Alternate Telling

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So I decided to remake this lovely story and have it start off the same as the original, just with a little extra twist thrown in. Enjoy~

"And I need a good lemon with Astral in it." Shing texted to her friend Chibi.

Then Astral decides to but in.

"Why me, why couldn't it be someone else?" Astral complains with a blush.

"Because you're cute~" Chibi chimes happily.

"And you can't say you don't like pleasure~" Shing says in a frisky tone.

"I'm innocent leave me be!" Astral says, his face blushing a dark blue from embarrassment.

"That blush tells me you're far from innocent Astral~" Chibi giggles.

Astral's darker half Dark, laughs from the shadows.

"Are you trying to make me think that way?" Astral turns his head away from the girls he's talking to.

"Maybe." Chibi says happily

"This is hardly the appropriate time to be thinking in that way." Astral says crossing his arms.

"Come now Astral, why would you ever deny yourself something as fun as that?" Dark says as he comes out of the shadows, laying his hands on Astral's shoulders from behind.

Chibi giggles at the site of this.

"Stop it!" Astral yells, still having a blush on his face.

"Never!" Chibi laughs.

"We need Dark Mist." Shing chimes up excitedly.

"No!" Astral whines.

"Yes! Black Mist be a dear and find Dark Mist for us." Chibi tells him excitedly.

"On it." Black Mist replies. He doesn't know why he needs to get Dark Mist, only half paying attention to the conversation.

Dark Mist is at Yuma's house reading a book while relaxing in Yuma's hammock, none the wiser as to what is happening to Astral. Black Mist wraps his tentacles around Dark Mist and drags him back to Astral and the others.

"Let me go!" Dark Mist yells at him.

Astral quickly turns away when he sees Dark Mist tied up the way he is, his face being as red as a tomato but blue in color since he's not a human.

"The girls need you for something." Black Mist says in a amused tone as he sets Dark Mist in front of the others.

"Hi Dark Mist." Shing greats him cheerfully.

"Alright what crazy idea do you two have this time?" Dark Mist says somewhat annoyed.

'No my only weakness!' Astral thinks to himself.

Dark glances over at Astral who's face is dark blue and giggles, knowing what Astral's thinking.

"Nothing to dangerous." Chibi says smiling from ear to ear.

"Why don't I believe you?" Dark Mist says untrusting of Chibi's words.

"Trust us, it's nothing dangerous. We just need your help with something." Dark says in a cheerful tone.

Astral has his back turned to everyone, his thoughts not even on the conversation. Dark Mist hasn't even noticed that Astral is there yet.

"A special mission for you." Chibi says and pushes Dark Mist toward his beloved Astral.

Dark Mist just notices Astral now. "Astral, are you feeling alright?" He asks him, a bit concerned.

Astral tries to compose himself before turning to face Dark Mist. "I'm fine." He responds back.

"Are you sure? You're face is dark blue." Dark Mist gently lays his right hand on Astral's forehead to feel if he has a fever. "And you're quite warm to, are you sure you're feeling alright?"

Of course Dark Mist's actions makes Astral's face turn even darker in color.

"I-I'm fine, really." Astral stutters.

Dark Mist turns to the others. "What have you done to him?" He sounds a bit ticked off.

"Nothing." Chibi says happily.

"Then why is his face dark blue?" Dark Mist says eyeing the others.

"I'm sure you've seen that face before." Dark says with a smirk.

"D-Dark shut up!" Astral stutters out.

Dark Mist is confused and looks at Dark. "Dark, did you do something to my sweet Astral?" He sounds like he's ready to kill him.

"Of course not." Dark says innocently with a smirk.

"I swear we didn't do anything." Chibi chimes in happily.

"Let's just say he's trying to deny himself of something." Dark says in a amusement.

Dark Mist glances over at Astral who's looking away with a certain look only he understands. He finally catches on to what the others are doing.

"Stop poisoning him!" Dark Mist yells at the others.

"Poison? Oh please he's not that innocent." Black Mist says with a smirk.

"He's innocent, you all are just trying to poison him. Trying to make him think in an inappropriate way." Dark Mist says as he hugs Astral protectively.

