Siren Song

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Synopsis: Shinobu and Giyu spend a day together on the beach.

Shinobu walked on the beach, admiring the view and the silence, since it was rather hidden from the public.

She approached the shore and placed down her picnic basket a safe distance away from the ocean. She pulled a blanket out of the basket and started setting up snacks and drinks for a picnic.

While she was doing that, a head popped out from the ocean and shouted, "Hey Shinobu!"

The aforementioned butterfly looked up and waved over the owner of the voice, "Hello Giyu! Come on, I'm setting up the picnic!"

Giyu smiled, showing off his sharp teeth, and leaped over to her, revealing himself to be a siren. He took one final leap and landed face-first in the sand. Fortunately for him, he didn't get any sand in his eyes. He moved himself to where Shinobu was and helped her unpack.

Soon enough, the two began their little picnic, eating and catching up with whatever is on their minds.

"And that's all the reasons why I think Shinazugawa is secretly going out with Kanae," Shinobu said as she angrily sipped on her soda.

Giyu takes a big bite out of sandwich, "Maybe the reason why he didn't tell you is because he thinks that you're going to murder him the second he says that he's dating your sister."

"Of course I'm going to murder him! Kanae deserves better! I don't even see what she sees in him!"

"I'm sure that's what your sisters are going to say once they see me," Giyu said sadly.

She immediately defended him, "That's different! You're really sweet and romantic! I'm sure Kanae and the girls would love you!"

"Maybe so, but still, I'm supposedly a fearsome man-eating sea monster who lures people to their doom," he looked down at his clawed hands dejected.

"Hey," Shinobu cupped Giyu's face, "I assure you, for as long as I live, I will never let anything get between us, so what if you're a siren and I'm a human? That doesn't change the fact that I still love you and I always will, okay?"

Giyu smiled and hugged Shinobu, "I love you so much Sugarplum."

"I love you too Bluebell," she nuzzled against his rosy cheek and kissed it.

When they let go, Shinobu pulled a board game out of the basket.

"What's that?" Giyu asked with a tilt of his head.

"It's a board game I brought from home, I thought it would be fun for us to play it together."

"Oh, okay!"

Shinobu began to teach Giyu about how you're supposed to play the game and he caught on pretty quick to her surprise. He even managed to win a few times.

After a while, they grew tired of playing the board game and decided to look at the ocean when Shinobu got an idea. She grabbed her phone and said, "Quick Giyu! Strike a pose for me!"

"Umm, okay? How's this?" He positioned himself to look like a dramatic fainting person, smiled, and winked at her.

"Yes, that's perfect! Stay like that!" Shinobu said while trying to hold in her laughter from his cute dorkiness and took the photo.

"You want to see it?" She asked, with Giyu nodding in response. She showed him the photo and he smiled.

"I don't look too bad in this one, what do you think Shinobu?"

"I think you look cute honey," she said and gave a kiss on his cheek, quickly flustering him.

"Hey Giyu," she began, "What's the ocean like? I want to know what it's like from your perspective."

Giyu perked up with those words, "Why would I tell you when I can just bring you there to show you?"

"But Giyu, I can't breathe underwater remember?"

"Actually, I recently read a scroll that mentions that sirens have an ancient ritual that allows humans to temporary breathe underwater, isn't that great!"

Shinobu immediately kissed him, "Giyu, you're amazing! How do we do the ritual?"

"Well," he began, "First, we have to cut our palms so that our blood can join together, don't worry, it'll heal after the ritual's over. Then, we join our hands and I will then ask you if you consent to the ritual since it only works if both parties are consenting. Lastly, if you say yes, then all I have to do is kiss you and boom! You can breathe underwater."

"Alright, that sounds good," she said.

Giyu used his claws to make both his and Shinobu's palms bleed and joined them together.

"Shinobu Kocho," Giyu said, "Do you agree to take part in this ritual to allow yourself to gain water breathing for a temporary amount of time?"

"I do," she confirmed.

Giyu nodded and gently kissed her for a few seconds. After the seconds passed, he pulled away and looked at his hands which were beginning to heal.

"The ritual worked! Now come on Shinobu! There's so much I want to show you!" Giyu quickly rolled himself towards the sea and motioned for her to join him.

"Wait, what about my clothes?" She asked.

"Don't worry," he reassured her, "The ritual also prevents clothes from getting wet."

Shinobu took a deep breath and jumped into the ocean. After a few agonizing seconds, she opened her eyes to see a smiling Giyu looking at her. She let out her breath and was relieved to find that she could breathe like normal. She also noticed the multiple bubbles that surrounded her.

"What's with these bubbles?"

"Oh! Those are like little indicators for how much time you have left before the ritual wears off. The more bubbles you have, the more time is left to have fun underwater!"

Giyu grabbed Shinobu's hand and swam around to all the places he had ever wanted to show her.


An hour or so passed and Shinobu had to go back to the surface before the ritual wore off completely. Giyu laid down next to her in the sand while they stared at the sky.

"Hey Giyu?"


"Can you sing me a song?"

"Is it okay if I hum it? I don't want to accidentally hypnotize you or anything like that."

"Sure, you can hum it."

Giyu took a deep breath and began to hum.

His voice was low and very soothing to listen to, Shinobu thought that she could listen to him hum for an eternity. Unfortunately, all good things have to come to an end and Giyu stopped humming his beautiful melody.

"That was lovely Giyu," she whispered, still in awe of how he hummed.

"Thank you, can I hear you sing this time?" Giyu asked rather shyly.

"Of course," she said. She cleared her throat and began to sing.

A/N: I didn't make this video

Now you must be strong

Even if you feel small

Cultivate your pain into poisonous walls

Channel grace and poise

With a fire in your eyes

Soar away like a butterfly

Show your smile and charm

So that nobody knows

Underneath your veil there's an anger that grows

There are countless ways that one can show their strength

So I'll fight my way till the end

Fly, for their sake

Fight through the pain

Just a small touch will taint

Smile, hide away

For all the lost

It won't be in vain

Now you must be strong even if you feel small (Just like a butterfly, graceful and beautiful)

Cultivate your hate into poisonous walls (Just like a heavenly angel, float down)

You have grace and poise with wisteria eyes (Just like a butterfly, graceful and beautiful)

Soar away like a butterfly (Just like an angel, float down)

Grow, heal the pain

Nurture each flower, and you will flourish

Fight, fight again

Don't let them win

Be strong till the end

As soon as she was done, she looked at Giyu, who had the most smitten look on his face that she had ever seen.

"Are you sure you're not part siren?" He said dreamily.

She softly laughed, "No, did you really like it that much?"

Giyu eagerly nodded, "Yeah! You were absolutely amazing! I bet you could bring even the finest of sirens to shame!"

Shinobu smiled warmly at him, making his heart skip a beat.

"Thank you Giyu," she said, and then saw the sun setting. "Oh dear, I guess it's time for me to get back home."

"Here, I'll help you pack," he offered, and soon enough everything was ready to go.

"Thanks for everything Giyu," Shinobu said, "It was really nice being with you today."

Giyu blushed and gave her a quick kiss, "The only reason today was so wonderful was because you were here."

The two bid each other farewell and returned to their respective homes with Giyu mumbling Shinobu's song under his breath and Shinobu humming Giyu's little tune.

Petition to make Giyu the next top siren model?

Them enjoying the wonders of sea life together

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