Friend Or Foe

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It's raining cats and dogs
Roads of Mumbai got filled with the rain water

People running for a shelter in that fiercy rain

In a huge building while people in the room were pretty calm only a projector running and a person is explaining everything

Congratulations!!Deal done Mr.Shashank

A guy in his three piece suit with gelled hair and clean cut face forwarded his hand for the handshake

He's possibly a Greek god where women in the conference room have forgotten about the meeting a long ago and started salivating him

As the deal is on everyone congratulated each other by showing their happiness to be part

Mr.Siddhartha Roy we are glad you accepted to be part of this company. We are going to be legally partners of my company soon

Mr.Shashank,the young entrepreneur voiced out his content

It is not an easy task to impress the only Siddhartha Roy

He knows well what hardwork really meant

Even though he is born with a golden spoon
Suddenly after completion of his journalism his father's business that is People Newspaper had immensely started taking loss but he being a hard worker pulled the company into new heights

Now with shashank he started a new business of fashion designing


Sid's pov:

After the meeting with the young entrepreneurs I felt very good

Mr.Shashank is very much career oriented
Even though his project worth is quite limited but by looking at his hardwork I did not wait more

I reached nearby hotel as my mansion is too far

Its raining heavily but I somehow passed car to the valet parking but some voices made me to stop in my tracks

Mam!!!Please leave from here. Its already raining. If you stay longer then surely you will end up falling sick.Please go somewhere
If you want we can call someone who will take you out

I looked at the bench in the garden of the hotel as it is raining nothing is clear but I can see a girl and guard were talking

Girl with long hair got drenched in the rain

By her posture I can say she is crying

Excuse me sir!!Can I help you?

Another guard reached me and asked politely

What's wrong with them?

Oh!!!Yesterday that girl came to the resort with a guy.He left in the afternoon saying he will come soon.He didn't arrive even today
Sadly that room validity expired in the evening
Management asked her to leave so she came out of the room but still waiting for that boy.We tried calling him many times but it is switched off

I nodded my head and turned to leave but my legs were pulling me to help her

Somewhere my heart is saying I know her

Putting an end to my mind war and obeying my legs I left to the hotels garden

Looking at me that guard went away

Girl sat on the bench by putting her head in between her knees.Her long black hair is covering her face

Voice around us is her sobs and rain

Her sobs were unknowingly breaking my heart
I badly want to kick that asshole who left her alone not even thinking twice

Calm down sid may be he got into any dangerous accident

I put my hand on her shoulder
She held my hand saying

I know you will come.I love you so much

My breathe hitched with her confession and I lost my words looking at the flawless face.The same innocence and sugar jelly lips even a bit hasn't changed

Words she confessed made me to forget about the world but immediately my mind alerted saying those are for someone else which made my already wrecked heart to break into a billion pieces

Voice I longed for,face which I printed in my heart forever is infront of me


I felt like ages as I heard my name from her

3 years since I met her or I can say I stared
Her pictures were my part of my life but looking at her eye lids which are opening and closing is a bliss for me

I'm in my wonderland but sudden storm brought me back


She again called me to gain my attention
Poor kitten don't know my attention always revolves around her

Ammu!!!What are you doing here?


With that she again started crying

My hands itched to comfort her but my gentle man nature is stopping me as thinking her as someone's girl...wait what if she is married sid?

No please

What you can do if she is married?


I asked her to come with me

No sid!!!Srishanth will come.He said he will

She is still in relationship with that rogue

Perfect play boy of our college
I always warned her but she always want him

Anyways let bygones be bygones

Okay he will come.Now come inside let us discuss this in the resort not in the rain

She finally gave in and followed me into the resort

I asked for 2 rooms and they handed us keys

Ammu!!Go and fresh up.I will knock your door after one hour then we can go for dinner and discuss

She nodded with her silent sobs

This one hour is the worst time period of my life

Thinking from the worst outcomes to the best outcomes my heart is racing for a marathon

Robotically I'm bathing,dressing in my night ware's,what not but my mind is stuck at her thoughts

Waiting for this longest one hour to end I finally knocked her door to find her already ready in her pyjamas

It is a private resort so no issues with the dress code

We both sat in the restaurant and ordered food

But her pluffy eyes were still glued to the entrance

I cleared my throat to grab her attention

Ammu!!Umm....What happened?