"Oh?" Black Mist says, more amused. "How could he have three children and still be innocent hmm?"

"That is a completely different circumstance, and I held one of them." Dark Mist says with a bit of spite.

Astral's thoughts are completely elsewhere, he's not even paying attention to the conversation at hand.

"Sure sure, why don't you go and take care of his little problem then." Black Mist smirks and waves his hand as if shooing away a fly.

Dark Mist just rolls his eyes. "Come on Astral, let's get you home."

"Okay..." Astral says, his voice shows that mentally he's not there.

"Have fun~" Black Mist says with a giggle.

Dark Mist ignores him and takes Astral home. Black Mist just chuckles as he watches them leave. Dark Mist takes Astral back to Yuma's house and sits him down in Yuma's hammock.

"Don't let their words get you to, you're still pure in my eyes." Dark Mist says as he sits next to Astral.

Astral leans into him. "Do you really think that?" He asks wanting to make sure, the blush has long since fated from his face.

"Of course I do, it's not like we're doing something like that all the time and we don't do it behind the other's back."

"True. But their words... I can picture you holding me down and making me moan." Astral says quietly, his blush returning a bit. Imagines of what he says flashing in his mind.

'Have their words really affected him that much?' Dark Mist asks himself.

To see if Astral really is in that kind of mood he quickly covers his mouth and rubs the gem on his left shoulder. Astral jumps from his mouth suddenly being covered but stiffens and moans without hesitation when his shoulder gem is rubbed. Dark Mist takes his hand off Astral's mouth knowing that it's true, he's in that rear mood.

"What was that for Dark Mist?" Astral whines.

"Just seeing if you're really in that rear mood which you are." He smirks. "And it looks like I have to take care of that."

Astral's eyes light up at Dark Mist's words. His lover leads him out of the house and to an abandon one where they have secretly set up shop for occasions like this. Dark Mist makes sure that no one is around while Astral sits on a bed that they set up in the middle of one of the rooms quietly. Dark, wanting to mess with and prove to him that he isn't as innocent as he seems sneaks into the house.

He tracks his other half's energy to the room he's in. There sitting on the bed quietly and patiently is Astral, he doesn't even realize Dark is there or what he plans to do to him.

"There you are Astral." Dark says with a evil grin on his face.

Astral jumps and turns to him. "What are you doing here Dark?" He asks a bit nervous.

"Oh I just thought that I would help you with your little problem~" Dark says in a playful tone.

"I don't need any help from you, I have everything under control." Astral says calmly turning away from him.

Dark's smile grows winder and he ties Astral up with his tentacles, making sure to keep his mouth covered so Dark Mist doesn't hear anything. Astral jumps and tries to get away but the tentacles tighten around him, he looks up at Dark with a glare. Dark smiles back at him and makes a needle appear in his hand.

"This won't hurt a bit." He smirks and shoves the needle into Astral's neck sinking the plunger down.

Astral tries to pull away so he doesn't get all of the mystery drug but he's kept still by Dark's tentacles. Once all of the mystery drug is in Dark let's him go.

"What did you do?" Astral glares at him while holding his neck.

"I just gave you a little something that will make it harder for you to resist your darkest desires~" Dark replies with a giggle. "Have fun Astral~" He says as he disappears.

With the cost clear of people Dark Mist sneaks into the house, not knowing that Dark has given Astral some kind of drug. Astral suddenly feels hot, like he's burning but tries to ignore it. He's lost in thought as to what that drug Dark gave him will do and doesn't even notice when Dark Mist comes in. Dark Mist smirks and catches him by surprise, hugging him from behind and nipping at one of the gems on his neck.

Astral moans out, the feeling of pleasure flooding his body. He's a lot more sensitive now because of the drug Dark gave him and he doesn't think to tell Dark Mist about it either not wanting to worry him. Things start off slow, but having done this before Dark Mist knows how to set the mood. He nips and sucks on Astral's collar bone making Astral moan even louder, his body falling against him shaking in pleasure.

