Princess in a Tower

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Synopsis: A twisted tale featuring a princess, a dragon, and a well-meaning knight.


Gather round everyone and let me tell a tale

That hopefully shall entertain you without fail

There once a kingdom filled with light

As well as three princesses, kind and bright

Till one fateful day, a duke from far away

Held the kingdom hostage, his mind clearly astray

He asked for the second princess's hand

The lady sadly agreed to save her land

However, on the day she was meant to be wed

A great dragon took her and off he fled

The duke sent out many knights, promising money and power

Unfortunately, none of them could save the princess from the tower

For if even a leg dared to cross the dragon's path

Then they would face his icy wrath

So there sits the princess all alone

Staying in the tower, calling it home


A knight in full armor rides on a black horse, speeding through multiple fields until the two of them stop at a nearby tower. The knight gently pulls his horse to a stop and jumps off. He stares at the  tall structure, giant spikes of ice surrounding it, giving it a more menacing aura.

"Alright River," the knight said, "I'm going out there to save the princess. You're going to look out for the dragon. If he arrives, you can go and hide somewhere, don't worry about me. I'll whistle if I need you, okay?"

River nodded in understanding as the knight pat her on the head and entered the icy tower.

As he walked in the tower's many labyrinth-like corridors, he ponders to himself why would the dragon take the princess in the first place. Was he lonely, was it jealousy, were he and the princess members of a rebellion and this is the only way to plan a mutiny? The knight shook his head and focused back on the mission at hand.

He climbed up a series of stairs and found himself in a cozy looking room, quite the opposite of the frozen tower. He heard some sizzling sounds from another room and decided to investigate. The knight entered the room, to his surprise, he sees the lost princess wearing an apron atop of a stay-at-home sort of outfit. She stood in front of a stove holding a pan that was cooking a steak. It smelled pretty good, even from afar.

"P-Princess Shinobu?!" The knight stuttered, "Is that you Your Highness?"

Shinobu immediately turned to see who spoke, seeing a knight in full metal armor standing in her kitchen.

*Insert lil time skip here cus I don't know what else to put for their encounter*

"So you're here to rescue me from the dragon because the duke of the Rainbow Lotus Kingdom said that I was kidnapped by a dragon on our supposed wedding day and needed to be rescued?" Shinobu recapped.

Murata nods, Shinobu however, shakes her head.

"Listen, I'm sure that you're a nice guy so I'll just give it to you straight, I'm not going back to the duke."

Murata did a double take, "What?! Why?!"

"The duke's been lying to everyone about the wedding. I didn't marry him out of love, I had to do it because he held my kingdom hostage."

"And the dragon?" He asked.

"He's my actual husband, I've been married to him long before that idiotic duke came along," she explained.

"Oh," Murata paused, "I'm sorry, I think I need a minute."

"Sure, take your time," the princess reassured.

After Murata took a few minutes to process everything, heavy footsteps were heard approaching the living room where the two were at. Shinobu then went over to the source of the footsteps which were sounding softer with every step.

"Hello Giyu," Shinobu said, "Welcome home darling," she then gave him a kiss on the cheek. Giyu responded by hugging her tight and placed a kiss on the top of her head.

"I'm assuming this is your draconic husband?" Murata guessed.

Shinobu nodded with a small hint of pride in her face.


After meeting the pair and exiting the tower, the knight often found himself visiting them and helped out whenever he could. One day, the couple asked for his help to take back the princess's kingdom from the duke. They had also brought forth many other allies and soon enough, the duke had become a frozen popsicle and was yeeted towards a black hole, never to be seen again. If one did happen to see him, they probably wouldn't recognize him as he would look like a weird frozen noodle. Either way, Shinobu saved her kingdom and everyone lived happily ever after. The End

A/N Sorry if the ending's a little disappointing, I really couldn't think of anything else. But on the plus side, I still have some fanart to share

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