Sid!!!Srishanth asked me to wait in the resort and he promised he will come soon.But he didn't. I fear if anything happened to him

With that she again started to cry and people around us started passing weird glares

Ammu please!!!

I gave her tissue to wipe her tears

Ammu!!Why you and srishanth came to this resort?

Actually our families did not accept our relationship. So we both thought to run away and marry eachother

You both got married?

My heart is beating loudly that in any moment it can jump out of my chest

I'm eagerly waiting for her answer if she can observe then my desperate expressions can be seen clearly but she is looking down and crying her heart out

Somewhere I am feeling like I'm doing wrong

Sid you should not take advantage even if she is unmarried

Learn to be in your limits sid

No not yet.We are supposed to marry eachother by evening but yesterday he left and did not come back

I again went into my thoughts and tried to analyze reasons for his sudden disappearance

Srishanth is not into marriages and all
He just wanted ammu physically
But being a sincere strict girl with an almost orthodox parents she never dared to do anything

But now I think after using her that mad dog left this innocent soul with his fake promises

I don't care about her virginity as I know how pure heart she is blessed with.She is as pure as milk

I got back when I again heard ammu's voice

Sid!!!Can you please help me in finding Srishanth?

Helplessly I agreed to her but I know that fellow can never come back

Ammu!!Tomorrow morning I'm going to my mansion.So I will drop you in your house

Her eyes snapped towards me stating many emotions

Now she is hardly controlling her tears to spill but failed miserably

What happened ammu?

I ran away from them.They won't accept me

No they are your parents they will accept you.They always loved you endlessly than anyone

Please sid I can't face them.....Please try to understand my situation. My father wanted me to marry one of the good matches that he brought for me and asked to continue my writing passion post my marriage. But you know I'm in love with Srishanth infact he promised me to marry after my career but sudden marriage proposal made us feel insecure about our relationship so I tried to explain my parents but they don't want me to hook up with srishanth
Srishanth parents too were not happy with our relationship
As they are ultra rich and I belongs to a middle class family
Why everyone always used to warn me about him?Including you sid...He is best sid.I know him well.I spent 4 years with him.Something happened to him

I don't have an answer to this question as how much good he may act but I know how flithy he is...
Poor girl still believing him and waiting for him to come back

When I didn't answer her she started eating her food and suddenly she looked at me with half food inside her mouth and eyes on me

Sid!!!Are you married?

I felt so surprised by her question but maintained a serious face


She just nodded her head and started eating her food


After 1 year

Excuse me sir!!!Readers Newspaper had come here for your appointment

Yeah send them in

After a few minutes

Hello Mr.Siddhartha Roy


Sorry for disturbing you

Its fine. Tell me how can I help you?

Actually your company article writer Ms Amrutha Mathur writes very well.It grabs everyone's attention.She is gem of a writer.Her private books which she published were very captive.

Like her I murmured it to myself

Yeah!!That's very true.We are glad that she is part of our company

Sir!!We need Amrutha ji for writing our newspapers weekend articles

Yeah sure.Ask her she will join you guys

No sir we asked her but she denied saying she only wants to work for People's Newspaper itself


Yes sir we thought may be because of your company bonds and all

No never, we never keep any bonds to our employees more than 3 to 6 months

But sir ask mam to think about our offer sir.Already we are in losses we need a right talent to get back into profits

I will ask for sure

With last bidding they left the cabin but why did ammu say no to their company ?

After the night I asked Amrutha to join in People's Newspaper
Earlier she is adamant not to join but later she joined in the company after the proper process
As a fantastic writer she is talk of the town now

In Span of this one year she have published her books which she is writing since her childhood
Many awards to rewards were part and parcel of her career
She is now a confident lady with huge self respect

But she still checks for srishanth calls and all

Many times I tried to convince her but I don't feel like doing as it may look like I'm taking advantage

Spending time with her I understood the feelings which I named as crush is not just a crush but something more

Hey sid!!!You are back

My sister Sukanya came with her baby bump

Yes di!!!

I answered her loosing my neck tight tie

Sid get ready son...We need to go

My mom commanded while checking her bangles order

But to where mom

Something is fishy I can smell it now

Bride glances

Atom bomb blasted


I shouted making all of them deaf

Why are you shouting?Are you mad?