"Are we really that sensitive my sweet little Astral?~" Dark Mist coos in his ear as he slips a tentacle out of his body and sneaks it down in between Astral's legs.

"Are you trying- ahhh!" Astral is interrupted when he feels Dark Mist's tentacle rubbing in between his legs.

Dark Mist is completely in control of himself but Astral is being ruled by his desire for pleasure, and it only grows as time goes on.

"M-more~" Astral moans out his skin taking on a flushed dark blue tint.

"You have to beg for it~"

"Please Dark Mist give me more, I feel like my inside are burning!" Astral whines, his eyes hazed over with a bit of lust.

"I don't know, it doesn't sound like you really want it." He says teasing him more.

"Ahh!~ Stop teasing!~" Astral whines

Just because they're not exactly like humans doesn't mean their bodies don't work in the same way to an extent. All of Dark Mist's teasing has gotten Astral extremely wet, making his body open up a bit to let the tentacle in. Dark Mist teases him a little more before slipping the tentacle in and hitting him deep. Astral moans loudly, losing himself to the pleasure his partner is putting him in. Dark Mist chuckles, seeing Astral the way he is now is such a rear site.

"I know you'll enjoy this my sweet little Astral~" Dark Mist whispers into his ear with a husky voice.

"Do as you please~" Astral's says, his voice dripping with lust and pleasure.

Dark Mist pins Astral's hands above his head and nips at his neck and gems while another tentacles rubs the gems all over his body. One tentacle slips into Astral's mouth, muffed moans escaped his lips and a knot forms in his stomach. His partner feeding into his desires, knowing how submissive he can be at times and how he loves the feeling of being helpless under him.

'Ahh! This pleasure is overwhelming, could it be from the drug that Dark gave me that makes this feel better then I remember?' Astral thinks to himself.

The tentacle that's in Astral's mouth is taken out and is replaced with soft lips. Astral can't resist even the smallest bit of pleasure such as a kiss which amuses his partner seeing how he's the only person to make him come undone like this.

"You're enjoying this to much~" Dark Mist says a he nips at Astral's ear.

"Y-you're the only one who knows my true weaknesses~" Astral says in between moans and gasps of pleasure.

Astral's skin is dark blue and gleaming with sweat, his eyes closed as he moans out his lovers' name. While his lover continues to dominate him keeping him lost in pleasure. After what seems like hours Dark Mist sets Astral's body over the edge making him climax. Dark Mist pulls his tentacle out and puts the rest away after Astral climaxes while Astral pants and tries to calm down from his high feeling of pleasure.

"Feeling better now?" Dark Mist asks softly.

"Yes but I still want to have a little more fun~" Astral says a he sits up, he has somewhat of a predatory look on his face.

Dark Mist is taken aback by this. "Astral, are you feeling alright?"

"Why I'm fine Dark Mist~" Astral starts to crawl closer to him.

Dark Mist back away from him, he's never see Astral behave like this before.

"Astral what's wrong you with?" He asks with a bit of fear in his voice.

Astral doesn't answer and continues to move closer to him making Dark Mist back up into the wall.

"You have no where left to run now.~" Astral says getting off the bed and onto his feet.

"Astral cut it out, you're worrying me."

"You have nothing to fear Dark Mist just give in~" Astral says with lust dripping from his voice as he pins Dark Mist to the wall.

"Astral Stop! What's gotten into you?!"

Astral licks his neck before responding, "I guess Black Mist was right, I'm not as innocent as I appear to be. And with the added push from him I can see now they're right~"

"What did Dark give you?" He asks as he tries to get his hands free.

"Why don't you give it a try yourself~" Astral says with a frisky smile and mentally calls Dark, asking him for more of the drug which he happily gives him.

"Astral please snap out of it, this isn't like you." He tries to plead with him, but knowing now what's exactly "wrong" with him he's not as worried as he once was.

"Come now Dark Mist, you shouldn't deny yourself of such pleasure.~"Astral says as a needle appears in his hand.

Dark Mist glances as the needle in Astral's hand, the green liquid barley visible as the sun begins to set outside, reducing the available light in the room.

