! Hiro! Tadashi! Asahi! Haruto! We've got the hostages!" Kunikida tried to shout over the noise.

"What?!" Atsushi, Asahi, and Tadashi all shouted back, unable to hear anything except the sound of his voice.

'That's not gonna work,' Dazai thought, pulling the gun Kunikida brought.

"SPLIT!" he screamed, firing five rounds into the unstable roof, causing it to begin falling apart.

Any of the enemy who were still conscious were running for their lives, all thoughts of the hostages completely abandoned. An actual human stampede was set in motion. Atsushi and Kyouka were separated and both managed to find their way to different sides of the cave. All of the Wolves were separated and had no choice but to hug the floor and hope for the best against the tide of massive human beings flooding out and the collapsing ceiling, and Kunikida was snatched by the hand and dragged after Dazai to a back side of the cave. When the stampede was mostly over, Hiro found Asahi, and Tadashi found Haruto, joining hands with each other.

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