Mui's Tea Party for the Giyushino Oblivious

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Synopsis: Mui spills boiling hot tea on most of the oblivious Hashira.

Modern era cause technology

Most of the hashira were in Muichiro's house, just chilling and waiting for Giyu, Shinobu, and Gyomei to arrive for the party.

"Ugghh, what's taking them so long?" Sanemi grumbled.

"I haven't heard anything from Gyomei," Mitsuri stated, "But Shinobu told me that she and Tomioka-san are out shopping."

"Why in the world is Tomioka shopping with Kocho?" Obanai wondered. "He usually just keeps to himself all of the time, I'm surprised he even decided to come to this party in the first place."

"It's because Shinobu's got him wrapped around her little finger," Muichiro spoke up from his video game console.

"What do you mean by that Mui?" Mitsuri asked.

"You've never noticed how smitten Tomioka is with Shinobu?" Muichiro put down his console in surprise.

"Excuse me what?" Sanemi crushed the empty soda can that he was holding.

"Yeah, I thought that everyone knew that he's a maaajor simp for her, like among Obanai and Zenitsu levels of simpitude."

Obanai quickly started choking on his soda, somehow. Don't worry, Mitsuri's patting his back to help him out.

"Although, I would understand why Scarface didn't know, given how the all the steam from his hot-head is just evaporating his brain cells little by little". Wow, get roasted Sanemi.

Tengen laughed at Sanemi's offended/shocked face while a curious Kyojuro asked, "Could you please elaborate more on this newly acquired information Muichiro?"

Muichiro sighed, "Alright. Everyone, to the living room," he then pointed to the aforementioned room.

"Muichiro, we're already in the living room," Kyojuro pointed out.

Muichiro blinked in realization, "Oh. Good." He then clapped his hands together and a giant projection screen came down from the ceiling.

"Ooooo, very flamboyant, nicely done Muichiro," Tengen praised the smol Misty Boi who simply nodded in acknowledgement.

Muichiro then turned off the lights, and handed everyone glow sticks, he even gave Kaburamaru a nice little glow stick necklace.

He grabbed a laser pointer from one of the nearby drawers and let the tea party begin.

"Welcome to the "Giyushino IS Canon, you guys are just oblivious" Seminar, this presentation was entirely done by Muichiro Tokito, which is me." He cleared his throat and clicked to the first slide.

"First piece of evidence: We all know how Tomioka hates being poked as stated by this video here," he then proceeded to show a compilation of Muichiro and other hashira other than Shinobu trying to poke Giyu. "In all of these clips, Tomioka either moves away from the person or just shoos them away, but look."

He then plays a few clips of Shinobu poking Giyu with a smile on her face. "As you can see here, he doesn't move or shoo her away from him, he just takes the pokes and it even looks like he's enjoying it!"

"But of course this is only one example from Tomioka's side of things, how about we see something from Shinobu's?"

Muichiro advanced the slideshow further.

"And in this section we can clearly see her blushing from something that Tomioka said. Unfortunately, I lost the audio, and therefore, cannot figure out what he said exactly."

Everyone's jaws dropped at all the footage the Muichiro was able to obtain.

"If you think this is jaw-dropping, wait till you see the compilation of them flirting with each other and blushing in the other's presence, that'll really knock your socks off!"

~Two Hours Later~ This Timeskip has been brought to you by Mui eating a taquito

It was at this moment that Gyomei entered the house. "Sorry for being late," he said, "I was helping a few kittens and lost track of time." He then felt that all of the present hashira, spare Muichiro of course, were either dumbfounded, terrified, or in some sort of existential crisis.

"What happened here?" he questioned.

"Gyomei help us," Tengen flamboyantly pleaded, "Your child has spilt the hot tea of flamboyancy and now we're all suffering from our obliviousness!"

Gyomei saw Muichiro sitting on a pillow while sipping some orange juice. Gyomei sighed, "What did you do this time, Muichiro?"

"Showed them the beauty that is Giyushino," he responded and drank some more of his orange juice. Gyomei was slightly confused on how Muichiro showing the hashira Giyushino could have caused this much damage.

"Do you think we have to cancel the party Gyomei?" Muichiro asked.

"Probably, I think all of them need some rest for their brains," he said, "I'll tell Giyu and Shinobu that the party's cancelled."

✨✨✨✨ ~Bonus Scene ~✨✨✨✨


"What is it Butterfly?"

"Gyomei just texted me that the party just got cancelled, I wonder what happened."

"I guess that means more time for us I suppose."

"Yup, say, how about we go to that new movie that just came out, I heard it's really good."

"As long as I'm with you, anything's good."

"Fufufu, *kiss* I love you Giyu"

*kiss* "Love you too, Shinobu"

I wonder what he's playing

Mui's Seminar

Such a dapper little gentleman

Poor Taisho era Mui, having to deal with their obliviousness, if only he had a slideshow

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