"Give in Dark Mist, it's only for a little while~" Astral whispers and nips at his ear as well as using his own tentacle that he conjured up to rub a gem on his chest.

Dark Mist shivers a bit from the pleasure he feels when his gem is rubbed. 'I guess giving in just this once couldn't hurt, and it's not like anyone else will see me lose it but Astral.' He thinks to himself and moves his head to the side so Astral can inject the drug into him.

Astral giggles and does just that, letting go of Dark Mist so he's not pinned to the wall anymore. Dark Mist sinks to the floor the drug seeming to be taking affect on him much quicker then it did with Astral. He starts to feel hot and his insides burn begging for attention, he starts to pant a little to try and deal with the hot feeling.

"Can't you feel it, your desires coming to the surface?~" Astral asks as he takes on a real human body which he can't do that often and drags Dark Mist over to the bed.

"N-no I'm supposed to have better control over my desires." Dark Mist says as he tries to fight the urges that the drug is dragging out of him.

"Don't fight it Mist, you'll love the feeling of absolute pleasure~" Astral whispers into his ear as he hugs him from behind his member pressing against his back.

Astral's words brake him and he gives into his urges, dropping to his own human form. The drug having switched their personalities a bit, Astral has become dominant and Dark Mist more submissive. Astral forces Dark Mist onto his hands and knees teasing his entrance with his member and stroking Dark Mist's member with his free hand.

Dark Mist moans out with a red blush over his cheeks. "I need it I need it!" He cries. "My insides are burning."

"Then let me fix that for you~" Astral says seductively and forced his member into Dark Mist, hitting hard and deep.

Dark Mist throws his head back in please moaning out Astral's name, this pleases him and he messes with Mist's member more as he pounds into him. Groping his balls every once in a while, this makes Mist shiver and shake with pleasure and beg for Astral to be rougher.

Astral happily obliges and pounds into him harder finding that hidden sweet spot deep within and abusing it. Dark Mist screams in pleasure from the abuse his sweet spot is getting and begs for more. After a few more good thrusts to his sweet spot they both climax at the same time, Astral's hot seed filling Dark Mist to the point that it drips out of him when he pulls out.

Dark Mist collapses onto the bed panting but Astral isn't done with him yet. Gently picking him up and laying him against himself he stokes his member, making the dark haired male moan and bury his face in the other's neck.

"And to think you wanted to deny yourself of this~

Dark Mist responds back with a moan and this is when Astral lays him down gently and pins his legs and hips down. He's just about to whine about Astral stoping when he feels a warm mouth engulf his member in sweet hotness. He moans turn into screams since the drug he's under makes any pleasure more intense then it normally would be.

Astral sucks hard causing a little bit of pain but that only adds to Mist's arousal, he digs his nails into the bed trying to handle the immense pleasure. Astral smirks and deep throats him trying to push his body over the edge again.

"Ahhh Astral~!" Dark Mist moans out, feeling his body teetering on the edge of climaxing.

Astral gropes his balls making him climax, Astral moans as he drinks down Mist's seed. He pulls away coughing a bit but satisfied Mist is left panting with his right arm coving his eyes. They collapse where they are going back to their energy forms and falling asleep still feeling the echoes of pleasure running through their bodies.

They come to the next morning awaking up completely normal and in control of themselves, they return back to Yuma's. When Dark sees them he can't help but laugh, the others of the key and Yuma look at him with confused looks while Astral and Dark Mist look away with blushes of embarrassment on their faces. While they can't completely remember what happened the night before they know Dark had something to do with it.

"You two sure had a lot of fun last night didn't you?~" Dark asks them.

"Shut up!" They yell at him still blushing in embarrassment.

Dark response with a giggle, "I may not have been there to see what happened but from a certain someone's emotions you two definitely enjoyed it."

"I just have one question, where did you find that?" Dark Mist asks still trying to hide his blush from the others.

"That's my own little secret~" Dark replies with a laugh and finds ways to poke fun at his other half and Dark Mist the rest of the day.

They just groan and try to ignore him to the best of their ability.

The End~

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