I'm not but you people are mad

For your kind information bride glances is not called as mad

My father started

Dad!!You know right marriage is harmful to health that's why your health is detoriating.Do you want me too?

Hello drama king stop your over action.Your Mom has already decided

Mom!!!You want a daughter in law?
No mom when she will come to this house on the first day she will say I'm her husband,next she will say this house is her own house,next she will say you people should get out of the house.I can't take it mom.I can't let you people to move out.I love you all

I said hugging them with my over dose emotional dialogues to abscond from this marriage
In order to hide my feelings I hugged them


Sukanya when your buffalo's voice changed to parrot?

You idiot look at the entrance

I looked at the entrance to find ammu standing there with a smirk on her face

I blushed at her gaze

Even though I try not to act as if I'm a 14 years teenage boy but my blush says it all
Thankfully ammu don't have that good brain to assume all

Recovering myself I asked her about her arrival

For your bride glances

What you are bride?Mommm you didn't tell me

Sid you are getting....

Arey leave discussions Amrutha. Let this fellow to get ready

My sister interrupted

I'm on cloud nine thinking ammu as my bride

I always wanted but never confessed as she may accept me in some pressure

Without any pesterings I left to the room and got ready

I need to make sure if ammu is not in pressure and all

If not then I will announce infront of everyone about my love

Knock knock

Come in

What happened brother?Getting ready too quickly

Yeah I must look handsome right

I said in an attitude while cleaning my sunglasses with her costly dress only duppata making her frown

Oh can I know the reason behind the sudden excitement.As you said you love us and all.Now you don't love us?


Nothing???okay okay I'm leaving come down

Amrutha loves you Sid.Like you love her


I asked the voice forgetting my psycho sister plans

So you love her


Oh please dont act my brother I know you well.Infact I trained you so don't show your skills infront of your guru

What you know?

Sorry my dear brother no bride glances and nothing it's just my plan to confirm that from you


Yess your love to Amrutha Mathur oops if possible my sister in law

My balloon got bursted by her confession
Anyway how can I expect such good things to happen with me

Sid!!!Confess her

No suku!!She should not accept me in pressure or thinking that I helped her.She must love me like the way I loved her.Yeah now I admit I love her
Earlier I used to say it is a mere crush and all but it was never only a crush
I loved her alot.My blood used to burn when I see her with that srishanth.I tried to fight with her by saying about srishath's truth but she is no where to listen then.I can't see her destruction so I cut my ties with her politely
I tried to move on but I was never succeeded.
When I met her again then I felt like god sent my gift back but then I shouldn't be selfish to propose her.She should get those feelings voluntarily not by any external pressure
It should be pure love.That is why I'm waiting if not too I can be as her friend forever but not as a foe who tried to take an advantage.Love is always not about staying together

Your love is very pure sid

I gave a faint smile thinking about all happened from last one year
I loved her so much
Why god?Not even once you never gave her a thought about me?

Sid don't wait for someone who can grab your balloon
Just you express your feelings tell her there is no pressure and all.Confession matters so that you can never regret

No yaar she doesn't love me.

How do you know?She may also loves you.As her first love left her in grief she might be thinking about all and do not have courage to confess

She still loves srishanth.She is still searching him

We don't know sid.Something is better than nothing atleast try to confess her then let us see what she will say
If you won't tell someone will use the opportunity some day.So don't waste your opportunity.Its not late now but don't make it more long

I nodded my head as whatever suku tried to preach me have some sense

What if she is waiting for me to confess?

Sid go downstairs
Tell her everything

Let your heart weight to lessen

With that I ran downstairs to express my love to ammu

I'm ready to face anything even if its her rejection too

Sid think positive

I felt like hall consists of not only my parents and ammu but also some new faces standing there

Thank god!!!You are back sri....I know you will come back soon

I heard ammu's voice and looked in the direction only to find ammu hugging a guy

How can I leave you baby?I love you

They came out of the hug

My worst nightmare came true

Its Srishanth

My eyes started dwelling with the view

Why I'm so late?

My heart cried out in pain


To be continued

This one is dedicated to vpsisthename20 diehard fan of Siddhartha from Technically-Not in love

So again sidam is back for you all
Your love for him made me to write this two shots

I know I left this in middle but next update will be given soon

Tell me if it is good or not?

Lots of love indebited❤❤

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